Methods of Examination, Analysis and Documentation of Furniture

I n t r odu ct ion t o Fur n it u r e Con se r va t ion

Cou r se Te x t

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Nat ional Conservat ion Advisory Council. Report of t he St udy Com m it t ee on Educat ion and

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I n se ct I n fe st a t ion

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Fu r n it u r e H ist or y a nd Con st r u ct ion

Eu r ope a n

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31, no. 2, 1986, pp. 77- 82.

McMillin, Charles W. " SEM Technique for Displaying t he Three- Dim ensional St ruct ure of

Wood," Wood Science, vol. 9, no. 4, April 1977, pp. 202- 204.

Miller, Bruce F. " The Feasibilit y of Using Therm ography t o Det ect Subsurface Voids in Paint ed Wooden Panels," Journal of t he Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, vol. 16, no. 2, 1977, pp. 27- 35.

Miller, Judi. Analysis of Waxes and Wax- Resin Mixt ures by Gas Chrom at ography.

Unpublished m anuscript , n.d. Miller, Judi. Gas Chrom at ographic Analysis of Drying Oils. Unpublished m anuscript . Mills, John S. " I dent ificat ion of Organic Mat erials in Museum Obj ect s," Conservat ion in t he

Tropics. Proceedings of t he Asia- Pacific Sem inar on Conservat ion of Cult ural Propert y,

February 7- 16, 1972. Rom e: I CCROM, 1972, pp. 159- 170.

Mills, John S. " The Gas Chrom at ographic Exam inat ion of Paint Media, Part 1: Fat t y Acid Com posit ion and I dent ificat ion of Dried Oil Film s," St udies in Conservat ion, vol. 11, no. 2, 1966, pp. 92- 107.

Mills, John S. " The I dent ificat ion of Paint Media - An I nt roduct ion," Conservat ion and

Rest orat ion of Pict orial Art . London: But t erwort hs, 1976, pp. 69- 71.

Mills, John S. and Raym ond Whit e. " Nat ural Resins of Art and Archaeology: Their Sources,

Chem ist ry and I dent ificat ion," St udies in Conservat ion, vol. 22, no. 1, 1977, pp. 12- 31.

Museum of Fine Art s, Bost on, Research Laborat ory. Applicat ion of Science in t he Exam inat ion of Works of Art , 3 vols., William Young, ed., Proceedings Sem inars: 1959, 1965, 1970.

Museum of Fine Art s, Bost on, Research Laborat ory. Applicat ion of Science t o t he Dat ing of Works of Art . Proceedings of t he Sem inar, Sept em ber 23- 25, 1974. Bost on, MA: Museum of Fine Art s, Bost on, 1978.

Organ, Robert M. " Science for t he Conservat or and t he Curat or," Journal of t he Am erican

I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, vol. 20, no. 1, 1981, pp. 41- 44.

Tit e, M.S. Met hods of Physical Exam inat ion in Archaeology. London and New York: Sem inar

Press, 1972.

van Zelst , Lam bert us. " Fine Art Exam inat ion and Conservat ion," Kirk- Ot hm er Encyclopedia of Chem ical Technology Supplem ent Volum e. 3rd edit ion. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1984, pp. 392- 442.

Whit e, Raym ond. " The Applicat ion of Gas- Chrom at ography t o t he I dent ificat ion of Waxes,"

St udies in Conservat ion, vol. 23, no. 2, 1978, pp. 57- 68. Ge n e r a l An a lyt ica l Te x t s ( Cla ssica l) NOTE: I n t his sect ion and t he General Analyt ical Text s ( Classical) , t he list ing includes m any

books of nearly ident ical charact er. I t is recom m ended t hat you acquire one from t he classical ( wet chem ist ry) group and one from t he inst rum ent al group, or ot her books of sim ilar nat ure.

Christ ian, Gary D. Analyt ical Chem ist ry. New York: John Wiley, 1970. Lait inen, Herbert A. Chem ical Analysis. New York: McGraw- Hill, 1960.

Skoog, Douglas and Donald West . Analyt ical Chem ist ry. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders College

Publishing, 1980.

Ge n e r a l An a lyt ica l Te x t s ( I n st r u m e n t a l)

NOTE: I n t his sect ion and t he General Analyt ical Text s ( I nst rum ent al) , t he list ing includes m any books of nearly ident ical charact er. I t is recom m ended t hat you acquire one from t he classical ( wet chem ist ry) group and one from t he inst rum ent al group, or ot her books of sim ilar nat ure.

Bauer, Henry H., Gary D. Christ ian and Jam es E. O'Reilly. I nst rum ent al Analysis. Bost on,

MA: Allyn and Bacon, I nc., 1978. Robinson, Jam es W. Undergraduat e I nst rum ent al Analysis. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1987. Saferst ein, Richard, ed. Forensic Science Handbook, Vol. 1. Englew ood Cliffs, NJ: Prent ice-

Hall, 1982.

Su r v e y of N on - W ood M a t e r ia ls for Fu r n it ur e Con se r va t ion

Bon e a n d I v or y

Canadian Conservat ion I nst it ut e. Care of I vory, Bone, Horn and Ant ler. CCI Not es 6/ 1.

Ot t aw a, Canada: Canadian Conservat ion I nst it ut e, 1983.

LaFont aine, R.H. and P. Wood. " The St abilizat ion of I vory Against Relat ive Hum idit y

Fluct uat ions," St udies in Conservat ion, vol. 27, no. 3, 1982, pp. 109- 117.

Pennim an, T.K. Pict ures of I vory and Ot her Anim al Teet h, Bone and Ant ler. Oxford:

Universit y Press, 1952.

Snow , C. and T.D. Weisser. " The Exam inat ion and Treat m ent of I vory and Relat ed Mat erials," Adhesives and Consolidant s, Preprint s of t he Paris Congress, 2- 8 Sept em ber 1984. London: I nt ernat ional I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984, pp. 141- 145.

von Endt , David W. " Bone," Prot ein Chem ist ry for Conservat ion. Washingt on, DC: Am erican

I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984, pp. 31- 35.

von Endt , David W. " The St ruct ure of Bone," Prot ein Chem ist ry for Conservat ion.

Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984, pp. 13- 17. Ce r a m ics Koob, St ephen P. " The Cont inued Use of Shellac as an Abrasive - Why?" Adhesives and

Consolidant s, Proceedings of t he Paris Congress, 2- 8 Sept em ber 1984. London:

I nt ernat ional I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984, p. 103.

Koob, St ephen P. " The Use of Paraloid B- 72 as an Adhesive: I t s Applicat ion for Archaeological Ceram ics and Ot her Mat erials," St udies in Conservat ion, vol. 31, no. 1, 1986, pp. 7- 14.

Gla ss

Davison, S. " A Review of Adhesives and Consolidant s Used on Glass Ant iquit ies," Adhesives and Consolidant s, Preprint s of t he Paris Congress, 2- 8 Sept em ber 1984. London:

I nt ernat ional I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984, pp. 191- 194. Le a t h e r Canadian Conservat ion I nst it ut e. Rem oving Mold from Leat her. CCI Not es 8/ 1. Ot t awa,

Canada: Canadian Conservat ion I nst it ut e, 1983.

Canadian Conservat ion I nst it ut e. Care of Com m ercially Tanned Leat her. CCI Not es 8/ 2.

Ot t aw a, Canada: Canadian Conservat ion I nst it ut e, 1983.

Mussey, Robert D. " Prelim inary Not es on t he Use of Polysulfide Resin as Filler- Adhesive for Losses in Aged Leat her," Papers Present ed at t he Wooden Art ifact s Group, Chicago, 1986. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1988.

New England Tanners Club. Leat her Fact s. Peabody, MA: New England Tanners Club, 1983.

Raphael, Toby. " Preservat ion of Leat her and Skin Product s," Leat her Conservat ion New s,

Raphael, Toby. Prim ary Care and Preservat ion of Leat her and Skin Product s. Unpublished

m onograph, n.d.

Raphael, Toby and Ellen McCrady. " Leat her Dressing: To Dress or Not t o Dress," Conserv- O-

Gram 9/ 1. Washingt on, DC: Nat ional Park Service, July 1993.

St orch, Paul S. " Curat orial Care and Handling of Skin Mat erials, Part I : Tanned Obj ect s,"

Conservat ion Not es, no. 17, January 1987, 4 pp.

St orch, Paul S. " Curat orial Care and Handling of Skin Mat erials, Part I I : Sem i- Tanned

Obj ect s," Conservat ion Not es, no. 18, February 1987, 4 pp.

Tanners' Council of Am erica. Dict ionary of Leat her Term inology. Washingt on, DC: Tanners'

Council of Am erica, 1983.

Thom son, R.S. " Tanning: Man's First Manufact uring Process?" Transact ions, The New com en

Societ y, 1981- 82, pp. 139- 155. M e t a ls Cushing, Daniel. " Principles of Corrosion Applicable t o Ancient Met als and Met hods of

I dent ifying Corrosion Product s," Applicat ion of Science in t he Exam inat ion of Works of Art .

Bost on, MA: Museum of Fine Art , 1965, pp. 53- 65.

Kruger, Jerom e. " Corrosion - t he Silent Scourge," Yearbook of Science and t he Fut ure.

Chicago, I L: Encyclopedia Br it annica, 1980, pp. 134- 145.

Landrey, Gregory and Helen St et ina. " Reviving Period Hardware," Fine Woodworking, no.

75, March/ April 1989, pp. 70- 71.

New ell, R., R.E. Brown, and H.V. Makar. A Review of Met hods for I dent ifying Scrap Met als.

I nform at ion Circular 8902. Washingt on, DC: US Depart m ent of t he I nt erior, 1982.

Nort on, John T. " Met allography and t he St udy of Art Obj ect s," Applicat ion of Science in t he

Exam inat ion of Works of Art . Bost on, MA: Museum of Fine Art s, 1965, pp. 13- 19. Or m olu

de Bellaigue, Geoffrey. Furnit ure, Clocks and Gilt Bronzes, Vol. 1. Sw it zerland: published for

t he Nat ional Trust by t he Office du Livre, 1974, pp. 31- 37.

Eriksen, Svend. Early Neo- Classicism in France. London: Faber and Faber, Lt d., 1974, pp.

93- 105. Verlet , Pierr e. Royal French Furnit ure. London: Barrie and Rockliff, 1963, pp. 11- 14. Wat son, F.J.B. and Gillian Wilson. Mount ed Orient al Porcelain in t he J. Paul Get t y Museum .

Malibu, CA: The J. Paul Get t y Museum , 1982, pp. 1- 18. Pa r ch m e n t Cains, Ant hony. " Repair Treat m ent s for Vellum Manuscript s," The Paper Conservat or, vol. 7,

1982/ 3, pp. 15- 23.

Kuhn, Herm ann. Conservat ion and Rest orat ion of Works of Art and Ant iquit ies. Vol. 1.

London: But t erwort hs, 1986, pp. 208- 210.

Munn, Jessie. " Treat m ent Techniques for t he Vellum - Covered Furnit ure of Carlo Bugat t i," Papers Present ed at t he Wooden Art ifact s Group, Cincinnat i, 1989. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1989.

Reed, Ronald. Ancient Skins, Parchm ent s and Leat hers. London: Sem inar Press, 1972, pp.

118- 131 Pa pe r Clapp, Anne F. Curat orial Care of Works of Art on Paper. Oberlin, OH: I nt erm useum

Conservat ion Associat ion, 1974.

Hunt er, Dard. Paperm aking: The Hist ory and Technique of an Ancient Craft . New York:

Dover Publicat ions, I nc., 1978.

Morrow, Carolyn Clark. Conservat ion Treat m ent Procedures. Lit t let on, CO: Libraries

Unlim it ed, I nc., 1982.

Padfield, Tim ot hy. " The Det eriorat ion of Cellulose: The Effect s of Exposure t o Light , Ult raviolet and High- Energy Radiat ion," Problem s of Conservat ion in Museum s. London:

I nt ernat ional I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1969, pp. 119- 164.

Rit zent haler, Mary Lynn, et al. Archives and Manuscript s: Conservat ion. Chicago, I L: Societ y

of Am erican Archivist s, 1983.

van der Reyden, Dianne. " The Technology and Treat m ent of a Folding Screen: Com parison of Orient al and West ern Techniques," The Conservat ion of Far East ern Art : Preprint s of t he Cont ribut ions t o t he Kyot o Conference19- 23 Sept em ber 1988. London: Japanese Organizing

Com m it t ee of t he I I C Kyot o Congress, 1988, pp. 64- 68.

van der Reyden, Dianne. " Technology and Treat m ent of a 19t h Cent ury Tim e Globe," The

Paper Conservat or, vol. 12, 1988, pp. 21- 30.

van der Reyden, Dianne and Donald William s. " The Technology and Conservat ion Treat m ent of a Ninet eent h Cent ury English 'Papier Mache' Chair," Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion Preprint s of t he Fourt eent h Annual Meet ing, Chicago, I L, 21- 25 May 1986. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1986, pp. 125- 142.

Pla st ics DiNot o, Andrea. Art Plast ic: Designed for Living. New York: Abbeville Press, 1984. Kat z, Sylvia. Classic Plast ics: From Bakelit e t o High- Tech. London: Tham es and Hudson,

Seym our, Raym ond B. and Charles E. Carraher. St ruct ure- Propert y Relat ionships in

Polym ers. New York: Plenum Press, 1984. Re e ds, Rush e s, Ca n e Canadian Conservat ion I nst it ut e. Care of Basket ry. CCI Not es 6/ 2. Ot t awa, Canada:

Canadian Conservat ion I nst it ut e, 1983.

Edet , A.S. An I nvest igat ion of Met hods and Mat erials Used in t he Repair of Et hnographic Obj ect s Made of Veget able Fibres/ Basket work and Mat t ing. London: Universit y of London,

I nst it ut e of Archaeology, 1985.

Flor ian, Mary- Lou E. " Plant Mat erial Used in Som e Et hnographical Art ifact s: St ruct ure, Fabricat ion and Det eriorat ion Relat ed t o Conservat ion Treat m ent ," Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion Preprint s of Papers Present ed at t he Fift h Annual Meet ing, Bost on, MA, 30 May- 2 June 1977. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1977, pp. 51- 55.

Florian, M.L., D. Kronkright , and R. Nort on. Conservat ion of Art ifact s Made from Plant

Mat erials. Sant a Monica, CA: Get t y Conservat ion I nst it ut e, 1987.

How let t , F. Carey. " The I dent ificat ion of Grasses and Ot her Plant Mat erial Used in Hist oric Upholst ery," Upholst ery Conservat ion: Preprint s of a Sym posium Held at Colonial William sburg, February 2- 4, 1990. East Kingst on, NH: Am erican Conservat ion Consort ium ,

Kronkright , D. " New Direct ions in Nat ive Am erican Basket ry Conservat ion," Am erican

I nst it ut e for Conservat ion Preprint s of Papers Present ed at t he Nint h Annual Meet ing, Philadelphia, PA, 27- 31 May 1981. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1981, pp. 95- 108.

Odegaard, N. " Care of Basket ry Collect ions," Conservat ion Not es, no. 16., Fall 1986, pp. 1-

4. Sh e ll Tennent , N. and T. Bair d. " The Det erior at ion of Mollusca Collect ions: I dent ificat ion of Shell

Efflorescence," St udies in Conservat ion, vol. 30, no. 2, 1985, pp. 73- 85.

Webst er, R. " Coral, Shell and Operculum ," Gem s: Their Sources, Descript ions and

I dent ificat ion. London: But t erwort hs, 1962, pp. 428- 438. Te x t ile s Burnham , D.K. Warp and Weft : A Text ile Term inology. Toront o, Canada: Royal Ont ario

Museum , 1980. Em ery, I . The Prim ary St ruct ure of Fabrics. Washingt on, DC: Text ile Museum , 1966/ 1980. Fannin, A. Handloom Weaving Technology. New York: van Nost rand Reinhold, 1979. Fannin, A. Handspinning: Art and Technique. New York: van Nost rand Reinhold, 1970. Geiger, A. A Hist ory of Text ile Art . London: Sot heby Park Bernet , 1979. Gosw am i, B.C., J.G. Mart indale, and F.L. Scardino. Text ile Yarns: Technology, St ruct ure,

Applicat ions. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1977.

Mont gom ery, Florence. Print ed Text iles: English and Am erican Cot t ons and Linens 1700-

1850. New York: Viking Press, 1970. Mont gom ery, Florence. Text iles in Am erica. New York: W.W. Nort on and Co., 1984. Ryder, M.L. and T. Gabra- Sanders. " The Applicat ion of Microscopy t o Text ile Hist ory," Text ile

Hist ory, vol. 16, no. 2, 1985, pp. 123- 140.

Adhe sive s for Fu r n it ur e Con se r va t ion

V e ne e r ing Te ch n iqu e s

Alcouffe, Daniel. The Rest orer's Handbook of Furnit ure. New York: Van Nost rand Reinhold

Co., 1977. ( Chapt er 4 - Veneer; Chapt er 6 - Boulle Marquet ry)

Bem rose, William . Manual of Buhl- work and Marquet ry. 4t h edit ion. London: Bem rose &

Sons, 1872.

Hawkins, David. The Technique of Wood Surface Decorat ion. London: B.T. Bat sford Lt d.,

1986. Jackson, F. Ham ilt on. I nt arsia and Marquet ry. London: Sands and Com pany, 1903. Lincoln, W.A. The Com plet e Manual of Wood Veneering. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons,

Pine, David Ray. " Shop- Made I nlay," Fine Woodworking, no. 59, July/ August 1986, pp. 58-

61. Raym ond, Pierr e. Marquet ry. New Town, CT: Taunt on Press, 1989. Villaird, Paul. A Manual of Veneering. New York: Van Nost rand Com pany, I nc., 1968. Adhe sive Te ch n ology Adhesives and Consolidant s: Preprint s of t he Cont ribut ions t o t he Paris Congress, 2- 8

Sept em ber 1984. London: I nt ernat ional I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984.

Allen, K.W. " Adhesion and Adhesives - Som e Fundam ent als," Adhesives and Consolidant s, Preprint s of t he Paris Conference, 2- 8 Sept em ber 1984. London: I nt ernat ional I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984, pp. 5- 12.

Blom quist , R.F., et al. Adhesive Bonding of Wood and Ot her St ruct ural Mat erials. Educat ional Modules for Mat erials Science and Engineering. Universit y Park, PA: Pennsylvania St at e Universit y, 1983.

Bradley, Susan. " St rengt h Test ing of Adhesives for Conservat ion Purposes," Adhesives and Consolidant s, Preprint s of t he Paris Conference, 2- 8 Sept em ber 1984. London: I nt ernat ional

I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984, pp. 22- 25.

Buck, Susan. " A St udy of t he Propert ies of Com m ercial Liquid Hide Glue and Tradit ional Hide Glue in Response t o Changes in Relat ive Hum idit y and Tem perat ure," Papers Present ed at t he Wooden Art ifact s Group, Richm ond, VA, 1990. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1990.

Called, Bernard and Anna Ost rup. " St udy of Adhesives for Marquet ry," Adhesives and Consolidant s, Preprint s of t he Paris Conference, 2- 8 Sept em ber 1984. London: I nt ernat ional

I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984, pp. 129- 132.

Craft Council Edit or ial St aff. Adhesives and Coat ings. Book 3 in t he Science for Conservat ion

set . London: Craft s Council, 1980.

Cum m ins, Jim . " Visit t o a Glue Fact ory," Fine Woodworking, no. 57, March/ April 1986, pp.

66- 69.

Down, Jane. " A Prelim inary Report on t he Propert ies and St abilit y of Wood Adhesives," Proceedings of t he Furnit ure and Wooden Obj ect s Sym posium , 2- 3 July 1980. Ot t aw a, Canada: Canadian Conservat ion I nst it ut e, 1980, pp. 55- 64

Down, Jane L. " Adhesive Test ing at t he Canadian Conservat ion I nst it ut e, Past and Fut ure," Adhesives and Consolidant s, Preprint s of t he Paris Conference, 2- 8 Sept em ber 1984. London: I nt ernat ional I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984, pp. 18- 21.

Feller, Robert L. and David B. Encke. " St ages in Det eriorat ion: The Exam ples of Rubber Cem ent and Transparent Mending Tape," Science and Technology in t he Service of Conservat ion: Preprint s of t he Cont ribut ions t o t he Washingt on Congress, 3- 9 Sept em ber 1982, London: I nt ernat ional I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1982, pp. 19- 23.

Fernbach, R. Livingst on. Glues and Gelat ine: A Pr act ical Treat ise on t he Met hods of Test ing

and Use. New York: D. Van Nost rand Com pany, 1907.

Haupt , Margaret , and Deborah A. Dyer. " An Exam inat ion of Anim al Glues," Papers Present ed at t he Fift eent h Annual Art Conservat ion Training Program Conference. Cam bridge, MA: Cent er for Conservat ion and Technical St udies, Harvard Universit y Art Museum s, 1990.

Hoadley, Br uce. " Glues and Gluing: Woodworking Adhesives, Used Correct ly, are St ronger

Than Wood," Fine Woodworking, vol. 2, no. 1, Sum m er 1977, pp. 28- 32. Knight , R.A.G. Adhesives for Wood. New York: Chem ical Publishing Com pany, 1952. Koob, St ephen P. " The Cont inued Use of Shellac as an Adhesive - Why?" Adhesives and

Consolidant s, Preprint s of t he Paris Conference, 2- 8 Sept em ber 1984. London: I nt ernat ional

I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984, pp. 103- 104.

Koob, St ephen P. " The I nst abilit y of Cellulose Nit rat e Adhesives," The Conservat or, no. 6,

1982, pp. 31- 34.

Landrock, Art hur H. Adhesives Technology Handbook. Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes Publicat ions,

Miller, Robert S. Hom e Const ruct ion Proj ect s wit h Adhesives and Glues. Colum bus, OH: Franklin Chem ical I ndust ries, 1983. Originally published in 1980 as Adhesives and Glues: How t o Choose and Use Them .

Morit a. Tsuneyuki. " 'Nikaw a' - Tradit ional Product ion of Anim al Glue in Japan," Adhesives and Consolidant s, Preprint s of t he Paris Confer ence, 2- 8 Sept em ber 1984. London:

I nt ernat ional I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1984, pp. 121- 122.

Must oe, George. " Glues for Woodworking," Fine Woodworking, no. 44, January/ February

1984, pp. 48- 50.

Must oe, George. " Which Glue Do You Use?" Fine Woodworking, no. 43,

Novem ber/ Decem ber 1983, pp. 62- 65. Perry, Thom as D. Modern Wood Adhesives. New York: Pit m an Publishing, 1944. Resins in Conservat ion: Proceedings of t he Sym posium , Edinburgh 1982. Edinburgh:

Scot t ish Societ y for Conservat ion and Rest orat ion, 1988.

Selbo, M.L. " Select ing Adhesives for Wood Product s," Adhesive Age, vol. 16, no. 10, Oct ober

1973, pp. 36- 41.

Skeist , I rving, ed. Handbook of Adhesives. 2nd Edit ion. New York: van Nost rand Reinhold,

US Forest Product s Laborat ory. Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Mat erial. USDA

Ag. Handbook No. 72. Washingt on, DC: USDA, 1974.

Whit e, Marshall S. " I nfluence of Resin Penet rat ion on t he Fract ure Toughness of Wood

Adhesive Bonds," Wood Science, vol. 10, no.1, July 1977, pp. 6- 14. Con se r va t ion of Adhe sive a nd V e n e e r Pr oble m s Driggers, John M., Robert D. Mussey, and Suzanne M. Garvin. " Treat m ent of an Anglo-

I ndian Desk Bookcase," Papers Present ed at t he Wooden Art ifact s Group, Albuquerque, NM,

1991. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1991.

