Research Instruments RESEARCH METHODS

29 description that was obtained from the whole experiences of the researcher, i.e. the observation, data collection, and also data analysis during this research. It resulted the explanation of the implication of those findings. Finally the researcher presented some suggestions related to the topic of this research. There was one table used to classify the data. Table of Appendices used in Classifying the Research Results

F. Data Trustworthiness

To achieve data trustworthiness, this research involves the criteria of credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability Moleong, 2001: 173. Credibility is the test whether the researcher assumes the presence of multiple realities and attempts to represent these multiple realities adequately. Dat um No Code Data Transference of Meaning Language Function Explanation S yn ec M etap M eton S imile Pe rso M etali Re fe re Conati E m oti Poe tic Ph atic 1. P1A BW Line 8 INTO MY OWN: Or highway where the slow wheel pours the sand √ √ It is called personification because the author gives the human ability pours to something inanimate the slow wheel. It has a poetic function as the author tends to stress the message inside the words. 30 Dependability is the use of an inquiry audit, in which reviewer examines both the process and the product of the research for consistency. Confirmability refers to the degree in which the researcher can demonstrate the neutrality of the research interpretations by providing an audit trail. Transferability is about the findings are applicable to the new situation. Those four terms simply lead to one similar goal to achieve, i.e. the condition of being able to be trusted ad to be accepted according to logical reasons. The principles in trustworthiness were employed to gain objectivity of this descriptive-qualitative research, which was in some way considered to be subjective since no quantified measurement were applied. A commonly employed technique to enhance this goal is triangulation. In general, there are four types of triangulation. It can be data triangulation, theory triangulation, triangulation through multiple analyses, and method triangulation. In this research, the researcher employed the first three types of triangulation. In this research, data triangulation was applied by using different sources of data to be analyzed carefully and comprehensively, i.e. the poems itself and the lines. In addition, the researcher also applied triangulation by theories obtained from various figurative language source books, and journals. The researcher applied the triangulation by asking another observer to verify the data and discuss them to get the sufficient and reasonable interpretation. The first person is Suhaini M Saleh, M.A., a lecturer in the English Language and Literature Study Program who has mastered the study which is relevant to this research, Stylistics. The second supervisor is Niken Anggraeni, M.A. who is also a lecturer in the same