

















This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education






This thesis written by Ronny Kurniawan was a approved on July 29, 2013


Advisor II, Advisor I


This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on July 29, 2013-07-25

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Dr. M. Syaifuddin, M.M

Examiners Signatures:

1. Bayu Hendro Wicaksono, Ph.d 1. ... 2. Drs. Imam Mahfudz 2. ... 3. Santi Prastiyowati, S.Pd 3. ... 4. Jarum, M.Ed 4. ...



Sesungguhnya beserta kesukaran ada kemudahan (QS: Al-Insirakh: 6)

Atas setiap masalah yang dihadapkan dengan doa, akan selalu ada jalan keluar yang tak terduga-duga.

(Mario Teguh)

Jika kau selalu merasa kurang dengan apa yang kau punya dalam hidupmu, tengoklah bagaimana para anak-anak jalanan merayakan kekurangan hidup mereka dengan

senyuman. Always do the best for giving, save street child malang. (Ronny Kurniawan)

DEDICATION: I dedicated this thesis to: My beloved parents and my beloved mommy in heaven My lovely granny My whole big family My sweet nurse Dwi setiani My lovely second family “tralala and syalala”

Save street child malang community My red honda CB 1982



Alhamdulillah, praise be to the almighty Allah SWT, the greatest creator of this universe who always gives strenght and bless to the writer in order to finish this thesis. Shalawat and greeting may always be upon the holy prophet Muhammad SAW and his family.

First, the writer would like express his highest gratitude to his thesis advisor, Mrs. Santi Prastiyowati S.Pd and Mr. Jarum M.Ed who have been very helpful, kind, and passion in giving advises, ideas, and valuable time during the process of this thesis writing.

Second, he would say thanks to his father (totok CB besi), mother (Rupi’ati), mother in heaven (Lilik Fatmawati), the tralala and syalala, and crews of Save Street Child Malang that can not be mentioned one by one, thanks for love, care and support given to the writer. Third, thanks a lot for Dwi Setiani for her pray, support, and passion in helping the writer in finishing this thesis. Finally, the writer hopes that this thesis could be a useful resource for the reader who wants to analyze the same subject as in this thesis about Indonesian-English code mixing.

Malang, 25 july 2013



APPROVAL ... iii




ABSTRACT ... vii



1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of Problems ... 6

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 7

1.4 Significance of Study... 7

1.5 Scope and Limitations ... 8

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 8


2.1 Language ... 9

2.2 Language Variety ... 9

2.3 Bilingualism and Multilingualism ... 12

2.4 Code ... 14


2.4.2 Code Mixing ... 16

2.5 The Types of Code Mixing ... 18

2.5.1 Word ... 18

2.5.2 Phrase... 19

2.5.3 Clause ... 21

2.6 The Reasons of the Occurence of Code Mixing ... 22


3.1 Research Design ... 26

3.2 Approach ... 27

3.3 Object of the Study ... 28

3.4 Data Collection ... 28

3.5 Data Analysis ... 29


4.1 Reasearch Findings ... 30

4.1.1 The Code Mixing in Form of Word ... 59

4. 1.2 The Code Mixing in Form of Phrase ... 59

4.1.3 The Code Mixing in Form of Clause ... 60

4.1.4 The Context of The Occurence of Code Mixing ... 60 Talking About Particular Topic ... 61 Quoting Someboy Else’s Opinion ... 62

(10) Interjection ... 64 Repetition Used for Clarification ... 65 Intention of Clarifying The Speech for Interlucor ... 66 Expressing Group Identity ... 67 Softening or Strenghtening Command ... 68

4..1.4.9 Because of Real Lexical Need ... 69 Excluding People When A Comment is Intended for Only Limited Audience ... 70

4.2 The Reason of Writer in Using Code Mixing ... 70

4.3 Discussion ... 72


5.1 Conclusion ... 75

5.2 Suggestion ... 76

5.2.1 Suggestion for The Lecturer ... 76

5.2.2 Suggestion for Future Researcher... 76




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Hariyono, Rudy. 2002. Complete English Grammar. Surabaya: Gitamedia Press.

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Heisler, Jenifer. 2013. Cardiothoracic Surgeon. ( on (July 27, 2013).

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Chapter I of this research presents background of study, statement of problem, purpose of study, significance of study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1Background of study

As human being, people cannot avoid using language to communicate with others in their daily life. People use language to avoid misunderstanding and miscommunication. They will always use it every time they interact with others. It is because language is a tool which is used to deliver opinion, will, desire, and everything to the others.

