The Interference Of English Term Into Indonesian In The Ekonomic Term




Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1 (S1) in English Letters

By: FARIDA NIM. 101026021492






1429 H / 2008 M




A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1 (S1) in English Letters



NIM: 101026021492










A Paper

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1 (S1) in English Letters



NIM: 101026021492

Approved by advisor

Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd

NIP. 150 299 480








A Thesis entitled “The Interference of English Term into Indonesian In the Economic

Term” Has been defended before the Letters and Humanities Faculty’s Examination Committee, “Syarif Hidayatullah” State Islamic University, Jakarta on March, 26, 2008. The thesis has already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Strata 1 (SI) in English Letters.

Jakarta, March, 26, 2008

Examination Committee

Chair Person Secretary

Dr. H. Muhammad Farchan, M.Pd Drs.Saefuddin, M.Pd

NIP: 150 299 480 NIP: 150 261 902


Examiner I Examiner II

Inayatul Chusna, M.Hum Sholikatus Sa’diyah, M.Pd



Farida. The Interference of English Term Into Indonesian In the Economic Term.

Thesis Jakarta: English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty ”Syarif Hidayatullah “ State Islamic University, March 2008

This paper used descriptive qualitative method to research about the process of the English word especially in the economic term that absorbed and then enrich the vocabulary of Indonesian language. After analyzing, the writer looks for the change of meaning in the absorbed word. The unit of analysis of this research is 50 economic words that found in

column of KOMPAS daily newspaper, column ‘Financial’. It is chosen because this

column often utilizes some absorbed words especially in the economic term.

This study becomes important because today there are many English words can be found in daily conversation or in media, but they are difficult to know whether the words have already become the vocabulary of Indonesian language or not.

From the analysis, the writer concludes that there are many absorbed words from English words become the vocabulary of Indonesian language without many changes of the meaning, but only the changes of the writing and spelling system based on the rules of Indonesian language.



In The Name of Allah the Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

All praises to Allah, The Lord of The Universe, who give His Guidance. Peace and Salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad (be peace upon him), his family, companions and adherents. The writer is greatly indebted spiritually, intellectually and emotionally. Therefore, she would like to convince her heartfelt thanks to these amazing persons:

1. Her parents H. Tarwono and Hj. Suharsih, May they rest in peace for their life

“I love you papa & mama”

2. Dr. Abd. Chair, M.A., The Dean of Letters and Humanities Faculty Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

3. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd, for his generous assistance and time in making this

thesis possible amid his busy activities. He gave me “shock therapy” respectively and directed many questions that plagued him from meeting to meeting. His patience and sober minded came up to assist her as a nice advisor to discuss to.

4. Dr.H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd., The Head of English Letters Department, who made English Letters Department as her best education place to gain the knowledge and Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd., The Secretary of English Letters Department for his best assistance amid his busy activities.

5. All lecturers of English Letters Department

6. Her grandmother Hj. Bahroh, her little borther Andi and her sweet little sister Tia. Thanks for Prayers, and supports.


7. The Directors of Pendidikan Islam MTs Mathlaul Anwar KH.Zein Ali, for his kindness and trust in giving her an opportunity and time to finish this thesis. And her dear colleagues, : Mba Iin, Om Joul, k Arif , Sobat BSI 2001, Hafas, Ipung, Daeng, Hanafi for their patience and understanding.

8. The library staff of “Universitas Indonesia” and the library staff of Adab Faculty

9. Taufiqurahman, S.Ag, for his prayers and motivation, teaching and spiritual guidance

May Allah SWT give them the serenity, prosperity, and patience in this life. The writer realizes this thesis still contains lack of completeness therefore, useful critics and comments from the readers are greatly accepted.

Jakarta, January, 31 2008

The Writer






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Focus of the Study ... 4

C. Research Question... 4

D. Objective of the Research... 4

E. Research Methodology... 4

1. The Method of Research ... 4

2. The Approach of Research ... 5

3. The instrument of Research ... 5

4. Unit Analysis ... 5


B. Language and Term... 8

C. Term Forming ... 10

D. Borrowing and its Motivation ... 13

E. Change of Meaning ... 16

CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDING A. The Data Description ... 19

B. Data Analysis... 22


B. Suggestion ... 73




A. Background of the Study

Most people spend an immense of their life talking, listening, and in advance societies, reading and writing. A normal conversation uses 4.000 or 5.000 words an hour. A radio talk where there are fewer pause uses many as 8.000 or 9.000 words per hour. A person reading at a normal speed covers 14.000 or 15.000 words per hour. So someone who catches for an hour, Listening to radio talk for an hour, Read for an hour possible contact with 25.000 words in that time, per day total could be as height as 1.000.000 words.1

Basically language is prime tool of communication. In the real life people with their business needs language for communication to each other, it is to be easy to make relationship for them. Human language can open their mind to the other people and by language people know what they want.

Definition of language itself is a system of signal, such as voices sounds, gesture or written symbols that encode or decode information.



According to Djoko Kentjono, “Bahasa ialah system lambing bunyi yang arbitrer yang dipergunakanoleh para anggota kelompok social untuk bekerja sama, berkomunikasi

dan mengidentifikasi diri.”2

From the definition above it is also clear that human can transfer language to various media: Written symbol, Braille, Sign language and soon. Human need a greater degree of cooperation require and efficient communication. Consequently the primary function of language is to impact factual information and to essential command.

People can communicate with other by the language. So, the language becomes an important thing in human life, It represents a basic need people. Without communication, they cannot do anything. Person uses a language to express his idea feeling. It is the basic function of language as a mean for communication and interaction with the other. The language plays important role of each aspect in the life where as, that the people have many activities in their life.

Proses terjadinya interferensi sejalan dengan proses terjadinya kebudayaan. Interferensi dapat terjadi pada tingkat fonologi, tata bahasa atau leksikon. (Interference happen by cultural diffusion, Interference happens toward phonology, grammatical, and lexicon).3

The interference of foreign words influenced in the many field like: economic, education, law field and so on.


Djoko Kenjono,dasar-dasar linguistic umum,( Jakarta,Fakultas FB UI,1997)p:2



From the last century Indonesia has made contact with the other language such as Dutch, Arabic, China, and Portuguese. It occurs because borrowing is easier than creating a new language. That word has been popular in Indonesia, its taken Dutch acteur and in English named actor.

Borrowing of word is a factor of language development, borrowing of word happen in the phonology, grammatical and lexical. Indonesia as the developing country needs other foreign language to enrich the vocabulary and also to create new term in every subject like economic term.

In linguistics, Meaning is the words or sign exchanged by a people when communicating through language. The communication of meaning is the purpose and function of language. The meaning may take many forms, such as evoking certain idea, or denoting a certain real word entity.

B. Focus of the Study

This paper focused on the borrowing technical terms of economic field adopted from English into Indonesia. The writer would like to limit the discussion on English lexical borrowing of economic field accepted as Indonesian word.

C. Research Question

The problems discussed in this study are formulated through following question: 1. How does the process of borrowing in the economic term in English?

