An Analysis of Code Mixing found in Girlfriend Magazine






Mawaddina Rahmaini Dalimunthe

Reg. No. 090721011








Bismillahirramanirrahiim, in the name of Allah SWT – the Beneficent and the Merciful. First of all I would like to express my gratitude to the Almighty Allah SWT, who gives me health, power and spirit so that I can complete this thesis.

This thesis is intended to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Ilmu Budaya, from the English Department, Faculty of Cultural Science, University of Sumatera Utara.

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who give me the possibility to complete this thesis. I would like to thank the Dean Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A, the head of English Department, Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S, the Secretary of English Department,

Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M. Hum, for their help during the days of my study in this faculty.

I am deeply indebted to my supervisor Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S, and co-supervisor,

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D, who have helped, stimulated, and given suggestions and encouragement to me in all the time of writing of this thesis.s

Especially, I would to thank to my beloved parents, Abdul Rahman Dalimunthe, SH and Rahmi Badriah Nst whose patience give me support and motivation to finish my thesis. To my auntie, Dra. Rahlina Muskar Nst, M.Hum, thank you to give me support and many suggestions in writing my thesis. To my young sisters, Zahrina Rahmaini Dalimunthe, Rozana Azura Dalimunthe, Anggi Nauli Dalimunthe, and my little brother Muhammad Ali Satria Dalimunthe. I hope all of us get success in the future. Thank you very much to


I would to thank to my entire classmate especially Reni Indah P.S, SS, Menty Merryance SS, Nadia Zafira, Amd, for having great times during finishing this thesis and for tears and laugh that we share, you are the great friends that I ever have. For my entire friends who always give support and help me, thank you so much. Last, thank you to Bang Amran as the administrative staff of English Department for all his help and contribution to finish all the administrative matters. I also would like to thank to those who help me to finish this thesis that I can not mention one by one.

Medan, September 2011

Mawaddina Rahmaini Dalimunthe





Dalam skripsi yang berjudul An Analysis of Code Mixing found in Girlfriend Magazine, dianalisis penggunaan campur bahasa yaitu penggunaan campur kata dari Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang lazim disebut campur kode. Campur kode mempunyai dua tipe yaitu campur kode ke dalam dan campur kode keluar. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan dan dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Kemudian hasil analisis dibuat dalam bentuk persentase berdasarkan formula Bugin (2005). Analisis difokuskan pada elemen – elemen bahasa yang dominan digunakan dalam majalah Girlfriend, kemudian beberapa faktor mengapa digunakan campur kode dan tipe campur kode yang dominan muncul. Hasil dari analisis menyatakan bahwa terdapat 859 ujaran yang merupakan campur kode. Dan ditemukan bahwa terdapat 45,98 % campur kode yang berupa kata, 42,02 % campur kode yang berupa frasa, dan 11,99 % campur kode yang berupa klausa. Disimpulkan bahwa campur kode yang berupa kata adalah campur kode yang paling dominan. Kemudian tipe campur kode yang paling dominan digunakan adalah tipe campur kode keluar, dan terakhir alasan campur kode digunakan adalah bilingualisme (bilingualism), gengsi (prestige), tidak adanya ungkapan yang tepat dalam bahasa yang sedang dipakai, kebiasaan.









1.1 Background of the analysis ... 1

1.2 Problems of the analysis ... 5

1.3 Objectives of the Analysis ... 5

1.4 Scope of the Analysis ... 5

1.5 Significances of the Analysis ... 6

1.6 Method of the Analysis ... 6


2.1 Sociolinguistics ... 8

2.2 Types of Using Language ... 9

2.2.1 Bilingualism ... 9

2.2.2 Diglossia ... 10

2.2.3 Slang ... 11

2.3 Code ... 12

2.4 Code Switching ... 14


2.5.1 The types of code mixing ... 16

2.5.2 Causal Factors of Code Mixing ... 17

2.5.3 Linguistic Element of Code Mixing ... 21

A. Word ... 22

B. Phrase ... 22

C. Clause ... 23

2.6 Girlfriend Magazine ... 25


3.1 Method of Analysis ... 26

3.2 Population and Sample ... 26

3.3 Technique for Analyzing Data ... 27


4.1 Analysis... 28

4.1.1 Word ... 28

4.1.2 Phrase ... 31

4.1.3 Clause ... 33




5.1 Conclusion ... 38

5.2 Suggestion ... 39




Dalam skripsi yang berjudul An Analysis of Code Mixing found in Girlfriend Magazine, dianalisis penggunaan campur bahasa yaitu penggunaan campur kata dari Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang lazim disebut campur kode. Campur kode mempunyai dua tipe yaitu campur kode ke dalam dan campur kode keluar. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan dan dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Kemudian hasil analisis dibuat dalam bentuk persentase berdasarkan formula Bugin (2005). Analisis difokuskan pada elemen – elemen bahasa yang dominan digunakan dalam majalah Girlfriend, kemudian beberapa faktor mengapa digunakan campur kode dan tipe campur kode yang dominan muncul. Hasil dari analisis menyatakan bahwa terdapat 859 ujaran yang merupakan campur kode. Dan ditemukan bahwa terdapat 45,98 % campur kode yang berupa kata, 42,02 % campur kode yang berupa frasa, dan 11,99 % campur kode yang berupa klausa. Disimpulkan bahwa campur kode yang berupa kata adalah campur kode yang paling dominan. Kemudian tipe campur kode yang paling dominan digunakan adalah tipe campur kode keluar, dan terakhir alasan campur kode digunakan adalah bilingualisme (bilingualism), gengsi (prestige), tidak adanya ungkapan yang tepat dalam bahasa yang sedang dipakai, kebiasaan.




1.1 Background of The Study

Language and society are two things that can not be separated. Without society there can be no languages, vice versa without language there can be no society. That is because the society is a lot of individuals that are interconnected and language is the most effective means of communication used by society.

Language is an arbitrary system of sound symbols, used by members of a society to cooperate, interact, and identify (Poerwadarminta, 1995: 77)

According to Kridalaksana (1993:201)

There are relationship between language and society, such as relationship to object, ideas, events, and actual speakers and listeners. Platt in Siregar (1984:66) says “Every language express in some way or other how people think, perceive and act, in what state people, things and ideas are and how they relate to each other. Words which express action, states, perceptions, etc., the verbs occur in every language. However, there are many differences in the way can be structured, what additional concepts they may express and what other words may occur with them”. This reason creates a relationship between language and society which makes sociolinguistics comes into picture.

sociolinguistics is the branch of linguistics that studies the relationship and interplay between language behavior and social behavior

Now people are able to speak by some languages. And in some case, it’s a must. In globalization area country can not avoid to cooperate with other countries that use .


different languages. It’s the caution factor why people should master more than one language, especially English. One foreign language learned by Indonesian society is English. This is supported by the precense of English language lessons at schools. Almost every country in the world use English as their second language. This phenomenon usually called as bilingualism.

