Steps in Writing Definition of Writing

In line with Oshima, Boardman 2002: 44 states that, a paragraph has unity, when all the supporting sentences relate to the topic sentence. By unity, the product of writing will be easier to understand because from the beginning to the end it only talks about one topic. Completeness Another component of paragraph is completeness. A paragraph is complete when it has all the major supporting sentences it needs to fully explain the topic sentence and all the minor supporting sentences it needs to explain each major supporting sentence. Whereas, a paragraph that is not complete does not have enough sentences to follow through on what topic sentence promises Boardman 2002: 47. Steps in Writing

Writing is used for a wide variety of purposes, it is produced in many different forms. In writing needs a process where the writer goes through in order to produce something in its final written form. Harmer 2004: 5 suggests that the process of writing has four elements. 1 Planning Experienced writers plan what they are going to write. When planning, the writers have thought about three main issues. In the first place they have to consider the purpose of their writing not only the type of the text but also the language they use, and the information they choose to include. Secondly, the writers think the audience they are writing for. Third, the writer has to consider the content structure of the piece that is how best to sequence the facts, ideas, or arguments which they have decided to include. 2 Drafting We can refer to the first version of a piece of writing as a draft. This first „go‟ at a text is often done on the assumption that it will be amended later. 3 Editing reflecting and revising Once writers have produced a draft they then, usually, read through what they ha ve written to see where it works and where it doesn‟t. Perhaps the order of the information is not clear. Reflecting and revising are often helped by other readers editors who comment and make suggestion. Another reader‟s reaction to a piece of writing will help the author to make appropriate revisions. 4 Final version Once writers have edited their draft, making the changes they consider to be necessary, they produce their final version. This may look considerably different from both the original plan and the first draft because things have changed in the editing process. But the writer is now ready to send the written text to its intended audience. Whereas, Broadman 2002: 11- 15 states that “good writers think, plan, write a draft, think, rewrite, think and rewrite until they are satisfied. Writing is a continuous process of thinking and organizing, rethinking and reorganizing.” Good writers go through six basic steps. The first four steps are: 1 assessing the assignment. The most important piece of information for us to know is the topic and purpose of the assignment; 2 generating ideas in order to think about a certain topic and generate as many ideas as possible. There are many ways to do this; two of the most effective are brainstorming and freewriting; 3 organizing ideas; and 4 writing the first draft. Broadman 2002: 27-30 also explains the next two steps of writing process those are rewriting and editing. Rewriting is a critical part of the writing process and consists of two separate processes: revising and editing. We may start revising as soon as we finish writing or set our paragraph aside for a while and go back to it later. The other aspect of rewriting is editing. Editing is somewhat mechanical because we are basically following rules. Writing the final draft is the last step in the writing process according to Broadman.

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