25 of this research are to identifty transference of meaning and the language functions.

B. Form, Context and Source of the Data

Data are all facts and numbers which can become material to arrange information Arikunto, 2006: 118. Data source is the subject where the data can be taken. From this research, the data are the poems ’ lyrics which contain the figurative language. The form of data is expression taken from Robert Frost Selected Poem: A Boy’s Will. The context of the data is taking from all lines in the first chapter of Complete Poems of Robert Frost entitled A Boy’s Will which contains 30 poems. The source of data was taking from the poems found in Complete Poems of Robert Frost entitled A Boy’s Will. The researcher use the theory of Leech to analyze the figurative language and the writer also use the theory of Roman Jakobson to analyze the functions of using the language. The researcher is really interested in analyzing the first chapter of Complete Poems of Robert Frost entitled A Boy’s Will because it deals with people, the people’s life and the circumstance around. A Boy’s Will is one of the chapter titles of the collected poems of Robert Frost which mostly describes about the author ’s life. Therefore, under stylistics theories, the discussion of figures of speech is explored by the researcher to analyze the lyrics. The poems lyric that are analyzed are Into My Own, Ghost House, My November Guest, Love and a Question, A Late Walk, Stars, Storm Fear, Wind and Window Flower, To the Thawing Wind, A Prayer in Spring, Flower-Gathering, Rose Pogonias, Waiting, 26 In a Vale, A Dream Pang, In Neglect, The Vantage Point, Mowing, Going for Water, Revelation, The Trial by Existence, The Tuft of Flowers, Pan With Us, The Demiurge’s Laugh, Now Close the Windows, In Hardwood Groves, A Line-Storm Song, October, My Butterfly, and Reluctance.

C. Research Instruments

A research instrument purposes to collect the information in a qualitative field study or observation. It helps to keep track of what the researcher observes and how to report it. It must be both valid and precise. In qualitative research, the main instrument of this study is the researcher himself. The other instrument is the data sheet. All of the data collection and the analysis were done by the writer himself based on the poems line. Lincoln and Guba in Bogdan and Biklen, 1982: 76 say that only human instrument that is flexible to capture the complexity of the human experience. Arikunto 2006:160 says that research method and instrument are different. Research method is the way used by the researcher in gathering the data. There are some kinds of research method: test, questioneers, interviews, observation, rating scale, and documentation. Instrument is a device or facility used by the researcher in gathering the data to make his work easier and the result better, more complete, and systematic, so that, the data is easier to be processed. Another instrument used during the research was the table of transference of meaning and language function. This table became the device to categorize and classify the data into some types of transference of meaning synecdoche, metonymy, metaphor, simile, and personification, and some language functions, 27 i.e. Emotive, Poetic, Conative, Phatic, Referential, and Metalinguistic.

D. Data Collection Technique

This study requires appropriate data collection techniques to obtain the appropriate data. The data collection technique in this study was the divining manual technique, baca and catat. The data collection technique is a technique that uses library written resources to obtain the data Subroto, 1992: 42. Baca and catat technique means that researcher as a key instrument must carefully obtain the data, and be meticulously directed to the target data source of research in the form of expression found in poems. The goal is to obtain the information that supports the analysis and interpretation of data. The document can be in the form of public document or private document. Public documents are such as police reports, newspaper stories, television transcripts, and more. Private documents are such as memos, personal letters, telephone records, diaries of individuals, and others Kriyantono, R, 2006: 116. The data about the poems line are collected by following some steps. First, the researcher read the poems to understand the content. Second, the researcher analyzed the lyrics that contain the example belong to the figurative language. And the last, the collected data is drawn to be analyzed.

E. Data Analysis

Bogdan and Bicklen 1982 : 145 define qualitative data analysis as working with data, organizing it, breaking it into manageable units, synthesizing it, searching for patterns, discovering what is important and what is to be learned,