sleepy. Indeed, listening to classical music requires an appreciation and a habit. Classical music fans have become accustomed to listen and watch the concert of classical music as an appreciation. Classical music concert format is very different with other genres of music concert format. Other genres of music concerts have free format. Music concert audiences like pop, rock, dangdut, and others can freely express their feelings during the show; it does not interfere with the course of the concert. While classical music concert format is serious and formal. The hosts of classical music concerts in general also speak in formal language. Listening and watching a classical music concert requires concentration. Classical musicians require concentration and calmness while they are playing. Therefore, classical music concerts need orderliness and tranquility during the show. If during the show the atmosphere in the concert hall is not calm and orderly, the musicians will be disrupted. Therefore, classical music concerts have rules for the audiences. The rules during classical music concerts are made so the performance can run smoothly. The ultimate goal is to create an orderly and calm atmosphere that musicians and audiences can enjoy the concert comfortably. There are a few main rules in classical music concerts. First, the audiences is not allowed to talk, chat, or make noise and commotion. Second, the audiences had to turn off or silence their cell phones. Third, applause should only be done when the musicians have finished playing music that is characterized by the musicians stood up and saluted the audiences. Fourth, the audiences should not eat and drink in the building during the show. Fifth, the audience should not be out of the building during the show. Sixth, the audiences should not be taking pictures with flash or blitz. West Classical music concerts in general seem to be exclusive, because the ticket is expensive. In European countries, classical music concert tickets are generally range from 40 to 100 Euros in a concert hall. The ticket price depends on the venue and the musician‘s popularity or the orchestra. As for the concert or recital with new music players in general tickets are range from 10 to 15 Euros. Even on some exclusive classical music concert the audiences are required to wear formal clothing, namely suits and evening dresses. The format of classical music and classical music concert price make the image of classical music as an elite, an intellectual and an exclusive music. Those image and the assumption are spreading in the community. The image and assumptions about classical music have become a hegemony in society. Although there are an image and a hegemony of classical music due to the format of classical music, there are currently several different classical music performances. One that is different from classical music concerts which are exclusive, there are classical music concerts which are held for free. In addition, some classical music concerts held in a format that is more friendly, warm, and intimate with the audiences. Although it still keeps the main rules of classical music concerts. The host is still using formal language but friendly and relaxed. Classical music concerts are also held in places that are not as common as in a classical music concert. Classical music concerts with different formats of exclusive classical music concerts can currently be found in Yogyakarta. One of the cultural institutions in Yogyakarta which held classical music concerts that are different from the proprietary format is Tembi Rumah Budaya Yogyakarta. Tembi has a music program called Forum Musik Tembi Music Forum Tembi which is abbreviated as FOMBI. FOMBI has a classical music concert and a workshop programs. The format of classical music concerts held by FOMBI is different from the general format in Western classical music concerts. FOMBI classical music concert format can be seen as an anomaly of the image and the hegemony of classical music in the community. This article examines the different classical music format or anomaly of Western classical music format that is exclusive. This paper will examine classical music format that is different from the image and the existing hegemony. This paper also examines why FOMBI‗s classical music concert formats are different. This topic is interesting because it provides insight study for the field of music in Indonesia, especially in Yogyakarta.

B. Methods

This paper used a qualitative research with a case study method. This method seeks to explain a decision or set of decisions about why the decision was taken, how the implementation is, and how are the results Yin, 1989: 23. The study was conducted by means of observation by watching classical music concerts at Forum Musik Tembi Yogyakarta and deeply understanding it. More detailed data were obtained from in-depth interviews with the Forum Musik Tembi staffs. All the data obtained from the field are then analyzed, reduced by summarizing, and focused on the important things according to the theme, categorized, and lastly be drawn conclusions that are related to the interpretation of the researcher.

C. Result and and Discussion

1. Image and Hegemony in Classical Music Seen from Historical Background Based on history, classical music cannot be separated from the domination and influence of the environment and the existing institutions. Based on history, in classical music there is a system of patronage that composers and musicians are worked and paid by the patron. A patron is the institution and the people who employ and pay composers and musicians, such as churches, palaces nobility, or the rich. The patronage is different from one era to another. Classical music emerged around the fourth century in Europe, the Middle Age era circa 600-1450. Classical music emerged and evolved in the church. Classical music at the time was used as the interests of worship and church events. The Church at that time is a very elite institutions that dominated public life. Therefore, classical music in that period were dominated by the church. Patronage prevailing in classical music was from the church. People could only use the music for the benefit of the church. Classical music that developed in the era was vocal music and sung only by men. Sacher and Eversole, 1977: 55-58 In the Renaissance circa 1450-1600, there was an understanding of rebirth as a human being. People at that time were more appreciative. Classical music in this era was not only controlled by the church. Music was not only used for the benefit of the church, but also to the interests of secular importance or entertainment. However patronage in classical music was still in church institutions. The format of music at that time was dominated by vocal music. Women in this age could freely sing. The next era is Baroque circa 1600-1750, where classical music was experiencing rapid development. Form of music that developed was not only vocal but also instrumental music. The orchestra began to evolve and become interests. At this time the church domination reduced. Palaces and aristocratic had own power. Classical