Student` perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta.






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Veronica Kristiani Student Number: 081214006









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Veronica Kristiani Student Number: 081214006









Those who are

wise shall shine

like the brightness

of the firmament,

and those who turn many

to righteousness

like the stars forever and ever


Holy Bible

, Daniel 12:3)...

I dedicate this little piece of

hard work to everyone who loves

to teach and learn English . . .




I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work

or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the

references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 2 August 2012 The Writer

Veronica Kristiani 081214006





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Veronica Kristiani Nomor Mahasiswa : 081214006

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beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengolahnya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal: 20 July 2012 Yang menyatakan




Kristiani, Veronica. (2012). Students’ Perception on the Use of Video as Media in

Learning Narrative Text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta:

Sanata Dharma University.

The use of video is one alternative to motivate the students in language teaching. Video can be used innovatively to teach many kinds of functional text like narrative, descriptive, and argumentative. In order to know how the narrative text is taught using video as media, this study is focused on the students’ perception on the use of video to learn narrative text.

This study is intended to answer two problems. The first problem is the students’ perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text and the second problem is the recommendations to improve the use of video as media in learning narrative text.

This research is a survey research which aimed at knowing the students perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text. The sucjects of this research were 33 students of XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta 2011/2012 academic year. In order to answer the problem formulation, the researcher used quantitative and qualitative study related to the use of statistical analysis of numeric data and social phenomena analysis of human’s perspective. There were two instruments of this research i.e. questionnaire and interview.

The results of the study showed that most of the students thought that video helps them to develop their four skills i.e speaking 60.6%, reading 57.57%, listening 84.84% and writing 54.54%. The use of video also helps the students to understand the content, ideas, vocabularies, or generic structure of narrative text better. In the recommendation to improve the use of video in teaching narrative text, the teacher should use interesting technique to explore the use of video itself, like group discussion on characters in the video, or games on characters’s expression based on the characters in the story of the video. Besides, the teacher can also ask the students to make a mini drama or simple dialogue based on the story in video, to provide a better understanding to students as well as making a form of appreciation to literature. The teacher can use this method frequently and repetitively to make the students get better understanding. The techniques that can be used in the improvement of the use video as media in learning narrative text is vocabulary development, information gap, and flashcards. The teacher also has to check the tools before the class begin including the speakers, viewer, handouts, and also the video files.

Having known that most of the students are helped through the use of video in learning narrative text, the researcher suggests to the future researchers to develop the use of video as media to the other kinds of text such as descriptive, argumentative, and recount, with the implementation of other teaching techniques in the class.




Kristiani, Veronica. (2012). Students’ Perception on the Use of Video as Media in

Learning Narrative Text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta:

Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penggunaan video merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk memotivasi siswa mempelajari bahasa. Video bisa digunakan secara inovatif untuk mengajarkan berbagai macam teks fungsional seperti naratif, deskriptif, dan argumentatif. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana naratif diajarkan dengan menggunakan video, penelitian ini terpusat pada bagaimana persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan video.

Penelitian ini bermaksud menjawab dua rumusan masalah. Masalah pertama adalah persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan video sebagai media dalam pembelajaran naratif dan masalah kedua adalah rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan penggunaan video sabagai media dalam pembelajaran naratif.

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian survei yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan video sebagai media dalam pembelajaran naratif. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari 33 siswa XII IPA 3 SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah, peneliti menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif sehubungan dengan penggunaan analisis statistik dari data yang berupa angka dan analisis kejadian sosial dari perspektif manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua instrumen yaitu kuesioner dan wawancara.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar siswa berpendapat video membantu mereka mengembangkan keempat ketrampilan yaitu berbicara 60.6%, membaca 57.57%, mendengarkan 84.84% dan menulis 54.54%. Penggunaan video juga membantu mereka untuk mengerti isi, ide, kosa kata atau struktur organisasi naratif lebih baik. Rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan penggunaan video dalam pembelajaran naratif adalah guru seharusnya menggunakan teknik yang menarik untuk menjelajahi penggunaan video seperti diskusi kelompok pada tokoh dalam video, atau permainan pada ekspresi tokoh berdasarkan cerita dari video. Disamping itu, guru bisa mengajak siswa membuat drama/dialog singkat berdasarkan cerita dari video, untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik kepada siswa sebaik pembuatan bentuk apresiasi dari sebuah karya sastra. Teknik lain yang dapat digunakan dalam kemajuan penggunaan video sebagai media dalam pembelajaran teks naratif adalah dengan menggunakan pengembangan kosakata, melengkapi informasi, dan kartu pengingat. Guru bisa menggunakan metode ini sesering mungkin dan berulang-ulang untuk membuat siswa mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik. Guru juga harus mengecek semua peralatan sebelum kelas dimulai seperti speaker, viewer, handout, dan file video.

Setelah mengetahui persepsi menggunakan video sebagai media dalam pembelajaran naratif positif, peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan mengembangkan penggunaan video sebagai media untuk teks lain seperti deskriptif, argumentatif, dan pengalaman, dengan pelaksanaan teknik mengajar yang lain di kelas.




First and foremost, I would express my deep gratitude to My Almighty God for His blessing for me so I can finish this thesis. His blessing has taken me from the hard moment in doing my study until I can step forward to the final my study as form of making this thesis. In this occassion, many people have given their support to me, I could not mention their name one by one. I really appreciate them because without them I could not be able to finish my thesis.

My greatest thank is for my advisor V. Triprihatmini, S.Pd., M. Hum., M.A. for her patience so I can go on with this thesis. She had helped me to finish this thesis. She gave me attention in reading and correcting my thesis. If I was spiritless, she gave me guidance like giving fresh air in my breathless situation.

My thankfullness for Drs. Timbul Mulyono, M.Pd. as the principal of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta, Drs. Dhana Rismawan as the teacher of XII IPA 3 and also the students in XII IPA 3 SMA N 10 Yogyakarta, for their permission and guidance I could do my research. It was very meaningful for me to have a great chance in conducting my research in SMA N 10 Yogyakarta.

I would thank to all of PBI lecturers, especially Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd., Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D., Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., M.Ed., Dr. Retno Muljani M.Pd, Dr. Ant. Herujiyanto, M.A, and Drs. Bambang Hendarto, M.Hum. who have given knowledge to me during my study in PBI. They do not only give me knowledge in literal meaning, but also give me knowledge how to be a real teacher for my future.I would also thank PBI staffs, Mbak Dhanniek & Mbak Tari for their patience in helping me to prepare letters, and organize what I need during my study in PBI. It is also important to say thank you to all of Sanata Dharma Librarians for giving best services for me during my study in PBI.

My sincerity thanks go to My Late Mother for her light from heaven, My Grandfather & Grandmother for their kindness to reach my dreams, My Best Brother, Nanang for his everlasting brotherhood in living together, My Niece,



Tyas for her being childish that makes me feel younger than the truly I am, and

My Architect for his love and being someone to be proud of.

My sweetest thanks are also addressed to Kolobendono 14 A Community

for giving a real home for me to stay in Yogyakarta, 2008 A Community for the loving friendship through my life in PBI, Sr. Klarina for her advice to help me in serving God, Angga for his strongly-true friendship during studying in PBI, Asri, Elista, Adi, Dimas, & Gilang for their loyal friendship, Mbak Setyo for her real direction to be a good human, Mas Dwi for his help in conducting a research,

Desya for her help to revise this research. Mas Asep for his fidelity as a kind-hearted brother during my study in PBI, Bayu for his patience in accompanying me to find the permission letters, Helen for her loyalty as a good friend, Mas Bonus for his support to be focused on my study rather than my problems, Alexy

for his prayer from heaven andthe last but not the least, My Precious Frater for his advice to be so alive in facing this hard-time in the world.










ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii






CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 3

C. Problem Limitation ... 3

D. Objectives of the Study ... 4

E. Benefits of the Study ... 4

F. Definition of Terms ... 6


1. Theory of Perception ... 9

a. The Definition of Perception ... 9

b. The Process of Perception ... 10

2. Review Media in Language Teaching ... 12



b. The Use of Media in English Language Teaching. 13

3. Video as Media in Language Teaching ... 14

4. Theory of Language Learning ... 16

a. The Nature of Language Learning ... 16

b. Learning English as Foreign Language ... 17

5. Narrative Text in Language Teaching ... 17

a. Definition of Narrative Text ... 18

b. Communicative Purpose of Narrative Text ... 18

c. Types of Narrative Text ... 19

d. Generic Structures of Narrative Text ... 20

e. Grammatical Featues of Narrative Text ... 20

B. Theoretical Framework ... 21

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ... 24

B. Research Setting ... 25

C. Research Respondents/Subjects ... 26

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ... 26

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 28

F. Research Procedure ... 28

CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. The Student’s Perception on the Use of Video as Media in Learning Narrative Text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta ... 32

1. Students’ Perception Based on the Questionnaire ... 32

2. Students’ Perception Based on the Interview ... 41

B. The Recommendations to Improve the Use of Video as Media in Learning Narrative Text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta ... 46




A. Conlusions ... 52 B. Recommendations ... 53




Table Page




Figure Page




Appendix Page

Appendix 1. Covering Letter for the Head of SMA N 10 Yogyakata .... 58

Appendix 2. Covering Letter for the Governor of DIY ... 60

Appendix 3. Covering Letter for the Mayor of Yogyakarta ... 62

Appendix 4. Permission Letter from the Governor of DIY ... 64

Appendix 5. Permission Letter from the Mayor of Yogyakarta ... 66

Appendix 6. Questionnaire ... 68

Appendix 7. Interview Guide ... 71





This research investigates the students’ perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text. The researcher presents the background of the study, problem formulation, problem limitation, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and definition of terms.

A.Background of the Study

There are four skills in language teaching. They are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The four skills are related each other. If students want to study speaking and make a conversation, they have to write a script first for their conversation. Then, they have to read it to learn deeper about the script. The last, they must listen to their partners to practice the conversation like a real conversation. That is the simple example how the four skills are having relation to fulfill each other.

In order to study the four skills in English, teachers have to use the right method in teaching their students. In this study, the researcher would discuss how students have their own perceptions in using one of method in learning four skills in English. Vernon (1971) said that perception is rapid and accurate, and the observer will be able to react promptly in the appropriate manner without further thinking, and then dismiss the situation from mind. The researcher finds that the opinion as result of reaction from the subjects in seeing or feeling something is called perception.


Narrative text is one of the functional texts which had been the part of school curriculum. Based on the researcher’s experience on PPL, the problem occurs when the students have a test on learning narrative text. They have to know the intrinsic and extrinsic aspect from the story. Moreover, students in this research are the students in the third grade and they have to face National Examination. Teacher needs perception of the students in order to get idea what the students’ expectation in teaching and learning activity. If the perception is positive, the teacher can improve the use of video as media in learning narrative text, but if the perception is negative, the teacher has to find another media to make the students understand the learning activity better.

The reasons that motivated the researcher to conduct this research is to help the teacher and students to learn narrative text. In addition, video is interesting media in learning activity. The visual side would be interesting for the students. This study would find out the proof that visual side can be helpful for students since it can arouse students concentration that supports the understanding through the listening. Edwards and Willis (2002) argue that video narratives with sound but no words are well suited to research into storytelling skills. In this case, storytelling is not only used in one skill, but also supports the students to learn better in four skills by watching video narratives.

Some previous researches dealing with the use of video in teaching showed better results. One of the researcher was Christina in 2009. Christina showed the students’ perception in learning English. Her research was done by involving four skills to analyze students’ perception. She conducted a deeper


research in the use of video as media in learning narrative text. The students’ perception in learning narrative text using video as media is important to the growth of educational process. It can show how the media takes part on the better process of teaching and learning activity.

B.Problem Formulation

In this study, the researcher intends to find out the answer of the problem formulations below:

1. What is the students’ perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta?

2. What are the recommendations to improve the use of video as media in learning narrative text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta?

C.Problem Limitation

This study focuses on 33 students of XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. It is a cluster sample taken from one class. This study will only discuss the students’ perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text and recommendations to improve the use of video as media in learning narrative text by using the theories and methodologies. The aims of the research are to help the students and the teachers of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta to teach and learn narrative text. Narrative text is choosen because it is an interesting text that the students usually know. The use of video is recommended as a media to improve their skills in learning narrative text and also to develop their skills in writing, listening,


speaking and reading. Furthermore, this study is limited to a study of students’ perception in learning narrative text using video as media for the students of XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta.

D.Objectives of the Study

As this study is intended to find out the answers of the questions mentioned above in problem formulation, two research objectives are:

1. To find out the students’ perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10, Yogyakarta.

2. To obtain the recommendations in order to improve the use of video as media in learning narrative text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10, Yogyakarta.

E.Benefits of the Study

This study would be useful for English teachers and the students of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta, the researcher, English Language Education Study Program (PBI) of Sanata Dharma University and the other researchers who are interested in this study.

1. The English Teachers of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta.

This research is expected to help the English teachers in SMA N 10 Yogyakarta to understand the importance of knowing students’ perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text. The teachers will know the way in using video as a media to teach a narrative text. Finally, the teachers in SMA N 10 Yogyakarta can improve the methods of using video to help their students to learn narrative text.


2. The Students of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta

By doing this research, the students are expected to be able to learn the narrative text better. It is not only for XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta, but all of the students are expected to get the benefits. Hopefully, they will be more interested in learning narrative text than before. The main point is the students will feel more fun to learn narrative text through the use of video as media.

3. The Researcher

By conducting this study, the researcher is expected to be able to answer the problem formulation and find out the objectives in this research. On the other hand, the researcher is also expected to be able to use and develop various media while teaching students. The researcher wants to make media useful for facilitating the teaching and learning activity.

4. English Language Education Study Program (PBI) of Sanata Dharma University

This research is expected to give knowledge to PBI of Sanata Dharma University that video can be used as interesting media to teach narrative text. It also gives them knowledge that media is important to help the students to know better about the materials given.

5. The Other Researchers

The other researchers who have topics related to this study may get the information and results of this research as their research needs. Furthermore, they can improve or develop this issue as their topic by doing deeper researches.


F. Definition of Terms

This section is to define the important terms used in this research such as perception, media, video in learning English, narrative text, and class XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. It will prevent misunderstanding about the terms used in this study.

1. Perception

According to Lindsay and Norman (2007), perception is the process by which organisms interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world. On the other hand, better describes one's ultimate experience of the world and typically involves further processing of sensory input. In practice, sensation and perception are virtually impossible to separate, because they are part of one continuous process. In this study, perception is defined as the way the subject interpret and describe their thinking.

Furthermore, Vernon (1971) also adds that perception is never instantaneous, the process of perception will develop gradually. The subjects will not immediately give their perceptions without any process, but they will do it gradually by following the steps of getting their perceptions. In this study, the organism is the students, and they have to be able to interpret video in learning narrative text. The students’ perception on the use of media like video is helping the teacher in giving the materials easily because by knowing the students’ perception, the teacher will know what the students expect in the process of learning activity. This research will be focused on the students’ perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text.


