Method of the Study

and his friend Jack Lawton compete in the class discussion. Both are often in the first position of the class. It means that Stephen is clever that he can be the cleverest student in every lesson. In the story, Stephen cannot finish his study at Clongowes due to the financial problem of the family. His father then sends him to a cheaper school called Belvedere. At this school, Stephen keeps up his good reputation as a clever student. Stephen, though in deference to his reputation for essay writing he had been elected secretary to the gymnasium, had had no part in the first section of the programme but in the play which formed the second section he had the chief part, that of a farcial pedagogue 1992:55. Stephen seems to have a good ability of writing that his essays are known well by the school. Besides, he is often chosen to take an important position in student activities. Since basically Stephen is clever, this characteristic does not gradually change when he enters the university. He remains a clever boy. The explanation about this is presented in the part talking about his characteristics in university.

a.2. Quiet

Stephen Dedalus is a bit shy. He has only few friends at Clongowes. To these few friends, Stephen rarely talks. He mostly thinks and seldom lets it out. Stephen looked at the faces of the fellows but they were all looking across the playground. He wanted to ask somebody about it. What did that mean about smugging in the square? Why did the five fellows out of the higher line run away for that? It was a joke, he thought 1992: 31. This narration describes what is going on in Stephen’s mind when he faces an event. A day before, five students from higher class escaped from school to avoid punishment. They have just done ‘smugging’. According to Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang, ‘smug’ is an Irish word in 20 th century to represent “to engage in homosexual practices” Green, 2003: 1099. Stephen does not understand what his friends have been talking about. Instead of asking, he only wonders in his mind. Eventually, Stephen does not say what he thinks about that story to any of his friend. Stephen keeps it for himself. Another situation also shows that Stephen is quiet. Once he has been punished by the teacher named Father Dolan for no mistake. When Father Dolan comes to him, he asks Stephen what his name is. Stephen answers, “Dedalus, Sir.” After a very little conversation, Father Dolan asks his name again. Stephen answers for the second times. After the class, Stephen thinks about it again. Why could he not remember the name when he was told the first time? Was he not listening the first time or was it to make fun out of the name? The great men in the history had names like that and nobody made fun of them. It was his own name that he should have made fun of if he wanted to make fun. Dolan: it was like the name of a woman who washed clothes Joyce, 1992: 41. Stephen gets emotional after he realizes that he is punished for nothing. He is angry at Father Dolan but he cannot express it since he must obey the teacher. He finally has his own judgement about Father Dolan. However, Stephen never says it verbally even with his close friend as a mock to a teacher just like what other students usually do. Even though Stephen’s characteristic of quietness changes when he enters university, it still leaves tracks. Some of his friends in university view him as a man who talks too little. “—Dedalus, you’re an antisocial being, wrapped up in yourself” 1992: 136. It seemed like Stephen does not talk a lot then as the result he has very few friends. Therefore, his friend calls him ‘antisocial being’. His experiences of only thinking and not talking something out may be the clue to the meaning of ‘wrapped up in yourself’.

a.3. Critical

Stephen is curious to new things. He questions many things around him. Since Stephen is rather quiet, he mostly just thinks and keeps his questions in mind. One example showing his critical characteristic is Stephen’s writing on his Geography book. Stephen Dedalus Class of Elements Clongowes Wood College Sallins County Kildare Ireland Europe The World The Universe 1992: 9-10 Then he read the flyleaf from the bottom to the top till he came to his own name. That was he: and he read down the page again. What was after the universe? Nothing. But was there anything round the universe to show where it stopped before the nothing place began? It could not be a wall; but there