The example is patriarchal discourse in the news. It sets masculine discourses as the dominant discourse in the media narratives. Therefore, news’s point of views is controlled by the masculine ‘norms’. The right or wrong of an issue is measured through what men see it. This gaming of point of view is clearly seen in the narration of women. As patriarchal society defines women as a second class, the subordinates, and the domestic creatures, media does define them the same. Women tend to be narrated for their sexuality rather than their intellectuality, appearance rather than their capability and as a mother and wife rather than as an independent woman. To see how hegemony and sensationalism is played through media representation toward women, it is necessary to know the media representation toward women.


In a very basic point, gender role in Media represents the system in the society. What it is believed about male and female is set off by Media. Women’s portrayals from the media’s perspective are what the system and society expect. Generally, in the research of women and media appear specific women portrayals. These portrayals are beliefs that women are men’s property and in domestic area. A research of gender, power and work in TV-advertisements by Illergård 2004 classify character traits which women in TV-advertisements are portrayed. There are: 1 Woman is attributed with smiling, listening to instructions, passively observing, and improving their looks. Throughout her analysis of several advertisements, she found that women are attributed to passive activities and traits. On a contrary men are less attributed to smiling activity. In advertisements men will be considered to show their masculinity when they perform cold faces. 2 Woman’s roles are to expose her body and be a mother figure. Many of the advertisements expose women body. Women are portrayed to be appearance- oriented or on the other hand to be a mother model. The last is that 3 Woman is a sexual object who is used to satisfy men’s gaze. She believes that these portrayals are subordinating women in comparison to men’s portrayals. In general, media represents women as dependent to men, as non-aggressive, sensual, a mother figure, weaker and undetermined. Characters of women which are not classified into the ideals above are considered as villains or antagonists. Chris Barker in his book “Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice” underlines the gender, representation and the media culture. He quotes Evans’ argument 1997: 72 that feminists try hard to show women’s enrollment in the culture. He suggests a feminist belief of gender politics which plays a central role on representation projects. The rights to construct women representation is handled by the hegemon in gender politics. On the other words, feminists try to achieve society’s acknowledgment about women enrollment in cultural system and cultural productions. Feminists believe that what has already been accepted as women’s representation is in fact reflecting men’s attitudes and the misrepresentation of the “real” women Tuchman, et al., 1978 cited in Barker, 2000. Stereotyping concepts is the ultimate position in the image of women perspective. Meehan 1983 cited in Barker, 2000 examines general stereotypes attached to women in American television program. His study combines the quantitative analysis of women representations with qualitative interpretation of women role and qualitative interpretation of role and power or powerless in their interpretation. He suggests women representation in television considers “good” woman as submissive, sensitive and domesticated whereas “bad” woman is represented as rebellious, independent and selfish. Meehan identifies several stereotypes generally found: · The imp : rebellious, asexual, tomboy; · The good wife : domestic, attractive, home-centered; · The harpy : aggressive, single; · The bitch : sneak, cheat, manipulative. · The victim : passive, suffers violence, or accidents; · The decoy : apparently helpless, actually strong; · The siren : sexually lures men to a bad end; · The witch : extra power, but subordinated to men; · The matriarch : authority family role, older, desexed. Barker, 2000: 307 Simply saying, woman is stereotyped into two terms: the ideal and the deviant. The ideal woman is nurturing and maternal. She supports the man to achieve his ambition. She posses nothing and sacrifice her life for the sake of the man. She is emphatic and captive to home. She accepts the control of man and dedicates her life for man, whoever he is, whatever he does, without any objections. Barker, 2000: 260 Deviant woman dominates the man. She has never been home to assists her kids and family. She is ambitious. To achieve her ambitious goal, she naturally does everything she needs such as unleashing family bond and free from man’s captivity. She is cold, heartless, and indifferent. Barker, 2000: 261.