2. Media

According to Richards (2012), media which is the plural form of medium is simply means communication. Then, people communicate with each other by using several kinds of media like televisiom, news, journalist, etc. From that explanation, it can be seen that media is a tool or instrument in three-dimension that can be used to achieve a certain purpose. For language teaching activity, there are a lot of media that can be used. This study will be focused on one of the media, that is video.

3. Video in Learning English

Skerrit (1984) says that video is not considered in a vacuum, detached from the learning task and the learner. It is seen as a medium by which specific educational objectives can be achieved under certain appropriate conditions. In this study, video refers to a video materials about narrative text. The video is intended to give better materials in learning by watching the images on the video. By knowing the perception of the use of video as media, the teacher will be able to give what the students wants from the teaching and learning activity.

4. Narrative Text

Polkinghorne (1988) asserts that narrative text is the fundamental scheme for linking individual human actions and events into interrelated aspects of an understandable composite. It displays the significance that events have for one another. By significant events, the readers will get better understanding about the content of the narrative text.


Furthermore, Edwards and Willis (2002) add that narrative text is a word often associated with the sophisticated world of literary fiction or oral tradition; however, more mundane narratives form an important part of our daily conversation. Through narrative text, people rationalize their experiences, creating a coherent sense of self (a life story).

In this study narrative text is a kind of materials formed as a story that contain some characters and have a storyline. This narrative text is taught in senior high school level, according to the Indonesian education system. To be focused, the kind of narrative text that would be tested in this study is a fairytale. The fairytale is chosen because a lot of students are familiar about it; by using familiar topic, it will make the researcher knows whether the use of video influences them or not. The narrative text would be presented in audio-visual way. 5. Class XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta

XII IPA 3 is one of the classes of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. It consists of 16 male students and 18 female students. This is the third grade of senior high school level. Based on the observation done in researcher’s practice teaching before, XII IPA 3 is one of the classes that have difficulty in learning narrative text. They thought that learning narrative text was difficult. They needed more time to learn some tasks. When they studied listening, they would ask to play the recording more than two times. Therefore, the researcher wants to know the students’ perception if they are using video as media in learning narrative text. In this research, the researcher did not take the IPS classes as the subjects because the researcher got the chance to do this study in IPA classes.





In this chapter, the researcher presents theoretical description and theoritical framework. In theoretical description, the researcher provides a discussion on some theories related to the research and become the base of it. Then, in theoretical framework, the researcher relates how the theories solve the problem being researched.

A. Theoretical Description

In the theoretical description, the researcher discusses four major theories related to this research. The theories are perception, media, video, learning English, and narrative text. They are important in this research to analyze the finding of perception later.

1. Theory of Perception

Since this study mainly on perception, then this part presents the theory of perception. In this part, the theory of perception is divided into two parts: the definition of perception and the process of perception.

a. The Definition of Perception

Dealing with this study is mainly talking about perception, according to Murdock (2012), perception is a reality which holds on the truth to a person or situation. It is related with the interpersonal relationships which need attention and facts to build a truth.


In order to the concept of perception itself, a researcher named Krishnananda (2011) states that perception is happened in man consciousness that this is valid thing and real exist. People can feel and get their perception by seeing, touching, or hearing using their senses. They think as the objects are in their minds.

From the definitions above, perception is a belief/truth that commonly all of people have the same opinion about it. This is a valid thing and people who have perception are in the conscious condition. Perception deals with how the things are reflected to people’s mind and how they get them in order and to give senses based on their beliefs. Perception is also how people get understanding on something that they feel or see with their eyes.

b. The Process of Perception

In the process of perception, Little (1999) states that “The mechanisms of immediate perception are a set of physical events in the physical universe, labeled World 1 as per the earlier stated convention (Paper 1: Theory of Perception).” In order to make it clearer, the diagram in the next page is a conceptual schematic of the process of immediate perception.

In this study, the researcher is using this immediate perception theory to describe that the use of video as media is an uncommon thing before the researcher did a preliminary study by using this video. Usually, the students did not use media in learning narrative text. Then, the researcher wanted to know the students’ perception before they using video as media in learning narrative text.


Figure 2.1. Process of Immediate Perception (

From the diagram above, a reality or something which happens is the main thing in this process. This reality of the environment/perceptual field would influence the bodies which feel it, or the eyes which see it. Then the bodies or eyes continue the respond to the visual cortex. The visual cortex is the reacting part of this process. The visual cortex which is the nucleus of the brain has to stimulate the other parts of the brain and central nervous system. It represents the immediate perception by giving a big direct effect for thought and emotion.


From the explanation of the intermediate perception process, it is clear that the process of perception is based on the reality. People build belief from their feeling or seeing from the reality itself. After feeling and seeing, the nucleus or visual cortex is produced the reacting part or reaction through thought or emotion. This process depends on the reality around the people.

In this study, the theory is used after getting the data by giving the instruments to the subjects. Then, the researcher analyses the data based on the theory. The analysis starts from the environment observation of the subjects then comparing the results of the data. After that, the researcher checks the data and takes the conclusion of subjects’ perception.

2. Review Media in Language Teaching

Dealing with video as media in teaching and learning activity, this study needs media’s theory for the basic theory. In this part, the review of media is devided into two parts: the nature of media and using media in teaching.

a. The Use of Media in Language Teaching

Based on a book written by an organization called Asian and the Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development (APEID) in 1986, there are seven types of media that can be used in teaching learning activity. The first media is non-projected visuals media. It is media like graphics (maps, graphs or cartoon that presented on cards or boards), board display, charts/posters and study prints (photographs or printed illustrations of reality). The second media is projected visuals media like still pictures (slides/film strips) and moving pictures without sound. The third media is audio programmes media like sound on


casette tape, script for actual radio broadcasts, and language laboratory programmes. The fourth media is pictures with sound media like slide, film strip, movie, scripts for TV broadcasts, and video tape programmes. The fifth media is printed materials media like newspaper, pamphlets, booklets, and printed notes. The sixth media is objects (three-dimensional) media like real objects (minerals and biological speciments). The last media is multi-media systems. It is a media that involves the combinations of the individual media. For example resources to a museum display and simulation game to individuals or groups.

From the types of media above, a teacher can decide which media to use by comparing the type of media and what should the materials given in the teaching learning activity. An appropriate media will help the learners to absorb the materials better rather than without using any media. Media can be useful to the learners as a facility to learn something better.

b. The Use of Media in English Language Teaching

Media is such a materials or equipments to help the learning activity. Finocchiaro (1989) states that “There are so many devices and approaches which can supplement the text book and often even the teacher’s voice that it seems a pity for the alert teacher not to make use of them” (p. 136). In that case, it clearly states that the media can help the teacher to motivate the students to learn better in teaching learning activity.

Based on a book written by an organization called APEID, it argued that there should be various media to teach the students. The various media can stimulate various senses. It is better to unite some components of media to teach


rather than using one medium. The effect of using more than one media, will be greater from some components of media.

From the definition above, media can be a tool that stimulates the learners to gain the knowledge better rather than without media. It is better to combine two medium with the others media to make a good teaching technique. For example, a teacher can combine a non-projected visuals medium with a real object medium. First the teacher gives the picture cards and then he shows the real objects of the picture cards in front of his students.

3. Video as Media in Language Teaching

Related to this study which is focused on the video as media in learning narrative text, it is necessary to discuss what video is and how the video in language teaching activity is used. This part mainly presents video as media in language learning.

Before moving on the use of video in learning materials, the researcher gives what actually the nature of video is. According to Cruse (2012), video is one of tools that can help teachers to teach the students by presenting visual and audio information simultaneously. It will make the students get new experiences by using different modalities and learning styles from the video.

