Id Personality The Analysis Of Sigmund Freud’s Theory In Harper Lee’s Novel : To Kill The Mocking Bird


4.1 Id Personality

Freud in psychology of personality 1948 states that one of the structures of human’s personality is the id. The id is the original reservoir of psychic energy and is present from birth. Aggressive, sexual, and other impulses from the id always demand immediate gratification. Thus, the id is said to operate on the pleasure principle, continually pressing for the immediate discharge of any bodily tension. One want the id reduces tension is to create an image of what it wants. This image, which cannot be distinguished from reality, is known as wish fulfilment, but wish – fulfilling mental images themselves cannot reduce tension. The id does not care about reality, about the needs of anyone else, only its own satisfaction. If you think about it, babies are not very considerate of their parents wishes. They have no care for time, whether their parents are sleeping, relaxing, eating dinner, or bathing. When the id wants something, nothing else is important. Relating to the novel To Kill the Mocking Bird, the story tells about racism between black people and white people, and the personal transformation of the protagonist. He is Atticus, a good lawyer. He has two children, Jem and Scout actually, in one moment Atticus’s id rises from his angrier at his children Jem and Scout when both of them did not hear and obey their aunt advices. This novel opened by the monologue of “I “as Scout who as a narrator in this novel. Universitas Sumatera Utara

4.1.1 Atticus Id

His curtness stung me. The comb was midway in its journey, and I banged it down. For no reason I felt myself beginning to cry, but I could not stop. This was not my father. My father never thought these thought and my father never spoke so. Harper lee 2004: 134 He loves his children and he asks Alexandra aunt to tell something about finch for them. However, they did not hear and obey her advices. He’s id rise up and angrier with his children. He speaks with the big voice and make Scout cry. In the story the writer found Atticus’id when Atticus comes home from the trial, he meets with Alexandria aunt. Atticus decided so that Alexandria stays together with them. He asks to his children so that they permit her stay with them. At the time, all of them are talking in front of their room. Atticus said that their aunt would give the suggestion about the reality of live about Finch. Actually, they did not love with her, that’s why when Alexandra begin to talk, Jem and Scout felt fed up, and angry. Suddenly with the big voice Atticus spoke with them and said must hear and obey her advices. Atticus id rise up he spoke with loudly without thought other people and even his children, he make them silent and trouble. They become stunned, and looked at each other and did not speak to him. Presently Scout picked up a comb from Jem’s dresser and run its teeth along the edge. Atticus angrier and speak loudly at scout. She is very shock and was cry she said that her father never thought like that and never spoke so.

4.1.2 Jem’s Id

The id also comes on to Jem personality, were when Jem want to try to know what happened about their town, about his father job, and the most he want to know about Boo Radley as their neighbours and the niggers. So he did many thing that make other people hurt because of his id. Universitas Sumatera Utara “How’s that?” asked dill. “Strike a match under him.” I told Jem if he set fire to Redley house I was going to tell Atticus on him Dill said striking a match under a turtle was hateful. “Ain’t hateful, just persuades him __‘s not like you’d chunk him in the fire,” Jem growled. “How do you know a match don’t hurt him?’’ “Turtles can’t feel, stupid,” said Jem. “Were you ever a turtle, huh?” My stars, dill Now let me think … Reckon we can rock him… Harper lee 2004: 14 Actually, in this novel, Jem and Scout have a close friend, namely Charles Baker Harris or they called his name Dill, he was from Meridian, Mississippi, was spending the summer with his aunt, miss Rachel, and would be spending every summer in Macomb from now on. Thereafter the summer passed in routine contentment. They always same together to do any thing, which make them happy. Such us; improving their tree house that rested between giant twin china berry trees in the back yard, fussing, running through our list of dramas based on the works of Oliver Optic, Victor Appleton , and Edgar Rice Burroughs . In this matter, they were lucky to have Dill. Jem and Scout give explained about Radley place to Dill, Radley place fascinated him. In spite of their warnings and explanation it drew him as the moon draws water, but drew him no nearer then the light – pole on the corner, a safe distance from the Radley gate. There he would stand, his arm around the fat pole, staring and wondering. Radley place was the mysterious house, inside the house lived a malevolent phantom. Moreover, the people said that he existed and very mysterious. Because of it, Jem, Scout, and Dill try to make him come out, and they want to see what he looks like. Quoting from the dialogue above, Scout got angrier with Jem and Dill, because Jem would set fire to Redley place house. Dill if you don’t hush I’ll knock you bowlegged. I mean it, now….” Universitas Sumatera Utara Quoting from the dialogue above, it appears that Jem is angrier so much with Scout and Dill, because of their behaviour that make him annoyed. The id within jem are talking so that set fire the house. Until it happened, I did not realize that Jem was offended by my contradicting him on hot steams and that he was patiently awaiting an opportunity to reward me. He did, by pushing the tire down the sidewalk with all the force in his body. Ground, sky, and houses melted into a mad palette, my ears throbbed, I was suffocating. I could not put out my hands to stop; they were wedged between my chest and knees. I could only hope that Jem would outrun the tire and me, or that I would be stopped by a bump in the sidewalk. I heard him behind chasing, shouting, and me, or that I would be stopped by a bump in the sidewalk. Harper lee 2004: 37. Jem was angry with Scout and when she contradicting him on hot steams, and that he was patiently awaiting an opportunity to reward scout, he did, by pushing the tire down the sidewalk with all the force in his body. Actually here, Jem want to get his satisfying by his desire to reward Scout. This id of Jem, where without use his mind, he pushing his sister because of impulses by his desire and irrational mind. In the waning moonlight, I saw Jem swing his feet to the floor. “I’m goin’ after ‘em, “he said. I set upright. “You can’t. I won’t let you. “ “You do an’ I’ll wake up Atticus. You do and I’ll kill you.” But the desire of Jem to know about Boo and Radley house, so he decided go out at the night in the waning moonlight, after Atticus got slept. However, Scout suggests him, so that did not go. However, the id side within Jem and threaten Scout, were he will kill Scout.

4.1.3 Scout Id

I contented my self with asking Jem if he‘d lost his mind. “I’m just trying to tell you the new way they‘re teaching the first grade, stubborn. It is the Dewey decimal system. Universitas Sumatera Utara Quoting from the dialogue above, Scout also use her irrational mind when he did something, exactly when she always got quarrel with Jem. I told to California to just wait, I’d fix her: one of these days when she wasn’t looking I’d go off and drown my self in barker’s eddy and then she’d be sorry. Besides, I added, she’d already gotten me in trouble once today: she had taught me to write and it was all her fault. “Hush your loosen, ‘she said. Harper lee 2004: 25 Scout still use her id and want to satisfy her desire by the libido. She wants to reward Walter and get quarrel with him. She feels guiltier and unsatisfied when her father helps and gives a good attention at Walter. Jem Who do you think do you are?” “Now I mean it scout, you antagonize Aunty and I‘ll spank you.” With that, I was gone. “You damn morphodite, I’ll kill you “ He was sitting on the bed, and it was easy to grab his front hair and land one on his mouth. He slapped me and I tried another left, but a punch in the stomach sent me sprawling on the floor. It nearly knocked the breath out of me, but it didn’t matter because I knew he was fighting, he was fighting me back. We were still equals. Harper lee 2004: 138 After Jem said like that to Scout, she is angrier. Scout grabs his front hair and land one on his mouth. She still not satisfies to make jem hurt. Her id rise up very strong, make them fighting. Ain’t so high and mighty now, are you” I screamed, sailing in again. He was still on the bed and I couldn’t get a firm stance, so I threw myself at him As a hard as I could, hitting, pulling, pinching, gouging. What had begun as a first – fight became a brawl. We were still struggling when Atticus separated us. Harper lee 2004: 138 Scout still angry and fells guilty at Jem and the guilty make her as a hard as she could, hitting, pulling, pinching, gouging. What had begun as a first – fight became a brawl. From all the situations, the writer come to give the conclusion that the id within Atticus, Jem, and Scout raise up from the angrier when one each other give the difference opinion and willingness. Universitas Sumatera Utara

4.2 Ego Personality