Form, Context and Source of the Data

28 and deciding what the researcher will tell the others. In other words, Wiersma 1995: 281 says that data analysis in qualitative study is a process of categorization, description and synthesis. Therefore, the creative, active, and accurate process of organizing data to draw analytic scheme were the main focus of the steps. The data analyzed into following steps: 1. Classifying the Data One step further after the data collection, the data analysis continued to identification of the themes emerging from the raw data. The researcher identified and tentatively named the conceptual categories into which phenomena were grouped considering objective of the research. 2. Encoding the Classified Data The researcher elaborated each phenomenon of the types of transference of meaning and the language functions found in the first chapter of Complete Poems of Robert Frost entitled A Boy’s Will with the situation, and of course, the related theory. Finally, the encoding result was a general view about the research findings. 3. Describing All the Appearing Categories In this step the researcher explored the finding related to each category, explaining each context and finally explaining how the examples fit the category. 4. Drawing Conclusion This step was placed in the end of the analysis by concluding all revealed findings. The conclusion was arranged to fit the requirement of rich but done 29 description that was obtained from the whole experiences of the researcher, i.e. the observation, data collection, and also data analysis during this research. It resulted the explanation of the implication of those findings. Finally the researcher presented some suggestions related to the topic of this research. There was one table used to classify the data. Table of Appendices used in Classifying the Research Results

F. Data Trustworthiness

To achieve data trustworthiness, this research involves the criteria of credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability Moleong, 2001: 173. Credibility is the test whether the researcher assumes the presence of multiple realities and attempts to represent these multiple realities adequately. Dat um No Code Data Transference of Meaning Language Function Explanation S yn ec M etap M eton S imile Pe rso M etali Re fe re Conati E m oti Poe tic Ph atic 1. P1A BW Line 8 INTO MY OWN: Or highway where the slow wheel pours the sand √ √ It is called personification because the author gives the human ability pours to something inanimate the slow wheel. It has a poetic function as the author tends to stress the message inside the words.