Edwards and Willis (2005) assume that “Retelling of such visual stories offer comparable data that remove the concern of whether learner’s understanding has been handicapped by problems of listening comprehension, or reading ability” (p. 63) .


From the experts’ definitions, video is a moving picture that contain data. It is a tool that is common in this developing world. It usually has sounds, sometimes without sounds. Video helps the learners to absorb the data better rather than without picture at all. This also helped the learners to gain the knowledge better rather than only listen or read the materials. The visual manner helped the students to relieve their hesitation in concerning the materials.

Concerning that video is a tool for teaching Neher (2011) states that video is a useful tool for teaching. There is an evidence that a video is a valuable tool on a classroom activity. Video increases the students’ experience and give them a chance to be actively involved. The teacher rarely gave them direct conversation in making examples. He played this useful tool of people that they never see before. They were more interested in it rather than listened to their teacher.

From the evidence, that is the example about what happened in a real situation for using video in learning English. Students are interested in using a media rather than if they have to hear the teacher’s speech everyday. This video is a helpful tool in teaching activity. Besides, video or audio visual gives more advantages compared to the use of audio as media. Video can give visual imagery that stimulate the students to be motivated in learning using media.

In this study, video can help the students to understand the materials better. For example, in a video, the character on the video says something, but the students do not know the meaning of his speech/word. Then the character


pronounces his speech with a gesture. By watching the character on the video, the students know the meaning of the speech from the gesture.

4. Theory of Language Learning

This study is mainly focused on the use of video as media in learning narrative text. Narrative text is part of learning English. In order to know the theory of learning English, the researcher presented the theory here. The discussion is devided into two parts: the nature of learning English and learning English as Foreign Language.

a. The Nature of Language Learning

There are two theories of language learning. Finocchiaro (1989) argues that the first theory of language learning is “the cognitive code theory”. Here, there is a fact that learners are influenced by an innate mental capacity while he or she is learning language. It also has a relation with the learners’ perception on studying materials and how the learners’ mental organization to evoke their images and memories without preceding stimulus. Then, the second theory of language learning is “the association or operant conditioning theory”. It is related how the learners’ responses to a stimulus. In this theory, there is a relation between responses and stimulus based on experimentation. There will be a continuous association between the learners’ responses and stimulus. Based on the two theories of learning language, it assumed that after the learners can learn a language by organizing, stimulating or responding the language, they can control their cognitive acquisition and develop the use of the language habit in


their activities. By developing this language habit, the learners are able to study language easily.

b. Learning English as a Foreign Language

This study is related to theory of learning a foreign/ second language. Fries (1970) states that ”In learning English one must attempt to imitate exactly the forms, the structures, and the mode of utterance of the native speakers of the particular kind of English he wishes to learn” (p.5). It is clear that learning a foreign language is difficult. Learners do not only study about the vocabulary, pronunciation, or grammar of the language, but they have to imitate as possible as the native speakers. The better they can imitate the native speakers, the better they can learn a foreign language.

According to Finocchiaro (1989), there are five factors in learning a foreign language namely age, ability, aspiration and needs, native language, and previous language experience. Those factors influence the learners to study a new language (foreign language). If the learners are good at learning a foreign language, they will imitate the native speakers easily and can practice the language in their numerous activities.

5. Narrative Text in Language Teaching

There are a lot of functional texts that should be studied in a school because they have became part of school curriculum. The example of funtional texts are descriptive, recount, procedure, and narrative text. This study used narrative text. It is why the narrative text should be discussed in this part. This part presents a discussion of narrative text. The discussion talks aboutdefinition,


communicative purposes, types, generic structures, and grammaticalfeatures of narrative text.

a. Definition of Narrative Text

According to Tutor (2012), narrative text is a story about an event experienced by the characters of the story. Narrative text is focused on the significant event where something happens. It usually consists of introduction, content, and the climax/conclusion of the story. The example of description of events is how an event like Tangkuban Perahu Mountain happens.

Concerning the definition of narrative text itself, Corony Edwards and Jane Willis (2005) state in their book that narrative text is “a word often associated with the sophisticated world of literary fiction or oral tradition” (p. 59). Based on this statement, it refers to many stories that are not real stories. The story is also possibly from mouth to mouth or tradition from the ancestors. The nearest example with people’s life is how places occur and have their own names.

b. Communicative Purposes of Narrative Text

Narrative text has its own communicative purposes. The communicative purpose of narrative text according to Sudarwati and Grace (2006) in Look Ahead Book 2 is “to entertain the reader with a story that deals with complications or problematic events which lead to a crisis and in turn finds a resolution” (p.154) .

From the statement, it is clear that a story can be a tool to amuse the readers. The resolution of the story usually leads to happy ending story if it is


intended to children. The example of the story that can amuse them is Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Rapunzel story. Those are kinds of narrative story and can give them an amusing story about how princes find their princesses.

c. Types of Narrative Text

According to Bandara (2011), there are seven types of narartive text. They are fable, myth, legend, fairytales, science fiction story, parables, and horror story. He gives the examples of each type of the story. The examples of fable are Mousedeer and Crocodile, The Ants and The Grasshopper, The Smartest Parrot, and The Story of Monkey and Crocodile. The examples of myth are Nyai Roro Kidul, Nyai Ronggeng, and Medusa. The examples of legend are Sangkuriang, Malin Kundang, The Legend of Tangkuban Perahu, and The Story of Toba Lake. The examples of fairytales are Cinderella, Snow White, Pinocchio, Beauty and The Beast, and The Story of Rapunzel. The examples for science fiction are To The Moon from The Earth by Jules Verne, Starship Trooper by Robert Heinlein, and A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke. The example for parables are Startull: The Story of an Average Yellow Star, Pluto’s Identity Crisis, and Ozzie & The Snortlefish. The example of horror story are Dracula, Vampire, and Twilight. There are a lot of example of narrative texts and usually teachers uses them as the materials to the teaching and learning activity in the class.


d. Generic Structures of Narrative Text

In order to know better how the narrative text is, according to Sudarwati and Grace (2006), there are four generic structures of narrative text. They are orientation, complication, resolution, an re-orientation. Orientation is the first part of the narrative text where the writer told about sets the scene where and when the story happened and the participants who or what involved in the story. The second part of the story is complication. This part told the beginning problem until the crisis that faced by the participants of the story. The next part is the resolution part where the problem or the crisis is resolved. In this part there two endings, they are happy and sad ending. The last part of the story is re-orientation. This is an optional part where the writer can give the moral lesson that can be taken from the story.

The four generic structures of the narrative text are important to the way of the story is told. The orientation of the text gives the reader a background information about who, where, when, and what the story is. After that, the complication is the moment when the participants of the story get a problem. In the resolution part, the problem is resolved and usually became the end of the story. The last is the re-orientation about how the story gives benefit to the readers.

e. Grammatical Features of Narrative Text

In order to know the language style of narrative text, it is necessary to know what the grammatical features in this text. According to Sudarwati and Grace (2006), the grammatical features of narrative text include nouns (travelers,


bundles, tree, road, etc,), pronouns (they, their, its, it, etc), noun phrases (the dusty and rough road, a big old tree, etc), time connectives and conjuctions (one day, a week, later, then, a long, long time ago, when, etc) , adverbs and adverbial phrases (angrily, in horror, etc), material processes/action verbs (arrived, ate, went, laughed, etc), and verbal processes/saying verbs (asked).

Based on the explanation above, the seven grammatical features are surely found in narrative text. Nouns and pronouns are used to describe who or what the charaters or things in the story. Noun phrases are used to exaggerate or make something clearer. Then, the time conjuctions are important to relate how the events happened in chronological order. The adverbs and adverbials phrases, materials processes, and verbal processes are the common grammatical features in telling stories.

