3 FINDINGS Analysis Of Metaphor In Psalm Section 1 To 119 Of Bible

74 of help of God. It means a power which God give to us, an ability to fight and against our enemy and frees our life from trouble. Lord gives us salvation and freedom.


After writer analyse about metaphor exist in Psalm and especially writer only analysing metaphor in Psalm of David. Writer found metaphor which at most in using is metaphor about God. According to writer, there are a lot of metaphor about God ikn Psalm, because David is one of the most people who Gods love. David is someone who so close with God, so that David creats many Psalm and makes so many symbols of God. God is often symbolised with God is also metaphored with the roleof human life like father parent, shepherd, judge, king, and friend. Some of the metaphors above are political, that is King and judge. At the time, Israel was really glad because finally their nation has a king Samuel Chapter 8. From the experience, the entire Psalms writer also depicts God as a perfect king. For nation of Israel, God is King for all kings. Cultural of patriarki of among Israel nation finally create a picture that God has masculine type. This thing is visibled in word masculine gender which means God , in Latin Ianguage, that is Deus. This cultural bear a metaphor that God is a father, God is the best father for His children. Indirectly, these metaphors also indicate that the 75 metaphor of human is a child. The metaphor about God is a shepherd is the most famous Psalm Weiden, 1979: 21. Mostly nation of Israel is breeder. They have hundreds of livestock animal like sheep and ox. Besides used to eat, the Livestock animal also an oblation for God such as narrated in story of Cain and Abel, and the story of Abraham dedicate Isaac. From this background, nation of Israel very familiar with the shepherd profession, shepherd is one who takes care of the livestock animal. All shepherds always labour the best for the all of their livestock. The relation of Shepherd and his livestocks is used by all Psalms’ writers to depict therelation between God and human. God is a shepherd, human is Gods livestocks. God is also compared with role of God to human. In Psalm, say that the God is creator, benefactor, entertainer, custodian, rescuer, redeemer, leader, and forgiver. The metaphors of Gods Role are showed the characteristics of God which the nation of Israel believed.This moment is also the spiritial experience of nation of Israel which feel saved from slavery in Egypt, protected and taken care in their transportation;journey to the Cainan Land, saved from Pharaoh danger and war with the other nation,etc. God is also compared with the object like cup, stone mount, fortress, shelter, shield, inheritance, and tower. Most of all objects weared for the metaphor of God in Psalm are objects which deal with war, like fortress, stone mount, tower, and shield. This matter is not quit of the experience of the Israel which often got battle. In Holy Bible is narrated that during 40 years of their journey after exit from Egypt until Cainan land, nation of Israel often war with the other nations which disturd their journey. When they reach the Cainan, Israel have to battle to fight with other nations to over the 76 Promised Land which is that moment stay there Yosua Chapter 1-5. And so do [at] epoch of all judge like Gideon to Simson, Israel have to against the neighbour nations to maintain the sovereignty Judges, Chapter 8, 10, 15, and 20. Finally, in a period of all king started from Saul, David, and Salomo, nation the Israel return to the battle Samuel Chapter 7, 11, 13, 17, dll.. In every fight story, Israel always reaches the victory. Israel is reflectioned the Victorys experience in praises and finally gathered it in Psalm. From the study result, known that, the metaphor of God are i human, ii role of human, and iii object. The metaphor can be interpreted as an effort of creator and Psalms writer in comprehending transendent God who is transenden believable God. Metaphor is quite suit to be used in the holy bible because it makes the sentences and utterances more efficient. It can contain a deeper meaning than thelexical ones because if only there is a word but it can be mean many things. 77