Research Method Technique of Collecting Data Data Analysis


3.1 Research Method

There are three kinds of research methods, library research, field research, and laboratory research. By analyzing Malice I use library research by using some books which are related to the topic of this thesis. Library research is research you do from books. Library research plays an important role in giving the information or reference which is needed.

3.2 Technique of Collecting Data

In collecting the data, I need some instrument for this thesis. The technique used by gathering all the data from the library or from internet and other supporting material relevant to the topic of the thesis as much as possible. There are two kinds of data; primary data and secondary data. Primary data is a data which directly took by the researcher. Then the secondary data is taken by some written sources. Danielle Steel’s Malice used as the main source of data. I use some steps in doing this analysis. First, I read whole novel to get deep understanding about the novel. Second, I select the important information about the sexual abuse on children indication in the novel. Third, I quote the text and make the quotation as the data to support the analysis. Fourth, I would make interpretation based on the data that found in the novel and I collect some books to support my analyses. 24

3.3 Data Analysis

Theory of Literature by Wellek 1955 explain that there are two methods in analyzing a literary work: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic method approaches the literary works from internal factor, the text. Such as rhythm, rhyme, scheme, form, mood, etc. In the other hand, extrinsic method approaches the literary works from external factors such as biography, autobiography, psychology, philosophy, history, society, religion, etc. Therefore, it is clear enough that the writer used the extrinsic method in analyzing this thesis. In analyzing Danielle Steels Malice, the writer followed the procedure, there are; data collecting, data selecting, and data analyzing. First steps, the writer collects and underline the important things from the novel and do the same thing with the related books and references. Second steps are to select all the information that has been collected and only the significant data are used in the process of doing this proposal thesis. The last step, all the selected data is being analyzed to achieve what has been planned in the objective of this thesis and finally a conclusion can be drawn from this thesis. Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research Qualitative Research Methods by Kirk and Miller 1986, there are two kinds of method of analyzing; they are quantitative and qualitative method. Quantitative method includes every kind research that based on calculation, number or quantity. In other hand, qualitative method includes every kind research that not based on calculation. In analyzing, the writer used qualitative descriptive method. Whereas qualitative research method is used because Mary W. George in his book The Elements of Library Research 2008 25 explain that qualitative method designates any research that is results are captured in a words, images, or nonnumeric symbols; for instance, researches on dreams. The qualitative analysis, in general, can be named as the method of understanding the phenomena about what happened with the analysis subject, for example, attitude, behavior, perception, motivation, habit, etc, holistically, and by the descriptive method that applied as the words and language, in specific context naturally, and using the scientific method. Through this method, I analyzing the sentences which are related to the topic of this study about psychological impacts of sexual abuse found in leading character of Malice. The whole process, from collecting data until analyzing data, will be clearly described in the scheme below: 26 Primary Data: Novel Malice by Danielle Steel Secondary Data: Books and articles which concerned with Psychology and Literature, sexual abuse on children, its impact and how the victims overcome Reading the novel Searching and reading the books and the articles Classifying the data based on Psychology and Literature, sexual abuse on children, its impact and how the victims overcome from the psychological impact Interpreting the data based on theme: Sexual abuse on children, by taking the quotations f th t t d t d l Analyzing the data Concluding and summarizing the data Re-reading the novel Malice by Danielle Steel Researcher 27 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDING All types of abuse are painful and can cause psychological distress, and it is not uncommon for a victim of abuse to experience more than one type of abuse. For example, someone who was sexually abused may has been emotionally abused concurrently. Abuse can occur within any relationship construct, whether familial, professional, or social, and it can also occur between strangers. Previously the writer had already mentioned the types of child abuse. But in this chapter, the writer will only discuss about sexual abuse on children, how it’s impacts and how the leading character overcome from the psychological impact of sexual abuse. 