B. Theoretical Framework

In order to answer the two research problems, theoretical framework is provided to solve them. The first research problem is to find students’ perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text. Then, the second problem it to find the recommendations to improve the use of video as media in learning narrative text. In order to make it clearer, the researcher explains the use of the theory one by one.

The main theory which takes the biggest part of this study is theory of perception. The theory of perception will be used to design the questionnaire to gain the data for the first problem. This theory is also used limitedly on discussion of this research because it is a research to get students’ perception.


The theory of perception will be used to answer the second problem to analyze the students’ satisfaction and opinion whether there are other recommendations to improve the use of video as media in learning narrative text or not.

Dealing with the use of video as media in teaching, the theory of video and media are needed. The theories of video and media are to relate how the use of video influence the process of teaching activity. After the researcher knows the effect, this theory will be used to design the questionnaire. This effect also influences the students’ perception on it. This theory is needed in order to know the differences between language learning using video as media and language learning without using video. It is necessary to answer the two research problems because video as media in learning is the one which we should find the perception on it.

Furthermore, the theory of learning English is also important in this research. The writer uses it to know the nature of learning English and how English is learned as foreign language. After that the researcher will know how to gain their perception by designing a good questionnaire based on the theory. This theory helped the research in analyze the result of the data in the discussion part. This theory is needed to answer the two problem researches.

After the four theories, the researcher still needs another theory. The theory of narrative text is used to help the others theory in designing the questionnaire. The narrative text theory has an important part to design the questionnaire because the main purpose of the research is to find that learning narrative text can be easier by using video as media. The researcher conducts


this research by relating this theory to the other theories and found the appropriate types of narrative text. The chosen narrative text will be the materials in teaching activity using video as media. By sychronizing the five theories the researcher will solve the two research problems. These theories helped the researcher to design the questionnaire, find the data, and also analyze the data in the discussion part of this study. Based on these significances of the theories on the research problem, the writer will analyze the data resulted from the research and synthesize the answer to the research problem.





In this chapter, the researcher presents the methodology used in the research. The discussion of the methodology involves research method, research setting, research respondents/subjects, instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A.Research Method

In order to find the answer to the research, the researcher designed a survey research to study perception. This type of research was used to get the data of participants’ perception towards using video in teaching narrative. Travers (1956) argues that “surveys are conducted to establish the nature of existing condition; the design of the sample of survey is such the event examined provide data from which inferences can be made about all events (p. 278).” From the statement, it could be concluded that survey is a type of research to find the data by seeing the real condition. People would believe something if there is a real proof. Then, the sample of this survey was the reliable data that could be a representative figure from the others.

In this case, the survey research was needed to collect the data. The data was from the students’ perception towards the use of video as media in learning narrative text. This survey was done after the students have done activity in the learning narrative text without video and with video. After that, the researcher distributed the questionnaires and interviewed them in order to gather the data.


In this study, the reseacher used qualitative and quantitative method. The researcher used quantitative because the data from the questionnaire were numerical data. The researcher calculated every single options of the questionnaire and presented the result as form of percentage. The results were ranked and the most frequent answers to appear were interpreted. The researcher also used qualitative method by analyzing the social phenomena from the subjects’ perspective. By using this method, the reseacher analyzed the data from questionnaire and interview in form of explanation. Through this method, the researcher searched for key information contained in the questionnaires and interview and made assumptions/interpretation about their perception on the use of video as media in the learning of narrative text.

B.Research Setting

The research was conducted in XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta, in even semester of the academic year of 2011/ 2012. This research held from March to April 2012. The researcher chose the time when the students were going to facing National Examination in that academic year. It was used to test the skill of students in learning narrative text.

SMA N 10 Yogyakarta is one of the school owned by the government and located in Gadean Street No. 5 Ngupasan, Yogyakarta. There are 15 classes in that school and each level has 5 classes. The teachers and the students are equal between male or female students.


C.Research Respondents/Subjects

The respondents of this research were 33 students at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta in the 2011/2012 academic year. They consisted of 16 male students and 17 female students. The researcher chose the cluster sample for this research. It was easier for the students to obtain the data to study perception. The researcher chose this class because this is one of the classes where the researcher had ever practiced to teach in order to do teaching practice program. The researcher had seen that the students were enthusiastic when the researcher used video as media in teaching narrative text. Then, the researcher wanted to know their perception actually to help the teacher to use this kind of media better.

D.Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

The instruments of this research are questionnaire and interview. The researcher used these instruments because both of them is the best instruments in doing survey research. First, the researcher used questionna ire, then second she used interview to gather further data from the students. According to Gall et al (2007), “A survey is a method of data collection using questionnaires or interviews to collect data from a sample that has been selected to represent a population to which the findings of the data analysis can be generalized”. The two instruments of this research are as follow:

1. Questionnaire

The first instrument in this research is a questionnaire. According to Gall et al (2007), “Questionnaires are printed forms that ask the same questions of all individuals in the sample and for which respondents record their answers in


verbal form (p. 228).” In this study, the researcher conduct 20 close-ended questions. The students choose the option in the questionnaire and cannot write their opinion freely. The students have to do the questionnaire at the same time. 2. Interview

Gall et al (2007) state that “Interviews consist of oral questions asked by the interviewer and oral responses by the research participants (p.228).” This instrument is made to compare the finding of the questionnaire and the finding in the interview. There are 10 open-ended questions in this instrument. There are six students who chose by the researcher randomly to clarify the data.

Gall et al (2007) argue that “Questionnaires and interviews must meet the same standards of validity and reliability that apply to other data-collection measures in educational research (p. 229). From this idea, the researcher has to make sure that her instrument is valid and reliable in order to get the data valid and reliable, too.

In the data gathering technique, the data were taken from the sample of 33 students from XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. Firstly, in order to gather the data, the researcher observed the real situation in the class. The observation was focused on the learning activity within and without video as the teaching media.

After that, the researcher gave the questionnaire to the whole class together to get the data. The questionnaire was done about 15 minutes. Furthermore, the researcher interviewed six students by choosing the right time. The researcher was also observing the recommendation to improve teaching narrative text using video as media to help teacher and students.


E.Data Analysis Technique

In this step, the researcher analyzed the data by using the review of related literature. First, the researcher compared the problem formulations with the theory and syncronize it how to answer it. From the questionnaire, the researcher used quantitative research. The reseacher analyzed the data by using percentage or statistical analysis of numeric data. Then, the researcher tried to dig up deeper information from the interviewees. The researcher used qualitative research to get result by analyzing social phenomena of human’s perspective from the interview. To get the result, the researcher points out some key information contained in the interview that is relevant to answer the problem formulation.

F. Research Procedure

In order to conduct this study,

this research. The ten steps of research was related each other and done in chronological order.

1. Planning, preparing and observing the research topic

This was the first step that the researcher had to pass before starting the research. The researcher had to plan the research by putting her name in the study program secretariat. After getting the name of the lecturer, the researcher was ready to start it by preparing what she should take to become the topic of her


research. She had to observe everything around her to get problems in educational research.

2. Defining the problems

After the first step, the researcher had to define the problems formulation as the main root of this research. This step was one of the biggest step where the researcher had to find interesting problems in order to make this research become more interesting.

3. Defining the participants

The researcher defined the participants after knowing the problem. Actually the step 2 and 3 were related each other. The researcher would know the problems if she observes the participants and vice versa. The main idea was when someone knows the problems, someone also knows who was subject who gets the problems.

4. Finding the theories

The researcher had to find the theories in order to make it as the base from this study. The theories could be find in the library, in some books, and also in the internet. The researcher tried to find good references in looking for the theories to get the supporting theories for this study.

