Thesis Organization Theoretical Approach

does not blur the objectivity of the research because feminism approach centers its study on women, or three terms. First, its major research objects, which become a step stone for further research, are women situations and experiences in the society. Second, this theory places women as the central subject in the research process; so it attempts to view the world from women perspective. Third, feminism theory has critical and active attitudes toward women for the better world. Ritzer et al., 2008: 488. The feminist approach and socio cultural approach work collaboratively in this research. To use feminist approach which studies the hegemony and social construction, the employment of socio and cultural studies is also necessary. Feminist and sociology cannot be separated. Since feminist approach grows from society, studies the society and tries to reconstruct the oppressing social hierarchy. The need for feminists to reconstruct the “real” image of women urges feminists to constantly criticize toward the existing social hierarchy and pays its attention to the essential sociology variables such as “social change, power, interest, and trust.” Ritzer et al., 2008: 491.

2. Thesis Organization

The thesis is organized into four chapters and each chapter is divided into several divisions, as follows:


The introduction covers background of the study, scope of the study, problem statement, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, theoretical approach, research methodology and thesis organization.


This chapter discusses about several important topics for the study. This chapter is initiated with the understanding of American Perspective on Women, how the position of women in Politics is and how American society considers women’s power and leadership. In the next discussion, the study focuses on American Media, the information of the New York Times and the Washington Post companies is necessarily needed. After the understanding of the sources data, the study steps to the understanding of Media Narrative as it is used as the object of this study. Next discussion is about the Cult of True Media’s Womanhood, how the media sees the representation of women. Semiotics Theory as the tools to conduct the analysis is also necessarily to be understood deeply. It is discussed in this chapter. The last is the biography of Hillary Rodham Clinton to see the background of Hillary Rodham Clinton.


In the Analysis chapter, the study shows several steps of analysis and the findings. The focus of analysis is divided into two categories: Female and Appearance; and Female and Ability. In Female and Appearance category, the thesis analyzes the image of Hillary Rodham Clinton on her fashion style while she was the First Lady and her fashion style while she became a presidential candidate. In the analysis of Female and Ability, the study observes Hillary Rodham Clinton’s image on her Toughness and Steadiness, her Plain Emotion, her Ambition, her Foreign Affairs direction, her Relation to Bill Clinton and her chance and capability in presidential race.


In this chapter, the answer for the research question as the result of the analysis is presented. After the conclusion, the next part is the researcher recommendation to the media students and other researchers.