4.1 Sexual Abuse on Children Child abuse is a major problem in the society because the physical and mental harm endured by children are extremely destructive. Child Abuse is action involving physical or emotional injury to a child as well as neglect of the child’s basic needs. According to Hary 1996: 234 “Child abuse is the physical or emotional abuse of a child by a parent, guardian or other person.” Sexual abuse is an unwanted sexual activity, with perpetrators using force, making threats or taking advantage of victims not able to give consent. Most victims and perpetrators know each other. Richard in his book Childhood Antecedents of Multiple Personality 1985: 24 said that most sexual abuse, however, occurs within the family or the neighborhood. Both male and female infant and youngsters may be sexually abused by both parents and other relatives of both sexes. Female children have been subject both to rape and to other forms of abuse as sexual by their fathers, 28 brothers, male neighbors, or the paramours of their mothers, sisters, or other caretakers. Immediate reactions to sexual abuse include shock, fear or disbelief. Long-term symptoms include anxiety, fear or post-traumatic stress disorder. While efforts to treat sex offenders remain unpromising, psychological interventions for survivors — especially group therapy — appears effective. Sexual abuse also referred to as molestation, is forcing undesired sexual behavior by one person upon another. When that force is immediate, of short duration, or infrequent, it called sexual abuse. When the victim is younger than the age of consent, it is called as child sexual abuse. Sexual abuse on children is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual stimulation. Forms of child sexual abuse include asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activities regardless of the outcome, indecent exposure of the genitals, female nipples, etc. to child with intent to gratify their own sexual desires or to intimidate or groom the child, physical sexual contact with a child, or using a child to produce child pornography. It is never a child’s fault when it comes to the issue of child abuse. Many people may confuse about with discipline but there is a very fine line between the two. Mentally unstable parents, more likely than not, abuse their. Child abuse manifest in various forms, including physical abuse, sexual abuse neglect, and emotional abuse or psychological abuse Widum: 1989. Grace is a thirteen-year-old girl who has a harmonious family. At least it can be seen by the environment in which she lives. The environment knows Grace parents and her parents have a very good reputation in the community. No one knows exactly how the attitude of John, Grace father while he was at home. As a teenager, Grace Adams was brutally raped by her father for several times, with the approval and assistance of her dying mother. 29 When Grace Adams was just 14 years old, her mother prepared her to be violently sexually assaulted by her father. As evidence, the conversation below took place between Grace and David Glass, her lawyer. That was the first time Grace told her story to others. A long time. She looked drained as she glanced back at him. She looked so tired and frail, he almost wondered if she would survive it. Four years ... she made me do it the first time. Steel, 1998: 96 It is not true that sexual abuse happens because ‘a man cannot control his sexual urges’, just like what Grace father, John said to his wife, Ellen. John threatened to leave him if she did not want to do what John wanted. John sure Ellen did not want that. And true, Ellen did what her husband wants, John did allow sexual intercourse with their daughter. The abuser knew what they were doing and they made a choice to abuse because they had a power. It could be seen on the sentence below: He made her do anything he wanted just so he wouldnt leave her. And as Grace grew up and grew more beautiful each day, it was easy to see what he wanted, what would be required of her, if she really wanted to keep him. And once Ellen got sick, and the radiation and chemotherapy changed her so dramatically, deep penetration was no longer possible. He told her bluntly then that if she expected to stay married to him something would have to be worked out to keep him happy. It was obvious that she couldnt keep him happy anymore, couldnt give him what he wanted. But Grace could. She was thirteen, and so very lovely. Steel, 1998: 26 When the first time her mother asked Grace to have a sexual intercourse with her father, she told grace about the problem they had and put the responsibility on grace. At first, Grace did not understand what her mother meant, but she finally realized that and cried. 30 She painted a terrifying picture, and put the leaden mantle of responsibility on Graces shoulders. The girl sagged at the weight of it, and the horror of what was expected of her. Steel, 1998: 27 The quotation below shows that Graces father enjoyed intercourse with her. He came to Grace’s room almost every night to do the things he wants and if Grace refused, then her father would beat her. He didnt come to her every night, but almost. Sometimes she thought she would die of shame, and sometimes he really hurt her. She never told anyone, and eventually her mother stopped coming into the room with him. Grace knew what was expected of her, and that she had no choice except to do it. And when she argued with him, hed hit her hard, and eventually she knew there was no way out, no choice. Steel, 1998: 27-28 The victim who received treatment of sexual abuse was usually willing to do it for a reason that was considered very important. For example in Grace’s case, she did it because she wanted to protect her mother. So her father did not beat her or left them. And the only thing she could do was willing to be a love slave of her father. It can be seen in the following quotation: She did it for her, not for him. She submitted so he wouldnt beat her mother anymore, or leave them. But anytime Grace didnt cooperate with him, or do everything he asked, he went back to his own room and beat up her mother, no matter how sick she was, or how much pain she was in. It was a message that Grace always understood, and she would run shrieking into their room, and swear that shed do anything he wanted. And over and over and over again, he made her prove it. For over four years now, he had done everything he could dream of with her, she was his very own love slave, his daughter. Steel, 1998: 28 Love for her husband made Grace’s mother was willing to do anything to make him happy. Including allowing her daughter to get laid by her own husband. It was unreasonable that parents should protect children from sexual abuse not advise it. 31 But they didnt wait to hear her answer. That night, they came into her room, and her mother helped him. She held her down, and crooned to her, and told