Hudson (1980:4) says “Sociolinguistics is study of language in relation to society”. Hickerson (1980:81) says “Sociolinguistics is a developing sub field of linguistics which takes speech narration as its focus, viewing variation or its social context. Sociolinguistics is concerned with the correlation between such social factors and linguistics variations social factors in this case are age, religion, sex, gender and occupation”. Appel (1987:10) defines sociolinguistics as science which focuses on language use in social and cultural aspects. In using language there are some capabilities needed. In daily conversation we also find some problems in using language. One of the most striking phenomena in a bilingual’s linguistic performance is the occurence of the seemingly random mixing of two languages, both within the utterances, during a conversational exchange. This linguistic behavior not only attracts scholarly attention but also raises questions about the various features which characterize mixing language. As Troike in Wardaugh (1986:51) says “In every human being there many codes and ways in speak called communication repertoire.

By the existence of communication repertoire above, some people have choice in many kinds variety of language. People are usually selecting a particular code whenever they choose to speak, and they also decide to switch one code or to create a new code. As Fasold (1984:208) says “People can use two languages in conversation by turns that depend entirely on the situation”. There are two kinds of code. They are code switching


where people can use two languages in conversation by turns that depends entirely on the situation; and code mixing where some people either to use the elements from one language in while they were spoken in one foreign language.

One of the most striking phenomena in a bilingual’s linguistic performance is the occurrence of the seemingly random mixing of two languages, both with and within and between utterances, during a conversational exchange.

The ability in mastering some languages can be the main factor of code-mixing. As everybody knows that English is an international language. Nowadays many Indonesian people use Indonesian and English language at the same time. It’s called code-mixing. Code-mixing could appear in every context of communication. Code-mixing is the application of a language or more in which put the elements of language as the word to the other language consistently.

Suwito divides code mixing into two types, they are:

a. “Campur kode ke dalam adalah campur kode yang bersumber dari bahasa asli dengan variasinya”(inner code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the elements of their own language into language, the element of dialect into own language) For example: nah karena saya khadung apik sama dia.

b. “Campur kode keluar adalah campur kode yang bersumber dari bahasa asing”(outer code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the element their own language into foreign language)

For example: Alunan musik yang menambah suasan lounge semakin hidup.

Nababan (1993:32)says bila seseorang melakukan campur kode dengan bahasa asing bertujuan untuk menunjukkan “keterpelajaran” (if someone used code mixing in


foreign language (outer code mixing), it is to show that he is well educated”). Nababan (1933:33) says “Bilamana orang mencampur dua atau lebih bahasa dalam suatu tindak bahasa (speech act atau discourse) tanpa ada sesuatu dalam situasi berbahasa itu yang menuntut pencampuran bahasa itu. Dalam keadaan yang demikian, hanya kesantaian penutur atau kebiasaannya yang dituruti. Tindak bahasa yang demikian disebut campur kode”. (When people mix two or more language (speech act or discourse) without something that demands to use the mixing language. Such as for a leisure of speaker, or an habit. We can categorize the speech as code mixing).

There are some linguistic elements in code mixing, that is: a. Word

b. Phrase c. Clause


One of the things that affect our society and bring into bilingual phenomenon is the mass media. Many phenomena of mixed code that can be found, one in the mass media such as teen magazines.

This thesis is the result of research that discusses the code mixing between Indonesian and English in Girlfriend magazine. The writer interested finding in the case (mixing) and describe it. In this thesis, the writer explore identifies the code.

In this code mixing phenomenon, the writer sees there are some linguistic/language element of English inserted into the Indonesian; that is word, phrase, and clause. There are some example of code mixing in Girlfriend magazine: (1) word : Alunan musik yang menambah suasana lounge semakin hidup (2) phrase :


kamu dan teman-temanmu juga bisa sewa private room. (3) clause : GF kasih bocoran tempat nongkrong yang asyik untuk menghabiskan malam panjangmu with all your friends.

Girlfriend magazine is an Australian teen magazine girl. It targets readers aged 12-17 years old with a mix of entertainment, fashion, beauty, advice and lifestyle articles. Girlfriend in 2007 became one of the first magazines to be completely printed on recycled paper. Now, Girlfriend magazine is available in Indonesia.

1.2 Problem of the Analysis

(1) Why code mixing is used in Girlfriend Magazine?

(2) What linguistics element is dominantly used in code mixing found in Girlfriend Magazine?

(3) What type of code mixing is dominantly used in Girlfriend Magazine?

1.3 Objective of the Analysis

(1) To find out the reason of using code mixing in Girlfriend Magazine.

(2) To find out the dominant linguistics element used in code-mixing in Girlfriend Magazine.

(3) To find out what type of code mixing is dominantly used in Girlfriend Magazine.


Scope of the Analysis

To obtain the comprehensiveness of these thesis analysis, the writer took the data from selected edition of Girlfriend Magazine, namely (1) Girlfriend June 2008, (2)


Girlfriend Januari 2009, (3) Girlfriend Maret 2009, (4) Girlfriend January 2011, (5) Girlfriend February 2011.

1.5 Significance of the Analysis

Theoretically, this analysis is to add concept and information to support the progress in language/linguistic knowledge especially sociolinguistics.

Practically, this analysis can be advantageous and useful for the readers and to give input/information for people who interested in studying code mixing.


Method of the Analysis

This analysis was conducted by using descriptive quantitative design. Descriptive quantitative design does not intend to find a new theory but to find new evidence to prove the truth of the theory. According to Nazir (1988: 34) descriptive quantitative is one, which uses to make description of situation, even or accumulate the basic data.

I read the articles of Girlfriend magazine and note the usage of code mixing. After reading the articles of Girlfriend magazine and taking a note on the use of code mixing, the data were analyzed according to these steps :

1. Reading the articles

2. Identifying the use of code-mixing 3. Counting occurrences of code-mixing




There are some thesis related to code mixing that is reviewed in order to support this analysis.

Putri (2011) in Indonesian –English Code Switching and Code Mixing Found in the Novel “Kamar Cewek” Written by Ninit Yunita & Okke Sepatumerah. She analyzed about code switching and code mixing used by the writers in “Kamar Cewek” novel. Based on the analysis, she concludes that the outer code mixing is the most dominant type that used by the writer.

Pitaloka (2007) in Code-Mixing used on cosmopolitan Magazine. She analyzed about code mixing. Based on the analysis she concludes that intra-sentential mixing type of code mixing in cosmopolitan magazine.

