Review of Related Studies

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Relation between Psychology and Literature

According to Eagleton 1996, there are four kinds of psychoanalytical literary criticisms depends on the matters. First is the matter of the author of the work, second is to the work’s contents, the third is the matter of the work’s formal construction, and lastly the matter of the reader. The first two are the most common, and the most problematic ways because analyzing the author tends to be more speculative. Moreover, if the first two is used, the main problem is to highlight between the author’s intentions with the relevance of the literary work. Eagleton, 1996: 155 However, the analysis of the author is dismissed in this study. In this study the goal of the analysis is the contents of the works includes character’s characteristics and symbols. It is, according to Eagleton, giving responses to the characters’s motivations or the relevancies of the psychoanalytical of a certain event. To be more convincing, Eagleton’s explanation can be seen in this passage; “Psychoanalytical criticisms, in other words, can do more than hunt the phallic symbols: it can tell us something about how literary texts are actually formed, and reveal something of the meaning of that formation.” Eagleton, 1996:155. From the passage above, the main aspects of the relation between psychology and literature can be seen. The main goal is to see something within the works by using symbols, and other instruments of analysis. The relation between psychology and literature theory is used to make sure that this study stay on its track and keeps its perspectives in the literary aspect of the analysis.

2. Theory of Character

Character is one of the most important aspects in narrative or dramatic text. It represents the struggles and the dynamics of the plot. Therefore, character plays a big role in this story. According Abrams 1999, characters are the representation of narrative or dramatic text interpreted by readers and being built with moral values, logic, and emotional values reflected in his or her dialogues. From this summary from Abrams, the identification of how does the main character in Poe’s “Tell-Tale- Heart ” presented is explained. Based on its importance, characters are divided into two types, ‘major character’, and ‘minor character’. Major character is a character that has a bigger role in the storyline, and the plot is always directly or indirectly influenced by this character. Minor character is a character that has a smaller role in the storyline, it is also known as the supporting character. The classification above may helps the analysis of the dynamic of the unconscious mind from the main character. Abrams’ theory of character is being used in this study since the focus of the character’s psychology is being analyzed from the character’s dialogues. From those dialogues the character’s psychological traits and emotion can be seen.

3. Theory of Characterization

Character and characterization are two things that cannot be separated. Characterization is a process of character’s creation by the author Rohrberger, Wood, 1971. When author creates a character, he or she may use two ways. Direct means or Dramatic means. Direct means tend to describe physical appearance, intelligence, of a character. While dramatic means tend to describe the persona of the character ways of speaking Rohrberger, Wood, 1971. This theory is being used because both direct and dramatic means facilitate this study to elaborate the character’s characterization.

4. Theory of Point of View

To understand the point of view of the character, theory of point of view is used. According to Abrams 1999, point of view determines the way the story told. “signifies the story gets told –the mode or modes established by an author by means of which the reader is presented with the characters, dialogues, actions, settings, and events which constitute the narrative in a work of fiction” Abrams, 1999:231 Point of view in narrative is important in this study because it shows the character’s perspectives and the narrative style of the narrator and the foundation of the way the story gets told. Throughout the development of narrative works, according to Abrams 1999 authors have brought up many ways to present their story and variety of methods used in many work of fiction. To classify those methods, there are three varieties of