The Relations between Literature and Psychoanalysis

many problems in the early period of school. He got homesick very often. He had only few friends. Clongowes School was very strict in its discipline. No students were allowed neither to make mistake nor to break the rules. When there was any, the students would be punished by the prefect of the school. Stephen had also had the experiences of being punished even though he had not broken any rules. Therefore, Stephen was a very quiet student who never protested. In a school break after some years passed in Clongowes, Stephen came back home for a holiday. He found that his family was having a financial problem that finally forced him to stop schooling in Clongowes. He could not go back to that school. Stephen was moved by his father to another cheaper school called Belvedere. Stephen experienced some new things. He made his first sexual intercourse with a prostitute. He experienced the time when he paid not of any attention to his religious life. He met more prostitutes as ignoring his religion values. In the end, Stephen felt very guilty. He was very sorry for what he had done and finally he decided to be more concerned with his Christian values. Stephen continued to study in a university. In this period of school, Stephen started to discuss deeply and extrovertly his ideological and political point of view with his fellows. Another significant change that happened in this stage was that he set himself free from many limitation and pressure he was previously under. Religion, which once he had left and then he came back after, had become trivia. He concerned no more with it. He had desire to be an artist by doing writing. He enlarged his chance to follow his dream more and more. Finally, he decided to leave England and became free to do what he loved in his life.

B. Approach of the Study

In Bressler’s Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, psychoanalytic criticism is one of the schools used to make a criticism on a literary work. Psychoanalytic criticism was first developed by Sigmund Freud and as the time went by, it has been becoming more complex as it has diverse form of development. Psychoanalytic was firstly introduced as the therapy for people with psychological disturbance. As it is developed into a literary criticism, it is still related to the concept of clinical psychoanalytic. It mainly talks about the unconsciousness which drives human being’s action. According to Bressler 1999: 161, psychoanalytic criticism is an approach to literary analysis that holds that we humans as the complex yet somewhat understandable creatures often fail to note the influence of the unconscious on our motivations and our everyday actions. This idea is the starting point of the analysis of this research since related to the practice of education, specifically in school, people who had joined that process for a very long time are usually not aware of that ‘unconsciousness’. The repression occurred at school