The Functions of the Suffix {-ful}

44 Table 16. The Functions of the Suffix {-ful} Lexical Category Frequency Change form Percentage Noun Noun to Adjective 38 90.4 Noun to Noun 2 4.8 Verb Verb to Adjective 2 4.8 Total 42 100 The table above shows that the data which are attached to the suffix {-ful} are forty two words. There are three functions of the suffix {-ful} in forming new lexical category. The first function is to form adjectives from nouns. The number of them is thirty eight bases. The first function which changes noun into adjective commonly occurs in the suffix {-ful}. The second function is to form nouns to nouns. It is only about 4.8 from all the data. The third function is the change verbs into adjectives. The occurrence of the third function is similar to the second function, which is only appears in two words. Besides, the percentage of the third function and the second function are also the same. It is only about 4.8 . Therefore, the second function and third function are quite less productive in the suffix {-ful}. For the sake of deeper analysis about the functions of the suffix {-ful}, the researcher examines based on the lexical category of the words before and after the suffixation of the suffix {-ful}. Nevertheless, there is particular change in analyzing the functions of the suffix {-ful}. It is proven in the second function of the suffix {-ful} in which changes nouns into nouns. There is no alteration in the part of the speech of the words handful and p lateful when the bases receiving the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 45 suffix {-ful}. The difference is shown in the meaning of the words hand and handful . It means, there is any change in the terms of lexical category and there is also particular meaning in the terms of the meaning. Therefore, the suffix {-ful} is still considered as derivational suffix. It can be seen through the examples below.

1. From Nouns N to Adjectives Adj

1 Art N + -ful Artful A 2 Beauty N + -ful Beautiful A 3 Care N + -ful Careful A 4 Duty N + -ful Dutiful A 5 Faith N + -ful Faithful A 6 Fear N + -ful Fearful A 7 Hurt N + -ful Hurtful A 8 Joy N + -ful Joyful A 9 Mercy N + -ful Merciful A 10 Pity N + -ful Pitiful A As the data mentioned above, it shows that the adjectives artful , beautiful , careful , dutiful , faithful , fearful , hurtful, joyful, merciful, and pitiful come from the nouns art , beauty , care , duty , faith , fear , hurt , joy , mercy and pity . The examples 1 – 10 show the lexical categories of the bases, which is a noun. It means that the suffix {-ful} has a function to form nouns into adjectives. Quirk et al. 1972: 996 state that “the suffix {-ful} is used to form chiefly abstract nouns into gradable adjectives” . 46 Quirk et al. 1980: 60 also define that “there are two main classes of noun. The first is abstract noun. Other than abstract nouns, there is also concrete nouns”. An abstract noun is a noun that people cannot sense. It refers to the concept, emotion, feeling, idea, and quality. An abstract noun has no physical existence. People cannot see, hear, touch, smell or taste something. The opposite of an abstract noun is a concrete noun. Plag 2003: 96 explicates that “the suffix {-ful} is typically attached to abstract nouns, as in beautiful , purposeful , and tactful ”. From the whole data, the researcher classifies that the whole bases of the suffix {-ful} belong to an abstract noun. For examples, the bases such as beauty and fear show human qualities or characteristics which belong to abstract nouns. Several examples of the feeling or emotion are hate , help , hurt , joy , pain , peace and power. Furthermore, faith and thought are the concept or idea. The categorization of emotion and idea is classified as an abstract noun. Considerably, based on the data above, all bases of the suffix {-ful} such as art , beauty , care , duty , faith , fear , hurt , joy , mercy , and pity are considered as abstract nouns. Those bases cannot be seen, smelt, tasted, heard, and touched. If something belongs to an abstract noun, people’s five senses which are sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch cannot detect it. In other words, something that is abstract exists only in people’s mind and it is still considered as a noun that can be used as a subject or an object in a sentence. The functions of the suffix {-ful} are not only forming noun bases into adjective words but also forming noun bases into noun words. Based on the data, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 47 this study has two words which form nouns from noun bases. It can be observed from the following examples.