2. How does the change of meaning in the borrowing of economic technical term of English language happen?


D. Objective of the research

The objectives of this study is to describe English borrowed by Indonesian language in economic term, and to know more about the change of meaning in the economic term.

E. The Method of Research

1. The Research Methodology

This research is descriptive research to describe the corpus of English lexical in the economic term borrowed by Indonesian language and change of meaning that happened.

2. The Approach of Research

The writer takes semantics theory for data analysis through the following steps: a. Collecting the English economic term by Indonesian

b. Analyzing the lexical meaning of economic term in Indonesia and English language (The meaning is based on dictionary).

c. Deciding changes of meaning that happened then classify into variety changes of meaning.

3. The Instrument of Research

The researcher herself as main instrument by reading and marking the economic technical term used in KOMPAS newspaper. Then data are tabulated to make it easier to analyze.

4. Unit Analysis

The unit analysis of this research is the corpus of economic term collected from various articles of Indonesia newspaper such as KOMPAS, article on June until July 2005




A. Interference

In the open society where the members accept the arrival of other society members, there will occur what is called as a language contact. The language from those who accepts the arrival and from those who comes later will influence each other. The uppermost thing from this language contact is the presence of bilingualism and multilingualism with its various cases such as interference, integration, code switch, and code mixing.

In the bilingual or multilingual society, the presence of language contact and culture contact caused many cases of interference, integration, code switch, and code mixing occurrence. These four elements indicate the same phenomena; it is the presence of other language used. What is meant as interference is the appearance of other language unsure into the language used, so that appears any rule deviance from the language used.

According to Uriel Weinrich, the definition if interference is :

… Those instances of deviation from the norms of either language shich occur in

the speech of bilinguals as a result of thir familiarity with more than one language. i.e. as a result of language contact, will be referred to as interference phenomena.4

Weinreich sees that language influence as an effect of language contact in its application by bilinguals causes grammatical rule deviation. This deviation identified then



in the term of interference. Interference happen in the linguistics levels; phonology, morphology, syntax, till lexicon level.

Interference occurs if a speaker while in studying some target language identifies the phoneme in the target language with his native language phoneme. For example, Javanese speakers speak some Indonesian words begin with /b/, /d/, /j/, and /g/ consonant,

so those consonant will be preceded by nasal sound. Those, the word ‘Bogor’ will be spoken ‘Mbogor’, the word ‘Depok’ will be spoken ‘Ndepok’. Interference also occurs in

grammatical and lexicon level. In lexicon will occur the used of some words of other language into the language used either a local language of a foreign language.5

Interference phenomena can be viewed in three dimensions; those are dimension of language performance, named as performance interference. This language performance often happens during the people are still studying a foreign language the second dimension is systemic interference; is usually called as borrowing, which linked tightly to the cultural diffusion. For example, the word ‘pinsil’ in Indonesian can be traced back to the word

‘pencil’ in English. Another word, ‘huruf‘also can be traced back to Arabic ‘harfun’.

And the third dimension is the dimension of language learning; learning interference.6 In language teaching, the most influencing language is the mother language of the speaker, while the language influenced is the learned language (target language).

Interference according to Weinrich happens in two forms, both are:


Chair, Abdul,Lingistik Umum. (Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2003) p. 67



1. Interference in the speech happens to bilinguals as the effect if their recognition of other language.

2. Interference in language, often happen in a bilingual speech which have been a habit and have been also constructed in his mind.7

B. Language and Term

Human being as a part of culture cannot be disassociated with others because they are closely related to society. What they do or work is named as the culture. In globalization era the developing of culture has been effected by the language development. That happens to the terms of Indonesian language especially as a result of knowledge and technology development.

Definition of language it self is an arbitrary system of sound symbol used by society to corporate, interact, and identify them self.8 Without language, all activity in the society can be ascertained will not work. Moreover, language is a basic tool of communication. So, the language becomes an important think in human life, it represents a basic need of people. Without language, all activity in the society can be ascertained will not work the function of language is the instrument of communication. In language literature, the linguists generally have formulated four functions of language, they are:

1. As the media of communication 2. As the media of self expression

3. As the media of social integration and adaptation


Oppick. Weinrich P. 11



4. As the media of social control.9

A person uses a language to express his idea and filling. It is the basic function of language as a mean for communication and interaction with the others. The people have many varieties like health, economic, law field, etc. Terms differs from word. Term has exact and clear meaning and free of any context.10Term is used only in certain scientific or discourse field. But the word is the smallest grammatical unit.11 In speaking there are many technical terms that are used to communicate. A technical term is a word or comparison to express a concept, process, situation or a special characteristic in certain field.

Term can be constructed from some sources: 1. Indonesian language

2. Local language 3. Foreign language.12

It is clear that term can be constructed from other language. Especially in Indonesian, the borrowing of term comes from local language, or foreign language especially from English. It has been estimated that English contains more than million words, of which fewer than half are included in unabridged dictionary. The development of English from 450 to 1150 is known as Old English. It is some times described as the period of full inflections, since during most of this period the endings of the noun, the adjective, and the verb are preserved less unimpaired. The period from 1150 to 1500 is called Middle English. During this period the inflection begun to break down to wards and the language


Laminudin Finoza.Komposisi Bahasa.(Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama 2001) p. 2


Depdiknas,Pedoman umum Pembentukan istilah,(Jakarta :Balai Pustaka, 2004), p : 1


Op. Cit Jean Atchicson P: 11



the period from 1500 to this era is called Modern English. By the time a large part of original inflectional system disappeared.

C. Term Forming

As an International language, English is always used as the source of the technical term to get more suitable word and easy to understand. According to Baugh the technical term can formulated as follows:

a. Source of the new words: borrowings.

This process is to be expected in the light of the English disposition to borrow word from other languages in the past. The new words have been taken over ready from the people whom the idea or thing designated has been obtained. For example: from the French comes garage.

b. Self-Explaining Compound

A second source of new word is represented in the practice of making self explaining compounds, one of the oldest methods of word formation in the language. For the example fire extinguisher, fire means api and extinguisher taken from Extinguish + er. It means memadamkan/ mematikan. –er is bound morpheme, its function in English noun forming. So the meaning of fire extinguisher isalat pemadam api.


The common word from proper names have been derived in the past, they are names of person, places and brands such as sandwich. This word is from a noble on one occasion, putting slice of meat between pieces of bread.

d. Coinages

A considerable number of new words must be attributed to deliberate invention or coinage. There has probably never been a time when the creative impulse has not spent it self occasionally in inventing new word. But their changes of general adoption now are often creased by a campaign of advertising as deliberate as the effort which created them such as Kodak seems to be pure invention : now days Kodak has all but displaced the word camera in popular use, irrespective of the make of the instrument.

e. Old words with new meaning

Example the word Skyline the truth meaning is the line along that the sky seems to touch earth, but nowadays has a new meaning is the outline, as of a city, seen against the sky.

f. Blending

The blending is fusion of two words into one, usually the first part of one word with the last part of another, as in branch, from breakfast and lunch. That mean is used facetiously in speaking of those who get up too late for breakfast or nearly lunch.13 In Indonesian language the process of the technical term can be constructed with:


Albert C. baugh, A history of the English Language, (USA:D.Appleton Century company,Inc,1935), P: 373-379


1. Taking an usual word and giving it meaning 2. Absorbing term from local language

3. Absorbing term from foreign language in the way of adoption and adaptation of it borrowing translation

Indonesian language vocabularies can be taken as term by fulfilling concitions under:

1. The word must be the exact word and its meaning does not deviate

2. The word must be the shortest word if there are two words or more with the same referred.

3. The word must be the word with good Connotation and euphonic 4. The word must be the usual word that given a new meaning.

