Data Analysis Technique Research Procedure


E. Data Analysis Technique

In this step, the researcher analyzed the data by using the review of related literature. First, the researcher compared the problem formulations with the theory and syncronize it how to answer it. From the questionnaire, the researcher used quantitative research. The reseacher analyzed the data by using percentage or statistical analysis of numeric data. Then, the researcher tried to dig up deeper information from the interviewees. The researcher used qualitative research to get result by analyzing social phenomena of human’s perspective from the interview. To get the result, the researcher points out some key information contained in the interview that is relevant to answer the problem formulation.

F. Research Procedure

In order to conduct this study, the researcher has research procedure which has been planned systematically. There were ten steps of research procedure in this research. The ten steps of research was related each other and done in chronological order. 1. Planning, preparing and observing the research topic This was the first step that the researcher had to pass before starting the research. The researcher had to plan the research by putting her name in the study program secretariat. After getting the name of the lecturer, the researcher was ready to start it by preparing what she should take to become the topic of her 29 research. She had to observe everything around her to get problems in educational research. 2. Defining the problems After the first step, the researcher had to define the problems formulation as the main root of this research. This step was one of the biggest step where the researcher had to find interesting problems in order to make this research become more interesting. 3. Defining the participants The researcher defined the participants after knowing the problem. Actually the step 2 and 3 were related each other. The researcher would know the problems if she observes the participants and vice versa. The main idea was when someone knows the problems, someone also knows who was subject who gets the problems. 4. Finding the theories The researcher had to find the theories in order to make it as the base from this study. The theories could be find in the library, in some books, and also in the internet. The researcher tried to find good references in looking for the theories to get the supporting theories for this study. 5. Defining the method The researcher had to find the suitable method for this research. First, the researcher had to choose the type of research, then followed by the setting and the participants of the research. After that, finding the instruments that would be used 30 in this research and how the technique to gather the data. After that, the researcher had to think how to analysis the data and how the procedure of the research itself. 6. Making the instruments The sixth step, the researcher was constructing the instruments. The instruments in this survey research were questionnaire and interview. In the questionnaire, the researcher made 25 close-ended questions. Continued with 10 open-ended questions for interview instrument. 7. Conducting the research The researcher started to conduct this study by asking permission to the school. Then, the researcher went to the Governor and Mayor of DIY to get the permission letters to conduct the research in the school. After having the permission letters, the reseacher went to the school to give questionnaire and interview to the students. 8. Analyzing the data based on the review of related literature Getting the data collection, the researcher analyzed the data by comparing it from the result of questionnaires and interviews. Then from questionnaire, the researcher made analysis by making percentage of this result. After that, the researcher analyzed the human perspective from the interview. This data was analyzed in quantitatively and qualitatively. From the data analysis result, the researcher compared it with the theory in Chapter II of this study. 9. Drawing conclusion In this step, the researcher made conclusion from all of the analysis result. The conclusion was made by taking the main analysis result. 31 10. Reporting the results of the research The researcher made the report of the research to the lecturer and presented the result of the study. The researcher also reported the result to the teacher in SMA N 10 Yogyakarta in order to give him knowledge about the perception of his students and also the recommendation how to use the video as media in learning narrative text. 32