Some terms are used in this study and they need to be theoretically explained to avoid misconception. Kerlinger in W. Gulo said a theory is a set of interrelated constructs (concepts), definitions, and propositions that present a systematic view of phenomena by specify relations among variables, with the purpose of eplaining and predicting the phenomena.


2.1. Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is one of study about language related by society condition. Jendra (2010:9) says “sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that takes language as an subject of study, in a way that is usually distinguished from how synta, semantics, mor[hology, and phonology handle it”. Hudson (1980:4) says “sociolinguistics is study of language in relation to society”. Wardaugh (1998:12) states that sociolinguistics is concern with investigating the relationships between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and how languages function in communication,” while Gumperz in Wardaugh (1998:11) states that sociolinguistics is an attempt to find correlations between social structure and to observe any changes that occurs.”

According to Kridalaksana (1993:201) sociolinguistics is the branch of linguistics that studies the relationship and interplay between language behavior and social behavior

Nababan (1984:2) in Chaer and Agustina (2004:3) says language assessment with social dimension is called…sociolinguistics.


Sociolinguistics is the study of the characteristics of language varieties, the characteristics of their functions, and the characteristics of their speakers as these three constantly interact, change and change one another within a speech community (J.A. Fishman 1972:4 in Chaer and Agustina 2004:3).

Sociolinguistics is language study of language in operation, it’s purpose is to investigate how the convention of the language use relate to other aspects of social behavior.


Sociolinguistics is that branch of linguistics which studies just those properties of language and languages which require reference to social, including contextual, factors in their explanation

Sociolinguistics is the study of language in operation, it’s purpose is to investigate how the convention of the language use relate to other aspects of social behavior (C. Criper and H.G. Widdowson in J.P.B. Allen and S. Piet Corder(ed) in Chaer Agustina(ed) 2004:4).

As a social phenomenon, language and language usage is not only determined by the linguistic factors but also by nonlinguistic factors, among others, social factor. The social factors that affect language use such as social status, education level, age, economic level, gender and so on. In addition, the use of language is also influenced by situational factors, that is who speaks the language of what, to whom, when where and on what issues, as succinctly defined by Fishman (1967:15) “Who speaks what language to whom and when”. (Suwito, 1983:3)

2.2. Types of Using Language 2.2.1 Bilingualism

Bilingualism is the use of two or more languages by an individual or a community.(kridalaksana 1993:31)

According to Nababan (1993:29), bilingual not only be used by individuals, but also to society (societal bilingualism). The rapid progress in the field of information on means of transportation led to the public in the era of globalization


today many who master a second language, third and even fourth. Mastery of language by an individual who is more than one is called bilingualism. (Nababan, 1993:27

The logical consequence of this is the emergence of bilingual mixed codes and interference. This is due to dependence on language (Language dependencies) cannot be avoided in a bilingual speech act. Community with a diverse number of tribes more than one language in daily communication. Communities or individuals who have two languages and using them in communication is called bilingual. Haugen (via Suwito, 1997:44) says that a bilingual as to know the language means that bilingual does not have to actively master the two languages, he knew enough passively bilingual


Meanwhile Oskaar in Suwito (1983:42) argues that it is not enough to limit bilingual only as individuals. Bilingual should be treated as well as belonging to the group, because language itself is not limited as a means of reason between individuals, but also a means of communication between groups.


2.2.2 Diglossia

A diglossic situation exists in a society when it has two distinct codes which show clear functional separation; that is, one code is employed in one set of circumstances and the other in an entirely different set. Ferguson in Wardaugh (2010:85) has defined diglossia is a relatively stable language situation in which, in addition to the primary dialects of the language (which may include a standard or regional standards), there is a very divergent, highly codified(often grammatically


more complex superposed) variety, the vehicle of a large and respected body of written literature, either of an earlier period or in another speech community, which is learned largely by formal education and is used for most written and formal spoken purposes but is not used by any sector of the community for ordinary conversation.”

2.2.3 Slang

Slang is the language frequently used in ordinary conversation or informal situation. Slang is the words informal nonstandard, which is arranged by specific; or the ordinary words changed in arbitration; or the simile specific words; powerful and humorous which used in conversation. Sometime the word of slang resulted from the error speech indirectly or sometime disturber the ordinary word to fulfill a scope of another meaning. Actually, the words of slang, not even obtain on student classify, it may in the society classify too. In every classify or the society group can create the terms in specific or use the general words and the specific meanings which only current for their own group. The usage of slang is the introduction the new words with the new meaning. The words and phrases of slang is often found and suitability with idea and the new character which grow up in society. Slang the vovabulary circle, isn’t grammar or dialect and usually used by the people which have the high level, not only by the people in low profile.


2.3 Code

Code is 1. Symbol or expression system used to describe a particular meaning. Human language is a kind of code 2. Language system in a society; 3. Certain variations in a language

Coding through a process that occurs to the speaker and conversation partner. The codes generated by the speech should be understood by both parties. In the encoding process if the conversation partner or the audience understands what is encoded by the other person, then he would make decision and act in accordance with what is suggested by the speakers. That such action may include termination of speech or repetition statements (Pateda, 1990:84)

(Kridalaksana 1993:113)

Code according to Suwito (1985:67-69) is to mention one of the variants in the hierarchy of language, such as regional variants, social class, sports, style, usability and so on. From another angle, often referred to as a dialect variant that can be divided geographically into local dialects and regional dialects

In a bilingual or multilingual society, it is normal for people to be in a situation where a choice between two or more codes has to be made. According to Marjohan (1988:48), “code is a term which refers to a variety”. Thus a code maybe an idiolect, a dialect, a sociolect, a register or a language. A speaker has a linguistic repertoire which consists of various codes. Thus he usually has a set of codes, each code having certain functions or maybe some of them have similar functions. In a monolingual situation, the use of different codes depends on the variability of the languages and specification of their uses as agreed upon by the people. When the


speakers have twocodes with each having specific functions, the speakers have a stable diglossia.

In colloquial use of language often found different between groups or in certain matters differently. Variant of the language as it is called a register. So register variants of the language difference is determined by the event to speak (speech event). Register is not determined by the elements of the language difference is determined by the elements of language such as phonemes, morphemes, words, lexicon and discourse structure type as a whole.

Holmes (2001:23) says “three important social factors in code choice – participant, setting and topic.” Holmes also states “there are other factors that contributed to the appropriate choice of code; they are social distance, status formality, and function or goal of the imteraction.” The particular dialect or language one chooses to use on any occasion is a code, a system used for communication between two or more parties. People are usually required to select a particular code whenever they choose to speak, and they may also decide to switch from one code to another; or to mix codes even within sometimes very short utterances and thereby create a new code. The phenomenon in switch or mix code called code switching and code mixing.

