Reasons for Choosing the Topic Statement of the Problems Objective of the Study

station provides an interactive program called Pro 2 English Time. The program is conducted in English language format by Indonesian announcers and Indonesian listeners. As a matter of fact, the conversations in Pro 2 English Time more or less reflect the real life situation. The conversations with certain topics in the program are conducted by participants. The continuity of dynamic conversations in the program does not only depend on the topic, but also because of a mutual communication among all participants. This study discusses how the conversations in Pro 2 English Time are analyzed based on Gricean cooperative principles point of view. One of the standing points which can be used to analyze the conversations in the above program is Gricean maxims. It is interesting to see how the conversation in Pro 2 English Time reflects the observance or deviation of Gricean cooperative principles maxims.

1.2 Reasons for Choosing the Topic

Language plays several functions such as answering question, arguing, giving opinion, etc. The way people - as speakers and addressees - use language depends on the situation. As social human being, it is natural for speakers and addressees to communicate as clear as possible. However, there is a situation when speakers just imply what they say, although they expect their addressees to be able to recognize and understand what we say. Therefore, addressees may not andor did not understand what the speakers mean. From the situation illustrated above, there is an assumption which says that there is a set of rules, called as Gricean cooperative principles maxims that organize conversations to be cooperative. Conversations in interactive radio program show us an example of spoken language and communication among people. They share story, thought and opinion through dialogues. In conversations, people in the program sometimes imply their ideas so that the real messages are hidden. In order to know whether people communicate cooperatively or not, we could analyze the conversations based on the Gricean cooperative principles theory.

1.3 Statement of the Problems

This final project is meant to address the following statement: 1 Do the Gricean cooperative principles maxims exist in the conversations in the Pro 2 English Time of Pro 2 FM RRI Semarang; 2 How do the conversations in the above program employ and deviate the Gricean cooperative principles maxims.

1.4 Objective of the Study

This final project is intended to analyze the existence of Gricean cooperative principles maxims in the conversations in the radio program Pro 2 English Time of Pro 2 FM RRI Semarang, and to find out how the conversations in the above program employ or deviate the Gricean cooperative principles maxims.

1.5 Significance of the Study