A. Research Methodology

1. Population and Sample The writer took the population of the study at the second grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 8 Ciputat. The whole students of the second grade are 60 students, na mely Science class, Social 1 class and Social 2 class. Each of the class consists of 20 students. For the research, the writer took sample Social 1 class as the control class and Social 2 class as the experiment class. 2. Place and Time of the Research The writer did the research at SMA Muhammadiyah 8 Ciputat located on Jln. Ra ya Dewi Sartika Gg. Nangka No.4 Ciputat. She conducted this research at that school from January 16 th , 2010 up to February 1 st , 2010. In addition, the teaching processes were held for 5 meeting for each class, so the total are 10 meeting. 3. Teaching Procedures The writer held two kinds of teaching learning process. It is based on the research which has done in two classes; it was an experiment class and control class. The experimental cla ss used interactive learning in teaching narrative text and control class without using interactive learning by using Grammar - Traditional Method. It is the methods. Now the method is called as Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages, Latin and Greek. Earlier of this century, this method was used for the purposed of helping students rea d and appreciate foreign language literature. It also hoped that, through the study of the grammar of the target language, students would become more familiar of the grammar. It was recognized that students would probably never use the target language, but the mental exercise of learning would be beneficial anyway. 1 a. Teaching Learning Process Using Interactive Learning Teaching learning process of the experiment class depicted how students were beha ving during the teaching learning process. The noted behavior in general was used to indicate whether the use of interactive learning was effective. The procedures consisted socializing, leading in, presentation, skill practice, evaluating, and scoring. The next following was the detail of the teaching learning process. The class was begun on the first day when teacher was introducing interactive learning. First, tea cher made an introduction to students by greeting, asking their condition and then explained what tea cher would do in the class. Then she gave them pre-test before the lesson began for about forty five minutes. After finishing the test, teacher asked them about the best story they had ever rea d. Then she asked them to make an interview with one of their friends and then gave them the following question to be answered. Then teacher chose one of them to present of what she or he got. Finally, the students who made a presentation chose one of his or her friend to make a presentation of what he or she got. The question of the activity is: Name The best story have ever read The setting The opinion 1 Diane Larsen –Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, New York: Oxford University Press, 1986, p.11 After they did it, teacher explained that the stories like novel, fa ble, romantic story, fairy tales, etc. are part of narrative text. Then she explained about narrative text. In the second meeting, teacher gave them a text then she ask students to read aloud by choosing randomly. After that, she asked students to comprehend the text and discuss it in a pair. Then, she asked students to answer the question individually. Finally, teacher explained about main idea and information of the text. Kind of text was: Bandung Bondowoso and Roro Jonggrang The Legend of Prambana n T emple Once, there was a beautiful Javanese princess whose name was Roro Jonggrang. Roro Jonggrang whose beauty was very fa mous in the land was the doughter of Prabu Baka, en evil king. One day, a handsome young man with super natural power, na med Bandung Bondowoso, defeated and killed Prabu Baka. On seeing princess Roro Jonggrang s beauty Bandung bondowoso fell in love and wanted to marry her. Meanwhile, Princess Roro Jonggran felt sad due to the death of her father. She did not want to marry Bandung because he had killed her father. But she was also afraid of Bandung. So, to refuse politely, she made a condition. “I will marry you but you have to build one thousand temples in one night as a wedding gift.” Requested Roro Jonggrang. Bandung agreed with this condition. Helped by the spirits of demons, Bandung Bondowoso started building the temple. Approa ching midnight, the work was nearly done. Roro Jonggrang knew and thought, “What shall I do? Bandung is smarter than me. I will lose against Bandung.” Suddenly she got an idea. She woke up all the women in the palace and ordered them to make the noisy sounds of grinding rice so that the rooster would think it had already da wn. Bandung Bondowoso got frustrated because he failed to complete the thousandth temple. “The princess has deceived me” Following his anger, he cursed Roro Jonggrang, “You ha ve cheated me. Now, the thousandth temple is you” At once, the princess turned into a statue. Knowing this, Bandung Bondowoso regretted this and went away into far land. Now, people called the temple Prambana n Temple and the princess statue, Roro Jonggran statue. In