Based on the opinion it can be concluded that the code can be variants of a language and the language itself. Based on this understanding provides opportunities that code mixing does not occur only between languages but can also occur between the variants.


2.4 Code Switching

Code switching is a situation where speakers deliberately change a code being used, namely by switching from one to another. Code switching can be generally defined as the phenomenon where in a bilingual or multilingual speaker shifts from one language to another in the course of a conversation. Gal in Wardaugh (2010:98) says “code switching is a conversational used to establish, cross or destroy boundaries; to create, evoke or change interpesonal relations with their rights and obligations. Pietro in Jendra (1977:74) says “code switching is the use of more than one language by communicants in the execution of a speech act. Chaer and Agustina in Putri (2011:17) states that “bila di dalam suatu peristiwa tutur terjadi peralihan dari satu klausa suatu bahasa ke klausa bahasa lain, maka peristiwa yang terjadi adalah alih kode” (When there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of a language to another clause of other language occur in a conversation, so it called code switching).

2.5 Code Mixing

Code mixing is 1. Interference; 2. The use of language units from one language to another to expand the variety of style or language; including the usage of words, clauses, idioms, greetings, etc. (Kridalaksana, 1993:35). Code mixing refers to the mixture of two or more languages or language varieties in speech. Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) says that “campur kode adalah digunakannya serpihan-serpihan dari bahasa lain dalam menggunakan suatu bahasa, yang mungkin diperlukan dengan tanpa disadari, sehingga tidak dianggap suatu kesalahan atau penyimpangan”. (Code


mixing is using pieces of another language, maybe needed unconsciously, so that is not accepted as a mistake). Thelander (1976:103) in Chaer and Agustina try to explain the different of code switching and code mixing. He says “bila di dalam suatu peristiwa tutur terjadi peralihan dari satu klausa suatu bahasa ke klausa bahasa lain, maka peristiwa yang terjadi adalah alih kode.” Tetapi apabila di dalam suatu peristiwa tutur, klausa – klausa maupun frase – frase yang digunakan terdiri dari klausa dan frase campuran (hybrid clause, hybrid phrase), dan masing – masing klausa atau frase itu tidak lagi mendukung fungsi sendiri – sendiri, maka peristiwa yang terjadi adalah campur kode, bukan alih kode.

According to Nababan (1986:32), a prominent feature in the event of code mixing is the relaxation or informal situations. So, combine the code generally occurs when speaking casually, while in informal situations this is rarely the case. If in a formal situation occurs code mixing, this due to the absence of a sulk on the concept of the term in question.

As has been mentioned that the code can be idiolek, dialects, registers, speech acts, variety, and registration, then the elements that can be mixed with any variant of the language and the language itself

Suwito (1983:76) explains that traits code mixing is the elements to insert language or variations in other languages no longer having its own function. Those elements have been fused with the inserted language and overall supports only one function.


Communicative ability in a community language speakers will greatly affect the outcome of the expected speakers are. What is meant by communicative ability


Nababan (1984:10) is the ability to choose and use units of language was accompanied by the rules of language use in a community language. According to Suwito (1985:401) says that the mixed code is the infiltration of elements of the sentences of a language into another language, tangible words, phrases, repetition of words, phrases or idioms.

From the opinion, it can be concluded that the code mixing is the use of two languages (variant) or more in the speech act with the infiltration of elements of one language into another

2.5.1 The Types of Code Mixing


Suwito divides code mixing into two types, they are:

a. “Campur kode ke dalam adalah campur kode yang bersumber dari bahasa asli dengan variasinya”(inner code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the elements of their own language into language, the element of dialect into own language) For example: nah karena saya khadung apik sama dia.

b. “campur kode keluar adalah campur kode yang bersumber dari bahasa asing”(outer code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the element their own language into foreign language)


2.4.2. Causal Factors of Code Mixing

According to Nababan (1986:32), dominant characteristic in code mixing phenomenon is informal situation or in relaxed situation. So, generally code mixing was occuring in relaxed conversation, while in formal situation this phenomenon is rarely happened. If code mixing in formal situation, there is no term that refers to the referred concept.


The background of code mixing by Suwito (1983:77) categorized into two types namely:


Background on attitudes type (attitudinal type) Background in linguistics


Both types are interconnected, thus can be identified some reasons for the emergence of code mixing. The reasons are:

Character Identification


The size of the character is to identify social, registral, and educational. Manner Identification


Manner identification determined by language. Now the person doing code mixing would place him in the hierarchy of social status.

The Inclination to explain and interpret

The inclination to explain and interpret appear visible because of interfering code also marks a person’s attitude and relationship to others.

For example code mixing Dutch elements in Indonesia indicates that a person is among those ‘tempoe doeloe’, educated, and not haphazardly.


Nababan (1993:32) says bila seseorang melakukan campur kode dengan bahasa asing bertujuan untuk menunjukkan “keterpelajaran” (if someone used code mixing in foreign language (outer code mixing), it is to show that he is “well educated”). Nababan (1933:32) says “Bilamana orang mencampur dua atau lebih bahasa dalam suatu tindak bahasa (speech act atau discourse) tanpa ada sesuatu dalam situasi berbahasa itu yang menuntut pencampuran bahasa itu. Dalam keadaan yang demikian, hanya kesantaian penutur atau kebiasaannya yang dituruti. Tindak bahasa yang demikian disebut campur kode”. (When people mix two or more languages in an act of language without something that demands to use the mixing language. Such as for a leisure of speaker, or an habit. We can categorize the speech act as code mixing). Factors that affecting the use of language is the language of the factors disclosed Dell Hymes (via Nababan, 1993:7) with the acronym SPEAKING that when elaborated means:

1. Setting dan Scene, in this section referred to elements of that is situation, atmosphere, and the situation of language use at the time made, it will affect a person's speech in a communication.

2. Participant, whom anyone involved in speaking events, it is in relation between the speakers and opponents said. Decision follow-language speakers in this section is influenced by the position and the problems that underlie a communication.

3. End (purpose and goal ), discussed in this element is the result or outcome, and what goals are desired by the speaker, this will affect the form of language and speech the speaker.


4. Act Sequence, discussed in this element is a form, message content and topics to be discussed in the communication. This also affects the form of language and speech the speaker.

5. Key / tone of spirit of art, elements of how the tone of voice as well as the diversity of languages used in communication will affect the form of speech.

6. Instrumentalist, that is speech will be used in communication. This pathway may be a narrative through the print media, hear, and so on. 7. Norm of intersection and interpretation, norm or narrative elements

must be understood and obeyed in a communication. Norms in question can be either language norms that govern how that language is easily understood.

