Object of the Study

In doing the analysis, representative and significant data from the work were collected to be the basis of this research. Afterwards, the characters and their characterization in the novel were found out. The next step used the result of characters analysis to figure out the repression that happened to students through some aspects of the school system. By using the theory of the psychoanalytic criticism, such actions explained in the previous step are proven whether they are the actions of repression or not by considering the criteria and the impacts of a repression. 30


The writing format of the novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce is rather different from the common novels written by other authors. Every direct expression spoken by the characters in this novel is not written in between the quotation marks “…”. Instead, James Joyce uses dash mark - to start the direct sentence of the characters. It is quite difficult and problematic then to differentiate between the direct spoken statement and the indirect one especially when both are used in one expression. However, the writer tries to give extra notes in some potentially problematic quotations.

A. Description of Characteristics

Since this research discusses the repression toward students at school, the characters included in the dynamic of the story are those who deal with the school activities. It is classified into two significant groups: student and teacher. In this part, each group is represented by several important characters belonging to the group.

1. Stephen Dedalus

Stephen Dedalus is the main character of the novel. In the early part of the story, he is described as a boy who starts his elementary school period. Afterwards, the story accompanies him passing his school time until he continues his study to a university. Stephen enters a school named Clongowes School. It is a school for boys only. The school obliges all students to live in the dormitories apart from home and parents. Clongowes is managed by the Society of Jesus, the community of Catholic priests who are well-known as the Jesuits. Clongowes is a real school in Ireland founded by Father Peter Kenny in 1814. Along his time of study in formal education institutions, Stephen grows. Therefore, the description about his characteristics is divided into two parts. The first one represents Stephen’s characteristics during school time and the second part shows the change after he graduates and continues to the university.

a. Characteristics of Stephen Dedalus during School Period

Using the theories of M. J. Murphy and M. H. Abrams, there are some characteristics of Stephen Dedalus that can be revealed.

a.1. Clever

Stephen Dedalus does a great job in his school period. Since he has very few distractions from around, he can concern more with his study. Stephen felt his own face red too, thinking of all the bets about who would get first place in elements, Jack Lawton or he. Some weeks Jack Lawton got the card for first and some weeks he got the card for first Joyce, 1992: 7. The situation in the quotation happens when Stephen’s class has ‘the hour of sums’. Their teacher gives some questions to be answered by the students. Stephen