Background of the Study


A. Background of the Study

Most people spend an immense of their life talking, listening, and in advance societies, reading and writing. A normal conversation uses 4.000 or 5.000 words an hour. A radio talk where there are fewer pause uses many as 8.000 or 9.000 words per hour. A person reading at a normal speed covers 14.000 or 15.000 words per hour. So someone who catches for an hour, Listening to radio talk for an hour, Read for an hour possible contact with 25.000 words in that time, per day total could be as height as 1.000.000 words. 1 Basically language is prime tool of communication. In the real life people with their business needs language for communication to each other, it is to be easy to make relationship for them. Human language can open their mind to the other people and by language people know what they want. Definition of language itself is a system of signal, such as voices sounds, gesture or written symbols that encode or decode information. 1 Jean Atchicson, language an Introduction,British Library,1992p:3 According to Djoko Kentjono, “Bahasa ialah system lambing bunyi yang arbitrer yang dipergunakanoleh para anggota kelompok social untuk bekerja sama, berkomunikasi dan mengidentifikasi diri.” 2 From the definition above it is also clear that human can transfer language to various media: Written symbol, Braille, Sign language and soon. Human need a greater degree of cooperation require and efficient communication. Consequently the primary function of language is to impact factual information and to essential command. People can communicate with other by the language. So, the language becomes an important thing in human life, It represents a basic need people. Without communication, they cannot do anything. Person uses a language to express his idea feeling. It is the basic function of language as a mean for communication and interaction with the other. The language plays important role of each aspect in the life where as, that the people have many activities in their life. Proses terjadinya interferensi sejalan dengan proses terjadinya kebudayaan. Interferensi dapat terjadi pada tingkat fonologi, tata bahasa atau leksikon. Interference happen by cultural diffusion, Interference happens toward phonology, grammatical, and lexicon. 3 The interference of foreign words influenced in the many field like: economic, education, law field and so on. 2 Djoko Kenjono, dasar-dasar linguistic umum, Jakarta,Fakultas FB UI,1997p:2 3 Paul Ohoiwutun, Sosiolinguistik, Jakarta, VISIPRO,2002p: 22 From the last century Indonesia has made contact with the other language such as Dutch, Arabic, China, and Portuguese. It occurs because borrowing is easier than creating a new language. That word has been popular in Indonesia, its taken Dutch acteur and in English named actor. Borrowing of word is a factor of language development, borrowing of word happen in the phonology, grammatical and lexical. Indonesia as the developing country needs other foreign language to enrich the vocabulary and also to create new term in every subject like economic term. In linguistics, Meaning is the words or sign exchanged by a people when communicating through language. The communication of meaning is the purpose and function of language. The meaning may take many forms, such as evoking certain idea, or denoting a certain real word entity.

B. Focus of the Study