Data Analysis Technique METHODOLOGY

47 second observation form Table 3.2 was filled after the researcher categorized the meanings of the word take into some groups in the data analysis process.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The researcher counted the frequency of the occurrences of the data by applying a simple mathematical procedure. A simple formula was used for counting the frequency. The frequency of the occurrences of the word take in the novel in each chapter and the frequency of the occurrences of the word take based on the levels of polysemy were counted using the formula in Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1 Formula of Frequency 1 where: fw = frequency of the occurrences w = numbers of the word take in each chapterin each level of polysemy ∑w = numbers of the word existed in all chapters of the novel. The frequency of the meanings of the word take based on the categories was counted using the formula in Figure 3.2 Figure 3.2 Formula of Frequency 2 where: fm = frequency of the meaning �w = w ∑ � x �m = m ∑ � x 48 m = numbers of the meaning in each category ∑w = numbers of the word existed in all chapters of the novel. The researcher made a coding name for the data in the analysis to categorize the data. There are two coding names for the data. The first coding name is given to the sentences which contain the word take. The coding name is Context. The first sentence is given a coding name Context 1, the second sentence is Context 2, and so on {Context 1, Context 2, …, Context n} See Appendix A. The second coding name is given to the categories of meanings of the word take. The coding name is Series. The first category is given a coding name Series A, the second category is Series B, and so on {Series A, Series B ,…, Series n} See Appendix D. The researcher interpreted the meaning of the word take in each sentence based on the contexts in the novel to answer the first problem formulation. The meanings of the word take in primary level of polysemy were interpreted merely based on the context without consulting to a dictionary. The meanings of the word take in secondary and tertiary levels of polysemy were interpreted with dictionaries assistance. The researcher used the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary OALD Oxford, 2010 to check the interpretation of the phrasal verbs. The purpose of this checking was to decide whether the phrasal verbs were in secondary or tertiary levels of polysemy. The dictionaries used to look up the meanings of the words take as idioms were the Longman Dictionary of English Idioms Long, 1979 and The Wordsworth Dictionary of Idioms Kirkpatrick 49 Schwarz, 1993. Each sentence was given the first coding name Context 1, Context 2, and so on. In order to check and enhance the validity of the interpretation, especially the meanings interpretation of the word take in primary level of polysemy which merely based on the context, the researcher conducted peer debriefing. In qualitative research, there are some procedures or techniques to check the credibility of the research and peer debriefing is one of those techniques. Peer debriefing is conducted “to aid in probing the researcher’s thinking around all or parts of the research process…, which includes, but not limited to, methodology, interpretation, and analysis of data” Nguyen, 2008, p. 604 which is done by calling upon a peer who is not interested or involved in the research. Peer debriefing can keep a researcher’s bias out of the research. Moreover, peer debriefing “can help the researcher to obtain trustworthy findings by ensuring that the findings are confirmable by the peer debriefer” Leech Onwuegbuzie, 2008, p. 200. In conducting peer debriefing, the researcher called upon ten peer debriefers. The peers were ten eighth semester students of the English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University. They were asked to peer the meaning interpretations of the word take. In finding the relatedness of the meanings of the word take to answer the second problem formulation, the researcher categorized the meanings into groups where the meanings had loosely related meanings. Each of the group was given the second coding name Series A, Series B, and so on. Then, the researcher 50 classified the groups of meaning category using semantic roles theory to find closer relations of the meanings of the word take. The last analysis to answer the third problem formulation was comparing the meanings of the word take from the analysis with the meanings in the dictionary OED. The researcher analyzed how the meanings from the analysis were listed in the dictionary.

F. Research Procedure