8. Genres, that is the element of delivery of the message type. This type of message delivery is tangible poetry, dialogue, story and others. It is also influenced by the form of the language used.

Factor contributing to the code mixing (1) relaxation of speakers (2) formal situations (3) habit (4) there is no precise expression in language that is being used (Nababan, 1984:32

From the above opinion seem the similarities and differences in looking at code mixing. The equation that mixing the two languages code mixing (variant) or more in the speech act. The difference that is each of the boundaries of linguistic interference code.


Weinreich (1963) explains why a person would have to borrow words from other languages. It basically has two factors: internal factors and external factors. a. Internal Factors

This factor indicates that someone borrowed words from other languages because of the encouragement that was in him. The factors include three


types: Low frequency of word


Someone interfered code because the words are frequently used usually more stable and easy to remember its meaning.

Pernicious Homonymy


The words are borrowed from other languanges are also used to solve the problem of homonyms that exist in the languange of speakers. I mean sometimes if the speakers used the word in his own languange, the word can cause problems that is the meaning of ambiguous homonym. So as to avoid ambiguous meaning speakers use words from other languanges.

Need for Synonym


Speakers deliberately use words from another languange are synonymous with languange speakers in order to save other person.

External Factors


External factors are in impetus from outside speakers, which causes the speakers to borrow words from other languanges. There are four external factors, namely:

Developments or Introductions to New Cultures

This factor is due to new cultural developments such as technological developments in Indonesia, Indonesia would not want people to use English a


lot because a lot of technology tools that come from foreign countries. Or use the Java language by students who in fact did not come from Java.

2. In sufficiently Differentiated


Indicate a specific meaning that has a specific purpose such as a habit. Social Value


Speakers took the words from other languages taking into account social factors, so expect to use these words may indicate social status of the speakers. Oversight

It means there are limitations of words that are owned by the language speakers in relation to the subject matter so that the speakers have to take words from other languages. Examples of limited words in the field of medicine in the Indonesian language so many medical terms are taken from Latin that has tha appropriate term in the field of medicine.

2.5.3 Linguistic Element of Code Mixing

According to Suwito (1985:78) beside types, code mixing also has a form that determined by the form of mixing language that is how much the mixied language elements inserted into the main language. Based on linguistic elements involved in it, mix the code san be divided into several types, among others, is thr insertion of an element in the form of repetition of words and the infiltration of elements in the form of the idiom or expression.


A. Word

Words (or morphemes) are the smallest code units in languange; they are not the smallest units of meaning (Givon 1984:44)

The word can be classified into two major types, namely the particle and the full word. Particles are a limited number of words; usually do not experience morphological processes. Full word has a characteristic opposite to the particle, which is primarily nature of lexical meaning. Full word is still dividied into noun, verb,adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, etc.

B. Phrase

The phrase is a combination of two or more words that ara not predicative; it can be tightly combined, can be tenuous... (Kridalaksana, 1993:59)

Phrase is group of words (often without a finite) foming part of a sentence. (Hornby 2987 : 629)


Kind of Phrase Noun Phrase


The most meaningful part of a noun phrase is the noun. It is the obligatory constituent and is head of noun phrase.

Verb Phrase


Verb phrase can consist of averb (V) + Noun Phrase (NP) Adjective Phrase

An nadjective phrase is a constituent of a sentence both at word level and at phrase level where it becomes an Adjective Phrase (AP)


4) Adverb Phrase

Adverb phrase can be formed by one or more constituents.


Ex: Ken snores very loudly. Loudly is the Adverb Phrase Prepositional Phrase

Prepositional phrase consist ofa preposition followed by a noun phrase. A prepositional phrase function as an adverb, adjective, or noun. Noun combination constitutes a prepositional phrase. The preposition is an integral part of the prepositional phrase.

Ex: he walked into the house

Because of his aggressiveness, the new student couldn’t make many friends.

C. Clause

According to Hornby (1987 : 153), clause is component of a (complex) sentence, with its own subject and predicate, especially one doing the work of a noun, adjective or adverb

Clause is unit of grammatical form of the group said that at least consists of subject and predicate, and has the potential to be a sentence. (Kridalaksana 1993:111)

Clause is dividied into two; independent an dependent clause. This simply means that some clauses can stand by themselves, as separate sentences, and some are can not stand by themselves.

Dependent clause cannot stand by them and make good sense. They must be combined with an inpendent clause so taht they become part of a sentence that can stand by itself. Another term for dependent clause is subordinate clause. It means


that the clause is subordinate to another element (the independent clause) and depends on that other element for its meaning the subordinate clause is created by a subordinating conjunction or dependent word.

Ex; since he started working nights, he doesn’t see much of his kids. We are interested in what he does for a living.

The dealership that sold more cars ended up actually losing money

An independent clause could stand by themselves an discrete sentences, expect that when they do stand by themselves, separated from other clauses, they are normally referred to simply as sentences, not clauses.

Ex: Bob didn’t mean to do it, but he did it anyway.

(In this sentence, there are two independent clauses; “Bob didn’t mean to do it” an “he did it, anyway”, connected by a comma and coordinating conjunction “but”. If the word “but” is missing from this sentence, the sentence would be called a comma splice; two independent clauses would be incorrectly connected, with only comma between them).

Clauses are so classified as restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses. (The words essential and nonessential are sometimes used and mean the same thing as restrictive and nonrestrictive, respectively. British grammarians will make this same distinction by referring to clauses with the terms defining an non-defining). A nonrestrictive clause is not essential to the meaning of the sentence; it can be removed from the sentences without changing to basic meaning, Nonrestrictive clauses are often set apart from the rest of the sentence by comma or a pair of commas (if it is in the middle of a sentence).

Relatives clauses are dependent clauses introduced by a relative pronoun (that, which, whichever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, whose, and of which).


Relative clauses can be either restrictive or nonrestrictive (parenthetical or not) and whether commas should be used to set them off the verb and refers to (relates to) something preceding the clause.

Ex: Giusseppe said that the plantar wart, which had been bothering him for years, had to be removed.


Girlfriend Magazine

Girlfriend magazine is a

aged 12–17 years old with a mix of entertainment, fashion, beauty, advice and lifestyle articles. Girlfriend gained media attention in 2005 when it was the first magazine to allow reader’s complete control of the magazine's content via the website in an initiative called "U Make The Mag". In 2006 Girlfriend celebrated its 18th birthday and won the Magazine Publisher's Awards for both Best Website and Editorial Initiative.