According Pusat Penelitian Bahasa, using of these procedures can form a technical term, they are:

1. Take a general word or phrase and give it meaning 2. Make a combination from general words

3. Form a derivate word from a general basic word 4. Form an analogy of technical term.

5. Loan Translation

6. Form a technical term by using an abbreviation. 7. Take over a foreign or traditional language.14



4. Borrowing and its motivation

Alive language is a language that always in changes although the changes will not be seen in short time but its user. In its development language has to add the number of concept and sign to activate. Language contact has caused cultural contact that influences each other to borrow. According to Hockett, there are two motivations why a language borrows other language unsure. They are:

1. Requirement to satisfy needs (need feeling).

There is a need for human necessity to identify something. The other motive for borrowing is to fill a gap among borrowing idiolects, example; American, English has acquired only a spears scattering of need-filling loans from the various languages of the immigrants: hamburger, pizza grinder (sandwich) from Italian. Those examples of borrowing under the need filling motive have been of borrowing from one language, some borrowings take place constantly among dialect of single language.

2. Desire to be locked stylish (prestige motive).

There is a wish for prestige looks. The people whom they admire are in speech pattern as well as in other respect, and the prestige factor leads to extensive borrowing from the dominant languages into non dominant one.15

As the International, English occupied this place, so English as the first foreign language in Indonesia, and has been popular in educational environment. There are three types of loans or borrowed elements into a number of classes depending on phonological and semantics characteristics, as follows:



1. Loan Word

The borrower may adopt the donor’s word a long withthe object or practice form in the

borrower’s speech. The acquisition of loan word constitutes in its self a lexical change,

and probably we should say that it constitutes or entails an involved at target. For the example the wordhamburger, Indonesian people least in the sense that a shape there to

fore “uninhabited”hamburger is a food. There is no other word beside that word used by Indonesian any form may have been brought to use English acquisition

“Hamburger” involved no such change and Indonesian language adopted it become Indonesian Language. It meant Indonesian word adopted pronunciations which used by original form.

2. Loan Blend

Loan Blend is combination of foreign and native forms. It has a similarity a lone blend is a new idiom developed in the borrowing situation, in which loan pronunciation whether it is foreign. For example the word Import in English are involved, the borrower imports of the model becomes Import in Indonesian language, so the pronunciations are same but and replaces part of it by something already in his own language. spelling is different.


3. Loan Shift

Loan shift is the foreign concepts represented by native form. For example English Church ,the word church taken From Latin Abbot, Altar, and Canon. And semantic loans which is range expressed by a native form that is extended to include a new and usually related concept.16

4. Change of Meaning

That talking about meaning relates to semantic. Semantic is a field do study in linguistics which studies the meaning in language.17 Semantic is the branch of linguistics having tight relation with other social sciences such as sociology, anthropology, even also with philosophy and psychology.18 Therefore the meaning of word in one language has different meaning from other language even the meaning of absorbed words will have changed from the proto language.

According to Ferdinand de Sausure meaning relates tosignifier(Significant) that is called as the word in the language andsignified(signifie) that is called as the object in the world; it means “stand for”, “refers to” “denotes”. However, both signified and signifier is strictly a sound image and concept.19

It is different from Odgen and Richard illustrating a triangle of semantics (the relation between that a triangle of semantics which has a meaning). That there are three components of meaning; they are sign or symbol, reference and different. Symbol is the linguist elements such as words, sentences, phrase etc. The referent is the object while,


Op. cit, Hockett, Charles F.p. 408-411







thought of reference is concept.20 Based on that theory there is no direct link between symbol and referent or between language and object in the world without through

“Thought” or “reference”.

It is necessary to say something about the way in which words gradually change their meaning. The branch of linguistic study which concerns it self with the meanings of words and the way meaning develop is known as semasiology or semantics. It has been observed that in their sense development words often pursue certain well-marked tendencies. Among the meaning more common of these are extension of meaning, narrowing of meaning, degeneration, and regeneration.

1. Extension of Meaning

It is meant the widening of a word’s signification until it covers much more than the

idea originally conveyed. The tendency is some times called generalization. The word lovely, for example, means primarily worthy to be loved and great means large in size,

the opposite of small. But today the school girl’s lovely and the average man’s great

have no such meaning. A box of candy or a chair may be lovely and anything from a ball game to the weather may be great.

2. Narrowing of meaning

The opposite of tendency is for a word gradually to acquire a more restricted sense, or to be chiefly used in one special connection. For the example the word doctor (i.e.



learned men) in technology, law, and many others field beside medicine, but now days when we send the doctor mean a member of only one profession.21

3. Degeneration of meaning

It may take several forms. It may take the form of the gradual extension to many particular meaning senses, that a word may have had is completely lost. This is one form of generalization, such as in the words lovely and great. In other form, it is a word that has retained very specific meaning but a less favorable one than it originally had. For instance, the word smug was originally a good word. It means neat or trim. It presents suggestion of objectionable self-satisfaction that seems to have grown up during the nineteenth century,

4. Regeneration of meaning

This kind is the opposite of degeneration of meaning; it is a process of language shifts, which a new word meaning felt better, or attained respectability from the last meaning that considered disparagement. For example, the word smock, which was mentioned as losing case in the eighteenth century, has now been rehabilitated as applied to and outer

garment. We used it for a certain type of woman’s dress and we speak of an Artist’s

smock. Another word in the nineteenth they attained respectability. So, the change of meaning that words undergo is another evidence of the constant state of flux that characterizes language as it lives on the lips of men.





This chapter describes about the data description and the analysis of data. The writer finds 50 (fifty) economic terms that are collected from the determined source of the data

A. The Data Description

From KOMPAS, the writer tabulates 50 (fifty) economic terms as follow:

No English Indonesian Economic

Types Of borrowing

Kinds Of Change

Of Meaning Source Of LB LW LS Ex Nr Dg Rg

1 Accommodate Akomodasi Akomodasi

- - - - French 2 Acquisition Akuisisi Akuisisi

- - - - French 3 Accountancy Akutansi akutansi - - - French 4 Amortization Amortisasi Amortisasi

- - - - English

5 Asset Aset Aset - - - - Old French

6 Bank Bank Bank

- - - - Middle English 7 Bill- Yet/ Billet Bilyet Bilyet

- - - - French low Latin 8 Business Bisnis Bisnis - - - - Middle


9 Bourse Bursa Bursa

- - - - French

10 Cash Kas kas - - - - English

11 Cheque Cek Cek

- √ - - English 12 Collusion Kolusi Kolusi √ √ - - - - Latin 13 Clearing Kliring Kliring √ √ - - - - English 14 Commercial Komersial Komersial

