





Written By:













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This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana

Degree in English Education

Written By:







This thesis written by Novia Debi Wicaksono was approved on October 31, 2013


Advisor II, Advisor I


This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on October 31, 2013

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Dr. Poncojari Wahyono, M.Kes

Examiners Signatures:

1. Dr. Sudiran, M.Hum 1. ... 2. Drs. Taufiq Burhan, M.Pd 2. ... 3. Jarum, M.Ed 3. ... 4. Dian Arsitades, M.Pd 4. ...



Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.

(QS: Ar-Rad: 11)

Världen är vackrare med dig (The world is more beautiful with you)


Allah has the best plan for us (Novia Debi Wicaksono)

I dedicated this thesis to: My beloved Ibu and Bapak

My Lovely sister My lovely second family “tralala and syalala & D’one”

Save Street Child Malang Community International Relations Office of UMM



Alhamdulillah, praise be to the almighty Allah SWT, the greatest creator of this universe who always gives strenght and bless to the writer in order to finish this thesis. Shalawat and greeting may always be upon the holy prophet Muhammad SAW and family. First, the writer would like to express his highest gratitude to his thesis advisor, Mr. Jarum M.Ed and Mr. Dian Arsitades M.Pd who have been very helpful, kind, and passion in giving advises, ideas, and valuable time during the process of this thesis writing.

Second, he would say thanks to his beloved mother Mrs. Solikatin and father Mr. Dalini Raharjo, the tralala and syalala, IRO crews, D‟one community and crews of Save Street Child Malang that can not be mentioned one by one, thanks for love, care and support given to the writer. Finally, the writer hopes that this thesis could be a useful resource for the reader who wants to analyze the same subject as in this thesis about Indonesian-English code mixing.

Malang, 25 October 2013










1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of Problems ... 5

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 5

1.4 Significance of Study ... 5

1.5 Scope and Limitations ... 5

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 6


2.1 Sociolinguistic ... 7

2.2 Bilingualism and Multillingualism ... 8

2.3 Code ... 9

2.3.1 Code switching ... 9

2.3.2 Code Mixing ... 12

2.4 Kinds of Code Mixing ... 13


2.4.2 Phrase ... 13

2.4.3 Clause ... 14

2.4.4 Reduplication...14

2.4.5 Idiom...15

2.4.6 Hybrid...15

2.6 The Context when Choosing Code Mixing ... 16


3.1 Research Design ... 20

3.2 Research Object ... 20

3.3 Research Instrument...21

3.4 Data Collection ... 21

3.5 Data Analysis ... 22


4.1 Reasearch Findings ... 23

4.1.1 The Code Mixing in Form of Words ... 86

4. 1.2 The Code Mixing in Form of Phrases ... 87

4.1.3 The Code Mixing in Form of Clauses ... 88

4.1.4 The Code Mixing in Form of Hybrids...89

4.1.5 The Code Mixing in Form of Reduplication...90

4.1.6 The Code Mixing in Form of Idioms...90

4.1.7 The Context of The Occurence of Code Mixing ... 91 Talking About Particular Topics ... 91

(10) Being Emphatic About Something ... 94 Interjections ... 95 Repetition Used for Clarification ... 96

4.2 Discussion ... 97


5.1 Conclusion ... 99

5.2 Suggestion ... 100

5.2.1 Suggestion for The Lecturer ... 100

5.2.2 Suggestion for Future Researcher ... 100



Aprilia, Romadhona awal. 2011. An Analysis of Indonesia-English Code Mixing found in De Journal Novel by Neneng Setiasih. Skripsi tidak diterbitkan. Malang: FKIP UMM.

Ary, Donald. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education. Belmont: Wadsworth.

Azar. 2004. Understanding English Grammar. United Kingdom.: Longman.

Hayuningtyas. 2011. An Analysis on Code Mixing Day Used by the First English Department Students of University of Muhammadiyah Malang in the English Held by ESA Progresio. Skripsi tidak diterbitkan. Malang: FKIP UMM.

Hoffman, Charlotte. 1993. An Introduction to Bilingualism. Singapore: Longman Publishers (Pte) Ltd.

Jendra. 2010. The study of Societies Languages. Jakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Kridalaksana.1993. Dictionary of linguistic terms in Indonesian with English equivalent and

Indonesian definitions. Jakarta. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Ninazski. 2008. Code Swithching and Code Mixing. ( on ( November 13, 2012).

Oxford Learner’s Dictionary. 2011. Oxford University Press 2008.




This chapter will explain the background of the study, the statement of the problems, the purpose of the study, the scope and limitation of the study, the significance of study, and the definition of the key terms.