5. Defining the method

The researcher had to find the suitable method for this research. First, the researcher had to choose the type of research, then followed by the setting and the participants of the research. After that, finding the instruments that would be used


in this research and how the technique to gather the data. After that, the researcher had to think how to analysis the data and how the procedure of the research itself. 6. Making the instruments

The sixth step, the researcher was constructing the instruments. The instruments in this survey research were questionnaire and interview. In the questionnaire, the researcher made 25 close-ended questions. Continued with 10 open-ended questions for interview instrument.

7. Conducting the research

The researcher started to conduct this study by asking permission to the school. Then, the researcher went to the Governor and Mayor of DIY to get the permission letters to conduct the research in the school. After having the permission letters, the reseacher went to the school to give questionnaire and interview to the students.

8. Analyzing the data based on the review of related literature

Getting the data collection, the researcher analyzed the data by comparing it from the result of questionnaires and interviews. Then from questionnaire, the researcher made analysis by making percentage of this result. After that, the researcher analyzed the human perspective from the interview. This data was analyzed in quantitatively and qualitatively. From the data analysis result, the researcher compared it with the theory in Chapter II of this study.

9. Drawing conclusion

In this step, the researcher made conclusion from all of the analysis result. The conclusion was made by taking the main analysis result.


10. Reporting the results of the research

The researcher made the report of the research to the lecturer and presented the result of the study. The researcher also reported the result to the teacher in SMA N 10 Yogyakarta in order to give him knowledge about the perception of his students and also the recommendation how to use the video as media in learning narrative text.





In this chapter, the researcher presents the results and findings of the research. The discussion mainly covers the students’ perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta and the recommendations to improve the use of video as media in learning narrative text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta.

A.The Students’ Perception on the Use of Video as Media in Learning

Narrative Text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta

The researcher got the data from XII IPA 3 after teaching. The teaching activity was intended to remind them about narrative text. The researcher taught them by using video in teaching narrative text. The instruments used were questionnaire and interview. The researcher used the questionnaire to get the data from 33 students of XII IPA 3, and took 6 students to become the interviewees. The results of the perception based on the instrument are as follow.

1. Students’ Perception Based on the Questionnaire

The table 4.1 presents the data collected from the questionnaire. The data was collected by giving the questionnaire to the students after the researcher did the flashback teaching. The data, which is taken after the researcher thaught them using video show the description about the activity in the class, students’ personal evaluation on teacher’s teaching strategy, and students self evaluation after having the teaching using the video.


Table 4.1. The Result of Questionnaire

No Statements Percentage 1 2 4 5

1. Teacher uses various activities in teaching

English in the class. 12.12 45.45 39.39 3.03

2. Teacher uses media in teaching English in the

class. 12.12 51.51 36.36 0

3. The activities in learning English are suitable

with English skills. 15.15 39.39 42.42 3.03

4. I have better speaking skills after using video as

media in learning English. 3.03 36.36 36.36 24.24

5. I have better reading skills after using video as

media in learning English. 3.03 39.39 45.45 12.12

6. I have better listening skills after using video as

media in learning English. 3.03 12.12 63.63 21.21

7. I have better writing skills after using video as

media in learning English. 6.06 39.39 45.45 9.09

8. I have better vocabularies after using video in

learning English. 6.06 24.24 51.51 18.18

9. I have better understanding after using video in

learning narrative text 0 24.24 54.54 21.21

10. I do not have better understanding after using

video in learning narrative text. 51.51 39.39 9.09 0

11. The use of video in learning narrative text does

not affect my understanding. 60.60 27.27 12.12 0

12. I am active when the teacher asked the students

in learning narrative text. 0 72.72 24.24 3.03 13. I can retell the content of videos that I have

seen. 3.03 45.45 48.48 3.03

14. Video helps me to learn the story idea of

narrative text easily. 0 18.18 63.63 18.18

15. Video helps me to learn the generic structure of

narrative text easily. 3.03 39.39 48.48 9.09

16. I pay more attention to the teacher’s explanation

during learning narrative text by using video. 0 57.57 30.30 12.12

17. I do not pay more attention to the teacher’s explanation during learning narrative text by

using video. 24.24 60.60 9.09 6.06

18. Using video in learning activities in the class is

enjoyable for me. 0 24.24 45.45 30.30

19. I really watch the video in learning narrative

text. 0 39.39 45.45 15.15

20. Visualitation without voice (power point slides, film strips, etc) helps me to understand the


There are four options and twenty statements in the questionnaire. Every options has different level of opinion. If the students chose option 1, they chose that they disagree/ never dealing the statement. Option 2 means that the students are between disagree and disagree/rarely dealing with the statement. Option 4 is a choice when the students chose agree/frequently dealing with the statement. Then, the last option 5 is when the students chose strongly agree/more frequently dealing with the statement.

Based on the table 4.1, the researcher used percentage to present the result of the data and to draw the conclusion for each statement. The reseacher shows the data in form of percentage. The percentage was taken from the number of students who chose the option (Σ) devided by the number of all of the students (λ) and times 100%. The formula to get the percentage are as follow:

Σ λ

x 100% = percentage

The first statement in the questionnaire is “teacher uses various activities in teaching English in the class.” Students who chose never are 12.12%, students who chose rare are 45.45%, students who chose often are 39.39% , then students who chose very often is 3.03 %. Based on the result, some of the students thought that there were a lot of variation of activites in learning narrative text in the class. However most of them said that the variation of activities in class is rare. In their daily activities in the class, students tend to do the same activities like reading text


while they are studying narrative text. This shows that the students need various kinds of activities.

The responds of the students on the second statement, “Teacher uses media in teaching English in the class.” are 12.12% students chose never, 51.51% students chose rare, 36.36% chose often, and there are no students who chose very often. Based on the result, the teacher was using media while teaching for 12.12% of the students chooses never using media, they think that the media is something related to electronical thing; they don’t think that handout or book is also media. Based on the students’ perception, they needed to use media more than before. This opinion comes up with the students’ activities that they did not not use the media in teaching learning activity frequently. They accustomed to use textbook or handout to learn narrative text.

The third statement is “The activities in learning English are suitable with English skills.” 15.15% of students chose disagree, 39.39% of students chose between agree and disagree, 42.42% of students chose agree, and 3.03% of students chose strongly agree. Based on the result, most of them agreed with the activites used in this class. It means they agreed if the learning activities had been going well and suitable for them. Before using video, they usually used text only. After learning narrative text using video in researcher’s preliminary research, they enjoyed this kind of activities and agreed if the activities that used in the class was suitable for them.

The fourth until seventh statement are mainly about development of language skills. In speaking skill, there was 3.03% students who chose disagree,


36.36% of students who chose between agree and disagree, 36.36% of students chose agree, and 24.24% chose strongly agree. In reading skills, 3.03% students who chose disagree, 39.39% of students who chose between agree and disagree, 45.45% of students chose agree, and 12.12% chose strongly agree. In listening skills, 3.03% students who chose disagree, 12.12% of students who chose between agree and disagree, 63.63% of students chose agree, and 21.21% chose strongly agree. In writing skills, 6.06% students who chose disagree, 39.39% of students who chose between agree and disagree, 45.45% of students chose agree, and 9.09% chose strongly agree. It means that they agreed that their four skills were improved during their study of narrative text using video. In speaking skill, they got knowledge from video to pronounce words better. The video taught them by giving example how to speak well. In listening skill, the students had better understanding to know the meaning of the words or learning vocabularies by listening and watching the video. In writing, they got a lot of new vocabularies and how to arrange the words into correct English sentences. In reading, they also had knowledge to pronounce better because most of them were watching while they were reading to practice their pronounciation and also their understanding.