- - - - French and Latin 15 Commodity Komoditi Komoditi - - - - Latin


16 Compensation Kompensasi Kompensasi √ √ - - - - Latin 17 Contribution Kontribusi Kontribusi √ √ - - - - English 18 Credit Kredit Kredit √ √ - - - - Latin 19 Corporation Korporasi Korporasi √ √ - - - - English 20 Corruption Korupsi korupsi √ √ - - - - Latin

21 Debtor Debitur Debitur √ √ - - - - French &Latin 22 Deficit Defisit Defisit √ √ - - - - French &

Latin 23 Deposit Deposito Deposito √ √ - - - - Latin 24 Deviation Deviasi Deviasi √ √ - - - - Latin 25 Divestment Divestasi Divestasi √ √ - - - - English 26 Dividend Dividen Dividen √ √ - - - - French 27 Discount Diskon Diskon √ √ - - - - Old French 28 Economic Ekonomi Ekonomi √ √ - - - - English 29 Emission Emisi Emisi √ √ - - - - French ALatin 30 Export Ekspor Ekspor √ √ √ - - - English 31 Fluctuate Fluktuasi Fluktuasi √ √ - - - - Latin 32 Industry Industri Industri √ √ - - - - Latin 33 Inflation Inflasi Inflasi √ √ - - - - Latin 34 Invest Investasi Investasi √ √ - - - - Latin

35 Gyro Giro Giro √ √ - - - - English

36 Liquidation Likuidasi Likuidasi √ √ - - - - English 37 Management Manajemen Manajemen √ √ - - - - Low Latin 38 Margin Marjin Marjin √ √ - - - - Latin 39 Merger Merger Merjer √ √ - - - - French &

Latin 40 Monetary Moneter Moneter √ √ - √ - - Latin

41 Modal Modal Modal √ √ √ - - - English

42 Obligation Obligasi Obligasi √ √ - - - - French & Latin 43 Privatization Privatisasi Privatisasi √ √ - - - - Latin



44 Premium Premi Premi √ √ - - - - Latin

45 Product Produksi Produksi √ √ - - - - Latin

46 Property Properti Properti √ √ - - - - English

47 Protection Proteksi Proteksi √ √ √ - - - Latin

48 Recession Resesi Resesi √ √ - - - - Latin

49 Ratio Rasio Rasio √ √ - - - - Latin

50 Transverse Transfer Transfer √ √ - - - - Latin


Type of Loan Kinds of Meaning

LB : Loan Blend EX : Extension of meaning

LW : Loan Word NR : Narrowing of meaning

LS : Loan Shift Dg : Degeneration of meaning


B. Data Analysis

From the tabulated data or corpus that are put on the table above, The writer tries to classify and analyze them by categorizing into types of borrowings, lexical meanings, etymology, and varieties of meaning changes, to get more illustration, the writer analyzes them into groups as told above.

1. Indonesian economic registers from other languages with the technical terms that has the same meaning.

1. Akomodasi

This word is loan word type, because its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word. Here are their lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Sesuatu yang disediakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan.22 b. Sesuatu yand disedikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan.23 c. Accommodate: Provide.24


Pusat Bahasa, Depdikbud,Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia,(Jakarta, Balai Pustaka,2002), p:21


Saharani, AlbertS.E, Wijaya Diana, SE,Kamus Ekonomi Uang dan Bank,(Jakarta, Restu Agung,2003 P:10


Hornby,The Advance Learner’s Dictionary current English, (Oxford University press, 2000, six Edition), p:6

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan


Accommodate Akomodasi Akomodasi French &



Originally its loan shift, the history of this word is taken from French Latin; accommodation (em)the meaning is lodging.25There is no meaning change in this word.

2. Akuisisi

As the word Accommodate the word acquisition is loan word type, because its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word. Here are their lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Cara memperbesar perusahaan/asetdengan cara memiliki perusahaan lain.26 b. Pemindahan Kepemilikan perusahaan dengan cara memiliki perusahaan lain.27 c. Acquisition: 1. Acquiring 2. Accomplishment.28

Originally its loan shift, the history of this word is taken from French Latin; acquîsîtîônthe meaning is act or process acquiring.29There is no meaning change in this word


Cecil,Wyld Henry,The Universal English dictionary, ( London, Goorge Routledge,LTD, six impression 1946)p:7


Pusat Bahasa, Depdikbud,Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia,(Jakarta, Balai Pustaka,2002), p24


Saharani, AlbertS.E, Wijaya Diana, SE,Kamus Ekonomi Uang dan Bank,(Jakarta, Restu Agung,2003 P:13


Hornby,The Advance Learner’s Dictionary current English, (Oxford University press, 2000, six Edition), p:8


Cecil,Wyld Henry,The Universal English dictionary, ( London, Goorge Routledge,LTD, six impression 1946)P: 10

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan




This word is loan word type, because Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, so adopted whole of pronunciation. Here are their lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Teori dan praktik perakunan, termasuk tanggung jawab,prinsip, standar kelaziman (kebiasaan) dan semua kegiatannya.30

b. Seseorang yang mempunyai keahlian dibidang akuntan.31 c. Accountancy: Profession of an account.32

Originally its loan shift, the history of this word is taken from French;accountant-ancy the meaning is the profession, occupation of an account.33There is no meaning change in this word


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:25


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Op.Cit P: 16


Hornby, OP.Cit, P: 7


Cecil,Wyld Henry,The Universal English dictionary, ( London, Goorge Routledge, LTD, six impression 1946)P: 8

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



4. Amortisasi

The word amortisasi is adopted from English amortization, this word is loan word type, because Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word. So adopted whole of pronunciation. Here are their lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Penghapusan / pernyataan tidak berlaku terhadap surat-surat berharga yang nilainya telah dibayar kembali atau hilang.34

b. Utang yang dilunasi dengan angsuran berkala atau penuntasan atas aktiva berwujud seprti, pantent, good will, copy right, dan biaya ditangguhkan.35

c. Amortization: Legal end debt by setting aside regularly for future payments.36 Historically, it can be called as loan shift type because this word is from English; Amortization, the meaning is act of liquidating, paying off a debt.37 Thus according to the writer, there is no meaning change in this word.


