Theoretical Framework REVIEW OF LITERATURE

16 theory of affixation is necessarily needed in order to identify the process of adding the suffix {-ful} to base words. The second formulated problem discusses the function of the suffix {-ful}. Moreover, the noun categories are useful to dig out the characteristics of the bases receiving the suffix {-ful}. In answering the second formulated problem, the researcher applies the theories of noun categories and derivational morphemes. Those theories are used to find out that the suffix {-ful} has its own function. In this study, the suffix {-ful} is classified as a derivational morpheme. Additionally, when a derivational morpheme is attached to a base, there is a change of functions and meanings before and after the base is added to the suffix {-ful}. The third problem formulation is to analyze the morphophonemic processes that occur. In answering the third problem formulated, the researcher applied the theory of morphophonemic processes. The theory of morphophonemic process is to show how certain morphophonemic processes occur and what the patterns of the morphophonemic processes are. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 17


A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is the words having the suffix {-ful}. This object is the words ended with the suffix {-ful} taken from The COMPLETE SHORT STORIES of Ernest Hemingway. The twenty five short stories are chosen as the primary data source because there are many words containing the suffix {-ful}. It is also used as the reference by university students who are taking several courses, such as Prose I and Writing VI Essay Writing. Besides, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English Ninth Edition 2015 is used as an open-source tool to check the International Phonetic Alphabet IPA. The consideration for choosing this dictionary is because it provides over 185.000 words, the phonetic transcription, lexical category of each word, and comprehensive meanings. Furthermore, this dictionary is a reliable dictionary since it is usually used as the reference for the academic study.

B. Approach of the Study

The researcher uses morphology and phonology as the approaches in analyzing the words ended with the suffix {-ful}. The researcher uses those approaches because they are related to each other. The first is the morphological approach, which is used in analyzing the words having the suffix {-ful}. Kreidler states that the morphological process is related to the rule for forming words by PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 18 analyzing the word structure including morphemes 1989: 13. Crystal states that “morphological process is a process of the words formation” 2008: 58. In this study, the morphological approach shows that morphology relates to suffix in involving the word formation. Therefore, the morphological approach is appropriate for this study because the researcher is about to know how to form the words. It can be said that the morphological approach is used to examine the form-changing of the word attaching the suffix {-ful}. The second is the phonological approach. It is also used to complete the study. Kreidler defines that phonology deals with the knowledge of the sound pattern of a language 1989: 10. As understanding the theory, it is concluded that phonology is a study of the sound patterns. It also concerns with the way speech sounds are organized into sound systems by describing pronunciations. In other words, it is used to know what is relevant in pronunciation, what makes it possible to communicate, and what makes utterance different from others.

C. Method of the Study

The method of study is divided into two subparts. The first is data collection. The second is data analysis.

1. Data Collection

The data are collected from The COMPLETE SHORT STORIES of Ernest Hemingway. The researcher chooses twenty five short stories to be analyzed in this study. The researcher gains the data further by taking the words having the suffix {-ful} from The COMPLETE SHORT STORIES of Ernest Hemingway. The