the third meeting, teacher asked them to make groups consisted of five persons of each group. Then the writer gave a text to be discussed together. When they were working together, teacher controlled the class. Still on the third meeting, after discussing together, they had to present it to other group by giving them opinion and reason about the best character of the text that ha d the right to possess the statue from the text of what they had discussed; other group who did not agree gave a comment and the group who agree with the statement made an addition. In the end of the meeting, teacher gave them explanation but before giving them explanation, teacher made an evaluation then explained about the characteristics of narrative text by leading them to tell the characteristics based on the text what they had discussed. Kind of the text was: Nai Manggale Once upon a time, there lived a famous sculpture in Tapanuli, North Sumatra. His name was Datu Panggana. He could carve woods into ma ny things. One da y, he got an inspiration to carve a wood into a statue a beautiful woman. Then, he put the statue in front of his house. It was not finished yet. The statue still had any clothes yet. Later, a young merchant passed by in front of Datu Panggana s house. His name was Bao Partiga. He sold jewelries and clothes. He was very impressed by the beauty of the statue. “She would be more beautiful by wearing my clothes,” said Bao Partigo. He then put on the clothes he wanted to sell on the statue. Bao partigo was very pleased now. The statue likes a real human. Then he left Datu Pangga na s house. After that, a priest and his wife passed by. They were also impressed by the beauty of the statue. “I want to pray to God to make her live like a real human. I want to make her as our daughter,” said the priest to his wife. The couple had any children yet. Their dreams come true. The statue had changed into a very beautiful girl. The priest and his wife took the girl home. They na med her Nai Manggale. The news about Nai Manggale spread very fast. All the villagers come to priest s house to see Nai Manggale. Among them were Datu Panggana and Bao Partigo. Datu Panggana said, “She has to stay in my house. The statue was mine.” But, Bao Partigo also claimed the sa me things. “She is wearing my clothes. So, she has to stay in my house.” The priest did not to lose Nai Manggale. “Remember, I am the one who made her live like a huma n. So, she stays here.” Those three men then were very busy arguing. They claimed to have the right of Nai Manggale. To calm them, an elderly of the village gave a solution. His na me was Aji Bahir. “You all can have her and have a relationship with her. Datu Pangga na , you are her uncle. Bao Partigo, you are her brother. And you the priest, you are her father.” The three man accepted Aji Bahir s advice. And now they were happy because they all could ask her to stay in their houses. Besides that, now those three were related. In the beginning of the forth meeting, tea cher made a game about past tense that asking about what they did yesterday. First, the teacher asked one of them to answer the question then it would be continued by the student to other students. After that, the writer connected this question into what they ha d studied yesterday that was about the chara cteristics of narrative text. One of them is about past tense and time sequences. Then teacher explained it to them after they practiced it. Afterwards, teacher asked them to make a group consisted of five persons in each to arrange and discuss a text and they had to answer the question in the table about the arrangement of narrative text. The question of the activity is: Make a short sentences that explain the story Title In the beginning In the middle In the end The important things that we can get Kind of text is: One day many years ago, at a time when his mouth was still small and dainty, as in fact it used to be, the fox was out walking and happened to notice a Huaychao singing on a hilltop. Fascinated by the bird s flute -like bill, he said politely, “What a lovely flute, friend Huaycha o, and how well you play it Could you let me try it? I ll give it back in a moment, I promise.” The bird refused. But the fox was so insistent that at last the Huaychao lent him its bill, advising him to sew up his lips except for a tiny opening so that the „flute would fit just right. Then the fox began to play. He played on and on without stopping. After a while the Huaychao asked for its bill back, but still the fox kept on. The bird reminded him, “You promised. Besides, I only use it from time to time; you re playing it constantly.” But the fox pay no attention and kept right on. Awakened by the sound of the flute, skinks ca me out of their burrows and climbed up the hill in a bustling throng. When they saw the fox playing, they bega n to dance. At the sight of the dancing skunks, the fox burst out laughing. As he laughed, his lips beca me unstitched. His mouth tore open and kept on tearing until he was grinning from ear to ear. Before the fox could regain his composure, the Huaycha o had picked up his bill and flown away. To this day the fox has a huge mouth - as punishment for breaking his promise. Still on the