Language is a system of meaningful sound articulated symbol (produced byorgan of speech) which is arbitrarily and conventionally used as tool of communication by a group of people to create a thought and feeling (Wibowo, 2001:3). It can be concluded that language is a tool of communication used by group of people in order to deliver their idea, message, thought, and feeling.

Felicia (2001:8) mentions that language is divided into oral language and written language. Oral language is a language spoken by the speaker. For example, oral language is used in giving a speech, lecture, or just simple daily conversation with friends. Written language is a language in a written form or printed form by made the speaker. For example: magazine, newspaper, poster, textbook, etc.



Nowadays, there are lots of foreigners who come to Indonesia for some reasons such as study, work, holiday, or business. Some of them even decide to stay and become Indonesian. In the opposite, there is also lots of Indonesian who go abroad for the same reasons. This phenomenon makes the code mixing exist because there are two main different languages used by those people. In order to communicate with the locals they need to learn the language which is commonly used by them.As the result, it is possible for them to use code mixing or code switching in their daily conversation.

Before explaining about code mixing, there are two terms of language which caused the existence of code mixing; they are bilingualism and multilingualism. Bloomfield (in Hamers and Blanc, 2000:6) defines bilingualism as ‘The native-like control of two languages’. In the popular view, being bilingual equals being able to speak two languages perfectly (Hamers and Blanc, 2000:6). According to Pateda (1990:57), multilingualism is the ability to speak three or more languages. Code mixing may occur in bilingual or multilingual society because the people within it are managed to use more than one different language, so that they can choose the language choice in their daily conversation.

In a bilingual or multilingual society, the people may use certain code in their conversation. They may use code mixing or even code switching in their conversation. Redlinger and Park (in Hoffman, 1993:105) state that language mixing refers to the combining of two elements from two languages in a single utterance. Wardhaugh (1986:101) states that code mixing happens when a speaker requires a



particular code, in order to switch or mix one code to another and even create a new code in process.

In this new modern age, English has become an international language that is used by many people from all over the world. In order to come up with this globalization era, English has become an important language that should be learned by a lot of people. As a result, there is a language mixing that exists in some countries, such as Manglish in Malaysia, Taglish in the Philippines, Singlish in Singapore, and Indolish in Indonesia. Although Indolish is not frequently used, the growth of Indolish has shown that it is used by lots of people in some occasions.

Indolish means mixing Bahasa Indonesia and English in one sentence. Some people may not be familiar with this term, but they often use it in their daily life. The integration of foreign language into Bahasa Indonesia has been started since the collapse of new order government and has been used by some intellectual (

Language is a part of human life, as human develop their self, then language will develop as well. Before human recognized language which is used in this present time, the primordial man engraved pictures and symbols on their cave, and they also used body movement in order to communicate with others. By the over time, human started to recognized a language in form written context. As the result, human invented culture. According to J.J Hoenigman (in Koentjaraningrat, 1986),there are three kinds of culture such as idea, action, and literature.



Literature is part of language, there are a lot of literature which is highly related to the use of language, such as song, poem, drama, and novel. Nowadays, novel has become one of most favorite reading among the Indonesian teenagers. Novel is a long work of narrative prose fiction, because of its length, a novel can picture life with all its richness, complexity, and contradiction (Macmillan, 1989:491). The result is a lifelike world in which we become more involved than we would in shorter work.

Twivortiare novel written by Ika Natassa is one of novel which is using Indolish and also one of famous Indonesian novel. It is because the author frequently puts at least one of English word in every sentence. This novel tells about a busy woman banker named Alexandra who married a heart surgeon named Beno Wicaksono. The story of this novel is basically taken from her twitter account @alexandrarheaw. Each page of this novel tells us about her daily life. Twivortiare is a classic story of love and wound, which is threaded on tweets, mentions, and DM (direct message).

There were two previous researches about code mixing. It is done by Hans in 2005 and Song Woo-Pyung in 2006. Hans conducted his research about Code Mixing among Banjarese, Javanese, Makassarese, and Ambonese in Siwalankerto Timur I/3, A Boarding House. He was investigating people who live in bilingual community who usually produce code mixing that have the same lexicon but different in meaning. There were four kinds of code mixing utterances, (I-J) Indonesian-Javanese, (I-M) Makassarese, (I-B) Banjarese, (I-A)



Ambonese. The words that used in Indonesian-Javanese (I-J) were ikan (dish), tukaran (fight), kesel (tired), pegel (annoy), kenceng (straight), ect. The words that used Indonesian-Makassarese (I-M) were (straw), lusa pi (the day after tomorrow), sewa (bet), ect. The words that used in Indonesian-Banjarese (I-B) were kaca (glass), taksi (taxi), ect. The words that used in Indonesia-Ambonese were beta (I), seng (no), ect.