2. From Nouns N to Nouns N

1 Hand N + -ful Handful N 2 Plate N + -ful Plateful N In the word handful , the base hand is classified as the noun base. It turns into handful when it is added to the suffix {-ful}. Another word is plate as the noun base, which changes into plateful after attached to the suffix {-ful}. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English Ninth Edition 2015, hand and handful are countable nouns because they can be counted. Besides, plate and plateful are also categorized as countable nouns because they can be counted. It means that when a base is categorized as countable noun and is added to the suffix {-ful}, the result of suffixation process is still categorized as a countable noun. It can be concluded that there is no alteration in the part of speech of the word handful and plateful . The alteration occurs in the meanings of the bases and the words after receiving the suffix {-ful}. The explanation above is strengthened by the theory from Quirk et al . They 1972: 996 state that “the suffix {-ful} is usually used to form countable noun into countable noun”. Therefore, the base hand + {-ful} which becomes handful is still categorized as a countable noun. This case is also similar to this base. The base plate and the word plateful after suffixation are also countable nouns. The word plateful is formed by the noun base plate + {-ful}. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48 The last function is to change verbs to adjectives. Based on the data collection, there are two words which form verbs into adjectives. Below are the data examples taken from The COMPLETE SHORT STORIES of Ernest Hemingway and also reinforced with Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English Seventh Edition 2005 . According to Quirk et al. 1972: 1553, they mention that the suffix {-ful} sometimes combines with the verb base such as forget .

3. From Verbs V to Adjectives Adj

1 Resent V + -ful Resentful Adj 2 Forget V + -ful Forgetful Adj The data above show that resent and forget are the words with verb as the bases. It means that the suffix {-ful} has the functions to form adjectives from verbs. The verb bases that the suffix {-ful} transitive or intransitive verbs. There are two classifications of verbs. The first one is a transitive verb and the second one is an intransitive verb. The transitive verb is the verb that needs an object in order to fulfill a sentence, whereas the intransitive verb does not need an object, but it needs a subject. In this study, the base resent applies a transitive verb type because it needs an object to create the appropriate sentence. The verb resent needs the closure of the local school as the object in the sentence People still resent the closure of the local school . It would become imperfect sentence if the sentence were only People resent because there is nothing that receives the action or resent . The same thing is also applied to the word forget . In the sentence, he forgets your name , the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49 word forget has the phrase your name as an object. It does not make sense to have the verb forget without any object. It can be understood that the verbs forget and resent are transitive verbs because an object receives the action of the verb as a transitive verb. In short, the transitive verb cannot stand without an object.

C. The Morphophonemic Processes that Occur in Words Attached to the

Suffix {-ful} The morphophonemic process is the process which shows a phonological process that is affected by a morphological process. Besides, the morphophonemic process is a branch of morphology. It deals with the variation in the form of morpheme because of the phonetic feature. The existence of morphophonemic process changes the sound or pronunciation of a word. It can also change the phoneme of the morphemes. The researcher uses the International Phonetics Alphabet IPA to complete this analysis in examining the morphophonemic process. Therefore, the IPA is needed for analyzing the morphophonemic process. The IPA of the data in this undergraduate thesis is taken from Ox ford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English Ninth Edition 2015. The phoneme r in the IPA’s words written in the dictionary is not always pronounced. It is because the phoneme r can be categorized as a silent phoneme depending on its position. The example is in the word closure ˈkləʊʒə r . The phoneme r is not pronounced since it is in the final position. Another example is in the word mercy ˈmɜː r si in which the phoneme PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 r is not pronounced as it is placed before a consonant. In other words, the phoneme r is optional whether it can be pronounced or not. In this study, the researcher figures out that there are some morphophonemic processes. Segment insertion and vowel change are the kinds of morphophonemic processes occurring after the suffixation of the suffix {-ful}. Each process is elaborated separately.

1. Vowel Change

Vowel change is categorized as one kind of the morphophonemic processes. When there is a change of one vowel to another vowel, it is called as a vowel change. In this case, the researcher figures out some words to be discussed. There are six words experiencing the vowel change after they are attached to the suffix {-ful}. Here are the data. Table 17. Vowel Change No. Vowel Change Example 1 i into ɪ ˈbjuːti ˈbjuːtɪfl ˈduːti ˈdjuːtɪfl ˈmɜːrsi ˈmɜːsɪfl ˈpɪti ˈpɪtɪfl 2 ɑ into æ rɑθ ˈræθfl From the table above, it shows that there are two kinds of vowel changes that ensues after the suffixation of the suffix {-ful}. The first is the alteration of the vowel i to the v owel ɪ. The second is the alteration of the vowel ɑ to the vowel æ. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI