May 1984. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984, pp. 134.

15- 20 May 1984. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984, pp. 134.

deBrom head, Ant oinet t e. " The Rest orat ion of Paint and Gilt Work on Furnit ure and Fram es,"

The Mast er Craft sm an, Sum m er 1980, p. 42.

Hat chfield, Pam ela. " Not e on a Fill Mat erial for Wat er Sensit ive Obj ect s," Journal of t he

Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, vol. 25, no. 2, 1986, pp. 93- 96.

Hill, John H. " The Hist ory and Technique of Japanning and Rest orat ion of t he Pim m

Highboy," Am erican Art Journal, vol. 8, no. 23, Novem ber 1976, pp. 59- 84.

Hit t m air, Elisabet h. " Rest aurierung eines j apanischen Paravent s ( Rest orat ion of a Japanese

Paravent ) ," Malt echnik- Rest auro, vol. 84, no. 2, April 1978, pp. 99- 102.

How let t , F. Carey. " Balancing Aest het ic Concerns w it h Et hical Considerat ions: Technical Solut ions Used in t he Conservat ion of an Early 19t h Cent ury Five- Drawer Chest ," Am erican

I nst it ut e for Conservat ion Preprint s of Papers Present ed at t he Thirt eent h Annual Meet ing, Washingt on, DC, 22- 26 May 1985. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1985, pp. 68- 78.

Hughes, Nancy. " Sensit ive Gilt Repairs," Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion Preprint s of Papers Present ed at t he Thirt eent h Annual Meet ing, Washingt on, DC, 22- 26 May 1985. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1985, pp. 158.

Kennedy, Ralph G. " Conservat ion and Rest orat ion of 1850s Mit chell and Ram m elsberg Furnit ure," Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion Preprint s of Papers Present ed at t he Twelft h Annual Meet ing, Los Angeles, CA, 15- 20 May 1984. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984, pp. 134.

Koller, M. and N. Wibiral. Der Pacher- Alt ar in St . Wolfgant : Unt ersuchung und Rest aurierung

1971- 1976.

Landrey, Gregory J. " Et hical Considerat ions in t he Treat m ent of a Part ial 19c. Carved and Gilt Obj ect ," Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion Pr eprint s of Papers Present ed at t he Thirt eent h Annual Meet ing, Washingt on, DC, 22- 26 May 1985. Washingt on, DC: Am erican

I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1985, pp. 158.

Rees- Jones, S. " The Coronat ion Chair," St udies in Conservat ion, vol. 1, no. 3, 1954, pp.

103- 114. Russo, Nancy. " Wat er- Gilding," Fine Woodworking, no. 46, May/ June 1984, pp. 82- 85. Schnorr, Em il G. and Hana Harris. " Rest orat ion of a 16t h Cent ury Wood Carved and

Polychrom ed Alt arpiece," Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion Preprint s of Papers Present ed at t he Twelft h Annual Meet ing, Los Angeles, CA, 15- 20 May 1984. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984, pp. 136.

Szosz, Merlin. " Gilding," Fine Woodworking, no. 15, March- April 1979, pp. 80- 81.

van der Reyden, Dianne and Donald C. William s. " The Technology and Conservat ion Treat m ent of a Ninet eent h Cent ury English Papier- Mache Chair," Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion Preprint s of Papers Present ed at t he Fourt eent h Annual Meet ing, Chicago, I L,

21- 25 May 1986. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1986, pp. 125- 142.

West m oreland, Rosam und and Barbara Robert s. " 18t h Cent ury Am erican Paint ed Furnit ure: Three Treat m ent s," Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion Preprint s of t he Tent h Annual Meet ing, Milwaukee, WI , 26- 30 May 1982. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1982, pp. 174- 182.

William s, Marc A. " Musical Malady: The Case of an Em pire Piano," Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion Preprint s of Papers Present ed at t he Nint h Annual Meet ing, Philadelphia, PA,

27- 31 May 1981. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1981, pp. 191- 195.

Wolbers, Richard and Gregory Landrey. " The Use of Direct React ive Fluorescent Dyes for t he Charact erizat ion of Binding Media in Cross Sect ional Exam inat ions," Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion Preprint s of Papers Present ed at t he Fift eent h Annual Meet ing, Vancouver, Brit ish Colum bia, Canada, May 20- 24, 1987. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1987, pp. 168- 202.

I de n t ifica t ion of Fr a m e s, Look in g Gla sse s, a n d Pa in t e d Fu r n it u r e

NOTE: Gilt furnit ure is variously t reat ed in books, m onographs and art icles, devot ed t o st yle, hist orical epochs, count ry of origin and funct ion, but never as gilt furnit ure per se. This list ing is biased t ow ard Am erican gilt w ork.

Adair, William . The Fram es in Am erica: A Survey of Fabricat ion Techniques and St yles.

Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e of Archit ect s Foundat ion, 1983.

Bat es, Elizabet h Bidw ell and Jonat han L. Fairbanks. Am erican Furnit ure, 1620 t o t he

Present . New York: Richard Marek, 1981.

Bret t ell, Richard R. and St even St arling. The Art of t he Edge: European Fram es 1300- 1900.

Chicago, I L: Art I nst it ut e of Chicago, 1986. Com st ock, Helen. The Looking Glass in Am erica, 1700- 1825. New York: Viking Press, 1968. East lake, Charles L. Hint s on Household Tast e in Furnit ure, Upholst ery and Ot her Det ails.

New York: Dover Publicat ions, 1969.

Elder, William Voss. " Not es on Treat m ent of Paint ed Furnit ure," Balt im ore Paint ed Furnit ure

1800- 1840. Balt im or e, MD: Balt im ore Museum of Art , 1972, pp. 90- 91.

Fales, Dean A. Am erican Paint ed Fram es. New York: Abaris Books, 1981. Translat ed by

Nancy M. Gordon and Walt er L. St rauss. Grim m , Claus. The Book of Pict ure Fram es. New York: Abaris Books, 1981.

Heydenryk, Henry, Jr. The Art and Hist ory of Fram es. New York: Jam es Heinem an Publisher,

1963. Horowit z, I ra. " Whist ler's Fram es," College Art Journal, vol. 39, 1979- 1980, pp. 124. Maryanski, Richard A. Ant ique Pict ure Fram e Guide. Niles, I L: Cedar Forest Co., 1973. Mont gom ery, Charles F. Am erican Furnit ure, The Federal Period in t he Henry Francis duPont

Wint ert hur Museum . New York: Viking Press, 1966.

New bery, Tim ot hy J. " Tow ards an Agreed Nom enclat ure for I t alian Pict ure Fram es,"

I nt ernat ional Journal of Museum Managem ent and Curat orship, vol. 4, no. 2, June 1985, pp.

119- 128.

Newbery, Tim ot hy J., George Biasacca and Laurence B. Kant er. I t alian Renaissance Fram es.

New York: Met ropolit an Museum of Art , 1990.

Praz, Mario. An I llust rat ed Hist ory of I nt erior Decorat ion, from Pom peii t o Art Nouveau. New

York: Tam es and Hudson, I nc., 1982.

Prim e, Alfred Cox. " John Elliot - Cabinet and Looking Glass Maker of Philadelphia,"

Pennsylvania Museum Bullet in, vol. XI X, no. 85, April 1924, pp. 127- 138.

Ring, Bet t y. " Checklist of Looking- Glass and Fram e Makers and Merchant s Know n by Their

Labels," The Magazine Ant iques, May 1981, pp. 1178.

Robert s, Lynn. " Ninet eent h Cent ury English Pict ure Fram es: I : The Pre- Raphaelist es,"

I nt ernat ional Journal of Museum Managem ent and Curat orship, vol. 4, no. 2, 1985, pp. 155-

Sandw it h, Herm ione. " Nat ional Trust Pict ure Fram e Survey," I nt ernat ional Journal of

Museum Managem ent and Curat orship, vol. 4, no. 2, 1985, pp. 173- 178.

Schiffer, Herbert F. The Mirror Book: English, Am erican and European. Ext on, PA: Schiffer

Publishing Lt d., 1983.

Schweig, Bruno. Mirrors, A Guide t o t he Manufact urers of Mirrors and Reflect ory Surfaces.

London: Pelham Books, 1973.

St rickland, Pet er. " Docum ent ed Philadelphia Looking- Glass Manufact urers, Circa 1800-

1850," The Magazine Ant iques, April 1976, pp. 794.

Sut herland, C.H.V. Gold. I t s Beaut y, Power and Allure. London: Tham es & Hudson, Lt d.,

Tom lin, Maurice. " Pict ure Fram es at Ham House," I nt ernat ional Journal of Museum

Managem ent and Curat orship, vol. 4, no. 2, 1985.

Tracy, Berry B. Federal Furnit ure and Decorat ive Art s at Boscobel. New York: Harry N.

Abram s, 1981.

Tracy, et al. Ninet eent h- Cent ury Am erica, Furnit ure and Ot her Decorat ive Art s. New York:

Met ropolit an Museum of Art , 1970. van Thiel, P.J.J. and C.J. de Bruyn Kops. Prij st de Lij st . Am st erdam : Rij ksm useum , 1984. Wat son, F.J.B. " Furnit ure Gilders of Eight eent h Cent ury Paris," Ant iques, vol. 73, May 1958,

pp. 465- 469.

Wills, Geoffrey. English Looking- Glasses. A St udy of t he Glass, Fram es and t he Makers

( 1670- 1820) . New York: A.S. Barner and Co., 1965.