Song Woo-pyung (2006), in her thesis entitled A Study of Indonesian-Korean Code Mixing Produced by Korean Women in Surabaya, found out the Korean women who lived in Surabaya produced Indonesian-Korean code mixing in conversation with Indonesian. They used a lot of kinds of parts of speech such as adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, interjections, particles, pronouns, word endings, and verbs. The part of speech most frequently used by Korean women was particles, the second was word endings and verbs, the third was adverbs, and then pronouns, conjunctions, adjectives, and the last was interjections.

The researcher is interested in analyzing Indonesian-English code mixing due to the use of Indolish among Indonesian. He chooses code mixing in novel because there are lots of writer who frequently use Indonesian-English code mixing on their novel. The researcher wants to find out what kinds of Indonesian-English code mixing are used in Twivortiare novel and also the writer’s reason in using code mixing.



1.2Statement of problem

a. What are the types of code mixing used in Twivortiare novel by Ika Natassa? b. What are the contexts of code mixing used in Twivortiare novel by Ika


c. What are the reasons of the writer in using code mixing in Twivortiare novel?

1.3Purpose of study

Purposes of this study is to know the code mixing used in novel Twivortiare. Secondly, this research aims to find out contexts of code mixing found n Twivortiare novel. Moreover, this research purpose is to analyze the reason of code mixing use by the writer on her novel Twivortiare.

1.4Significance of study

The result of this research has both theoretical and practical value. Theoretically, this study aims to give a clear explanation about code mixing used in Twivortiare novel. It is expected to contribute and enrich to the theory of sociolinguistics.

Practically, this research may become important reference for the following readers. For the English department students, this analysis can increase their knowledge of code mixing in term of sociolinguistic study. They can read and learn about it from another perspective. For the lecturer of sociolinguistic, this research could be used as an additional material in studying and teaching sociolinguistic material.



In addition, this research can be used as additional source about code mixing for other researchers who are interested in doing similar research.

1.5Scope and limitation

The scope of this study is the code mixing found in Twivortiare novel only. For limitation, this research is only Indonesian-English code mixing found in Twivortiare novel.

1.6Definition of key terms

 Bilingualism: ‘The native-like control of two languages’ (Bloomfield, in Hamers and Blanc, 2000:6). In this study, term of bilingualism is refers to the conversation among the characters by using Indonesian-English.  Code mixing: language mixing refers to the combining of two elements

from two languages in a single utterance (Redlinger and Park, in Hoffman, 1993:105). In this study, code mixing is a mix of Indonesian-English language used by the characters.

 Novel: a long work of narrative prose fiction, because of its length, a novel can picture life with all of its richness, complexity, and contradiction (Macmillan, 1989:491). The result is lifelike world in which we become more involved than we would in shorter work.



 Twivortiare: Novel written by Ika Natassa which talks about a busy banker named Alexandra. The story on this novel is taken from the characters’s twitter account @alexandrarheaw.


particular code, in order to switch or mix one code to another and even create a new code in process.

In this new modern age, English has become an international language that is used by many people from all over the world. In order to come up with this globalization era, English has become an important language that should be learned by a lot of people. As a result, there is a language mixing that exists in some countries, such as Manglish in Malaysia, Taglish in the Philippines, Singlish in Singapore, and Indolish in Indonesia. Although Indolish is not frequently used, the growth of Indolish has shown that it is used by lots of people in some occasions.

Indolish means mixing Bahasa Indonesia and English in one sentence. Some people may not be familiar with this term, but they often use it in their daily life. The integration of foreign language into Bahasa Indonesia has been started since the collapse of new order government and has been used by some intellectual (

Language is a part of human life, as human develop their self, then language will develop as well. Before human recognized language which is used in this present time, the primordial man engraved pictures and symbols on their cave, and they also used body movement in order to communicate with others. By the over time, human started to recognized a language in form written context. As the result, human invented culture. According to J.J Hoenigman (in Koentjaraningrat, 1986),there are three kinds of culture such as idea, action, and literature.


Literature is part of language, there are a lot of literature which is highly related to the use of language, such as song, poem, drama, and novel. Nowadays, novel has become one of most favorite reading among the Indonesian teenagers. Novel is a long work of narrative prose fiction, because of its length, a novel can picture life with all its richness, complexity, and contradiction (Macmillan, 1989:491). The result is a lifelike world in which we become more involved than we would in shorter work.

