Focus of the Study Research Question Significance of the Study Time and Place

6 lying. In the end, Jack Sully has to choose to whom he will fight and whom he will protect. From this film, the viewers can compare the difference of relationship between human and the environment, and non-human alien with their environment. Avatar film also shows vary relation between human and environment, such as the power of nature upon human and other things, the friendship between non-human alien and their environment, the exploitation human did to the environment, and social moral messages about the environment that can be taken from the film. These bring to the analysis of the statement 13 of film. From the explanation above, the writer is interested in analyzing the problem concerned on environmental issues and its relation with human in Cameron’s film, Avatar, using ecocriticism.

B. Focus of the Study

The research is focused on the environmental issuesusing ecocriticismon Cameron’s film ‘Avatar’ through analyzing the different relationship between human and non-human alien characters with environment. Then it is analyzed the statement that film make regarding environmental messages. 13 The statement of the film is statement that film built to teach the viewers something by determining whether the acting and the characters have significance or meaning beyond the context of the film itself. This is driven by the judgment of the film as an expression of an idea that has intellectual, moral, social, or cultural importance and the ability to influence our lives for the better. 7

C. Research Question

The questions of the research formulate by the writer are: 1. How is the relationship between human and their environment; and between non-human alien and their environment show in Avatar film in term of taking care to the environment of the Pandora’s Planet? 2. What kind of statement does the film make aboutenvironmental messagefrom those relationships?

D. Significance of the Study

The writer hopes this research would enrich the variation of literary work analysis, especially about film on Letters and Humanities faculty. The writer has the expectation that the readers can analyze the literary works especially film, from various aspects, without forgetting and leaving the aesthetic and emotional values that contained. The writer also hopes that this research can give any significance and information to the writer and the readers, especially for those who enjoy and appreciate film from ecological perspective. The writer hopes this research will help the reader to understand more about environmental works, especially Cameron’s Avatar.

E. Research Methodology

Methodology of the research is including several aspects on research such as method of the study, objective of the study, technique of the study, instrument of the study, and unit analysis. 8

1. Objective of the Study

The objective of the research is to know the relationship between human, nonhumanalien and their environment show in Avatar film and to know Avatar ’s statement regarding environmental issues from that relationship.

2. Method of the Study

Referring to the objective of the research, the writer uses discourse analysis method.The writers focuses on the issues of environment in Avatar film. The gathered data which are the problem found in Avatar film regarding environmental issues will be analyzed by using Ecocriticism.

3. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the data would be taken as technique of analyzing environmental issues by using ecocriticism. Data and sources are gathered through some phases; 1 the writer watches Avatar film for several times; 2 the writer gathers data including quotations, pictures, and ideas related to the research questions; 3 the writer analyzes data in order to know the relationship of the human, non-human and their environment in Avatar film according to ecocriticism; 4 the writer formulates the result of the analysis with the aim of finding the purpose of the film to make such relations. It will be supported by related sources. 9

4. Instrument of the Study

The researcher herself is the main instrument of the research.As the subject, the writer is watching the film, understanding, making notes about film quotations and scenes of the film regarding environmental issues, and analyzing the data related of the research questions. The writer is also collecting, reading and understanding some related data and sources.

5. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis of the research is Avatarfilm directed by James Cameron and produced by 20 th Century Fox, released in 2009.

F. Time and Place

This research took place in the Library of Department of English Literature faculty of Adab Humanities, the Center Library of SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University, and other libraries that provide the resources for the research. The writer begins this research from March, 2011. 10



A. The Definition of Ecocriticism