The eighth statements is “I have better vocabularies after using video in learning English.” There is 6.06% students who chose disagree, 24.24% of students who chose between agree and disagree, 51.51% of students chose agree, and 18.18% chose strongly agree. They agreed that their vocabulary mastery was increased. It means the video helped them to learn new vocabularies. It will be better if the teacher provides a video which contain new vocabularies. The


students get the vocabularies more easily rather than using only text. In watching video, they looked at the characters’ movements and they could study the meaning of vocabularies more easily.

There is a correlation between the ninth and tenth statement. The ninth statement is “I have better understanding after using video in learning narrative text” and the tenth statement is “I do not have better understanding after using video in learning narrative text.” In ninth statement, no students chose disagree, 24.24% of students chose between agree and disagree, 54.54% of students chose agree, and 21.21% chose strongly agree. In tenth statement, there is 51.51% students who chose disagree, 39.39% of students who chose between agree and disagree, 9.09% of students chose agree, and there is no students who chose strongly agree. There is a balance between the students who chose agree if they have better understanding, and students who choose disagree if they do not have better understanding. It proves that the use of video was useful for them to make them have better understanding. This result has relation with previous statements in which their four skills have been increased by using video. This percentage is positive because the correlation of increasing skills and understanding narrative text is match.

The eleventh statement is “The use of video in learning narrative text does not affect my understanding.” There is 60.60% students who chose disagree, 27.27% of students who chose between agree and disagree, 12.12% of students chose agree, and there is no students chose strongly agree. They agreed that using video in studying narrative text affected their understanding. The use of video


affect the students to get better understanding. 60.60% from the students who were strongly sure that they disagree if the use of video does not affect their understanding has proved that the video is strongly affect their understanding. This percentage also prove fervently that the previous discussion is true that the video is affecting their understanding in learning narrative text.

The twelfth statement is “I am active when the teacher asked the students in learning narrative text.” There is no students who chose never, 72.72% of students who chose rare, 24.24% of students chose often, and 3.03% students chose very often. They were not active enough in classroom learning activities. It means they have to be more active if the teacher asked them because they are not active enough in the class. In the class, the students’ response is not active enough but it can be changed by making more interesting teaching-learning activity for them.

The thirteenth statement is “I can retell the content of videos that I have seen.” There is 3.03% students who chose disagree, 45.45% of students who chose between agree and disagree, 48.48% of students chose agree, and 3.03% students chose strongly agree. They agreed that they could retell the content of video after watching the video. This proves that students’ understanding increases because they can retell the story based on what they had seen on the video. By getting better understanding, they can retell the story better.

The fourteenth statement is “Video helps me to learn the story idea of narrative text easily.” There is no students who chose disagree, 18.18% of students who chose between agree and disagree, 63.63% of students chose agree,


and 18.18% students chose strongly agree. They srongly agreed that they understand the idea more easily by using the video. It has a relation to the previous statement. If the students can retell the story, it means that they have understood the idea of the story itself.

The fifteenth statement is “Video helps me to learn the generic structure of narrative text easily.” There is 3.03% students who chose disagree, 39.39% of students who chose between agree and disagree, 48.48% of students chose agree, and 9.09% students chose strongly agree. They strongly agreed that they understand the generic structure more easily by using the video. It means that the video provide a way to understand generic structure better. The video helps them in making good sentences in English. The students learn how to make sentences directly or indirectly using the video and also learn its generic structure.

There is a correlation between sixteenth and seventeenth statements. The sixteenth statement is “I pay more attention to the teacher’s explanation during learning narrative text by using video.” There is no students who chose never, 57.57% of students who chose rare, 30.30% of students chose often and 12.12% students chose very often. Then, the seventeenth statement is “I do not pay more attention to the teacher’s explanation during learning narrative text by using video.” There is 24.24% students who chose disagree, 60.60% of students who chose between agree and disagree, 9.09% of students chose agree, and 6.06% students chose strongly agree. The students chose rare or between agree and disagree for both statements. It means that the two statements prove that


sometimes they paid attention to the teacher’s explanation. It will be good, if the teacher can find how to make them pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.

The eighteenth statement is “Using video in learning activities in the class is enjoyable for me.” There is no students who chose disagree, 24.24% of students who chose between agree and disagree, 45.45% of students chose agree, and 30.30% students chose strongly agree. They strongly agreed that they enjoy the learning activities by using the video. It proves that the students desired the use of video in learning activities, they were enjoying this kind of activity. Before using the video, they only used text, after using this video, they tought that using video was more enjoyable for them than using text only.

The nineteenth statement is “I really watch the video in learning narrative text.” There is no students who chose disagree, 39.39% of students who chose between agree and disagree, 45.45% of students chose agree, and 15.15%students chose strongly agree. They srongly agreed that they watch the video intently while learning narrative text. It means that the use of video attract the students to learn intensively. The more interesting the video, the more they watch the video in learning process.

The last statement is ”Visualitation without voice (power point slides, film strips, etc) helps me to understand the narrative text better.” There is 6.06% students who chose disagree, 72.72% of students who chose between agree and disagree, 21.21% of students chose agree, and no students chose strongly agree. They did not really agree in using visualization without voice. It means they wanted to use the media like video which provide picture and voice. Without


voice, they will not study the listening-speaking skills. They got better understanding after they used video with voice and picture and if it is possible, they will get knowledge better by integrating this media and text as their reading tool.

Based on the explanation above, the students enjoyed the use of video in teaching narrative text in the class. It is also strongly recommended to use video because in the theory of perception, when the subjects see or feel about something, they will respond it. They tought that this kind of learning activity was enjoyable because they saw the video and felt comfort. The video could help the student to understand the content or ideas of the story better. They also had better vocabularies through learning narrative text using video as media. Beside that, the use of video helped the students in developing their four skills in English language better. This supports the theory that media can be usefull to learn something better.

2. Students’ Perception Based on the Interview

The researcher gathered the data from the interview. The purpose is to make the result of the questionnaire more reliable by getting deeper information from the some students. The perception on using video as media in learning narrative text are as follow.

a. Video is an Interesting Media for the Students

The result from the interview shows that most of the students said that the picture of video was an interesting media to them. Each of them gave perception that video was good for them. Student A said that using video as media in


E: Ya lebih pahamnya ke isinya itu mbak,kan dari gambar itu kan kita udah tau gimana alurnya, ceritanya, strucnya gimana gimananya udah tau tu thok yang kelebihannya penyampaian narrative melalui video itu mbak menurut saya. R: Kira - kira ada yang mau disampaikan lagi nggak tentang penggunaan video

terhadap pembelajaran narrative?

E: Ya menurut saya, e... penggunaan video terhadap narrative itu lebih membantu para murid untuk mengetahui alurnya, untuk mengetahui jalan ceritanya, jalan cerita yang dimaksud.

R: Udah? E: Sudah.

R: Ada yang mau disampaikan lagi? E: Sudah nggak.


94 Interview Transcript with Student F

Place: XII IPA 3 classroom


R= the researcher F= Student F

R: Saat guru menggunakan video dalam mengajar narrative apa yang terjadi? Apa yang kamu rasakan?

F: Ketika guru mengajarkan tentang narrative yang saya rasakan adalah biasa saja.

R: Biasanya itu gimana? Bisa dikatakan ada yang aneh nggak? Soalnya kan biasanya nggak pernah pake video terus tiba-tiba pake video lha itu gimana? F: E... menurut saya itu adalah ide yang bagus dan cemerlang karena dapat

membantu proses pembelajaran.

