Translation of a Literary Passage

15 Below is the teaching excerpt that shows the translation teaching techniques used by the English teacher when she taught the students about the activities daily routines: 1. Teacher : Nah, before we go to school. Sebelum kita berangkat sekolah. We have to fill our….perutnya harus diisi dulu. So, at school. Di sekolah. We can study well. Kita bisa belajar dengan baik. Jadi kita harus sarapan pagi. Sarapan pagi itu Bahasa Inggrisnya apa ya? Have apa ya? Have…. Sarapan, makan pagi. Student : Have breakfast. Teacher : Benar sekali jawabannya Nathan “have breakfast.” Teacher : Study. Study itu apa? Students : Belajar miss. From the analysis above, it was clear that the teacher used this technique when taught the students in which the topic had a lot of new vocabulary items such as activities.

1.2. Fill-in-the-blank Techniques

The second technique used by the teacher was filling in the blank. According to McKay 1987, there are many teaching techniques for teaching vocabulary to students of elementary school such as: question and answer exercises, multiple choice exercises, fill-in-the-blank exercise. The teacher used fill in the blank exercises when she taught about “Daily Routines.” First the teacher gave students a short story and there were blanks in it. The teacher explained first and asked students to fill in the blank with the words provided by the teacher. After they finished, the teacher asked the answers to the students and the teacher gave correction if there were some wrong answers. Below is the transcript of the observation. 2. Teacher : For this task. Untuk pekerjaan ini ada kotak kosong di sebelah ada garis, garis yang kosong ini nanti diisi kata yang saya ucapkan disini ada gambar seorang gadis namanya Tina . Listen, “hay my name is Tina. Nama saya Tina. I want to tell you. Saya hendak bercerita about. Tentang. My morning activities. Kegiatan saya di pagi hari. I, I terus disini kosong bla,bla,bla at 5 o’clock in the morning. Nah, bagian yang kosong ini diisi berdasarkan cerita dari saya kalau anak-a nak belum bisa menulis misalnya “take a bath” tulisannya bagaimana you can search the word here. Bisa di lihat disini. Sudah jelas? Siapa yang mau bertanya? Students : Sudah Miss. 16 Teacher : Coba garis-garisnya tadi diisi kata-kata yang di ucapkan oleh saya, anak-anak harus mendengarkan gitu ya. From the analysis above, the teacher used this technique to check the student s’ understanding about the appropriate words meaning in the context and help students to apply those new words in their daily conversation.

2. Techniques in the Direct Method

2.1. Dictation

The third technique used by the teacher was dictation. The teacher used dictation technique when she taught the students about “daily routines”. She used some pictures as the media for the teaching material. First, the teacher showed some pictures and gave a list of words. The teacher asked students to patch the pictures based on the words meaning. The last, the teacher discuss the result with the students. Below is the transcript of observation from the teacher: 3. Teacher : This one yang ini, anak-anak nanti akan mencari search the words kata-katanya sudah disediakan di kotak ini terus kata-katanya hanya ada mendatar atau menurun tidak ada yang menyamping. Kalau sudah yang di bawah di centang boleh di coret boleh, gitu ya. Students : Saya Miss, saya Miss. Teacher : Sebentar. Untuk huruf “H, L, dan K” berarti di atas, berarti I nya disini jadi I-have H-n ya keatas “A”-nya satu, lunch. I H-A-V-E L-U-N-C- H. Tulisannya yang bagus, satu baris ini yang teratur untuk huruf “A,U,E” gitu ya. It is clearly shown from the excerpt above that the teacher was dictating the names of activity to the students. She dictated the word one by one and after that asked the students to write by themselves. From the data observation above, this technique was effective to train students’ listening ability and write the letter of alphabet in English.

3. Technique in Audio-Lingual Method

There are two teaching techniques that were included in Audio-Lingual method which were used by the teachers: