Being a Single Parent

Ammu’s marriage does not take a long time. After the children are born, their marriage is getting worse. Ammu and her husband often quarrel. Sometimes it involves her children. The climax is when Ammu’s husband, Baba, cannot give the family a decent living. The only thing he can do is only getting drunk. Based on this problem, Ammu asks to divorce her husband Roy 42. However, Indian society does not allow a woman to divorce her husband. They think that being a divorce widow is sinful. They think it will be better being a widow if her husband dies. It is more honorable than a divorce widow Mayo 46. Ammu divorces her husband because she wants to be free and to be equal with men. She wants to prove that she can do what a man does. She wants to be free from the situation that makes her unsure about the future. She can not count on her husband anymore because her husband does not give her a decent living for her and the family. Based on Maslow’s theory of needs, Ammu looks for the second category of esteem needs, the respect from others. She tries to look for recognition from the society, reputation, acceptance as her being divorce widow, attention, equal status, and appreciation from the society for her being. She wants to prove that she is able to do something different. She tries to be equal with men.

c. Being a Single Parent

Ammu has succeeded in fulfilling the esteem needs and self actualization needs. The self esteem includes the self respect and respect from others Maslow 42. In this novel, Ammu wants to give her children a better life and prove that PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI she is able to be equal with men. She also wants her children and her to be treated as equal as others. Still, she wants to fulfill the second category of self esteem, respect from others. Returning to her hometown in Ayemenem after the divorce does not become the answer of Ammu’s problem after her divorce. Sometimes Ammu feels humiliated by the society’s treatment of her being a widow. They treat Ammu as if she is a bad luck for the society. Even the police calls Ammu a vesya which means a prostitute. “She felt somehow humiliated by this public revolt in her area of jurisdiction. She had wanted a smooth performance Roy 145.” Her family also treats her differently. In Sophie Mol’s funeral, for example, Ammu, Estha and Rahel are allowed to attend it but they must stand and sit separately from the family. No one will look at them. Being treated differently, Ammu struggles to get equality. She wants to be treated as equal as others. She wants to prove to the society that she is able to do things like men. She wants to prove that she is able to raise her children by herself and give them a better living. Facing the reality in her life, Ammu develops her defense mechanism. She tries to fulfill her desire although the rules in her society do not permit her. She works. The rule of her society does not allow a woman to work. A woman in her society has to take care the family and take care the house. According to Braun, Linder and Asimov 478, defense mechanism is related to how a person copes with the desires often not permitted by the social rules. Her job as a receptionist does not last long. She is sick. She has to quit from her job and tries to find another job. On her way to find a new job, on an interview as a secretary, she dies. She dies alone in a grimy room Roy 161. According to Maslow 42, when a person is able to fulfill esteem needs she will feel confident. In this novel, Ammu is able to fulfill esteem needs. She already proves that she is able to earn money by herself. Although only for a while, she is confident to tell her children that they will have a house and they will live together.

d. Having a Love Affair