responding: 17 Teacher responding 223 Teacher appending: 224 Satria attending 296 responding: 297 Teacher attending 279

76 attention of the intended interactant. All the children in the study produced the attending speech function. 1 O: attending 16 Satria i Miss?

R: responding: 17 Teacher

i Yes? engage The excerpt 1 gives an example of attending speech function produced by the student; it was produced by Satria. Satria called the teacher by saying Miss to get the teacher’s attention. This utterance is therefore included into attending speech function. Almost all of the attending speech functions produced by the students in the study were directed to the teacher by calling the teacher’s name Miss or Miss Melani. The excerpt 2 below is another attending speech function realized by calling a complete name of the teacher. 2 O: attending 222 Satria i Miss Melani,

R: responding 223 Teacher

i Yes? engage

C: appending: 224 Satria

i Miss, today I follow Ken-ken’s car ii because today Ken-ken has lesson in my house. 77 A different attending speech function was produced by Ken-ken. He produced the attending speech function not by calling the teacher’s name, but by giving a kind of salutation, and it was said in Bahasa Indonesia. 3 O: I: command 295c Teacher vii Put it up. viii and change a little bit. ix Slowly.

O: attending 296

Ken-ken i Permisi

R: responding: 297 Teacher

iWow…, OK, just put it downstairs developing: enhance The word, permisi, in the excerpt 3 above was uttered by Ken-ken to gain the teacher’s attention; though he said it in Bahasa Indonesia. At that time the teacher was busy instructing the class to follow her singing the nursery rhyme while some of the children wandered around the class taking their paper. Ken-ken, then, tried to get the teacher’s attention by saying the word. Besides getting teacher’s attention, one of the students, Bella, produced attending speech function to get her friend’s interest. She did that to help the teacher get the her friend’s attention. The teacher had called him, but it seemed no response, so Bella called his friend’s name to help the teacher. 4 O: attending 278 Teacher i Ken-ken.

O: attending 279

Bela i Ken

R: responding 280 Teacher