Eam es, Ralph. " Conservat ion of a Clock in t he St yle of Boulle," Proceedings of t he Furnit ure and Wooden Obj ect s Sym posium , 2- 3 July 1980. Ot t aw a, Canada: Canadian Conservat ion

I nst it ut e, 1980, pp. 117- 119.

Monj ardo, Nick and David Parson. " Rest oring Ruhlm an," Fine Woodworking, no. 51,

March/ April 1985, pp. 35- 37.

Sheet z, Ron. " Replacing Missing I nlay wit h Phot ographic Reproduct ions," Papers Present ed at t he Wooden Art ifact s Group, Chicago, I L, 1986. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1988.

St rang, Thom as. Rest orat ion of a Boulle Desk Using Phot ofabricat ion Techniques.

unpublished m anuscript from Queen's Universit y Conservat ion Program , c. 1984.

Tokarek, Ray. " Rest orat ion of a Dut ch Bom be Com m ode," Proceedings of t he Furnit ure and Wooden Obj ect s Sym posium , 2- 3 July 1980. Ot t aw a, Canada: Canadian Conservat ion

I nst it ut e, 1980, pp. 47- 49.

Von Revent low, Vict or. " The Conservat ion of Marquet ry and Boulle Surfaces: An Alt ernat ive Approach," Papers Present ed at t he Wooden Art ifact s Group, New Orleans, LA, 1988. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1988.

Von Revent low, Vict or. " Use of B72 in t he Rest orat ion of a Marquet ry Surface - A Case Hist ory," Conservat ion of Wood in Paint ing and t he Decorat ive Art s, Preprint s of t he Oxford Congress, 17- 23 Sept em ber 1978. London: I nt ernat ional I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1978, pp. 37- 40.

Wackernagel, R. " The Rest orat ion of Boulle Marquet ry at t he Bavarian Nat ional Museum ," Conservat ion of Wood in Paint ing and t he Decorat ive Art s, Preprint s of t he Oxford Congress,

17- 23 Sept em ber 1978. London: I nt ernat ional I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1978, pp. 41- 44.

Walker, Robert . " St abilizat ion of a Bom be Com m ode End," Proceedings of t he Furnit ure and Wooden Obj ect s Sym posium , 2- 3 July 1980. Ot t aw a, Canada: Canadian Conservat ion

I nst it ut e, 1980, pp. 51- 53.

William s, Marc A. " Musical Malady: The Case of an Em pire Piano," Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion Preprint s of Papers Present ed at t he Nint h Annual Meet ing, Philadelphia, PA,

27- 31 May, 1981. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1981, pp. 191-

William s, Marc A. " Reproduct ion of Machine- St am ped Pierced Brass Decorat ion by Phot oet ching Processes," Papers Present ed at t he Wooden Art ifact s Group, Cincinnat i, OH, 1989. Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1989.

Wright , Charles D. " Rest oring an I t alian Com m ode," Conservat ion of Wood in Paint ing and t he Decorat ive Art s, Preprint s of t he Oxford Congress, 17- 23 Sept em ber 1978. London:

I nt ernat ional I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1978, pp. 27- 32.

St r u ct ur a l Con se r va t ion of Fu r n it u r e

Ge n e r a l St r u ct u r a l D e t e r ior a t ion a nd Conse r va t ion

Alcouffe, Daniel. The Rest orer's Handbook of Furnit ure. New York: Van Nost rand Reinhold

Publishers, 1977.

Anderson, Mark and Michael Sandor Podm aniczky. " Preserving t he Art ifact : Minim ally

I nt rusive Treat m ent s at Wint ert hur," Wooden Art ifact s Group Preprint s, Richm ond, VA,

1990, Washingt on, DC: Am erican I nst it ut e for Conservat ion, 1990.

Barclay, Robert . " The Conservat ion of Musical I nst rum ent s: A Case for Sent im ent al Value,"

Musicanada, vol. 48, May 1982, pp. 7- 8.

Barclay, Robert , Ralph Eam es, and Andrew Todd. The Care of Wooden Obj ect s. Ot t aw a,

Canada: Canadian Conservat ion I nst it ut e, 1982.

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