Conceptualization Research Design Data Collection and Analysis

50 classified the groups of meaning category using semantic roles theory to find closer relations of the meanings of the word take. The last analysis to answer the third problem formulation was comparing the meanings of the word take from the analysis with the meanings in the dictionary OED. The researcher analyzed how the meanings from the analysis were listed in the dictionary.

F. Research Procedure

In the research method part, the researcher had mentioned several steps involved in conducting content analysis from Fraenkel and Wallen 2008. Similar steps are proposed by Riffe, Lacy, and Fico 2005. However, they classify the steps into three major stages. The researcher conducted the research by following those three major stages of content analysis. The major stages were conceptualization, research design, and data collection and analysis.

1. Conceptualization

In this stage, first, the researcher decided the topic of the research. The researcher chose to conduct research in linguistics, specifically in semantics field. The researcher took polysemy as the focus of the research. Second, the researcher conducted library research related to the topic and found the problem in determining the multiple meanings of polysemous words. Third, the researcher made research problems to address to the research. 51

2. Research Design

The researcher conducted a library study first before deciding the research design. The library study helped the researcher to obtain more information on polysemy. The researcher read some books related to the topic to get more understanding and to get familiar with the terms used in the linguistics or semantics field. In this step, the researcher also gathered information about the method used in the research. After getting sufficient information, the researcher designed the research. The design included the content the source to be observed, context, sampling, research method, and the instruments to collect the data. The subject selected as the source of the data was a novel. The context was linguistics in semantics field, specifically in the case of polysemy. The sampling was in the word, phrase, and sentence levels. The steps of the research were following the procedures of content analysis. In the research design, the researcher made the observation sheets in the form of tables See Table 3.1 and Table 3.2 which were used to put the data in order to count the frequency of occurrences. Simple mathematic formulas were composed to count the frequencies. The researcher also made coding names which were used to categorize the data.

3. Data Collection and Analysis

The data collection stage was done by reading the novel and collecting the data. In the process of collecting the data, the researcher employed the observation forms. In analyzing data, first the researcher applied the statistical 52 procedures to count the frequency of occurrences by applying the formulas. Second, the researcher interpreted the meanings of the word take and gave a coding name Context 1, Context 2, and so on to the sentences which contained it. Third, the researcher conducted peer debriefing to check the validity of the interpretation. Fourth, the researcher classified the data according to their meanings into some groups of category and gave the groups of meaning a coding name Series A, Series B, and so on. The lists of the complete coding names can be seen in Appendix A and Appendix D. In the fifth step, the researcher applied semantics roles theory to the groups of meaning to draw closer relations among the meanings. The last analysis step was comparing the meanings from the analysis with the meanings in the dictionary. The researcher answered the research questions after obtaining the complete result from the data analysis and drew conclusions. Finally, the researcher wrote the report of the research. 53