R: Berikutnya, apa yang paling kamu sukai ketika belajar narrative pake video sebagai medianya?

F: Itu dapat membantu saya untuk menerangkan sebuah alur cerita agar semakin jelas di dalam memahaminya.

R: Terus, apa gurumu selalu menggunakan media saat mengajar narrative? Pak Dhana maksudnya.

F: E... tidak selalu. R: Kalo iya apa aja?

F: Kalau iya mungkin, jarang sih mbak kalau narrative menggunakan media mungkin hanya listening aja pake tape recorder itu.

R: O... kalo listening pake tape recorder? F: Iya.

R: Terus kalo saat pembelajarannya itu kamu lebih suka gurumu membacakan teks atau menggunakan media?

F: Lebih menyenangkan dalam menggunakan media. R: Alasannya kenapa?


F: Karena dapat membantu memperjelas apa maksud dan tujuannya, dapat mempermudah.

R: Terus, dalam hal apa saja kamu tu merasa terbantu dalam menggunakan video itu?

F: Dalam hal seperti ketika saya melihat e... atau membaca atau mendengar suatu kalimat yang baru yang mungkin masih asing di telinga tetapi saya bisa mencernanya dengan atau dapat dibantu oleh melihat suatu gambar itu untuk menceritakannya kembali.

R: Terus misalnya ka... kalau kamu menggunakan video itu kemampuanmu dalam skill kayak menulis, membaca, mendengarkan, menulis itu jadi bertambah nggak?

F: Jadi bertambah.

R: Alasannya? Misalnya?

F: Karena membantu melengkapi indra saya yang kurang, seperti ketika kita membaca, kita hanya bisa membaca dan tidak melihat gambar atau kejadian secara langsung.

R: Hu’uh, terus berikutnya apakah dengan menggunakan video itu kamu bisa lebih mengerti alur ceritanya?

F: Ya dengan menggunakan video saya mengerti alur ceritanya karena di video telah digambarkan bagaimana alur cerita itu.

R: Kalau misalnya cuma ada teks gitu?

F: Kalau menggunakan suatu teks ya mungkin bisa mengerti alur cerita tapi tidak sepenuhnya.

R: Jadi lebih enakan pake video ya? F: Ya, lebih.

R: Lihat langsung ceritanya?

F: Lebih membantu menggunakan video.

R: Terus selain itu dari melihat video itu, kamu bisa kira - kira bisa nggak menulis teks narrative dengan terstruktur?

F: E... apabila ada video mungkin saya bisa menulis. R: Kalau suruh bikin lagi gitu lho.


96 F: Ya saya bisa menulis lagi karena video telah membantu ingatan saya.

R: Oya. Terus yang terakhir, e... setelah mencoba menggunakan video, kan dulu-dulu nggak pernah kan? nah apakah saat ini pemahamanmu terhadap narrative itu jadi lebih bertambah?

F: Ya lebih bertambah karena di dalam cerita narrative ini apabila menggunakan video a... ilustrasinya akan menambah ceritanya itu lebih hidup, lebih nyata, lebih real, gitu.

R: Terus ada yang mau dikatakan lagi selain itu?

F: E... menurut saya lebih baik menggunakan video untuk mengajarkan narrative teks, karena itu lebih bermanfaat dan lebih membantu, udah cukup.




Kristiani, Veronica. (2012). Students’ Perception on the Use of Video as Media in Learning Narrative Text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

The use of video is one alternative to motivate the students in language teaching. Video can be used innovatively to teach many kinds of functional text like narrative, descriptive, and argumentative. In order to know how the narrative text is taught using video as media, this study is focused on the students’ perception on the use of video to learn narrative text.

This study is intended to answer two problems. The first problem is the students’ perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text and the second problem is the recommendations to improve the use of video as media in learning narrative text.

This research is a survey research which aimed at knowing the students perception on the use of video as media in learning narrative text. The sucjects of this research were 33 students of XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta 2011/2012 academic year. In order to answer the problem formulation, the researcher used quantitative and qualitative study related to the use of statistical analysis of numeric data and social phenomena analysis of human’s perspective. There were two instruments of this research i.e. questionnaire and interview.

The results of the study showed that most of the students thought that video helps them to develop their four skills i.e speaking 60.6%, reading 57.57%, listening 84.84% and writing 54.54%. The use of video also helps the students to understand the content, ideas, vocabularies, or generic structure of narrative text better. In the recommendation to improve the use of video in teaching narrative text, the teacher should use interesting technique to explore the use of video itself, like group discussion on characters in the video, or games on characters’s expression based on the characters in the story of the video. Besides, the teacher can also ask the students to make a mini drama or simple dialogue based on the story in video, to provide a better understanding to students as well as making a form of appreciation to literature. The teacher can use this method frequently and repetitively to make the students get better understanding. The techniques that can be used in the improvement of the use video as media in learning narrative text is vocabulary development, information gap, and flashcards. The teacher also has to check the tools before the class begin including the speakers, viewer, handouts, and also the video files.

Having known that most of the students are helped through the use of video in learning narrative text, the researcher suggests to the future researchers to develop the use of video as media to the other kinds of text such as descriptive, argumentative, and recount, with the implementation of other teaching techniques in the class.




Kristiani, Veronica. (2012). Students’ Perception on the Use of Video as Media in Learning Narrative Text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penggunaan video merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk memotivasi siswa mempelajari bahasa. Video bisa digunakan secara inovatif untuk mengajarkan berbagai macam teks fungsional seperti naratif, deskriptif, dan argumentatif. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana naratif diajarkan dengan menggunakan video, penelitian ini terpusat pada bagaimana persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan video.

Penelitian ini bermaksud menjawab dua rumusan masalah. Masalah pertama adalah persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan video sebagai media dalam pembelajaran naratif dan masalah kedua adalah rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan penggunaan video sabagai media dalam pembelajaran naratif.

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian survei yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan video sebagai media dalam pembelajaran naratif. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari 33 siswa XII IPA 3 SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah, peneliti menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif sehubungan dengan penggunaan analisis statistik dari data yang berupa angka dan analisis kejadian sosial dari perspektif manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua instrumen yaitu kuesioner dan wawancara.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar siswa berpendapat video membantu mereka mengembangkan keempat ketrampilan yaitu berbicara 60.6%, membaca 57.57%, mendengarkan 84.84% dan menulis 54.54%. Penggunaan video juga membantu mereka untuk mengerti isi, ide, kosa kata atau struktur organisasi naratif lebih baik. Rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan penggunaan video dalam pembelajaran naratif adalah guru seharusnya menggunakan teknik yang menarik untuk menjelajahi penggunaan video seperti diskusi kelompok pada tokoh dalam video, atau permainan pada ekspresi tokoh berdasarkan cerita dari video. Disamping itu, guru bisa mengajak siswa membuat drama/dialog singkat berdasarkan cerita dari video, untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik kepada siswa sebaik pembuatan bentuk apresiasi dari sebuah karya sastra. Teknik lain yang dapat digunakan dalam kemajuan penggunaan video sebagai media dalam pembelajaran teks naratif adalah dengan menggunakan pengembangan kosakata, melengkapi informasi, dan kartu pengingat. Guru bisa menggunakan metode ini sesering mungkin dan berulang-ulang untuk membuat siswa mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik. Guru juga harus mengecek semua peralatan sebelum kelas dimulai seperti speaker, viewer, handout, dan file video.

Setelah mengetahui persepsi menggunakan video sebagai media dalam pembelajaran naratif positif, peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan mengembangkan penggunaan video sebagai media untuk teks lain seperti deskriptif, argumentatif, dan pengalaman, dengan pelaksanaan teknik mengajar yang lain di kelas.