Problem Formulation Problem Limitation Objectives of the Study Benefits of the Study

3 research in the use of video as media in learning narrative text. The students’ perception in learning narrative text using video as media is important to the growth of educational process. It can show how the media takes part on the better process of teaching and learning activity.

B. Problem Formulation

In this study, the researcher intends to find out the answer of the problem formulations below: 1. What is the students’ perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta? 2. What are the recommendations to improve the use of video as media in learning narrative text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta?

C. Problem Limitation

This study focuses on 33 students of XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. It is a cluster sample taken from one class. This study will only discuss the students’ perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text and recommendations to improve the use of video as media in learning narrative text by using the theories and methodologies. The aims of the research are to help the students and the teachers of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta to teach and learn narrative text. Narrative text is choosen because it is an interesting text that the students usually know. The use of video is recommended as a media to improve their skills in learning narrative text and also to develop their skills in writing, listening, 4 speaking and reading. Furthermore, this study is limited to a study of students’ perception in learning narrative text using video as media for the students of XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta.

D. Objectives of the Study

As this study is intended to find out the answers of the questions mentioned above in problem formulation, two research objectives are: 1. To find out the students’ perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10, Yogyakarta. 2. To obtain the recommendations in order to improve the use of video as media in learning narrative text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10, Yogyakarta.

E. Benefits of the Study

This study would be useful for English teachers and the students of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta, the researcher, English Language Education Study Program PBI of Sanata Dharma University and the other researchers who are interested in this study. 1. The English Teachers of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. This research is expected to help the English teachers in SMA N 10 Yogyakarta to understand the importance of knowing students’ perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text. The teachers will know the way in using video as a media to teach a narrative text. Finally, the teachers in SMA N 10 Yogyakarta can improve the methods of using video to help their students to learn narrative text. 5 2. The Students of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta By doing this research, the students are expected to be able to learn the narrative text better. It is not only for XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta, but all of the students are expected to get the benefits. Hopefully, they will be more interested in learning narrative text than before. The main point is the students will feel more fun to learn narrative text through the use of video as media. 3. The Researcher By conducting this study, the researcher is expected to be able to answer the problem formulation and find out the objectives in this research. On the other hand, the researcher is also expected to be able to use and develop various media while teaching students. The researcher wants to make media useful for facilitating the teaching and learning activity. 4. English Language Education Study Program PBI of Sanata Dharma University This research is expected to give knowledge to PBI of Sanata Dharma University that video can be used as interesting media to teach narrative text. It also gives them knowledge that media is important to help the students to know better about the materials given. 5. The Other Researchers The other researchers who have topics related to this study may get the information and results of this research as their research needs. Furthermore, they can improve or develop this issue as their topic by doing deeper researches. 6

F. Definition of Terms