forth meeting, after they answer the questions, teacher asked them to present of what they read and also what they can get from the text. Then, teacher explained it that the beginning of story in narrative text can be said as orientation, complication can be said the middle of the story or when there is a conflict, and resolution can be said the end or conclusion of the story. Coda is what we can learn from the story. In the end of the meeting, teacher asked them whether there were any difficultie s or not then she asked them to look for about past tense, time words, and also the paragraph that tell about orientation, complication, and resolution that still related to the text individually. On the last meeting, tea cher gave them a text in a pair to be read a nd comprehended. After that, she asked students to discuss about the person character in text. Then teacher will ask randomly relating to the text then it will be continued by students pointing to answer a question from the student who pointed himher based on the information of the text. After that, she reviewed the lesson from the first meeting until the end of the lesson. Finally, she gave them post-test. The text was: Good Lesson Cheung Tsai was a good for nothing fellow. He knew that his father, old Mr. Cheung was a rich ma n. So, Cheung Tsai was very careless with his fathers money and spent as much as he pleased. When old Mr. Cheung found out, he did not give his son any more money. Then, Cheung Tsai began to think of a plan. He went to his friends and borrowed money from ea ch of them, saying, Dont worry. My father is so rich that I can easily pay back all the money I have borrowed from you. Soon, he owed all his friends so much money that they refused to lend him any more. At last they began to ask him for their money back. Cheung Tsai did not know what to do, so his friends all went to old Mr. Cheung and asked him for their money back. Mr. Cheung was very angry. He gave his son two huge sacks full of dollar coins and ordered him to go to the home of each of his friends to repay the money he owed them. Cheung Tsai walked from house to house, carrying the heavy sacks of money. At last he thought to himself, If giving money away to people is such hard work, how much harder must it be to earn the money. From that day onwards, he was very careful with money. b. Teaching Learning Process without Using Interactive Learning Teaching learning process of control class also depicted how the students were beha ving during the teaching learning process. The noted behavior in general used to get the description of students who didn t use interactive learning. In this case they used traditional technique that teacher talking more than students and also little practice from the students. There are more explanation rather than practices. The following are the detail of teaching learning process. The class was begun on the first day when teacher was introducing interactive learning. First, tea cher made an introduction to students by greeting, asking their condition and then explained what tea cher would do in the class. Before giving them a test, the tea cher asked them about the best story they had ever read. Then she gave them pre-test before the lesson began for about forty five minutes. After finishing the test, tea cher began the lesson by explaining about narrative text. Then teacher asked them to tell the divisions of narrative text. T hen she asked student to tell what the best story book that they had ever read and also the reason. In the second meeting, teacher explained the students how to get main idea and also the information of the text. Then, she gave them text and asked students to answer the question relating to the subject matter. On the third meeting, teacher explained the characteristics of narrative text then she gave them a text that had to be read and also gave them exercises to be answered individually. Then they corrected together. After that, teacher gave more explanation about the text. In end of the meeting, teacher asked them whether any difficulties or not. On the forth meeting, teacher explained them the rule of past tense and also gave them exercises to make them master the tense. She asked students to give the example of past tense according to teacher explanation. Then they had to look for part of past tense in the text. In the second part, teacher explained about the arrangement of the text. Then she asked them to look for where were the orientation, complication, and resolution of the text. It was also what they could get fr om the text. In the end of the lesson, she gave students home work to be done individually. In the last meeting, teacher reviewed the lesson from the beginning until the end. Then, gave them text and exercises. Finally, teacher ga ve them post-test. 4. Instrument of the Research There was one technique was used by the researcher in collecting the data, namely test. The test was used to find out of the effectiveness of interactive learning in teaching narrative text. This test was applied in the beginning and in the last meeting of teaching learning process. The form of the test can be seen in the appendix.

B. Research Findings

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