her what a good girl she was, and how much they loved her. Steel, 1998: 27 And the only thing her mother had done to protect Grace from him was get birth control pills for her so she wouldnt get pregnant. Steel, 1998: 28 During her 17, on the night of her mothers funeral, he began an especially brutal rape and Grace could no longer stand it. Her father created a situation where nobody would say anything about the abuse, until the situation changed. When her mother died, he mistakenly thought that she would continue to be his victim. It can be seen on the quote below: I cant she shouted at him, and this time he looked angry. He wasnt going to play these games with her anymore. Not now. And not tonight. There was no point, and no need. She knew what her mother had said to her. His eyes burned into hers as he looked down at her, and grabbed her harder. Steel, 1998: 23 Grace refused her fathers deeds suddenly and its made him looked more eager to sleep with her. Grace used to begging never resist the wishes of her father. When Grace mentioned the existence of her mother who had passed away, it made her father looked more excited to sleep with her. He advanced toward her with eyes that glittered at her, as she took a step backwards, and he grabbed both her arms, and then an instant later, with a single gesture, he tore the pink nylon nightgown in half, right off her shoulders. There ... thats better ... isnt it .... we dont need this anymore ... we dont need anything ... all I need is you, little Gracie ... all I need is my baby who loves me so much, and whom I love ... With a single hand, he dropped his trousers and stepped out of them, along with his shorts, and he stood naked and erect before her. Steel, 1998: 24-25 32 That night, he brought Grace to his room. He had never dared take her in his own room. But now it was as though he expected her to step right into her mothers shoes, and fill them in ways that even her mother never could. It was as though he expected her to be his bride now. Even the way he talked to her was different. It was all out in the open. He expected her to be his woman. With all his power, he raped his daughter. Just seen the quotation below: And as he looked at her body shimmering enticingly at him, her frantic pleas and arguments only served to arouse him further. He looked hard and ominous as he stood holding her in his powerful grip, and with a single gesture he threw her onto his bed, precisely where his invalid wife had lain until only two days before, and for all the empty years of their marriage. Steel, 1998: 29 With such treatment, Grace increasingly felt compelled to end the suffering. She believed that she did not deserve to be treated as such by his father. Although her mother ever told her that she should be kind to her father, but Grace felt it was enough. Her mother was dead there was no reason for him to get laid by his father. . It can be seen in the following quotation: … he pinned her down with his powerful arms, and the weight of his body. Her legs were swiftly parted by his own, and the familiarity of him forced his way through her with more pain than she had ever known or imagined. For a moment, she almost thought he might kill her. It had never been this way before, he had never hurt her as much as he did now. It was as though he were beating her with a fist from inside this time, and wanted to prove to her that he owned her and could do anything he wanted. Steel, 1998: 30 … as he continued to pound at her, shouting and grunting. He had slapped her hard several times across the face, but now he was only interested in punishing her with his sexual force and not his hands. Steel, 1998: 31 33 Victims must dare to against perpetrators of sexual abuse. And Grace knew that with her mother gone, she didnt has to do this and she had to stop. It’s been too long she succumbed to the will of his father and now she didn’t want it anymore. It can be seen on the quote below: But even as he ravished her, she knew she couldnt do this again. He couldnt do it to her, she couldnt survive it, for him, or anyone. She knew that she was within an inch of falling off the edge of a dangerous ledge, and suddenly as she fought and clawed at him, she knew through the blur that she was fighting for her survival. Steel, 1998:30 Grace struggled with him, she had already decided that she wasnt going to submit again, and as she fought with him, she realized that she had been crazy to think she could stay under the same roof with him, and not have the same nightmare continue. She would has to run away, but first she had to resist, and survive what he was doing to her. She knew she couldnt let him did it to her again. Even if her mother had wanted her to be good to him, she had been good enough. She couldnt do it anymore, never again. They fought, she was able to grab his gun, and while attempting to defend herself she accidentally killed her father. … and in panic she squeezed the trigger as he tried to take it. He looked stunned for just an instant as the gun went off with a sound that terrified her, his eyes bulged, and then he fell down on her with a crushing weight. She had shot him through the throat, and he was bleeding profusely, but he wasnt moving. Steel, 1998: 32 She looked around her in disbelief. It had come to this. But there had been no other way out. She couldnt take it anymore. Shed had to do it... she hadnt meant to ... hadnt planned it ... but now that she had, she wasnt even sorry. It was her life or his. She would have just as soon died, but it hadnt happened that way. It had just happened, without intent or plan. She had had no choice. She had killed him. Steel, 1998: 44 34 The 17 years old Grace was sentenced for two years in prison on the charge of self-defense which causes death. She felt her life was free from the problem by having killed her father, the man who had raped her for four years. She only had finished dealing with someone who had raped her. But she had to deal with the effects that have been caused by the sexual abused.

4.2 Psychological Impact of Sexual Abuse