Method of the Study

19 word not having the suffix {-ful} are not included to the data collection. The data collection uses sampling method. It means that in getting the sample data, the researcher only collects all the words receiving the suffix {-ful} from The COMPLETE SHORT STORIES of Ernest Hemingway. Based on the source, there are forty two words in which the suffix {-ful} attaches to those words. Meanwhile, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English Ninth Edition 2015 is used as a tool to answer the formulated problems. The Oxford dictionary is needed because it provides the International Phonetic Alphabet IPA to find the phonetic transcription. By using this dictionary, the researcher analyzes the phonological changes and lexical categories of each word. In this study, the data collection uses the sampling method because the researcher only collects the words having the suffix {-ful}.

2. Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher does some following steps in order to answer the problems formulation. Firstly, the researcher only collects the data from twenty five short stories in The COMPLETE SHORT STORIES of Ernest Hemingway. The data collection is the words having the suffix {-ful}. To reduce errors in analyzing the base, the researcher uses the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English Ninth Edition 2015 as a tool to figure out the bases of analyzed words having the suffix {-ful}. The Oxford dictionary also helps the researcher to check the IPA of the bases and the words receiving the suffix {-ful}. Those bases are categorized based on their lexical categories, last letters, and last phonemes. 20 The second formulated problem analyzes the function of the suffix {-ful}. The first step is to identify the words having the suffix {-ful}. The next step is to make a classification of each base based on the lexical category. By doing this classification, the researcher discovers the change of lexical category before and after the suffix {-ful} is attached to the bases. From this classification, the researcher is able to determine the functions of the suffix {-ful} and the characteristics of the bases receiving the suffix {-ful}. Lastly, the International Phonetic Alphabet IPA is applied to answer the third formulated problem. At this step, the researcher decides to use the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English Ninth Edition 2015 because this dictionary provides the standard IPA. The researcher uses the IPA to know the phonetic transcription and the pronunciation of each word. It is helpful for the analysis of morphophonemic processes to know what pattern which occurs. There are two classification analyzed. The first one is the IPA of the words having the suffix {-ful}. The second one is the IPA of its bases. The categorization aims to show the morphophonemic processes in the suffixation of the suffix {-ful} by analyzing the words with the suffix {-ful}. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21


In this chapter, three formulated problems are discussed. Chapter IV contains the analysis and the results of the three formulated problems. The first formulated problem is the bases to which suffix {-ful} can be attached to, the second is the functions of the suffix {-ful}, and the third is how the morphophonemic processes of the suffix {-ful} occur. After collecting the data, the researcher concludes that the suffix {-ful} makes a new word with a new meaning. The suffix {-ful} is used to change a word from one grammatical class to another. In other words, the suffix {-ful} usually changes the lexical category. Therefore, the suffix {-ful} is characterized as a derivational suffix. In answering the first formulated problem, the researcher uses The COMPLETE SHORT STORIES of Ernest Hemingway and Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English Ninth Edition 2015. However, the researcher chooses The COMPLETE SHORT STORIES of Ernest Hemingway as the main source to collect the words. In order to examine the second and the third formulated problem, the researcher decides to use Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English Ninth Edition 2015 because this dictionary provides the Standard English. Besides, it is used to analyze the data by finding the phonetic transcriptions and the functions of the bases. Then, the researcher finds the lexical category of the bases. Besides, the researcher also analyzes the distribution of the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 22 suffix {-ful}. However, in the result of data, there are some bases that have more than one lexical category. Concerning those data, the researcher can identify the function of the suffix {-ful} by seeing the lexical category of each base and its alteration after the suffix {-ful} is added. In answering the third formulated problem, the researcher applies International Phonetics Alphabet symbol in order to examine the base of the suffix {-ful}.

A. The Bases Receiving the Suffix {-ful}

1. Lexical Category of the Base

From the whole content of the short stories, the researcher discovers that there are two hundred and sixty nine words ending with the suffix {-ful}. However, after the calculation process, the researcher actually finds out only forty two words receiving the suffix {-ful} because the others words are only repeat words of the words already exist. All those forty two words are the primary data of this research. All the bases in this study are categorized as a free morpheme because they can stand on their own. Thus, all bases receiving the suffix {-ful} are considered as a free morpheme. The suffix {-ful} should attaches to a free morpheme because the suffix {-ful} cannot stand alone. Cartair-McCarthy 2002: 137 states that “- ful most always attaches to free bases”. A Lexical category is known as part of speech. In addition, the term lexical category is also similar to the more traditional term word class and lexical class . Lexical category is sometimes used for the major parts of speech such as PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI