

HOST IN “Oprah Winfrey” TALK SHOW






Mar’atus Sholichati






This thesis written by Mar’atus Sholichati was approved on August 8, 2012





Alhamdulilah, the Almighty, Beneficient, and Merciful Allah SWT for the guidence and

blessing, so the writer could to finish this thesis. The writer also wants to send sholawat and

greeting to her beloved prophet, Muhammad SAW.

The writer owes deep gratitude and thankful to Fardini Sabilah, M.Pd and Nura Inayati,

SE,SS who give the advises, suggestions, additional ideas, and patience in completing this thesis.

Finally, the writer is also grateful to her beloved parents, sister, brother, and husband

(Eden Alfi) who have given encouragement motivation, financial, pray and love in finishing this

thesis and thanks to all friends (Intan, Lila, Anang, Triana, and Baqiq).

Malang, August 8th, 2012

The writer







“Barang siapa yang memenuhi kebutuhan sesamanya, maka Allah

akan memenuhi kebutuhan dirinya (Al-Hadist)”

“The best human is useful for the others”


I dedicated this thesis to :

My Beloved Parents (Drs. Tahmid, MPd.I. and St. Nur Jannah)







ABSTRACT ... vii



Background of the Study

... 1


Statements of the Problems

... 5


Purposes of the Study

... 5


Significance of the Study

... 5


Scope and Limitation of the Study

... 5


Definition of Key Terms

... 6

CH 2.1 Theorical Framework ... 8

2.2.Language Variation ... 18

CHAPT 3.2 3.4 3.5Data Analysis ... 24


2.1.1 Sociolingustics ... 8

2.1.2 Styles ... 9

2.1.3 Speech Styles ... 10

2.1.4 Theory by Chaer and Agustina ... 11

2.3.Regional and Social Dialects ... 18

2.4.Review of Previous Studies ... 19


3.1Type of Research ... 22

Data Sources ... 23

3.3Instrument of the Study ... 23

Data Collection Technique... 24










Research Findings ... 27

4.1.1 Types of Speech Style ... 27

4.1.2 The Dominant of Speech Style ... 36

4.2.Discussion ... 38

... 40

5.1.Conclusion ... 40

5.2.Suggestion ... 41



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Holmes, Janet. 1992. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. London UK: Longman Group.

Holmes, Janet. 2001. An Introduction to Sociolingustics. New York: Longman.

Hudson, R.A. 1996. Sociolinguistics. (2nd edition).. London: Cambridge University Press.

Iragiliati, Emalia and Refnaldi. 2007. Sociolingustics. (2nd edition). Jakarta: Penerbit University Terbuka.

Keraf, Gorys 2007. Argumentasi Dan Narasi. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama

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Levinson, Stephen C. 1993. Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Mesthrie, Rajend., et.al. 2002. Introducing Sociolingistics. Germany : Edinburg University Press.

Miles, M.B., & Huberman, A.M. 1994. Qualitative Data Analysis. (2nd edition.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE publications, Inc.

Missikova, Gabriela. 2003. Linguistic Stylistics. Nitra: Univerita Konstanta Filozofa.

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Stranzy, Philipp. 2005. Encyclopedia of Linguistics. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn.

Wardhaugh. 2006. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics.(5th Edition).Australia: Blackwell Publishing

Wardhaugh. 2002. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics.(4th Edition).Australia: Blackwell Publishing

Yule, George. 2010. The Study of Language. (4th Edition). New York: Cambridge University Press.




This chapter explains about background of the study, statement of problems,

scope and limitation, significance of the study, purposes of the study, and definition

of key term.

1.1 Background of the Study

Language plays an important role in society. The main function of language is

the instrument for communicating or interacting to other people. Language is the best

instrument for communication. According to Holmes (1992: 12), people usually use

language to ask for and give information to other people. Moreover, language is used

for expressing feeling of indignation, annoyance, happiness, sadness, admiration,

respect, etc. So, language simultaneously expresses both information and feeling.

In daily life, no one can be separated from other people. They interact each

other in a community to do something that they cannot do alone. They need to

communicate to each other by using a language to convey information and utter their

ideas, feelings, needs, desires, and expectations. Indeed, they do it in different ways.

There are differences in the style used by people, such as style in speaking

and writing. The different styles in speaking are known as speech style. According to

Holmes (2001:246), speech style is the style people used by the speaker to face

language variation which reflects changes in situational factors such as addressee,

setting, social status, task or topic. The speaker here means someone is talking to

whom, while the setting means the location where an event happens. Furthermore, the



topic and function deal with what the conversation is about. There is no person who

speaks precisely alike at all times (Wardhaugh, 2006). In addition, language style

used to talk to others is not the same at all times although they use the same language.

For example, the speech style used by a lecturer is different from that used by vendor.

From that statement, it shows that one’s speech style can indicate the status of the

addressor or addressee.

Besides, no one converses the same style, and it is very important to know the

speech style of the person we are talking to, so that we can use the appropriate style

concerning with the situation, function and social context. Moreover, the speech style

is very important to apply in communication because it can be chosen by a speaker as

strategy to get attention from other people. For example, a lecturer in delivering

lesson uses formal style to her students during the class. Here, the lecturer uses

strategy in getting students’ attention by using formal style because she wants to be

respected by her students during the class. Furthermore, the lecturer in any occasion

may use another style; it depends on the listeners and situation surrounding. Iragiliati

and Refnaldi(2007:4.21) define speech style as the style of speaking according to the

social situation. While, according to Wardhaugh (2006:130), people are separated to

one another by fine gradations of social class, regional origin, and occupation; by

factor such as religion, gender and nationality; by psychological differences such as

particular kinds of linguistic skills, e.g., verbality and literacy; and by personality


On the other hand, English becomes the language of global communication. It

is read and spoken by so many people in the world from different cultures and



nationalities. “More than 300 million people in the world speak English” (Bryson,

1990 : 11 ). English is considered as a symbol of modernization, a key to expend

functional roles, an extra arm for success, mobility in culturally, linguistically

complex and pluralistic societies. In comparison with other languages of wider

communication, knowing English is like possesing the fabled Alladin’s lamp, which

permits one to open, as it were, the linguistic gates to international business,

technology, science, and travel. In short, English provides language of power. As

medium of power, English has acquired intranational and internationally most

important roles.

Then, this study focuses on the speech styles used by the host in “Oprah

Winfrey” talk show program on “METRO TV”. “Oprah Winfrey” is a talk show

program on “METRO TV” that is hosted by Oprah Winfrey. She was born on

January. 29, 1954 (age 57) Kosciusko, Mississippi, United States. She is a celebrity

and entrepreneur in the United States. Oprah is soared after she is being a host on

Oprah Winfrey program.

The writer expects that this thesis will be useful and give beneficial

contribution to the society’s knowledge about language phenomena that happen

around them, especially the use of speech style which is found in daily life.

Furthermore, this study is expected to add knowledge of the students of English

Study Program, who take linguistics major, because it can be a reference for their

additional background of sociolinguistics, mainly about speech style. Moreover, this

study can hopefully contribute some findings for other researchers who are interested



in making further studies of speech style used in the conversation. This talk show

program is chosen by the writer for a number of reasons, there are:

First, the host’s speech styles are depend on the degree of formality and

situation. Holmes (1992) says that the different speaker, different setting and different

topic might express different styles. The host will use high style when they speak to a

government official and use lower style to her/his friends.

Second reason why the writer chooses “Oprah Winfrey” talk show is because

the host, “Oprah Winfrey” can use various expressions. For example, she said: I

meant that was one of the wonderful things in this world, etc. She often uses casual

style to make the guest more being comfortable and relax duringthe program show.

Third, that talk show program is enjoyable. Actually, the attractiveness of a

talk show is the host. In every episode, she can cheer the guests and the audience up

through her mimics, gestures, sometimes her words that make people laughing, so

that the atmosphere will be relaxed and excited. Thus, this program gets the top rank

among other talk show programs for several times.

Based the above reasons, the writer is interested in investigating “Oprah

Winsfrey” talk show program on “METRO TV”. The writer also wants to classify

and investigate the host of “Oprah Winfrey” speech style.

The writer takes the data from the conversations that are spoken by the host.

The writer investigates every utterance that is spoken by the host. Besides, she tries to

make the readers understand about every category of speech style by explaining and

giving the readers some examples from the conversation in the “Oprah Winsfrey”




1.2 Statement of the Problems

Based on the background of the study, the statement of the problems are:

1. What types of speech style are used by the host in “Oprah Winfrey” talk show

program on METRO TV?

2. What is the most type frequently used by the host in “Oprah Winfrey” talk show

program on METRO TV?

1.3 Purposes of the Study

Based on the statement of the problems, the purposes of the study are:

1. To identify the speech styles used by the host in “Oprah Winfrey” talk show


2. To find out the most of speech style that is used by the host in “Oprah Winfrey”

talk show program.

1.4 Significance of the Study

Hopefully through the findings of the study, the writer hopes the result of

this thesis can make readers understand more clearly about speech style. Moreover,

the writer hopes that her thesis will help the readers in order to compare the use of

speech styles in daily life and those in the talk show program. The study can also be

used as the basis for the other researchers who are interested in making further studies

in speech styles.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research is a sociolinguistics study, which focuses on speech styles that

differentiate to the five kinds of language: frozen style, formal style, consultative

style, casual style, and intimate style. The writer limits the subject of the study only



on the speech styles used by the host in “Oprah Winfrey” talk show program on

“METRO TV”. “Oprah Winfrey” is a talk show program on “METRO TV” that

hosted Oprah Winfrey. The data were broadcasted on March 6th (appendix 1) , 2012

at 10.00 a.m. until 12.00 a.m. The data are sentences in the form of conversation

uttered by the host.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

Talk Show is a television show on which a person or a group of people discuss

various topics and talk about their lives. It is guided by a host or co-host

who usually asks some questions to the guest stars (Longman,


Language Style is the characteristics of a person when expressing ideas through a

language. It usually shows the personality of the writer (Keraf, 2007:113)

Presenter is a person who is known for introducing or hosting television programs

(Rahmawati : 2010)

Metro TV is the name of television station which programs “Oprah Winfrey” as an

entertainment talk show program.

Oprah Winfrey is one of entertainment talk show program which shows kinds of


Style : “how people choose to code what they want to say on a particular

occasion”(Wardhaugh, 2006:8)

Speech style : “what an individual speaker does with a language in relation to other

people”(Coupland, 2007:15)




Sociolinguistic is “an attempt to find correlations between social structure and

linguistic structure and to observe any changes that occur”. Gumperz (in


topic and function deal with what the conversation is about. There is no person who speaks precisely alike at all times (Wardhaugh, 2006). In addition, language style used to talk to others is not the same at all times although they use the same language. For example, the speech style used by a lecturer is different from that used by vendor. From that statement, it shows that one’s speech style can indicate the status of the addressor or addressee.

Besides, no one converses the same style, and it is very important to know the speech style of the person we are talking to, so that we can use the appropriate style concerning with the situation, function and social context. Moreover, the speech style is very important to apply in communication because it can be chosen by a speaker as strategy to get attention from other people. For example, a lecturer in delivering lesson uses formal style to her students during the class. Here, the lecturer uses strategy in getting students’ attention by using formal style because she wants to be respected by her students during the class. Furthermore, the lecturer in any occasion may use another style; it depends on the listeners and situation surrounding. Iragiliati and Refnaldi(2007:4.21) define speech style as the style of speaking according to the social situation. While, according to Wardhaugh (2006:130), people are separated to one another by fine gradations of social class, regional origin, and occupation; by factor such as religion, gender and nationality; by psychological differences such as particular kinds of linguistic skills, e.g., verbality and literacy; and by personality characteristics.

On the other hand, English becomes the language of global communication. It is read and spoken by so many people in the world from different cultures and


nationalities. “More than 300 million people in the world speak English” (Bryson, 1990 : 11 ). English is considered as a symbol of modernization, a key to expend functional roles, an extra arm for success, mobility in culturally, linguistically complex and pluralistic societies. In comparison with other languages of wider communication, knowing English is like possesing the fabled Alladin’s lamp, which permits one to open, as it were, the linguistic gates to international business, technology, science, and travel. In short, English provides language of power. As medium of power, English has acquired intranational and internationally most important roles.

