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8 Techniques associated to this method are: 1 Classroom set-up The teacher should create a classroom environment which is bright and cheerful. Besides that, teacher also should provide as positive an environment as possible. 2 Role Play The students are asked to perform and create a new situation using the target language. They can create a conversation or tell a story individually. 3 Creative Adaption The teacher gives many kinds of activities designed to help students learn the new material and use it spontaneously. The activities include singing, dancing, dramatization, and games.

5. Communicative Language Teaching

The goal is help students to communicate in the target language. The characteristic of CLT is that almost everything is done with a communicative intention. Here, students interact with one another and motivate to study a foreign language since they are learning to do something useful with the language. Techniques associated to this method are: 1 Authentic Materials The purpose is to overcome the typical problem that students cannot transfer what they learn in the classroom to the outside world and to expose students to natural language in a variety of situations. 2 Picture Strip Story Many activities can be done with picture strip story. Such as: scrambled sentences, matching pictures, guessing words, etc. it gives students practice in negotiating the meaning. 9 Beside the technique classification by Larsen-Freeman 2000, there are also other details of teaching techniques in general and other important aspects to achieve the lear ners’ target. The first technique is using game. It becomes the first technique because most of the teachers use this technique to teach vocabulary and the students especially children are eagerly in learning vocabulary in a funny package. When the students join in a game, they must understand what the teacher and friends saying so they can speak, listen, and write in expressing their feeling or information Wright,, 2002. Besides that games are powerful tools to teach about vocabulary for children. There are a lot of advantages of using games; Uberman 1998 in Nation 2008 stated that games can lower anxiety that will make students have better acquisition. Games are motivating and entertaining the learners. Games also give a chance for unconfident students to speak up and express their feeling or ideas. As a result, students are often highly interesting, comprehensible, relevant, and motivating. The teacher who understands a game should be able to create a challenging classroom activity to help the students learn something new as they can play, practice, and review English vocabulary in a fun atmosphere. Second, teaching vocabulary using pictures is very useful as long as the picture is big enough so all the students in the classroom can see the pictures Allen, 1983. Wright 2007 stated that pictures as a visual representation of mind and it affects students in learning language. Students can predict from what they read, see, or hear from their surrounding. Pictures also give motivation for the students to learn the new words. Wright 2007 told five roles of pictures in writing and speaking. First, pictures can bring world into the classroom. Second, pictures can motivate the students in the lesson. Third, pictures can describe the subjects. Fourth, pictures can provide and stimulate information in a conversation and discussion. The last is pictures can respon the prompt substitutions from controlled practice p.17.