Character. The Analysis Of Sigmund Freud’s Theory In Harper Lee’s Novel : To Kill The Mocking Bird

but still buried somewhat unless we search for it. Information such as our telephone number, some childhood memories, or the name of your best childhood friend is stored in the preconscious. Because the unconscious is so large, and because we are only aware of the very small conscious at any given time, this theory has been likened to an iceberg, where the vast majority is buried beneath the waters surface. The water, by the way, would represent everything that we are not aware or have not experienced, and that has not been integrated into our personalities, referred to as the no conscious.

3.3 Character.

Therefore, the writer will give the definition of the character to complete the analysis. Here the writer will give the definition a bout character with related to the analysis and the type of character. Fiction has flourished along with the study of psychology, which has produced psychological pioneers like Freud, Jung, and Skinner. In this intellectual milieu, writers of fiction have chosen not only to create narratives, but also to embody materials that increase understanding of human nature. Psychologists, in turn have influenced the study Universitas Sumatera Utara of literature. It is well known that Freud used many literary works including play by Shakespeare, to buttress some of his psychological conclusions and film as spellbound, the snake pit and final analysis have popularized the relationship between literary character and the science of psychology. Without doubt, the presentation and understanding of character has become a major aim of fiction and drama. In fiction, a character may be defined as a verbal representation of a human being. Through action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray characters that are worth caring about, rooting for and even loving, although there are also character you may laugh at, dislike, or even hate. As Lucas presentations about character: The characters created by the great realists, once conceived in the vision of their creator, live an independent life of their own; their comings and goings, their developments, their destiny is dictated by the inner dialectic of their social and individual existence. Character is a person who knows through a figure and personality in the story. If we talk about character, means that, we talk about the character’s figure and personality, traits and characteristics. However, character in this sense of course has particular qualities, for the figure’s either moral or ethical values. The types of character Accordingly, some characters grow be full and alive, while others remains shadow. The British novelist and critic E.M. Forster in his critical work aspect of the novel, calls the two major types “ round “ and “ flat”. Universitas Sumatera Utara Round characters The basic trait of round character in that they recognize, change with, or adjust to circumstances. The round character – usually the major figure in a story– profit from experience and undergoes a change and alternations, which may be shown in 1 an action or actions 2 the realization of new strength and therefore the affirmation previous decision, 3 the acceptance of a new condition, or 4 the discovery of unrecognized truths. Because round they usually play a major role in a story, round characters are often called the hero or heroin. Many major characters are anything but heroic, however, and it is therefore preferable to use the more neutral word protagonist, and exhibits the ability to adapt to new circumstance. To the degree that round, characters are both individual and sometimes unpredictable, and because they undergo changer or growth, they are dynamic. The round characters also known as the major character because they play a major role in a story of novel. Flat characters In contrast, flat character does not grow. They remain the same because they may be stupid, incentive, or lacking in knowledge or insight. They are static because they end where they begin. However, flat characters are not therefore worthless, for they usually highlight the development of the round characters. Usually, flat characters are minor e, g. relatives, acquaintances, functionaries, although not all – minor character is necessary flat. Sometimes flat character are prominent in certain types of literature, such cowboy, police, and detective stories, where the focus is less on character than on performance. These kinds of character might be lively and engaging, even though they Universitas Sumatera Utara do not develop or change. They must be strong and clever enough to perform recurring tasks like solving a crime, overcoming a villain, or finding a treasure. The term stock character refers to characters in this repeating situation. To the degree that stock characters have many common traits, they are reprehensive of their class, or group. Such characters, with variations in name, age, and sexes, have been constants in literature since the ancient Greeks. Some regular stock character are the insensitive father the interfering mother, the sassy young sister or brother, the greedy politician, resourceful cowboy or detective, the overbearing or henpecked husband, the submissive or nagging wife, they angry police captain, the loveable drunk, and the town do – gooder. Stock character stays flat as they merely perform their roles and exhibit conventional and individual traits. When they possess no attitudes except those of their class, they are labeled stereotype, because they all seem to be cast from the same mold or printing matrix. When author bring character into focus, however, no matter what roles they perform, they emerge from flatness and move into roundness. It means that the ability to grow and develop, to be altered by circumstances, makes character round; absence of these traits makes characters flat. Here also the writer gives the explanation about character, which related with personality theory. I, psyche which express it self in behavior type and totally from “I “as human. And it is cause of the talent which carry out and the characteristic heredities since new born, and also influence by milieu and experience. These characters bring up “I “as human who it is very contrast, characteristic, unique with the individual characters. Etymologies, character come from, “charac “or “charassein,” “charattoo “means that: stamp, afraid, notch, outline, and carving. So characters is the outline totalities which is very unique from one individual. Universitas Sumatera Utara Type of character according to Plato based on Psychology;  Make sense  Wish or desire  Natural appetite. Ewald give the limitation characters as the totalities from the conditions and how the psyche toward the stimulus. Theoretically, he makes it different namely:  Character since new born and  Character that we get. Characters since newborn Angeborener character, genotypes character, namely aspect, which represent the basic of the character, and genotypes character is very tight the relation with physiologies condition, namely, the qualities of centre of nerve structure. The character which had receive Erworbener Character, phenotypes character, namely the character which have influenced by the environments, experience and education. From the explanation of the character, which related with personality or character in psychology, we have known that character not only acted in fiction but also in psychology. Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS OF SIGMUND FREUD’S THEORY

4.1 Id Personality