Pusat Bahasa, Depdikbud,Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia,(Jakarta, Balai Pustaka,2002),p:39


Saharani, AlbertS.E, Wijaya Diana, SE,Kamus Ekonomi Uang dan Bank,(Jakarta, Restu Agung,2003 P:21


Hornby,The Advance Learner’s Dictionary current English, (Oxford University press, 2000, six Edition), p:27


Cecil,Wyld Henry,The Universal English dictionary, ( London, Goorge Routledge,LTD, six impression 1946)p:32

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



5. Aset

This word is included into loan blend type, because the word asset in English becomes

‘Aset” in Indonesia, its pronunciation is the same but spelling is different. The lexical

meanings of this word are as follows: a. Sesuatu yang bernilai tukar.38

b. Segala sesuatu yang bernilai komersial yang dimiliki oleh sebuah perusahaan atau individu.39

c. Asset: Anything owned by a person, compete that has money value and that may be sold to pay.40

Originally its loan shift, the history of this word is taken from old French;asezthe meaning is whole property of every kind, of an insolvent individual or corporation, liable to be administrated for benefit of creditors.41There is no meaning change in this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 70


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Op.Cit P: 30


Hornby, OP.Cit, P: 46


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P:58

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



6. Bank

Based on types of borrowing, this word is loan word type. The reason to explain this word is same as the wordamortization,Because of that Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, so adopted whole of pronunciation. These are lexical meanings based on dictionary:

a. Badan Usaha dibidang keuangan, yang menarik dan mengeluarkan uang di masyarakat.42

b. Badan usahadibidang keuangan, dengan memberikan keuangan kredit dan jasa-jasa dalam lalu lintas pembayaran dan peredaran uang, Bank menarik uang dari dan mengeluarkannya kedalam masyarakat.43

c. Bank: Establishment for keeping money and valuables safely, the money being paid

out the costumer’s order (by means of cheque).44

Etymologically, its one of loan word type, This word is taken from Middle EnglishBanke, originally the word bank taken frombench,its mean the table or counter of money changer;45so, based on those meaning , there is no change of meaning happening in this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 103


iSaharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Op.Cit P:46


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:62


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P:77

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



7. Bilyet

This word is included into loan blend type, because the word bill-yet in English become

bilyet” inIndonesia, its pronunciation is the same but spelling is different. The lexical meanings of this word are as follows:

a. Kertas berharga yang dikeluarkan oleh bank.46

b. Dokumen bank yang berisikan permintaan keterangan atau permintaan bayar membayar.47

c. Bill-yet/Billet: Bank note.48

Originally its loan shift, the history of this word is taken from French low Latin; billathe meaning is name given to document or negotiable instrument used in commerce as a means payment.49There is no meaning change in this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:152


iSaharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Op.Cit P:64


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:81


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P:101

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan


Bill-yet/Billet Bilyet Bilyet French low



8. Bisnis

This word is loan word type, because Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, so adopted whole of pronunciation. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Usaha komersial didunia perdagangan, bidang uaha: usaha dagang.50

b. Industri, perdagangan pengangkutan dan lain sebagainya adalah termasuk kegiatan bisnis yaitu kegiatan yang mempergunakan modal tertentu.51

c. Business.Buying and selling: commerce, trade.52

Etymologically, it can be called as loan shift type. This word is taken from Middle English busy-ness, originally the meaning is regular, habitual occupation, trade, profession.53 So, based on those meaning, there is no change of meaning happening in this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 157


iSaharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP.Cit P: 65


Hornby, OP.Cit, P: 114


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P:138

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



9. Bursa

This word is included into loan word type, because the wordboursein English becomesBursain Indonesia, because Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, so adopted whole of pronunciation. The lexical meanings of this word are as follows:

a. Tempat memperjual belikan saham, obligasi, dsb.54

b. Tempat dimana di perjual belikan sekuritas valuta asing, atau barang yang dilakukan secara teratur.55

c. Bourse: Foreign stock exchange.56

Etymologically, it can be called as loan shift type. This word is taken from French, Bourse originally the meaning is name given to place, in foreign countries, corresponding to our stock exchange, where merchants and financiers meet to transact business.57 So, based on those meaning, there is no change of meaning happening in this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:180


iSaharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP.Cit P:79


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:97


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P:120

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



10. Debitor

Based on types of borrowing this word is loan word type, the reason to explain this word same as the word bourse, the word debtor has same pronunciation with Indonesian worddebitur.Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Orang atau lembaga yang berhutang kepada orang atau lembaga lain.58 b. Orang atau badan yang berhutang kepada orang/badan lain.59

c. Debtor: person who is a debt to another.60

Etymologically, it can be called as loan shift type. This word is taken from French and Latindêbîtum,originally the meaning is one who is under material or moral obligations to another; Specific, one who owes money contrasted with creditor.61So, based on those meaning, there is no change of meaning happening in this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:243


iSaharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP.Cit P143


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:222


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P:280

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



11. Defisit

This word is loan blend type, its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word, because this word has been integrated, the word deficit in English, Is commonly used as deficitin Indonesian language. The lexical of this word are as follows:

a. Kekurangan modal (dianggaran belanja).62

b. Jumlah uang yang ada tersedia kuran dari jumlah uang yang dibutuhkan.63 c. Deficit: amount by which payment exceed recipient.64

Historically, it can be called loan shift type, which is from French and LatinDêfisit. The meaning is short age, amount by which credit side an account falls short balancing accounts.65 So, it can be concluded that based on those meanings there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:244


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP Cit P:147


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:226


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 286

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan


Deficit Defisit Defisit French and



12. Deposit

This word is loan word type, because the worddepositin English becomesdeposito in Indonesia. Because Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word to explain it, So Indonesian people adopted whole pronunciation of this word. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Uang yang disimpan direkening, tindakan menyimpan uang di bank.66

b. Simpanan pihak ketiga pada bank, yang menurut perjanjian antara penyimpan dengan bank, bahwa penarikannya hanya dapat dilakukan sesudah jangka waktu tertentu.67

c. Deposit: money has deposited.68

Originally, this is one of loan shift type whose history or etymology is taken from Latin Dêposit-um, the meaning is a money paid into, entrusted to a bank.69 From the definition above, it is concluded that there is no change of meaning of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 254


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP Cit P:151


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:232


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 295

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



13. Deviasi

This word is loan word type, because Indonesian language pronunciation is the same as English deviation becomes deviasi. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Penyimpangan (dari peraturan).70

b. Suatu ukuran mengenai tingkat pencaran selisih nilai dari masing-masing anggotanya dalam sekelompok nilai dengan rata-rata hitungnya.71

c. Deviation: Turning a side or a way; difference.72

Originally, this is one of loan shift type whose history or etymology is taken from Latin Dêvîus, the meaning is the act of deviating.73 From the definition above, It is concluded that there is no change of meaning of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:259


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP Cit P:152


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 301

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



14. Divestasi

Based on the types of borrowing, this word is loan word type. The reason to explain this word is the same as the worddeposit and deviation, because Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, so adopted whole of pronunciation. Here are the lexical meanings based on dictionaries:

a. Pengurangan modal74

b. Penjualan atau pelepasan saham oleh pemegang saham.75 c. Divestment: take away from.76

Historically, it can be called as loan shift type, which is from English; the act of divesting.77 So, it can be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 271


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP Cit P:159


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:253


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P:324

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



15. Dividen

This word is loan blend type, because its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word;dividend but the spelling is different, This word is taken from Franchdividende, but Indonesian people commonly uses it by the word dividen. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Bagian laba atau pendapatan yang besarnya ditetapkan oleh reaksi serta disahkan oleh rapat pemegang saham.78

b. Bagian laba yang dibayarkan kepada pemegang saham.79

c. Dividend: payment of share profit, to shave holders in Business Company, or assets to creditors or to policyholder in Mutual Insurance Company.80

It can be called as loan shift type; this word is from French; dividende and Latin dividendum. The meaning is about interest payable on money invested.81 So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 271