The magazine's website is one of the most popular youth websites i

Also in 2006 the magazine began to alert readers to its use of Photoshop throughout the magazine, as part of the "Self Respect" campaign. In 2007 Girlfriend became one of the first magazines to be completely printed on recycled paper.

Girlfriend is part of the Pacific Magazines stable; from Auckland each month under Pacific Magazines New Zealand.



Research Method


Method of Analysis

This analysis uses library research in which number of books about linguistics and sociolinguistics are consulted. Nawawi in Putri (2011:20) says “penelitian perpustakaan dilakukan dengan menghimpun data dari berbagai literature di perpustakaan maupun tempat-tempat lain.” (library research is carried out by accumulating all the data from various literatures either in library or in other places).


Population And Sample

The writer took the articles in Girlfriend as the population. The Girlfriend from Juni 2008 until Februari 2011 were chosen as the population of the study. And the sample was taken randomly to make representative of the population. Here are the Girlfriend used as the sample :

a) Girlfriend June 2008 b) Girlfriend January 2009 c) Girlfriend March 2009 d) Girlfriend January 2011 e) Girlfriend February 2011



Technique For Analyzing The Data

This research was conducted by using descriptive quantitative design. Descriptive quantitative design does not intend to find a new theory but to find new evidence to prove the truth of the theory. As Nawawi in Putri (2001:21), “Metode deskriptif adalah prosedur atau cara memecahkan masalah penelitian dengan memaparkan keadaan objek yang sedang diselidiki sebagaimana adanya berdasarkan fakta – fakta yang aktual pada saat sekarang.” (Descriptive method is a procedure or manner in solving the problems of any analysis by explaining the object which is being investigated towards those factual facts).

After the writer reading the articles of Girlfriend and taking note the use of code-mixing, the data are analyzed according to these steps :

1. Reading the articles

2. Identifying the use of code-mixing 3. Counting occurrences of code-mixing

4. Converting to percentages by using Bungin’s formula (Bungin in Putri (2011:21)) that is:

n = Percentage of the use of code-mixing Fx= Frequency of the use of code-mixing N = Total items of the use of code-mixing






Based on the data, 1400 cases of code mixing are found. But due is to find the most frequent linguistic components so, the utterances that are repeated are not accounted. So the data used in this study only 859 cases of code mixing. The data are labeled with (1) Girlfriend Juni 2008, (2) Girlfriend Januari 2009, (3) Girlfriend Maret 2009, (4) Girlfriend Januari 2011, (5) Girlfriend Februari 2011. Some of the data can be shown as follows :

4.1.1 Word

1. Bayangkan menginap di cottage dengan pemandangan laut.(pg. 142 Jan 2009)

2. Tiket masuk untuk hari Senin sampai Jumat Rp.30.000,-/orang sedangkan untuk weekend Rp.40.000,-/orang.(pg. 142 Jan 2009) 3. Putri duyung menyediakan paket gathering dan juga birthday party.

(pg. 142 Jan 2009)

4. Kalau tertarik buat diving di akuarium utamanya…(pg. 142 Jan 2009) 5. … adalah sebuah movement yang dicetuskan Amerika (pg. 130 Jan


6. Bertujuan menciptakan awareness di kalangan anak – anak muda, (pg. 130 Jan 2009)


7. Jamie Tworkowski yang merupakan founder TWLOHA. (pg. 130 Jan 2009)

8. Musik funk dan hip hop yang mereka usung memang seru banget! .(pg. 14 Jan 2011)

9. Music pop banyak dipengaruhi oleh surfing. .(pg. 14 Jan 2011) 10.Demi membuat sebuah surprise buat sang ayah.(pg. 121 Jan 2009) 11.Ajang fashion terbesar di Jakarta ini diramaikan oleh fashion show

dari para desainer seperti Adesagi, Kirana, Dina Vahada, Kleting, Carmanita, Cotton Ink, Stab, dan lain-lain. .(pg. 14 Jan 2011)

12.Saat memasuki The Phoenix kamu seolah merasakan sebuah journey

yang extraordinary.(pg. 128 Feb 2011)

13.Ralph Lauren mengeluarkan design sepeda RLX yang keren dan tentu saja unik. .(pg. 14 Jan 2011)

14.Ralp Lauren dan Affinity memadukan design klasik dengan modern, baik dalam pemilihan warna maupun setiap bagian sepedanya.(pg. 14 Jan 2011)

15.Sepeda yang menjadi kendaraan paling dianjurkan dalam usaha save earth pun telah menjadi salah satu produk fashion yang berkelas .(pg. 14 Jan 2011)

16.Resolusi di tahun 2011? Punya perut sixpack.(pg. 15 Jan 2011)

17.Terdapat tiga venue yang bisa kamu pilih untuk hangout atau menggelar acara, (pg. 128 Feb 2011)

18.Dengan tema “International Travel Kitty”, perusahaan sepatu yang sudah nggak diragukan lagi namanya ini mengeluarkan produk


19.Fashion desainaer yang juga mantan model dan DJ ini, nggak ragu untuk menjadi desainer walaupun hanya bermodalkan pengalamannya bekerja sebagai seorang internship untuk Camilla Staerk. .(pg. 56 Jan 2011)

20.Desainer asal Turki ini memiliki ciri khas cutting yang sangat simpel, minimalis, dan sering kali didominasi oleh warna putih, hitam dan abu abu. .(pg. 56 Jan 2011)

21.Nggak hanya menyajikan makanan dan minuman nikmat serta

ambience yang istimewa. (pg. 128 Feb 2011)

22.Seorang harpist muda yang cantik.(pg. 63 Jan 2011) 23.Pengalaman konser yang unforgettable? (pg. 63 Jan 2011)

24.Misalnya, waktu aku main bareng Twilite Orchestra dengan conductor

Addie MS dan dua harpist cowok muda berbakat. (pg. 63 Jan 2011) 25.Selain itu tidur yang cukup supaya pas hari H aku bisa tenang dan

relax saat perform. (pg. 63 Jan 2011)

26.Di samping itu, aku juga merupakan spokesperson Yayasan Jantung Indonesia untuk mengampanyekan hidup sehat anti rokok. (pg. 63 Jan 2011)


4.1.2. Phrase

27.Menu makanan pun beragam dari Japanese, Chinese, dan Mexican food.(pg. 152 June 2008)

28.Oh iya, di sini juga full music, lho. (pg. 152 June 2008)

29.So, Dimsum Festival bisa kamu jadiin hangout place bareng teman – tamanmu after party, kan? (pg. 152 June 2008)

30.Berkumpul bareng teman – teman di lounge bergaya modern glamour

ini memang enak dan asyik banget. .(pg. 56 Jan 2011) 31.Pada setiap red carpet show, (pg. 23 Feb 2011)

