Research Setting Research RespondentsSubjects Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

25 In this study, the reseacher used qualitative and quantitative method. The researcher used quantitative because the data from the questionnaire were numerical data. The researcher calculated every single options of the questionnaire and presented the result as form of percentage. The results were ranked and the most frequent answers to appear were interpreted. The researcher also used qualitative method by analyzing the social phenomena from the subjects’ perspective. By using this method, the reseacher analyzed the data from questionnaire and interview in form of explanation. Through this method, the researcher searched for key information contained in the questionnaires and interview and made assumptionsinterpretation about their perception on the use of video as media in the learning of narrative text.

B. Research Setting

The research was conducted in XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta, in even semester of the academic year of 2011 2012. This research held from March to April 2012. The researcher chose the time when the students were going to facing National Examination in that academic year. It was used to test the skill of students in learning narrative text. SMA N 10 Yogyakarta is one of the school owned by the government and located in Gadean Street No. 5 Ngupasan, Yogyakarta. There are 15 classes in that school and each level has 5 classes. The teachers and the students are equal between male or female students. 26

C. Research RespondentsSubjects

The respondents of this research were 33 students at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta in the 20112012 academic year. They consisted of 16 male students and 17 female students. The researcher chose the cluster sample for this research. It was easier for the students to obtain the data to study perception. The researcher chose this class because this is one of the classes where the researcher had ever practiced to teach in order to do teaching practice program. The researcher had seen that the students were enthusiastic when the researcher used video as media in teaching narrative text. Then, the researcher wanted to know their perception actually to help the teacher to use this kind of media better.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

The instruments of this research are questionnaire and interview. The researcher used these instruments because both of them is the best instruments in doing survey research. First, the researcher used questionna ire, then second she used interview to gather further data from the students. According to Gall et al 2007, “A survey is a method of data collection using questionnaires or interviews to collect data from a sample that has been selected to represent a population to which the findings of the data analysis can be generalized”. The two instruments of this research are as follow: 1. Questionnaire The first instrument in this research is a questionnaire. According to Gall et al 2007, “Questionnaires are printed forms that ask the same questions of all individuals in the sample and for which respondents record their answers in 27 verbal form p. 228.” In this study, the researcher conduct 20 close-ended questions. The students choose the option in the questionnaire and cannot write their opinion freely. The students have to do the questionnaire at the same time. 2. Interview Gall et al 2007 state that “Interviews consist of oral questions asked by the interviewer and oral responses by the research participants p.228.” This instrument is made to compare the finding of the questionnaire and the finding in the interview. There are 10 open-ended questions in this instrument. There are six students who chose by the researcher randomly to clarify the data. Gall et al 2007 argue that “Questionnaires and interviews must meet the same standards of validity and reliability that apply to other data-collection measures in educational research p. 229. From this idea, the researcher has to make sure that her instrument is valid and reliable in order to get the data valid and reliable, too. In the data gathering technique, the data were taken from the sample of 33 students from XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. Firstly, in order to gather the data, the researcher observed the real situation in the class. The observation was focused on the learning activity within and without video as the teaching media. After that, the researcher gave the questionnaire to the whole class together to get the data. The questionnaire was done about 15 minutes. Furthermore, the researcher interviewed six students by choosing the right time. The researcher was also observing the recommendation to improve teaching narrative text using video as media to help teacher and students. 28

E. Data Analysis Technique