Then, this study focuses on the speech styles used by the host in “Oprah Winfrey” talk show program on “METRO TV”. “Oprah Winfrey” is a talk show program on “METRO TV” that is hosted by Oprah Winfrey. She was born on January. 29, 1954 (age 57) Kosciusko, Mississippi, United States. She is a celebrity and entrepreneur in the United States. Oprah is soared after she is being a host on Oprah Winfrey program.

The writer expects that this thesis will be useful and give beneficial contribution to the society’s knowledge about language phenomena that happen around them, especially the use of speech style which is found in daily life. Furthermore, this study is expected to add knowledge of the students of English Study Program, who take linguistics major, because it can be a reference for their additional background of sociolinguistics, mainly about speech style. Moreover, this study can hopefully contribute some findings for other researchers who are interested


in making further studies of speech style used in the conversation. This talk show program is chosen by the writer for a number of reasons, there are:

First, the host’s speech styles are depend on the degree of formality and situation. Holmes (1992) says that the different speaker, different setting and different topic might express different styles. The host will use high style when they speak to a government official and use lower style to her/his friends.

Second reason why the writer chooses “Oprah Winfrey” talk show is because the host, “Oprah Winfrey” can use various expressions. For example, she said: I meant that was one of the wonderful things in this world, etc. She often uses casual style to make the guest more being comfortable and relax duringthe program show.

Third, that talk show program is enjoyable. Actually, the attractiveness of a talk show is the host. In every episode, she can cheer the guests and the audience up through her mimics, gestures, sometimes her words that make people laughing, so that the atmosphere will be relaxed and excited. Thus, this program gets the top rank among other talk show programs for several times.

Based the above reasons, the writer is interested in investigating “Oprah Winsfrey” talk show program on “METRO TV”. The writer also wants to classify and investigate the host of “Oprah Winfrey” speech style.

The writer takes the data from the conversations that are spoken by the host. The writer investigates every utterance that is spoken by the host. Besides, she tries to make the readers understand about every category of speech style by explaining and giving the readers some examples from the conversation in the “Oprah Winsfrey” program.


1.2 Statement of the Problems

Based on the background of the study, the statement of the problems are: 1. What types of speech style are used by the host in “Oprah Winfrey” talk show

program on METRO TV?

2. What is the most type frequently used by the host in “Oprah Winfrey” talk show program on METRO TV?

1.3 Purposes of the Study

Based on the statement of the problems, the purposes of the study are:

1. To identify the speech styles used by the host in “Oprah Winfrey” talk show program.

2. To find out the most of speech style that is used by the host in “Oprah Winfrey” talk show program.

1.4 Significance of the Study

Hopefully through the findings of the study, the writer hopes the result of this thesis can make readers understand more clearly about speech style. Moreover, the writer hopes that her thesis will help the readers in order to compare the use of speech styles in daily life and those in the talk show program. The study can also be used as the basis for the other researchers who are interested in making further studies in speech styles.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research is a sociolinguistics study, which focuses on speech styles that differentiate to the five kinds of language: frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style, and intimate style. The writer limits the subject of the study only


on the speech styles used by the host in “Oprah Winfrey” talk show program on “METRO TV”. “Oprah Winfrey” is a talk show program on “METRO TV” that hosted Oprah Winfrey. The data were broadcasted on March 6th (appendix 1) , 2012 at 10.00 a.m. until 12.00 a.m. The data are sentences in the form of conversation uttered by the host.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

Talk Show is a television show on which a person or a group of people discuss various topics and talk about their lives. It is guided by a host or co-host who usually asks some questions to the guest stars (Longman, 2001:1484).

Language Style is the characteristics of a person when expressing ideas through a language. It usually shows the personality of the writer (Keraf, 2007:113) Presenter is a person who is known for introducing or hosting television programs

(Rahmawati : 2010)

Metro TV is the name of television station which programs “Oprah Winfrey” as an entertainment talk show program.

Oprah Winfrey is one of entertainment talk show program which shows kinds of information.

Style : “how people choose to code what they want to say on a particular occasion”(Wardhaugh, 2006:8)

Speech style : “what an individual speaker does with a language in relation to other people”(Coupland, 2007:15)


Sociolinguistic is “an attempt to find correlations between social structure and linguistic structure and to observe any changes that occur”. Gumperz (in Wardhaugh, 2003:6)