32.Chloe memilih untuk menggunakan feminine wardrobe dari designer-designer ternama, (pg. 23 Feb 2011)

33.Bakal cocok buat menemani acara afternoon tea kamu. (pg. 141 Jan 2009)

34.Dia sudah punya back up plan untuk mengatasinya. (pg. 23 Feb 2011) 35.Satu alasan lagi untuk menjadikannya role model, yaitu dia cinta

banget dengan keluarganya. (pg. 23 Feb 2011)

36.Putri duyung menyediakan paket gathering dan juga birthday party

(pg. 142 Jan 2009)

37.Kamu pasti tahu kalau positive thinking bisa membuat hidup terasa happy. .(pg. 56 Jan 2011)

38.Tapi, gimana cata meng-create positive thinking? (pg. 54 Feb 2011) 39.Possitive Attitude > terdiri dari beragam emosi positif, seperti


40.Positive Manner bisa membuatmu jauh dari stress dan menciptakan peluang positif. (pg. 54 Feb 2011)

41.Positive Affirmation > Lupakan kenangan burukmu, teguhkan hal positif dalam pikiranmu dan yakin kalau kamu bisa melakukan semua dengan baik. (pg. 54 Feb 2011)

42.Positive visualization > Realisasikan gaya hidup positif yang ingin kamu capai. (pg. 54 Feb 2011)

43.Get Enough Sleep > Istirahat (tidur) yang cukup dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi. (pg. 54 Feb 2011)

44.Kamu nggak perlu khawatir dengan kualitas produk skin protector

yang satu ini. (pg. 78 June 2008)

45.Breaking news – jerawat bukanlah akhir dari segalanya. .(pg. 56 Jan 2011)

46.That’s why, Greyson nggak mau menyiakan-nyiakan kesempatan ini dan total serius dalam pengerjaan debut albumnya.(pg. 90 March 2009)

47.Soalnya, kata-kata tersebut akan langsung disamopaikan ke otak bagian kiri yang memang mengatur emotional information. (pg. 78 June 2008)

48.Bekerja seperti cartoon guardian angel yang akan mencegahmu melakukan hal-hal yang berisiko. (pg. 78 June 2008)

49.Bikin open house kecil-kecilan dan undang semua tetangga. (pg. 65 March 2009)

50.Stand by di depan pintu, sambut tamu yang datang, kenalan deh. (pg. 65 March 2009)


51.Holiday collection ini bermaterikan katun Perancis dengan bentuk scuba multi-panel yang dibuat dengan detail, jahitan nyaman dan tahan lama. .(pg. 56 Jan 2011)

52.Bosan dengan tempat kegiatan hang out yang itu-itu saja? Saaatnya beralih ke happening place yang lebih seru.(pg. 98 Jan 2009)

4.1.2 Clause

53.Bingung mau kemana after prom nite party? (pg. 152 June 2008) 54.GF kasi bocoran tempat nongkrong yang asyik untuk menghabiskan

malam panjangmu with all your friends. (pg. 152 June 2008) 55.Tiga cowok ini is going to be the next big thing. (pg. 141 Jan 2009) 56.Setiap senin malam ada “Hangout Monday” yang menampilkan band

audisi serta jam session for customer. (pg. 98 Jan 2009) 57.Jangan gugup, and smiling is a must! (pg. 98 Jan 2009)

58.Kalau ternyata cowok itu adalah pacar si ketua genk, what do you think will happen next? Be an observer first, ok! (pg. 98 Jan 2009) 59.Come on time and dress properly adalah langkah awal agar direspek. 60.Dijamin langsung ada yang balas just say ‘welcome aboard atau met

gabung ya’. (pg. 98 Jan 2009)

61.As a newbie, teman kamu bisa jadi masih sedikit.(pg. 56 Jan 2011) 62.Kalau orang itu asing banget, then just ignore it. .(pg. 56 Jan 2011) 63.So, to be honest adalah solusi yang paling tepat. .(pg. 56 Jan 2011) 64.Jika ternyata dia masih terus melakukannya, then ask yourself “Is it


65.Yes we know, sometimes dia melakukan hal-hal ajaib yang membuat kamu malu. .(pg. 56 Jan 2011)

66.A good tip to try next time, setiap kali hal memalukan itu terjadi. (pg. 98 Jan 2009)

67.Dipersembahkan khusus untuk pecinta olahraga, a running hoodie from Nike hadir dengan 21 kombinasi warna yang diberi nama AW77.

68.Bosan dengan tempat kegiatan hangout yang itu-itu aja? Saatnya beralih ke happening place yang lebih seru, and The Phoenix would be the right place to go. (pg. 98 Jan 2009)

69.Sementara kamu yang in the mood for party, you should come every Saturday, karena sabtu adalah DJ Night di sini. (pg. 98 Jan 2009) 70.GF berani jamin, setelah merasakan gigitan pertama maka love will

lead you back to Breadtalk. (pg. 98 Jan 2009)

71.You might fill kinda silly at first tapi setelahnya kamu akan merasa more energized and positive! (pg. 98 Jan 2009)

72.Say hi, introduce yourself dan cari tahu nama dia. (pg. 98 Jan 2009) 73.Meski sempat mengalami masa kecil yang agak suram, karir Leighton

di dunia hiburan bisa dibilang cemerlang and she deserves it!pg. (pg. 136 June 2008)

74.She’s not only busy in the acting world tapi Leighton juga mulai merambah jadi ikon salah satu brand terkenal. (pg. 136 June 2008)


The data can be concluded in the following table : Linguistics



Word Phrase Clause Total

June 2008 57 66 20 143

Jan 2009 114 98 17 229

March 2009 111 112 35 258

April 2009 54 36 17 107

Feb 2011 49 49 14 112

Total 395 361 103 859

Word % = 395/895 x 100% = 45,98 % Phrase % = 361/859 x 100% = 42,02 % Clause % = 103/859 x 100% = 11,99 %



From the data above, it can be seen that code mixing on word : 45,98 %, phrase : 42,02 %, clause : 11,99 %.

Based on the analysis, this magazine used English code mixing dominantly, so the writer found that the dominant type of code mixing used in Girlfriend Magazine is outer code mixing.

“Campur kode keluar adalah campur kode yang bersumber dari bahasa asing”(outer code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the element their own language into foreign language)

For example: Alunan musik yang menambah suasan lounge semakin hidup.

