The Validation of the Prototype from the Teacher and Expert Lecturers

a The front-performance of Module Descriptive Text including the colour composition, picture arrangement, title attractiveness, and pictures choice. b The content of Module Descriptive Text including the content suitability, descriptive text choice, topic appropriateness, and title choice.

4.2.6 The Validation of the Prototype from the Teacher and Expert Lecturers

In this part, the researcher will provide and explain the validation from the validators based on the writer’s materials and what the writer should change and correct from the materials until finds the final materials for second grades junior high school. There are two expert lecturers and one school english teacher who evaluate using the prototype of Module Descriptive Text. The evaluators were Dr. Dwi Anggani Linggar Bharati M.Pd as the expert lecturers from Semarang State University, Novia Trisanti, S. Pd., M.Pd. as the examiner from Semarang State University and Dra. Esti Udiastuti as the English teacher of SMP Kesatrian 1, suggested some points to consider towards the use of Module for the second grade students of junior high school. The points were as follows: Table 4.5 The Revision Result of Module Teaching Material No Point Before Revision After Revision 1 The title of module Only developing teaching material of descriptive text. Need more specific. Developing teaching material of descriptive writing for junior high school grade VIII and the students must have the module not only the teacher. 2 The variation of descriptive text Less attractive Image Choose an appropriate image to the students junior high school and more image 3 The material of descriptive text for teacher and students Choose an appropriate content material to the students junior high school Revising the content an appropriate to the student’s class 8 junior high school. 4 The descriptive text in Module There are some mistakes in grammar Edited by revising the mistakes. Those points were revised in order to improve the quality of the Module especially in terms of the front-performance. The material of descriptive text was also suggested by the experts to ease the teachers and the students in using Module as a media in teaching and learning process.

4.2.6 The Assessment of Module from the Teacher and Expert Lecturers