Type of the Research Data and Source of Data



A. Type of the Research

This research employed qualitative research design since it dealt with spoken language and its context. The research emphasized on analyzing hallucination, delusion, and formal thought disorder phenomena occurred in the schizophrenic conversations of the main character in a movie. It was in accordance with Krathwohl’s theory in Wiersma 1995: 12 which defines qualitative research as research that describes phenomena in words instead of numbers or measures. It does not use statistics or replication as standards of proof Vanderstoep and Johnston 2009: 170. Vanderstoep and Johnston 2009: 35 state that in selecting a research strategy, qualitative research may employ descriptive research. It describes the attitudes and behaviors of the subject under study during the investigation. Further, this investigation took place in natural, real-life settings. In this strategy, therefore, the researcher had no control over the variables, but could only report what had happened or what was happening. Besides qualitative design, this research also employed a few numbers quantitative elements to help the researcher analyze the emergence of each observed phenomenon. The use of numbers in qualitative research is clarified by Holliday 2007: 2 who indicates that qualitative research will always involve quantitative elements, and vice versa. In addition to this case, Wiersma 1995: 13 states that both types of research, in fact, can be supportive of each other.

B. Data and Source of Data

Data are the result of systematic observation, consisting of the “given things” that researcher analyzes, either about texts, people, or situations Johnstone, 2000: 22. It serves as the ground on which the findings are based Polkinghorne, 2005: 138. The data of this research were in form of conversations of the schizophrenic character reflecting hallucination, delusion, and formal thought disorder phenomena. The context or situation of the conversations and the behavior which reflected such phenomena were also taken as data since the research also observed abstract phenomena, i.e. hallucination and delusion, which existence could not always be observed via spoken language. Meanwhile, the data were taken from The Uninvited movie.

C. Techniques of Data Collection