And the reason of using code mixing in girlfriend magazine as follows: 1. Bilingualism

2. Prestige

3. There is no suitable expression in using language 4. Habit

It can be seen in following statements:

Nababan (1993:32)says bila seseorang melakukan campur kode dengan bahasa asing bertujuan untuk menunjukkan “keterpelajaran” (if someone used code mixing in foreign language (outer code mixing), it is to show that he is well educated”). Nababan (1933:33) says “Bilamana orang mencampur dua atau lebih bahasa dalam suatu tindak bahasa (speech act atau discourse) tanpa ada sesuatu dalam situasi berbahasa itu yang menuntut pencampuran bahasa itu. Dalam keadaan yang demikian,


hanya kesantaian penutur atau kebiasaannya yang dituruti. Tindak bahasa yang demikian disebut campur kode”. (When people mix two or more language (speech act or discourse) without something that demands to use the mixing language. Such as for a leisure of speaker, or an habit. We can categorize the speech as code mixing).




5.1 Conclusion

Based on the data analysis, the conclusions were staged as the following :

1) Some linguistic elements of code mixing found in Girlfriend magazine are: 1. Word

2. Phrase 3. Clause

2) Linguistic element of code mixing dominantly used in articles of Girlfriend magazine is word.

3) Type of code mixing that dominantly used in Girlfriend magazine is outer code mixing.

4) The reasons of using code mixing in Girlfriend magazine are: 1. Bilingualism

2. Prestige

3. There is no suitable expression 4.

in using language Habit


5.2 Suggestions

Readers are suggested:

1. To use and analyze different types of English or Bahasa Indonesia in bilingualism and multilingualism sphere.

2. To enlarge English vocabulary of the readers.

3. To socialize the use of English as a medium communication in Indonesia. 4. To create a linguistic atmosphere; by saying that English and Bahasa

Indonesia used interchangeably

5. To build an awareness on the importance of English.

6. To accept the reality of code mixing used by Bahasa Indonesia native speakers in daily communication.



Bloomfield, Leonard. 1961. Language. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Chaer, Abdul and Leonie, Agustina. 2004. Sosiolinguistik – Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT. Rhineka Cipta.

Code - mixi

Gulo, W. 2002. Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta:PT. Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia. Kridalaksana, Harimurti. 1993. Kamus Linguistik (Edisi Ketiga). Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka


Nababan, P.W.J. 1993. Sosiolinguistik Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta:PT. Gramedia.

Pitaloka, Dian. 2007. Code-Mixing Used On Cosmopolitan Magazine. Medan: English Department, Faculty of Letters, UNIMED

Poerwadarminta, W.J.S. 1984. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: PN. Balai Pustaka Putri, Dian Marisha. 2011. Indonesian – English Code Switching and Code Mixing Found in the

Novel “Kamar Cewek” written by Ninit Yunita & Okke Sepatumerah. Medan: English Department of USU

Siregar, Bahren Umar. 1996. Code Alternation in Bilingual Speech Behavior - Bahasa Indonesia – English Language Mixing. Medan: Universitas Sumatera Utara Press.



Suwito, Drs. 1983. Sosiolinguistik – Teori dan Problema. Surakarta: Henary Offset Solo. Wardaugh, Ronald. 2010. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics sixth edition. UK: Willey-



From the data above, it can be seen that code mixing on word : 45,98 %, phrase : 42,02 %, clause : 11,99 %.

Based on the analysis, this magazine used English code mixing dominantly, so the writer found that the dominant type of code mixing used in Girlfriend Magazine is outer code mixing.

“Campur kode keluar adalah campur kode yang bersumber dari bahasa asing”(outer code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the element their own language into foreign language)

For example: Alunan musik yang menambah suasan lounge semakin hidup.

And the reason of using code mixing in girlfriend magazine as follows: 1. Bilingualism

2. Prestige

3. There is no suitable expression in using language 4. Habit

It can be seen in following statements:

Nababan (1993:32)says bila seseorang melakukan campur kode dengan bahasa asing bertujuan untuk menunjukkan “keterpelajaran” (if someone used code mixing in foreign language (outer code mixing), it is to show that he is well educated”). Nababan (1933:33) says “Bilamana orang mencampur dua atau lebih bahasa dalam suatu tindak bahasa (speech act atau discourse) tanpa ada sesuatu dalam situasi berbahasa itu yang menuntut pencampuran bahasa itu. Dalam keadaan yang demikian,


hanya kesantaian penutur atau kebiasaannya yang dituruti. Tindak bahasa yang demikian disebut campur kode”. (When people mix two or more language (speech act or discourse) without something that demands to use the mixing language. Such as for a leisure of speaker, or an habit. We can categorize the speech as code mixing).




5.1 Conclusion

Based on the data analysis, the conclusions were staged as the following :

1) Some linguistic elements of code mixing found in Girlfriend magazine are: 1. Word

2. Phrase 3. Clause

2) Linguistic element of code mixing dominantly used in articles of Girlfriend magazine is word.

3) Type of code mixing that dominantly used in Girlfriend magazine is outer code mixing.

4) The reasons of using code mixing in Girlfriend magazine are: 1. Bilingualism

2. Prestige

3. There is no suitable expression 4.

in using language Habit


5.2 Suggestions

Readers are suggested:

1. To use and analyze different types of English or Bahasa Indonesia in bilingualism and multilingualism sphere.

2. To enlarge English vocabulary of the readers.

3. To socialize the use of English as a medium communication in Indonesia. 4. To create a linguistic atmosphere; by saying that English and Bahasa

Indonesia used interchangeably

5. To build an awareness on the importance of English.

6. To accept the reality of code mixing used by Bahasa Indonesia native speakers in daily communication.



Bloomfield, Leonard. 1961. Language. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Chaer, Abdul and Leonie, Agustina. 2004. Sosiolinguistik – Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT.

Rhineka Cipta.

Code - mixi

Gulo, W. 2002. Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta:PT. Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.

Kridalaksana, Harimurti. 1993. Kamus Linguistik (Edisi Ketiga). Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka


Nababan, P.W.J. 1993. Sosiolinguistik Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta:PT. Gramedia.

Pitaloka, Dian. 2007. Code-Mixing Used On Cosmopolitan Magazine. Medan: English

Department, Faculty of Letters, UNIMED

Poerwadarminta, W.J.S. 1984. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: PN. Balai Pustaka

Putri, Dian Marisha. 2011. Indonesian – English Code Switching and Code Mixing Found in the

Novel “Kamar Cewek” written by Ninit Yunita & Okke Sepatumerah. Medan: English Department of USU

Siregar, Bahren Umar. 1996. Code Alternation in Bilingual Speech Behavior - Bahasa

Indonesia – English Language Mixing. Medan: Universitas Sumatera Utara Press.



Suwito, Drs. 1983. Sosiolinguistik – Teori dan Problema. Surakarta: Henary Offset Solo.

Wardaugh, Ronald. 2010. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics sixth edition. UK: Willey-