Research Setting Research Subject Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

43 researcher could use this method to do the research by analyzing the content of the novel related to the research objectives through the steps involved in the method. Fraenkel and Wallen 2008 propose several steps applied in content analysis. Those steps are determining objectives, defining terms, specifying the unit of analysis, locating relevant data, developing a rationale, developing a sampling plan, formulating coding categories, checking reliability and validity, and analyzing the data. They add that content analysis can also involve counting especially for the coding process in which the end of its product must be numbers. The coding process in this research will be applied to the contexts sentences where the word take occurs and to the categories of the meaning. It means that there will be frequencies of data occurrences from both coding names. Thus, the counting process is necessary.

B. Research Setting

The researcher conducted the research from September 2012 until March 2013. The research took place mostly at Sanata Dharma University library in Yogyakarta.

C. Research Subject

There were no human participants in this research except the researcher himself who conducted the analysis in the content of the research subject. The subject of the research was a novel entitled The Last Battle written by C. S. Lewis. This 211-paged-novel is the last book from the total 7 books in series of The Chronicles of Narnia which was written by C. S. Lewis between 1949 and 1954. 44 The novel was completed in March 1953 and published for the first time on 4 September 1956 Jacobs, 2005. The researcher chose this novel because the Narnia series are quiet famous literary works and the series were frequently used as the subject of research by students of the English Language Study Program and English Letter Sanata Dharma University. The novel is a light reading because the plot of the story is simple and easy to understand. The focus of this research was not on the story of the novel but the linguistic aspect of the words and sentences. Therefore, a light novel with adequate numbers of pages is appropriate for this research. This research observed a phenomenon of polysemous words and the word selected to be observed is the word take. The novel used as the subject of the research would be the source to collect the data. The researcher listed the word take that was written in the novel as the data to be observed related to the objectives of this research.

D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

The instrument employed in this research was the researcher himself and tables as the observation forms to gather the data. The instrument was necessary to make the data comprehensible. One technique to make instruments is tabulation. Tabulation is a technique to collect the data by recording the data in similar categories or units and present the counting of the findings Krippendorff, 2004. Further explanation by Krippendorff is, Tabulations produce tables of absolute frequencies, such as the number of words in each category occurring in a body of text, or of relative 45 frequencies, such as percentages expressed relative to the sample size, proportions of a total, or probabilities p. 192. The researcher made two tables as the instruments for the research. The first table being used was a form to figure out the frequency of the occurrences of the word take throughout the chapters in the novel. The occurrences were divided into two categories of frequency. The first category is the frequency of the occurrences of all words take throughout the chapters in the novel. The second category is frequency of the occurrences of all words take throughout the chapters in the novel based on their levels of polysemy. Table 3.1 Form for the Frequency of the Occurrences of the Word Take in the Novel No. Chapter Number of the word take Levels of Polysemy Primary Secondary Tertiary Phrasal Verbs Idioms Total numbers The second table being used was a form to count the frequency of the meanings of the word take throughout the chapters based on the meaning categories. 46 Table 3.2 Form for the Frequency of Meanings of the Word Take Based on the Categories Series Meaning Number of the word take Series A Series B Series C Series D Series E . . . . As the data gathering techniques, the researcher used observation forms as the instruments to categorize the data and read the document which has been selected as the subject of the research to collect the data. First, the researcher made observation forms to collect the data. Second, the researcher read the novel to find the word take throughout the chapters of the novel. In the reading process, the researcher also tried to understand the story of the novel to figure out the contexts of the story. The contexts were necessary for defining the meanings of the word take. In the reading process, the researcher marked the occurrences of the word take throughout the chapters, then filled it in the first observation form Table 3.1. Then, the researcher decided the levels of polysemy for each of the word take and filled out the appropriate column in the first observation form. The 47 second observation form Table 3.2 was filled after the researcher categorized the meanings of the word take into some groups in the data analysis process.

E. Data Analysis Technique