The Recommendations to Improve the Use of Video as Media in

46 have been attracted to the visual effect of the video, they will pay attention to the video and get better knowledge from it. Based on the interview, the researcher finds that most of the students have a perception that video as media has helped them to learn the narrative text easily. The students agreed that video made them get more understanding in learning narrative text. Besides that video was an interesting media for them, the videos also helped them to know the plot of the story, content, and develop their four skills in languange learning better. Apparently, the result from the two instruments, that is from questionnaire and interview instrument show that students at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta have a good perception on the use video as media in learning narrative text. The result from the two instruments are match and support each other.

B. The Recommendations to Improve the Use of Video as Media in

Learning Narrative Text at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta The results of the questionnaire and interview show that the students thought that video is a useful media in their learning activity. Video can be a tool that helps the students to learn narrative text easily. In this part, the reseacher will answer the second problem that is the recommendations to improve the use of video as media in learning narrative text. There were some recommendation based on the students’ experience to improve the use of video as media in learning narrative text. The recommendation come from the students experience while they were using video as media in learning narrative text and also the analysis from the researcher. 47 In the process of learning narrative text using video, Student B said that if teaching narrative text by using video as media is done frequently, he is sure that he will be more capable to understand the narrative text. If it is only done once or twice, it will not be effective because the students need a lot of practice to gain better understanding of the video. However if video is used too often it will probably make the students feel bored. Then, the way to solve the problem is by varying the method in giving the materials for the students. For example, the video used in each meeting has different types of narrative text such as fable, myth, legend, fairytales, science fiction story, parables, and horror story. Then, the teacher can also used video from different characters, for example cartoon, human, or 3D animation. In the teaching technique, Student D added that using video is more suitable than using hard copyhandout to learn narrative text. The students will understand the text better by using the integration of the handout and picture. Doing filling the blank task while watching video to practice listening skills can improve the students’ understanding in learning narrative text. Based on Student D’s suggestion, it will be easy for the students in learning narrative text because by seeing video, they will get visual imagery. They can imagine the story and interpret the content, characters or the plot of the story. Using video will give more challenge for them to imagine the story of narrative text. Using text will make the students get bored easily, because text only gives them a written form. If it is too much it will lead the students to have no attention to read the text. 48 The researcher has recommendation that there are alot of techniques which support the use of video is by exploring the use of video itself. The example is by using technique that will make the students get interest of it. The teacher should use the video itself, in order to study narrative text. The example of the technique is by using group discussion. It will be a good technique by using video as the discussion materials for study narrative text. In this discussion, the students will discuss the characters on the story based on the video. In a specific way, the students have a discussion how to imitate the characters’ expression in the story, then they practice to pronounce the characters’ words by doing the speech of the characters. In this technique, except study about characters in the story, the students also practice the listening and speaking skill; how each student practices to listen and pronounce the words. An interactive exercise also can be used in this method of exploring the use of video as media in learning narrative text. After seeing the video, the teacher devides the students into some groups. Then, every groups has to make a mini drama or simple dialogue by taking the idea from the video of narrative text. In making the mini drama, every groups has to make a script before they present the mini drama in front of the class. This activity will cover the four skills of language learning. The students can study how to write a script in correct grammar, read and practice the script in front of the class, speak and practice the pronunciation of the words in the scripts, listen to the member of the groups in practising their mini drama, find the idea and the content of the narrative text, and also develop their vocabularies. 49 In teaching narrative text using video as media, the teacher can develop the method to teach vocabularies. The teacher can ask the students to find the difficult words in the video and then they should find the meaning of the words. Then, in this technique, the students can do it in pairs. Students who get the meaning of vocabularies without opening dictionaries and can memorize it in the post test will get poin as their rewards. In this technique, not also the meaning of the words, the teacher can also develops the students’ vocabularies by asking them about synonym or antonym of the vocabularies. By using synonym and antonym, the students will get more vocabularies rather than only finding the meaning of the words. This activity is proposed to make the students memorizedevelop their vocabularies. In order to test the understanding of the students, the teacher can explore the video of narrative text by using information gap activity. In this activity, the teacher provides incomplete information from the video. The information from the video as not same as the script of the video. This information is not only what is spoken by the speakers in the video but also any information that have relation to the story or the content of the video. Then, the students have to discuss in pairs and complete the information of it. By this method, the students are studying to understand the content and ideas of the story from the video. The students can also develop their information by using their own imagination as long as it is not out of context from the video. Besides, the students study the correct grammar from their writing activity in the information gap. 50 The other interesting method is by using flashcards. In this method, the teacher provides a set of flashcards that shows the events in the story in the video. Then, the students are devided into some groups. Every group has to retell the story based on their parts taken from the flashcards. The students should write the framework of their stories and then they choose a representative from their group to read the result of the discussion. The others group have to give comments on the grammar, pronounciation, and the content of the presentation. This method helps the students to develop their four skills in language learning. In the preparation to teach students, Student A suggested to pay attention to the volume of the video so that when it is played the voice will not be disturbing because it is too loud or too low. Based on the students recommendation, the teacher has to check the tools before teaching and learning activity. Teacher should come on time and if it is possible the teacher has to make sure everything is ready. It is important to make sure that the teaching aids which include viewer, laptop, speaker, and video file will function properly. If there is problem with the media, the teaching learning activity will not go well. The teacher should check the video file if it is good or not. Preparing video is not easy. The teacher has to choose the right video for the students. The right video for them is a video that has a clear voice, good resolution, and also interesting story. In finding interesting story, the teacher should find an uncommon narrative text. It aimed at motivating the students to be curious in watching new story that they have never seen before. 51 Those explanation above was the recommendations in improving the use of video as media in learning narrative text. It will be maximum if the teacher can explore the use of video as media in language teaching in a right way. The teacher has to think about the technique of teaching is suitable for the students’ condition or not. If the teachnique, materials, preparation, and students’ condition are supporting each other, then, the use of video as media in leraning narative text will be succeeded. 52


In this chapter, the researcher summarizes the final finding of this research. There are two major parts that would be presented in this chapter. They are conclusion and recommendation for this research. The conclusion part mainly discusses the answer of the two problems research in this study. The recommendation part will be taken from the research finding.

A. Conclusion

Perception is something related to what people see and feel. After seeing and feeling people give their perception towards it. In other words, people have their perception in what they see or feel. In this study, video is a visual media that is used in learning narrative text. Every aspects in a condition can influence the subjects to give their own perceptions. This perception is mostly related to people naked eyes and people feelings. After people see something through video, the information they get is sent to their brain to be processed and the outcome is a perception. The students at XII IPA 3 of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta have perception that the use of video as media in learning narrative text is useful for them to understand the narrative text more easily. They thought that the use of video is a briliant idea to help them in learning narrative text better. The use of video did not only help them in understanding the content, ideas, or generic structure of narrative text, but also helped them to develop their skills better and increase their