Uji Normalitas Data Uji Korelasi

32 HASIL PENELITIAN OUTPUT SPSS a. Deskripsi Subjek Jenis_Kelamin Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Laki-laki 46 40.0 40.0 40.0 Perempuan 69 60.0 60.0 100.0 Total 115 100.0 100.0 Masa_Kerja Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 6 Tahun 17 14.8 14.8 14.8 7 - 15 Tahun 66 57.4 57.4 72.2 15 Tahun 32 27.8 27.8 100.0 Total 115 100.0 100.0

b. Uji Normalitas Data

Statistics Total_Komitmen Total_PDO N Valid 115 115 Missing Skewness -.021 -.230 Std. Error of Skewness .226 .226 Kurtosis -.735 -.607 Std. Error of Kurtosis .447 .447 Rumus untuk mendapatkan Z Skewness dan Z Kurtosis yakni sebagai berikut : Nilai Z Skewness = � � � Nilai Z Kurtosis = � � � � � 33  Komitmen Organisasi ZSkewness = - 0,092 ZKurtosis = - 1,644  Persepsi Dukungan Organisasi ZSkewness = - 1,017 ZKurtosis = - 1,357

c. Uji Korelasi

Correlations Total_Komitmen Total_PDO Total_Komitmen Pearson Correlation 1 .606 Sig. 2-tailed .000 N 115 115 Total_PDO Pearson Correlation .606 1 Sig. 2-tailed .000 N 115 115 . Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level 2-tailed. 34 HASIL TRYOUT TOTAL SUBJEK : 50  KOMITMEN ORGANISASI = √ 2 + a. UJI PERTAMA Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbachs Alpha if Item Deleted P2 109.42 127.922 .669 .946 P3 109.16 137.158 .420 .947 P4 109.30 134.622 .606 .946 P5 109.18 136.518 .571 .946 P6 109.42 133.718 .703 .945 P7 109.38 135.016 .682 .946 P8 109.42 133.269 .744 .945 P9 109.22 139.685 .278 .948 P10 109.46 129.192 .677 .946 P11 109.30 136.214 .432 .947 P12 109.46 127.233 .718 .945 P13 109.44 129.639 .656 .946 P14 109.32 135.569 .556 .946 P15 109.40 134.857 .679 .946 P16 109.50 135.071 .598 .946 P17 109.30 136.337 .561 .946 P18 109.40 133.959 .696 .945 Case Processing Summary N Cases Valid 50 100.0 Excluded a .0 Total 50 100.0 a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. Reliability Statistics Cronbachs Alpha N of Items .948 40 R Tabel = 0,273 35 P19 109.44 134.170 .714 .945 P20 109.36 134.276 .701 .945 P21 109.38 129.873 .659 .946 P22 109.26 137.788 .398 .947 P23 109.30 138.704 .367 .947 P24 109.18 138.885 .316 .948 P25 109.26 136.972 .394 .947 P27 109.16 140.260 .295 .948 P28 109.44 131.721 .750 .945 P29 109.20 139.633 .415 .947 P31 109.58 133.187 .601 .946 P32 109.42 130.208 .652 .946 P33 109.42 134.738 .612 .946 P34 109.28 136.451 .510 .947 P35 109.28 135.716 .581 .946 P36 109.38 135.751 .546 .946 P37 109.52 132.949 .670 .945 P38 109.48 132.459 .779 .945 P39 109.14 137.878 .492 .947 P40 109.36 138.113 .340 .948 P1 109.20 140.204 .234 .948 P26 109.14 142.041 .000 .948 P30 109.20 140.408 .206 .948  Terdapat 3 item yang dinyatakan TIDAK VALID yakni pada Item 1, Item 26 dan Item 30 karena lebih kecil dari R tabel atau kurang dari 0,273 dan dihilangkan pada pengujian kedua b. UJI KEDUA Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbachs Alpha if Item Deleted P2 100.54 124.662 .669 .948 P3 100.28 133.757 .422 .949 P4 100.42 131.310 .602 .948 Reliability Statistics Cronbachs Alpha N of Items .949 37 36 P5 100.30 133.153 .570 .948 P6 100.54 130.213 .719 .947 P7 100.50 131.643 .684 .947 P8 100.54 129.886 .749 .947 P9 100.34 136.392 .264 .950 P10 100.58 125.963 .674 .947 P11 100.42 132.738 .441 .949 P12 100.58 124.085 .712 .947 P13 100.56 126.374 .654 .947 P14 100.44 132.211 .556 .948 P15 100.52 131.479 .682 .947 P16 100.62 131.751 .595 .948 P17 100.42 132.902 .568 .948 P18 100.52 130.500 .707 .947 P19 100.56 130.823 .715 .947 P20 100.48 130.867 .707 .947 P21 100.50 126.622 .656 .947 P22 100.38 134.404 .398 .949 P23 100.42 135.269 .371 .949 P24 100.30 135.643 .299 .949 P25 100.38 133.465 .405 .949 P27 100.28 136.859 .292 .949 P28 100.56 128.456 .746 .946 P29 100.32 136.181 .423 .949 P31 100.70 129.847 .602 .948 P32 100.54 126.988 .647 .947 P33 100.54 131.437 .608 .948 P34 100.40 133.020 .516 .948 P35 100.40 132.367 .580 .948 P36 100.50 132.378 .547 .948 P37 100.64 129.664 .667 .947 P38 100.60 129.224 .771 .946 P39 100.26 134.523 .488 .948 P40 100.48 134.704 .342 .949  Terdapat 1 item yang dinyatakan TIDAK VALID yakni pada item 9 yang memiliki korelasi sebesar 0,264 karena masih kurang dari 0,273 R tabel c. UJI KETIGA Reliability Statistics 37 Cronbachs Alpha N of Items .950 36 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbachs Alpha if Item Deleted P2 97.62 122.567 .668 .948 P3 97.36 131.623 .418 .949 P4 97.50 129.194 .599 .948 P5 97.38 131.016 .567 .948 P6 97.62 128.118 .714 .947 P7 97.58 129.473 .686 .948 P8 97.62 127.710 .752 .947 P10 97.66 123.821 .676 .947 P11 97.50 130.541 .443 .949 P12 97.66 121.984 .713 .947 P13 97.64 124.194 .658 .948 P14 97.52 130.091 .552 .948 P15 97.60 129.306 .684 .948 P16 97.70 129.602 .594 .948 P17 97.50 130.704 .571 .948 P18 97.60 128.367 .706 .947 P19 97.64 128.684 .714 .947 P20 97.56 128.619 .717 .947 P21 97.58 124.493 .657 .948 P22 97.46 132.294 .390 .949 P23 97.50 133.071 .373 .949 P24 97.38 133.547 .289 .950 P25 97.46 131.233 .410 .949 P27 97.36 134.725 .281 .950 P28 97.64 126.276 .750 .947 P29 97.40 133.959 .428 .949 P31 97.78 127.685 .603 .948 P32 97.62 124.853 .648 .948 P33 97.62 129.302 .606 .948 P34 97.48 130.826 .518 .949 38 P35 97.48 130.214 .579 .948 P36 97.58 130.208 .548 .948 P37 97.72 127.553 .664 .947 P38 97.68 127.120 .769 .947 P39 97.34 132.311 .492 .949 P40 97.56 132.537 .340 .950 Sehingga setelah uji ketiga didapatkan hasil seperti dibawah ini : ITEM VALIDITAS Item 1 TIDAK VALID Item 2 VALID Item 3 VALID Item 4 VALID Item 5 VALID Item 6 VALID Item 7 VALID Item 8 VALID Item 9 TIDAK VALID Item 10 VALID Item 11 VALID Item 12 VALID Item 13 VALID Item 14 VALID Item 15 VALID Item 16 VALID Item 17 VALID Item 18 VALID Item 19 VALID Item 20 VALID ITEM VALIDITAS Item 21 VALID Item 22 VALID Item 23 VALID Item 24 VALID Item 25 VALID Item 26 TIDAK VALID Item 27 VALID Item 28 VALID Item 29 VALID Item 30 TIDAK VALID Item 31 VALID Item 32 VALID Item 33 VALID Item 34 VALID Item 35 VALID Item 36 VALID Item 37 VALID Item 38 VALID Item 39 VALID Item 40 VALID 39  PERSEPSI DUKUNGAN ORGANISASI PENGUJIAN Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbachs Alpha if Item Deleted V1 104.22 89.359 .737 .948 V2 104.32 87.977 .528 .949 V3 104.22 86.910 .605 .948 V4 104.22 88.542 .734 .948 V5 104.28 88.818 .649 .948 V6 104.30 88.663 .633 .948 V7 104.24 86.839 .680 .948 V8 104.22 86.910 .605 .948 V9 104.30 88.092 .707 .948 V10 104.36 90.888 .340 .950 V11 104.24 87.900 .620 .948 V12 104.26 87.135 .626 .948 V13 104.22 88.991 .669 .948 V14 104.24 88.553 .682 .948 V15 104.18 90.232 .498 .949 V16 104.48 89.520 .420 .950 V17 104.20 90.204 .673 .948 V18 104.10 90.500 .371 .950 V19 104.24 90.227 .534 .949 Case Processing Summary N Cases Valid 50 96.2 Excluded a 2 3.8 Total 52 100.0 a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. Reliability Statistics Cronbachs Alpha N of Items .950 36 R Tabel = 0,273 40 V20 104.26 89.829 .657 .948 V21 104.20 90.735 .460 .949 V22 104.42 87.596 .571 .949 V23 104.30 89.969 .536 .949 V24 104.14 88.980 .604 .948 V25 104.20 90.163 .681 .948 V26 104.30 89.153 .570 .949 V27 104.22 91.032 .329 .950 V28 104.40 88.204 .623 .948 V29 104.26 88.564 .640 .948 V30 104.28 88.940 .561 .949 V31 104.44 86.945 .550 .949 V32 104.22 90.134 .605 .949 V33 104.22 87.930 .647 .948 V34 104.28 88.002 .675 .948 V35 104.06 88.547 .712 .948 V36 104.36 88.807 .492 .949 Dari hasil pengujian diatas didapatkan bahwa semua item dinyatakan VALID karena memiliki korelasi diatas 0,273 R tabel 41 HASIL INPUT ANALISIS SPSS 42 43 44 45 INPUT SKALA KOMITMEN ORGANISASI 46 47 48 INPUT PENELITIAN SKALA PERSEPSI DUKUNGAN ORGANISASI 49 50 51 INPUT TRYOUT SKALA PERSEPSI DUKUNGAN ORGANISASI 52 53 INPUT TRYOUT SKALA KOMITMEN ORGANISASI 54 55