Twivortiare novel written by Ika Natassa is one of novel which is using Indolish and also one of famous Indonesian novel. It is because the author frequently puts at least one of English word in every sentence. This novel tells about a busy woman banker named Alexandra who married a heart surgeon named Beno Wicaksono. The story of this novel is basically taken from her twitter account @alexandrarheaw. Each page of this novel tells us about her daily life. Twivortiare is a classic story of love and wound, which is threaded on tweets, mentions, and DM (direct message).

There were two previous researches about code mixing. It is done by Hans in 2005 and Song Woo-Pyung in 2006. Hans conducted his research about Code Mixing among Banjarese, Javanese, Makassarese, and Ambonese in Siwalankerto Timur I/3, A Boarding House. He was investigating people who live in bilingual community who usually produce code mixing that have the same lexicon but different in meaning. There were four kinds of code mixing utterances, (I-J) Indonesian-Javanese, (I-M) Makassarese, (I-B) Banjarese, (I-A)


Indonesian-Ambonese. The words that used in Indonesian-Javanese (I-J) were ikan (dish), tukaran (fight), kesel (tired), pegel (annoy), kenceng (straight), ect. The words that used Indonesian-Makassarese (I-M) were (straw), lusa pi (the day after tomorrow), sewa (bet), ect. The words that used in Indonesian-Banjarese (I-B) were kaca (glass), taksi (taxi), ect. The words that used in Indonesia-Ambonese were beta (I), seng (no), ect.

Song Woo-pyung (2006), in her thesis entitled A Study of Indonesian-Korean Code Mixing Produced by Korean Women in Surabaya, found out the Korean women who lived in Surabaya produced Indonesian-Korean code mixing in conversation with Indonesian. They used a lot of kinds of parts of speech such as adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, interjections, particles, pronouns, word endings, and verbs. The part of speech most frequently used by Korean women was particles, the second was word endings and verbs, the third was adverbs, and then pronouns, conjunctions, adjectives, and the last was interjections.

The researcher is interested in analyzing Indonesian-English code mixing due to the use of Indolish among Indonesian. He chooses code mixing in novel because there are lots of writer who frequently use Indonesian-English code mixing on their novel. The researcher wants to find out what kinds of Indonesian-English code mixing are used in Twivortiare novel and also the writer’s reason in using code mixing.


1.2Statement of problem

a. What are the types of code mixing used in Twivortiare novel by Ika Natassa? b. What are the contexts of code mixing used in Twivortiare novel by Ika


c. What are the reasons of the writer in using code mixing in Twivortiare novel?

1.3Purpose of study

Purposes of this study is to know the code mixing used in novel Twivortiare. Secondly, this research aims to find out contexts of code mixing found n Twivortiare novel. Moreover, this research purpose is to analyze the reason of code mixing use by the writer on her novel Twivortiare.

1.4Significance of study

The result of this research has both theoretical and practical value. Theoretically, this study aims to give a clear explanation about code mixing used in Twivortiare novel. It is expected to contribute and enrich to the theory of sociolinguistics.

Practically, this research may become important reference for the following readers. For the English department students, this analysis can increase their knowledge of code mixing in term of sociolinguistic study. They can read and learn about it from another perspective. For the lecturer of sociolinguistic, this research could be used as an additional material in studying and teaching sociolinguistic material.


In addition, this research can be used as additional source about code mixing for other researchers who are interested in doing similar research.

1.5Scope and limitation

The scope of this study is the code mixing found in Twivortiare novel only. For limitation, this research is only Indonesian-English code mixing found in Twivortiare novel.

1.6Definition of key terms

 Bilingualism: ‘The native-like control of two languages’ (Bloomfield, in Hamers and Blanc, 2000:6). In this study, term of bilingualism is refers to the conversation among the characters by using Indonesian-English.  Code mixing: language mixing refers to the combining of two elements

from two languages in a single utterance (Redlinger and Park, in Hoffman, 1993:105). In this study, code mixing is a mix of Indonesian-English language used by the characters.

 Novel: a long work of narrative prose fiction, because of its length, a novel can picture life with all of its richness, complexity, and contradiction (Macmillan, 1989:491). The result is lifelike world in which we become more involved than we would in shorter work.


 Twivortiare: Novel written by Ika Natassa which talks about a busy banker named Alexandra. The story on this novel is taken from the characters’s twitter account @alexandrarheaw.