Giving the students some practices

68 students were asked to listen to the pronunciation and repeat it. They learnt to pronounce some English words, so they could have accurate pronunciation.

c. Giving the students some practices

The students had a discussion with the researcher. They discussed the Indonesian equivalent of some English words. This aimed to make the students gather new vocabularies. The next activity was answering some questions using the expressions of asking for information, giving information and denying information. The students did this tasks orally and reciprocally with their partners. Next, the students were asked to complete a dialogue by filling in the blank spaces using the expressions they had learnt and discussed it with the researcher. The last practice was making a short conversation based on the situation given to the students using the expressions they had learnt. They did this task orally . In the next meeting, the students also had some practices before playing board games. First of all, the students were asked to find the antonyms of some words. The students were allowed to use their dictionaries to do this task. The next activity was giving a short form of opinion orally. Here the researcher used a slide presentation to show some pictures about some phenomena that the students had to give their opinion orally and spontaneously. The students did this activity very well. Next, the students did some other tasks. The next task was completing a dialogue using the expressions they had learnt. Here the students were given a dialogue with some blank spaces that they had to fill using the expressions of 69 asking for opinion and giving opinion and discussed it with the researcher. The last practice was making a short conversation based on the situation given to the students using the expressions they had learnt. In the third meeting, the students were also given some practices. First of all they had to find the closest meaning of some English words. Here they could use their dictionaries to do this task. After they finished their work, they had a discussion with the researcher. Then, the students were given a task in which they had to show their agreement or disagreement about something in the short form orally. Then, they also had to complete a dialogue using the expressions of agreeing and disagreeing. Afterwards, they discussed it with the researcher. Some students were asked to perform the dialogue. The last activity before playing board games was practicing the use of expressions by making a short conversation based on the situation given to the students in pairs. This task was done orally.

d. Giving feedback and prompt if necessary