Theme The Intrinsic Elements

intensity subsides, eventually winding down to resolution or denouement, in which all loose end ate tide up”. Then he makes a chart about all of the explanation above in order to make easier explanation. 31 Short story that uses progressive plot usually start with the introduction or exposition to the rising action, culminating in the climax, and the falling action leads to the resolution.

3. Theme

A theme is the main idea of an essay, paragraph, or a book. The idea about life is revealed in a work of literature. The message may be about life, society, or human nature. Themes often explore timeless and universal ideas and may be implied rather than stated explicitly. Along with plot, character, setting, and style, theme is considered one of the fundamental components of fiction. 32 Theme is not summary of the story. Theme in literature is important subject and experiences of our public and private lives such as, love, dead, 31 X.J Kennedy, Literature An Introduction to Fiction, poetry and drama, New York: Harper Collins Publisher, 1991, fifth edition,p.1023 32 http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiTheme_28literature29 Accessed 1542010 marriage, hope, despair, and so on. The common experiences in lives can be a theme in literature. 33 Such experiences as passing from childhood to maturity are common to most human being, and so a work in which a particular character undergoes one of those recurrent experiences strikes us as having a point or meaning larger than the specific situation presented in the work. This kind of “universal” meaning, arising from the interaction of the different elements in the work, is called its theme. 34 The theme is what a piece of fiction stacks up. It is the idea, the significance, the interpretation of person and events, the pervasive and unifying view of life which is embodied in the total narrative. 35 The theme of a story is what ever general idea or insight the entire story reveals. In some stories the theme is unmistakable. In literary fiction, a theme is seldom so obvious. That is, a theme should not to be a moral or a message; it may be what the happenings add up to, what the story is about. The story without theme will be dry, unclear and unlived. Theme in literature is important subjects and experiences of our public and private live such as love, death, marriage, hope, despair, and so on. The common experiences in life can be a theme in literature. 33 Nicholas Marsh, An Introduction to Literature Studies London : Rutledge, 1999 first edition, p. 2 34 Monroe C. Beardsley, et al,. An Introduction; Theme and Form, London: Prentice-Hall, inc.1969 p. 712 35 Cleanth Brooks, Robert Penn Warren, Understanding Fiction. 1943 In short, the theme is a main idea and central in a story. It also can be defined that what is an important and significant about the things that go on in the story

4. Setting