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Ibid P:159


Hornby, Ibid, P: 253


CC Wyld, Henry. Ibid P:324

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



16. Diskon

This word is loan blend type, because its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word;discountbut the spelling is different, Indonesian people usually useddiskonHere are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Potongan harga.82 b. Potongan, korting.83

c. Discount: amount of money which may be taken off the full price.84

It can be called as loan shift type; this word is from Old French; disconter. The meaning is to depreciate lessen value of, put a lower value on.85 So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:269


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Ibid P 185


Hornby, Ibid, P:245


CC Wyld, Henry. Ibid P:314

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



17. Emisi

This word is loan word type, because its pronunciation same as Indonesian language. Emission in English becomes emisi. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Pengeluaran surat berharga seperti saham atau obligasi oleh perusahaan tersebut memerlukan tambahan modal.86

b. Perusahaan yang mengeluarkan saham /obligasinya untuk dijual kepada umum.87 c. Emission: sending out or giving off.88

It can be called as loan shift type; this word is from French Latin; êmissiôn. The meaning is to giving or sending out.89 So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:298


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Ibid P 172


Hornby, Ibid, P: 282


CC Wyld, Henry. Ibid P:360

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan




18. Ekonomi

This word is loan word type, because Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, so adopted whole of pronunciation. This word is taken from Englisheconomic, but Indonesian people commonly uses it by the word ekonomi. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Ilmu mengenai asas asas produksi, distribusi dan pemakaian barang-barang serta kekayaan.90

b. Serangkaian kegiatan produksi dan konsumsi yang saling berkaitan.91 c. Economic: science control and managing of the money.92

Historically, it can be called as loan shift type, because this word is from English; Pertaining to the satisfaction of man’s material needs, And to the practical application of science to this end.93 So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:287


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Ibid P:169


Hornby, Ibid, P: 276


CC Wyld, Henry. Ibid P:350

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



19. Fluktuatif

The word fluktuatif is taken from English fluctuate this word called loan word type, because adopted whole of pronunciation. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Gejala yang menunjukan turun naiknya harga.94

b. Perubahaan dalam harga atau suku bunga, baik naik/turun.95 c. Fluctuate: Move up and down.96

It can be called as loan shift type; this word is from Latin.fluctuâtîôn, The meaning is irregular variation in quantity97 So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:319


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Ibid P:189


Hornby, Ibid, P: 330


CC Wyld, Henry. Ibid P:211

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



20. Giro

This word is loan blend type, because its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word, gyro but the spelling is different, This word is taken from English gyro , but Indonesian people commonly uses it by the wordgiro.Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Simpanan pada bank yang penarikannya dapat dilakukan setiap saat dengan

menggunakan cek/surat perintah pembayaran lain dengan cara pemindah bukuan.98 b. Simpanan pada bank yang penarikannya dapat dilakukan setiap saat dengan

menggunakan cek/surat perintah pembayaran lain dengan cara pemindah bukuan.99 c. Gyro: System of credit transfer between banks.100

Historically, it can be called as loan word type, because this word is from English; system of credit transfer between banks.101So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:365


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Ibid P:198


Hornby, Ibid, P:


CC Wyld, Henry. Ibid P:350

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



21. Industri

This word is loan blend type, because its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word, industrybut the spelling is different, but Indonesian people commonly uses it by the wordindustri.Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

This word is loan blend type, The lexical meanings of this word are as follows:

a. Kegiatan memproses atau mengolah barang dengan menggunakan sarana dan peralatan mesin.102

b. Kegiatan ekonomi yang menghasilkan barang atau jasa, kecuali agrarian dan distribusi.103

c. Industry: quality of being hard working, being always employed usefully.104

It can be called as loan shift type; this word is from Latin;industria.The meaning is the quality or state of being industrious.105So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 431


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP Cit P: 227


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:435


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 600

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



22. Inflasi

The wordinflation has integrated into Indonesian language as inflasi.This word is loan word type, because Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, so adopted whole of pronunciation. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Kemerosotan nilai uang kertas karena banyaknya dan cepatnya uang kertas beredar sehingga menyebabkan naiknya harga bunga.106

b. Jumlah uang yang relative lebih besar dari jumlah barang dan jasa yang tersedia. Keadaan menunjukan bahwa daya beli uang berkurang dalam masa tertentu.107 c. Inflation: act of inflating state being crises in price brought money, credit, etc.108

It can be called as loan shift type because this word is from Latin Inflătiŏn-(em). The meaning is act or process of inflating.109 So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 432


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP Cit P: 228


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:437


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 603

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



23. Investasi

The word invest is one of the loan word type, the reason is, there is same pronunciation between Indonesian language and English.Invest becomes investasi. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Penanaman uang modal dalam suatu perusahaan atau proyek untuk tujuan memperoleh keuntungan.110

b. Penanaman modal dengan maksud memperoleh keuntungan yang biasanya dalam jangka panjang untuk menggandakan aktiva tetap atau pembelian saham-saham dan surat-aurat berharga lainnya.111

c. Invest: Put money in.112

It can be called as loan shift type because this word is from Latin Invest-ĺre. The meaning is to use, lay out, money, in such a way as to obtain a return upon it.113 So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:441


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP Cit P: 228


Hornby, OP.Cit, P: 449


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 621

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



24. kliring

This word is loan blend type, because its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word; Clearing but the spelling is different, This word is taken from English, clearing Indonesian people commonly uses it by the word kliring. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Penyelesaian pembukuan dan pembayaran antar bank dan memindahkan saldo kepada pihak yang berhak.114

b. Penghitungan utang piutang dengan cara saling menyediakan surat-surat berharga dan surat dagang yang telah ditetapkan untuk dapat diperhitungkan antara para peserta secra terpusat di satu tempat.115

c. Clearing: Settle accounts, the balance being paid in cash.116

Historically, it can be called as loan word type, because this word is from English; commercial method of exchanging cheques settling account between different banks and business firms.117 So, it can be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 576


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP Cit P: 260


Hornby, OP.Cit, P: 164


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 192

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



25. kolusi

This word is loan word type, because Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, so adopted whole of pronunciation. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Kerjasama rahasia untuk maksud tidak terpuji, persengkokolan.118

b. Persetujuan rahasia antara dua pihak atau lebih untuk mendapatkan keuntungan atas kerugian pihak lain.119

c. Collusion: secret agreement or understanding for deceitful or fraudulent purpose.120

It can be called as loan shift type because this word is from Latin Collũsion-(em), the meaning is Secret understanding.121 So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 582


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP Cit P: 261


Hornby, OP.Cit, P: 163


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 206

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



26. Komersial

This word is loan blend type, because its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word, but the spelling is different, This word is taken from English, collusion Indonesian people commonly uses it by the word kolusi. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Bernilai niaga tinggi.122 b. Iklan.123

c. Commercial: Adj. of commerce.124

It can be called as loan shift type because this word is from French and Latin Commercîum, The meaning is adj. connected with having of commerce125 So,It be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:583