1.1Background of the Study

Language has an important part in human life because it is a tool of communication. According to Bloomfield, in Aprila (2011:1), language plays a great part in our life. Perhaps because of its familiarity, we rarely observe it and take it for granted, as we do breathing or walking. Moreover, people cannot ignore that they use language in their daily life. They cannot live without communication with other people. It means that language cannot be seperated from human being‟s life and society.

Nowadays, people often master more than one language to communicate. They can speak and understand their own language and one or more foreign languages. The ability to use two languages is called bilingualism. As Jendra (2010:68) stated, “people who are not monolinguals but speak two languages everyday are named bilinguals (bilingual people)”.

Code mixing is one of the examples of bilingualism. “Code mixing occurs when people use both of languages together to the extent that they change from alone language to the other in the course of a single utterance. It is a mixture of word,



phrases, and clauses” (Wardhaugh, in Roro 2012:2). It means that people who use two languages or change their language in other language in their conversation can be said they apply code mixing.

In a community where there are more than one language used, mixing between two or more languages in an utterance is a common phenomenon. In other words, bilingual individuals often mix two different languages or code since they always have alternatives to choose the language they want to use. For example, an Indonesian novel writer switches her writing to English,

Pertanyaan “where’s the closest smoking room here?” dalam bahasa apapun saya sampai tahu saking bela-belainnya. Hehe, saya ngaku ini, sih, exaggerated. (The question ”where‟s the closest smoking room here?” in every language, I understood. Hehe, I realized it).

Saya lalu disapa waiter-nya, “If you drink beer here, you can smoke here,

Ma’am!” Sialan, pinter banget cara marketing-nya!. (I greet by the waiter, “If you drink beer here, you can smoke here, ma‟am!” Damn, what a smart marketing way!).

Well, bagaimanapun, airport internasional Bangkok menurut saya adalah salah satu airport yang paling smoker friendly. (Well, however Bangkok International Airport is one of the most smoker friendly).

(source: The Naked Traveller novel by Trinity page 15, line 9)

In addition, people usually select a particular code whenever they speak. They may also decide to mix codes or to switch one code to another. It can be code

switching or code mixing and it is normal situation in mutilingual society that people can choose two or more codes.

Code does not only happen in oral communication, but it is also in a written form. The written form of code mixing is usually found in various media, such as newspaper, novel or magazine. Nowadays, novel has become one of most favourite



reading among the Indonesian teenagers. Novel is a long work of narrative prose fiction, because of its length, a novel can picture life with all its richness, complexity, and contradiction (Macmillan, 1989:491).

There is an interesting development of novel in Indonesia, not only from the number of novel published in a month but also the theme of the novel itself. Nowadays, there is a lot of kind of novel‟s theme such as women, science, history, religion, spiritual, social, ethnic, and even politic. In order to attract the reader, the writer doesn‟t only get with new kind of themes but also mixed the language. There are some novels which is frequently use code mixing such as Antologi Rasa, Divortiare, Lupus, and the Naked Traveller. In this research, the researcher chooses the Naked Traveller novel due to the reader‟s interest on it.

The Naked Traveller written by Trinity is one of famous Indonesian novel. It is because the writer frequently puts at least one of English word in every sentence. Trinity is a novelist who wrote more than 5 best seller novels in Indonesia. The story of this novel is basically taken from her blog Besides, she is a backpacker and also working as Marketing Telecommunication in Jakarta. The naked traveller is her first novel and talks her experience where travel around the world. She really likes traveling and meeting a lot of people used different languages. Until now, she has visited 33 countries and all provinces in Indonesia.

The previous researcher, Aprila: 2011, in his thesis “An Analysis on the Use of Indonesian-English Code Mixing Found In the Novel „De Journal‟ By Neneng



Setiasih”. This research found Bahasa Indonesia mix with English in the course of single utterance. The code mixing type was in the 3 forms, they are words, phrases, and clauses. This research also found 9 of 10 contexts influencing the using of code mixing in “De Journal” novel based on the Hoffman and Saville-Troike theory.

Roro Wahyuningtyas (2012) entitled “An Analysis on Code Mixing Used by the First English Department Students of University of Muhammadiyah Malang in

the English Held by ESA Progresio”. This research analyzed the form of code mixing and the contexts of using code- mixing. The results of this research showed that the forms of code mixing were word, phrase, and idiom. This reasearch also found 4 of 7 contexts influencing the use of code mixing in the English Day.

Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting a research on code mixing. The researcher wants to analyze Indonesian-English code mixing found in the Naked Traveller novel by Trinity. The researcher wants to know the types of Indonesian-English code mixing found in the Naked Traveller novel by Trinity. The researcher also wants to know in what context Indonesian-English code mixing found in the Naked Traveller novel by Trinity.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

The description above shows can be described by several questions to explore more about the problem that the writer wants to analyse in this study. These are:

1. What are the types of Indonesian – English codes mixing found in the novel “The Naked Traveler” by Trinity?



2. What are the contexts of Indonesia-English code mixing occurrence found in the novel “The Naked Traveler” by Trinity?

1.3 The Purpose of the Study

This study was conducted in order to answer the question stated above according to “A study of Indonesia-English Code Mixing Found in “The Naked Traveller” Novel by Trinity.

1. To know the types of Indonesia – English code mixing found in the novel “The Naked Traveler” by Trinity.

2. To find out the contexts of Indonesia – English code mixing occurence found in the novel “The Naked Traveler” by Trinity.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is the code mixing found on the Naked Traveller novel only. For limitation, this research is only the types and the contexts of Indonesian-English code mixing found in the Naked Traveller novel.

1.5 Significance of the research

The result of this research has both theoretical and practical values. Theoretically, this study is expected to contribute the theory of Sociolinguistic. Practically, the result of this study may become a reference for students and lecturers if English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. It is expected that the students and the lecturers of English Department are getting broader knowledge about Sociolinguistic studies, especially a study about code mixing. It is because this thesis explained a code mixing in detail.



1.6 Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding, it is necessary to define the important terms which are used in this proposal.

1. Code is a system used for communication between two or more parties. It can be a language, speech, or dialect. Choosing a code is the way people conform communication to their partners (Wardhaugh, in Roro 2012:5).

2. Code Mixing refers to the use of two languages together, changing from one language to the other in a single utterance. Moreover, the speaker uses a certain language in this communication; however, he inserts some pieces of another language. It includes the mixture of words, phrases, and clauses of several languages (Wardhaugh, in Roro 2012:6).

3. Novel is long written story (Oxford learner‟s pocket dictionary new edition, 2000). It is a book-length story in prose. In addition, novel consists of over 35.000 words.

4. The Naked Traveler is a novel written by Trinity which talks about her travelling‟s experience around the world. The story of this novel is taken from her blog



This chapter will explain the background of the study, the statement of the problems, the purpose of the study, the scope and limitation of the study, the significance of study, and the definition of the key terms.

1.1Background of the Study

Language has an important part in human life because it is a tool of communication. According to Bloomfield, in Aprila (2011:1), language plays a great part in our life. Perhaps because of its familiarity, we rarely observe it and take it for granted, as we do breathing or walking. Moreover, people cannot ignore that they use language in their daily life. They cannot live without communication with other people. It means that language cannot be seperated from human being‟s life and society.

Nowadays, people often master more than one language to communicate. They can speak and understand their own language and one or more foreign languages. The ability to use two languages is called bilingualism. As Jendra (2010:68) stated, “people who are not monolinguals but speak two languages everyday are named bilinguals (bilingual people)”.

Code mixing is one of the examples of bilingualism. “Code mixing occurs when people use both of languages together to the extent that they change from alone language to the other in the course of a single utterance. It is a mixture of word,


phrases, and clauses” (Wardhaugh, in Roro 2012:2). It means that people who use two languages or change their language in other language in their conversation can be said they apply code mixing.

In a community where there are more than one language used, mixing between two or more languages in an utterance is a common phenomenon. In other words, bilingual individuals often mix two different languages or code since they always have alternatives to choose the language they want to use. For example, an Indonesian novel writer switches her writing to English,

Pertanyaan “where’s the closest smoking room here?” dalam bahasa apapun saya sampai tahu saking bela-belainnya. Hehe, saya ngaku ini, sih, exaggerated. (The question ”where‟s the closest smoking room here?” in every language, I understood. Hehe, I realized it).

Saya lalu disapa waiter-nya, “If you drink beer here, you can smoke here, Ma’am!” Sialan, pinter banget cara marketing-nya!. (I greet by the waiter, “If you drink beer here, you can smoke here, ma‟am!” Damn, what a smart marketing way!).

Well, bagaimanapun, airport internasional Bangkok menurut saya adalah salah satu airport yang paling smoker friendly. (Well, however Bangkok International Airport is one of the most smoker friendly).

(source: The Naked Traveller novel by Trinity page 15, line 9)

In addition, people usually select a particular code whenever they speak. They may also decide to mix codes or to switch one code to another. It can be code

switching or code mixing and it is normal situation in mutilingual society that people can choose two or more codes.

