Linguistics Pragmatics Adjacency Pairs Apology-Acceptance, Assessment-Disagreement, Complaint-Apology, Compliment-Acceptance, Greeting-Greeting, Farewell- Farewell, Invitation-Acceptance, Offer-Acceptance, Question- Answer, Request-Refusal, Statement-Confirmation, Threat- Types of Adjacency Pairs Preference Organization Sequence Preferred Second Turns Dispreferred Second Turn Insertion Sequence Pre- Sequence Leech politeness Principles Context of Situation Tact Maxim Generosity Maxim Approbation Maxim Modesty Maxim Agreement Maxim Sympathy Maxim The Duchess Pre-Invitation 33


A. Type of the Research

The type of the research was qualitative research. Qualitative research is a research that is developed by Baden, which emphasizes on phenomenology in natural setting. Idrus 2007:101 says qualitative method is procedure of research that uses descriptive data such as written words, oral words from someone and someone’s behavior, which can be observed. Descriptive research is formulated to get information about the research from the research object. Descriptive research describes the phenomenon and identifies the problem that happens from the research and answer the condition continually. Qualitative observation is basically natural setting; it happens in the natural context of occurrences, between the speaker and the hearer who would contribute in the interaction, and follows the system of everyday life in nature Adler and Adler in Agus Salim, 2006: 14. From the quotation above, the observation will not change the natural setting to get the data naturally. A qualitative research observes key instrument as the subject research on natural setting without changing the real condition in the field. Consequently, the researcher must interact and observe in the research subject in a long time to find the correct data to answer the problem.

B. Data and Data Source

Moleong 2001:112 states that the main data of qualitative research are language and action or behavior. Arikunto adds that the source of the data in