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP Cit P:129


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:169


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 206

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



27. Komoditas

This word is loan word type, because Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, so adopted whole of pronunciation. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Bahan mentah yang dapat digolongkan menurut mutunya sesuai dengan standar perdagangan internasional, masalah gandunm, karet atau kopi.126

b. Barang kosumsi atupun barang produksi yang lazim di perdagangkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia.127

c. Commodity: Useful thing128

It can be called as loan shift type because this word is from Latin Commodite, The meaning is anything that is for sale.129 So, It be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:584


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP Cit P:261


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:169


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P:212

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



28. Kontribusi

This word is taken from English,contribution. Indonesian people commonly use it by the wordkontribusi.This word is loan word type, because Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, so adopted whole of pronunciation. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. 1. Sumbangan 2.Uang iuran.130 b. Sumbangan.131

c. Contribution: Compulsory payment.132

Historically, it can be called as loan word type, because this word is from English; Compulsory payment 133 so, it can be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:592


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP Cit P:145


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:187


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P:178

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



29. Korporasi

Like the word contribution, this word is loan word type, because Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, so adopted whole of pronunciation. The word has same pronunciation. Corporation in English and Indonesian language use it by the word korporasi.Here are its lexical meanings:

a. Perusahaan atau badan usaha yang sangat besar atau beberapa perusahaan yang dikelola dan dijalankan sebagai satu perusahaan besar.134

b. Perusahaan atau badan usaha yang sangat besar atau beberapa perusahaan yang dikelola dan dijalankan sebagai satu perusahaan besar.135

c. Corporation: Shared by members of a group of person.136

Historically, it can be called as loan shift type, this word is from English; group of person elected to govern a town.137 So, it can be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:596


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP Cit P:268


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:268


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P:192

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



30. Kas

This word is loan blend type, because its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word; Cash but the spelling is different, This word is taken from English, clearing Indonesian people commonly uses it by the wordkas. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Keluarmasuknya uang; buku catatan.138

b. 1 Alat pembayaran sah berupa uang kartal yang tersedia bagi suatu usaha terdiri dari uang kertas bank, cek, wesel dan surat berharga lainnya dapat segera dijadikan uang diperhitungkan juga sebagai kas. 2. Buku catatan.139

c. Cash: Money in coin or notes.140

Historically, it can be called as loan word type, because this word is from English; Money in coin or notes.141 So, it can be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:511


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP Cit P:


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:130


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P:177

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



31. kompensasi

This word is loan word type, because the word has same pronunciation with Indonesian language. In EnglishCompensation becomes kompensasiin Indonesian language. Here

are it’s the lexical meaning based on dictionary:

a. Ganti rugi.142

b. Suatu cara untuk menghapuskan utang antara dua pihak yang saling berhutang dengan memperhitungkan utang masing-masing.143

c. Compensation: make suitable payment.144

It can be called as loan shift type because this word is from Latin compensâtiôn,the meaning is act of compensating.145So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 584


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E OP Cit P: 262


Hornby, OP.Cit, P: 172


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 215

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



32. korupsi

This word is loan word type, Because Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, So adopted whole of pronunciation. The lexical meaning of this word are as follows:

a. Penyelewengan atau penyalah gunaan uang negara (perusahaan dan sebagainya) untuk keuntungan orang lain atau pribadi.146

b. Korupsi.147

c. Corruption: Corrupting or being corrupt.148

Etymologically, it can be called as loan shift type this word is taken from Latin Corruption (em) whose original meaning is a moral deterioration.149 So, based on those meanings, there is no change of meaning happen in this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 597


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Op.Cit P: 268


Hornby, OP.Cit, P: 193


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 215

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



33. kredit

This word is loan blend type, its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word, because this word has been integrated, The wordcreditin English, Is commonly usedkredit as in Indonesian language. The lexical meanings of this word are as follows:

a. Pinjaman uang dengan pembayaran pengembalian secara mengangsur.150 b. Penyediaan oleh bank/tagihan-tagihan lain-lain yang disamakan dengan itu

berdasarkan pinjam meminjam dengan pihak lain.151

c. Credit: money showen as owned by a person or company, etc in bank account.152

Etymologically, it can be called as loan shift type because this word is taken from Latin Crēditum, Whose original meaning is a moral deterioration.153 So, based on those meaning, there is no change of meaning happen in this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 600


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Op.Cit P: 268


Hornby, OP.Cit, P: 202


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 215

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



34. Likuidasi

Like the wordcorruption,this word is loan word type, because Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, so adopted whole of pronunciation. The word has same pronunciation. Liquidation in English and Indonesian language use it by the word likuidasi.Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Kemampuan bank setiap waktu untuk membayar utang jangka pendeknya apabila tiba-tiba ditagih.154

b. Kemampuan seseorang atau perusahaan untuk memenuhi kewajiban atau utang yang segera harus dibayar dengan harta lancer.155

c. Liquidation: Pay or settle a debt.156

Etymologically, it can be called as loan shift type because this word is taken from English Liquidation, Whose original meaning is a process of winding up financial affairs.157So, based on those meaning, there is no change of meaning happen in this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:671


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Op.Cit P:288


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:496


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 678

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



35. Manajemen

This word is loan blend type, because its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word but the spelling is different, Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Pimpinan yang bnertanggung jawab atasjalannya perusahaan dan organisasi.158 b. Proses menggerakan tenaga manusia, modal dan peralatan lainnya secara terpadu

untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu.159

c. Management: managing or being managed.160

Etymologically, it can be called as loan shift and loan word type because this word is taken from Low Latin manidiare, Whose original meaning is act of managing.161 So, based on those meaning, there is no change of meaning happen in this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:708


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Op.Cit P:299


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:517


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 702

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



36. Margin

This word is loan blend type, because its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word; marjin, but the spelling is different, This word is taken from English margin, but Indonesian people commonly uses marjin. Here are their lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Laba bruto, tingkat selisih antara biaya produksi dan harga jual di pasar.162 b. Jumlah yang didepositokan oleh pelanggan pada pialang apabila pelanggaran

meminjam dari pialang untuk membeli surat berharga/efek.163 c. Margin: Difference between cost price and selling price164

Etymologically, it can be called as loan shift type this word is taken from Latin margo,originally the meaning is stock exchange difference between the buying and selling prices of stocks and shares.165 So, based on those meaning, there is no change of meaning happen in this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 715


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Op.Cit P:299


Hornby, OP.Cit, P: 520


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 707

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



37. Merjer

This word is loan blend type, because its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word; merjerbut the spelling is different, This word is taken from Englishmerger,but Indonesian people commonly uses it by the word merjer. Here are their lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Penyatuan usaha sehingga tercapai pemilikan dan atau pengawasan bersama.166 b. Amalgamasi melalui peleburan kedalam salah satu perusahaan yang bergabung.167 c. Merger: merging instance of this combining of estates business companies etc.168

It can be called as loan shift type because this word is from French and Latin Merge,the meaning is a combine.169So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 736