Code does not only happen in oral communication, but it is also in a written form. The written form of code mixing is usually found in various media, such as newspaper, novel or magazine. Nowadays, novel has become one of most favourite


reading among the Indonesian teenagers. Novel is a long work of narrative prose fiction, because of its length, a novel can picture life with all its richness, complexity, and contradiction (Macmillan, 1989:491).

There is an interesting development of novel in Indonesia, not only from the number of novel published in a month but also the theme of the novel itself. Nowadays, there is a lot of kind of novel‟s theme such as women, science, history, religion, spiritual, social, ethnic, and even politic. In order to attract the reader, the writer doesn‟t only get with new kind of themes but also mixed the language. There are some novels which is frequently use code mixing such as Antologi Rasa, Divortiare, Lupus, and the Naked Traveller. In this research, the researcher chooses the Naked Traveller novel due to the reader‟s interest on it.

The Naked Traveller written by Trinity is one of famous Indonesian novel. It is because the writer frequently puts at least one of English word in every sentence. Trinity is a novelist who wrote more than 5 best seller novels in Indonesia. The story of this novel is basically taken from her blog Besides, she is a backpacker and also working as Marketing Telecommunication in Jakarta. The naked traveller is her first novel and talks her experience where travel around the world. She really likes traveling and meeting a lot of people used different languages. Until now, she has visited 33 countries and all provinces in Indonesia.

The previous researcher, Aprila: 2011, in his thesis “An Analysis on the Use of Indonesian-English Code Mixing Found In the Novel „De Journal‟ By Neneng


Setiasih”. This research found Bahasa Indonesia mix with English in the course of single utterance. The code mixing type was in the 3 forms, they are words, phrases, and clauses. This research also found 9 of 10 contexts influencing the using of code mixing in “De Journal” novel based on the Hoffman and Saville-Troike theory.

Roro Wahyuningtyas (2012) entitled “An Analysis on Code Mixing Used by the First English Department Students of University of Muhammadiyah Malang in the English Held by ESA Progresio”. This research analyzed the form of code mixing and the contexts of using code- mixing. The results of this research showed that the forms of code mixing were word, phrase, and idiom. This reasearch also found 4 of 7 contexts influencing the use of code mixing in the English Day.

Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting a research on code mixing. The researcher wants to analyze Indonesian-English code mixing found in the Naked Traveller novel by Trinity. The researcher wants to know the types of Indonesian-English code mixing found in the Naked Traveller novel by Trinity. The researcher also wants to know in what context Indonesian-English code mixing found in the Naked Traveller novel by Trinity.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

The description above shows can be described by several questions to explore more about the problem that the writer wants to analyse in this study. These are:

1. What are the types of Indonesian – English codes mixing found in the novel “The Naked Traveler” by Trinity?


2. What are the contexts of Indonesia-English code mixing occurrence found in the novel “The Naked Traveler” by Trinity?

1.3 The Purpose of the Study

This study was conducted in order to answer the question stated above according to “A study of Indonesia-English Code Mixing Found in “The Naked Traveller” Novel by Trinity.

1. To know the types of Indonesia – English code mixing found in the novel “The Naked Traveler” by Trinity.

2. To find out the contexts of Indonesia – English code mixing occurence found in the novel “The Naked Traveler” by Trinity.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is the code mixing found on the Naked Traveller novel only. For limitation, this research is only the types and the contexts of Indonesian-English code mixing found in the Naked Traveller novel.

1.5 Significance of the research

The result of this research has both theoretical and practical values. Theoretically, this study is expected to contribute the theory of Sociolinguistic. Practically, the result of this study may become a reference for students and lecturers if English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. It is expected that the students and the lecturers of English Department are getting broader knowledge about Sociolinguistic studies, especially a study about code mixing. It is because this thesis explained a code mixing in detail.


1.6 Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding, it is necessary to define the important terms which are used in this proposal.

1. Code is a system used for communication between two or more parties. It can be a language, speech, or dialect. Choosing a code is the way people conform communication to their partners (Wardhaugh, in Roro 2012:5).

2. Code Mixing refers to the use of two languages together, changing from one language to the other in a single utterance. Moreover, the speaker uses a certain language in this communication; however, he inserts some pieces of another language. It includes the mixture of words, phrases, and clauses of several languages (Wardhaugh, in Roro 2012:6).

3. Novel is long written story (Oxford learner‟s pocket dictionary new edition, 2000). It is a book-length story in prose. In addition, novel consists of over 35.000 words.

4. The Naked Traveler is a novel written by Trinity which talks about her travelling‟s experience around the world. The story of this novel is taken from her blog