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Op.Cit P: 307


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:532


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 721

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan


Merger Merjer Merjer French and



38. Obligasi

This word is loan word type, its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word, because this word has been integrated. The word obligation in English, commonly used obligasi in Indonesian language. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Surat pinjaman dengan bunga tertentu dari pemerintah yang dapat diperjual belikan.170

b. Surat utang yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan atau pemerintah dengan jangka waktu lebih dari satu tahun dan bersuku bunga tertentu, untuk menarik dana dari masyarakat guna pembiayaan perusahaan atau keperluan belanja pemerintah.171 c. Obligation: Duty or condition that indicates what action ought to be taken.172

This word is loan shift type because the word obligation is taken From Latin

obligātiōn, its meaning is written document or bond by which the obligator binds him self under a penalty to pay a certain sum.173 So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 793


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Op.Cit P:335


Hornby, OP.Cit, P: 579


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 788

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



39. Privatisasi

This word is loan word type, The word privatizationin English commonly used privatisasi in Indonesian language. Its meant between the word privatization and privatisasi has the same pronunciation. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Penjualan sebagian atau semua saham sebuah perusahaan milik pemerintah kepada public baik melalui penjualan langsung perusahaan swasta nasional dan asing maupun melalui bursa efek.174

b. Pengkonversian bisnis yang dimiliki pemerintah menjadi milik pemegang saham atau perorangan.175

c. Privatization: Transfer from state to private ownership.176

This word is loan shift type because the wordprivatizationis taken From Latin

privat-um, Its meaning is a part belonging not to the state but to an individual.177 So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:896


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Op.Cit P:411


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:665


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P:913

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



40. Produksi

This word is loan word type, Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, so adopted whole of pronunciation. the wordProductin English, commonly usedproduksi in Indonesian language. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Kemampuan suatu factor produksi selama waktu tertentu dalam menghasilkan barang.178

b. Nilai seluruh barang dan jasa yang dihasilksn oleh perekonomian suatu negara..179 c. The result obtained by multiplying two or more numbers.180

This word is loan shift type because the wordproductis taken From Latin

product-um, Its meaning is act of producing.181 So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:413


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Op.Cit P:412


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:666


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P:917

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



41. Properti

This word is loan word type, Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, so adopted whole of pronunciation. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Harta berupa tanah dan bangunan serta sarana dan prasarana yang merupakan bagoian yang tidak terpisahkan.dari tanah atau bangunan.182

b. Aset.183

c. Property: Things owned.184

This word is loan shift word because the wordpropertyis taken From Latin

properti,Its meaning is Things owned.185 So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:898


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Op.Cit P:10


: Hornby, OP.Cit, P:671


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P:914

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



42. Resesi

This word is loan word type, Indonesian language has not equivalent of this word, so adopted whole of pronunciation. The wordRecessionin English, commonly used Resesi in Indonesian language. Here are its lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Kelesuan dalam kegiatan dagang, industri dsb.186

b. Penurunan dalam kegiatan ekonomi yang oleh para pakar ekonomi diartikan sebagai penurunan dalam suatu produksi nasional bruto.187

c. Recession: slackening of business and industrial.188

This word is loan shift type, its taken From LatinRecession-(em). Its meaning is Act of receding or withdrawing; with drawl from a place or position.189 So, it be concluded that based on those meaning there is no meaning change of this word.


Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P:702


Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Op.Cit P:436


Hornby, OP.Cit:702


CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P:

English Term

Indonesian Term

Economic Term

Source of Type of loan



It can be called as loan shift type because this word is from Latin; expotare. The meaning is to carry out away; specific to send goods, merchandise.217Thus according to the writer, there is meaning change of this word namely extension, because the meaning of economic field is more extension than other meanings,exportis not only sending goods but the word export may used for labors, (TKI/TKW).

50. Modal

This word is loan blend type, because its pronunciation is the same as Indonesian word; modalbut the spelling is different, This word is taken from Englishmodal,but Indonesian people commonly uses it by the word modal. Here are their lexical meanings (based on dictionaries):

a. Uang yang dipakai sebagai pokok (induk untuk berdagang)melepas uang dsb.218 b. Harta yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan tambahan kekayaan.219

c. Modal: adj. relating to mode or manner.220


Hornby, OP.Cit, P:300 217

CC Wyld, Henry. Op.Cit P: 392 218

Pusat Bahasa, depdikbud, Op.Cit P: 219

Saharani Albert S.E, Wijaya Diana S.E Ot P 220

Hornby, OP.Cit, P: English Term Indonesian Term Economic Term

Source of Type of loan LW LB LS


Etymologically, it can be called as loan shift type this word is taken from Latin modalis, originally the meaning is expressing, marked by modality221 So, based on those meaning, Thus according to the writer, there is meaning change of this word namely extension, because the meaning of economic field is more extension than other meanings, modalis not only relating to mode or manner but the word export may used for economic terms as a capital of business.





A. Conclusion

After analyzing of the economic term in the last chapter, the writer concludes that language contact caused of meaning change in the lexical meaning. Indonesian people need other language especially English in the economic term because:

1. The economic terms are borrowed by Indonesian language because there is no equivalence in Indonesian language, So that technical terms derived from English language to complete the Indonesian vocabularies as new term.

2. English as International used as source of borrowing to create a new economic term and to ease the communication.

3. From fifty economic terms collected from KOMPAS there are change of meaning. The change of meaning observed in this research are four economic terms which get change of meaning into narrowing of meaning, And two economic terms get change of meaning into extension of meaning, But degeneration and regeneration of meaning kinds do not exist.


B. Suggestion

After finishing the analysis, the writer would like to suggest to whom interested in studying of English lexical borrowing especially on economic terms. This is because there

is still a lot of thing about economic terms that we don’t know, not only from the change of

meaning but also the types of borrowing that borrowed from English experience some changes.

The writer releases that the research 50 (fifty) economic terms not enough yet for us to get more information about economic term. For that reason, the writer suggests to the readers especially the student of English letters to continue the research about the borrowing of Indonesian economic term from English. This meant to confirm that most of Indonesian economic term are borrowed from English have change either in the pronunciation, the meaning, or the other part of language component.



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Chair, abdul, Linguistik Umum,Jakarta: Rineka Cipta,2003

Cecil, Wyld Henry,The Universal English Dictionary,London: George Rountledge, LTD, Six Impression 1946

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Finoza, Lamuddin,Komposisi Bahasa Indonesia,Jakarta: Diksi Insan Mulia, 2003 Cet ke -9 Hocket, Charless F.A.Course in Modern Linguistik,New York: The Mac Milan Company,


Hornby As,Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary Of Current English, Oxford University Press, 1987

Kenjono Djoko, Dasar- Dasar Linguistik Umum,Jakarta Fakultas Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1997

KOMPAS, Article on June until July 2005

Nababan, PWJ,Sosiolinguistik,Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1991 Ohoiwutun, Paul,Sosiolinguistik,Jakarta: Visipro,2002

Palmer F.R,Semantics New Outline,Mealborne: Cambridge University, 1979

Pusat Pembinaan Bahasa, Senarai Kata Serapan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Depdikbud, 1996


Pusat Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 2002, ed ke-3

Saharani Albert,SE, Diana wijaya SE,Kamus Uang Dan Bank, Jakarta:Restu Agung,2003 Simatupang Mauris, Pengantar Teori Terjemahan, Jakarta: UI press, 1999