Data Description An analysis of environmental issues using ecocriticism in james cameron's film avatar



A. Data Description

In this description of the data, the writer discusses about the kind of relationship that human and non-human alien characters have with the environment on Avatar film. Human are the people who come away from earth to Pandora, there are Jake Sully, Colonel Quatritch, Dr. Augustine, Parker Selfridge, Norm Spellman, Max Petel and Trudy. Whereas Na’vi as indigenous creature of Pandora is categorized as non-human alien in this research, there are the Omaticayan tr ibe such as Neytiri and Tsu’tey. Then, the extraordinary wild animals, the deities, the plants and the landscape of Pandora are the environment or nature. Nature is silent in our culture and in literate societies generally in the sense that the status of being a speaking subject is jealously guarded as an exclusively human prerogative. 1 So, human and non-human alien characters are the characters that can talk and think in this film while the rest of it that cannot talk is categorized as environment. Avatar has strong environmental issues and moral environmental values on it. It makes strong separation between persons and places. The environment of Pandora describes as a hostile environment, threatening nature and alienating society. But in the same time, the Pandora’s environment also describes as a 1 Cheryll Glotfelty and Harold Fromm, The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmark in Literary Ecology, USA: The University of Georgia Press, 1996, p. 15. 21 friendly and hospitable environment. Avatar raises the environment issues such as different opinion toward nature, deforestation, exploitation toward nature, respecting and worshiping nature, dependent on nature and the power of nature. To make easier to analyze, the writer tabulated the data related environmental issues in Avatar film. The tabulated data are described in table below: No Classification Quotation and Picture Time I. Human relationship with Environment 1. Human assessment of nature. Colonel Quaritch : You’re not in Kansas anymore. You are on Pandora ladies and gentlemen. Respect that fact, every second and every day. If there is a hell you might wanna go there for are-and-are after a tour on Pandora. Up there beyond that fence, every living thing that crawls, flies or squads in the mud want to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubes. 00:00:06 00:06: 43 00:06:07 Norm: Grace Augustine is a legend. She’s the head of the Avatar program. She wrote the book. I mean literally wrote the book on Pandoran Botany. Max: Well that’s, she like plants better than people. 00:10:20 22 Parker to Augustine: This is why we’re here, unobtanium. Because this little gray rock sells for 20 million a kilo. That’s the only reason. It’s what pays for the whole party. It’s what pays for your science. 00:13:00 Parker: Their damn village happens to be resting on the richest Unobtanium deposit within 200 clicks in any direction. I mean. Look at all that chatter. Jake: You’ll get them to move. What if they won’t go? Colonel: I’m betting that they will. Parker: Okay. Look. killing the indigenous looks bad but there is one thing that shareholders hate more than bad press and that’s a bad quality statement. I don’t make up the rules. So just find me a carat. Then get them to move. Otherwise, this is gonna have to be all stick. Okay? Colonel: you got three months. That’s when the dozers get there. 00:48:05 Man: … It would be a fresh start on a new world. And the pay is good. Man: Very good. 00:03:00 Jake: Back on earth, these guys were army dogs, marines. Fighting for freedom. But out here, they are hired guns. Taking the money, working for the company. 00:05:34 Jake: …. They can fix the spinal if you got the money but not on dead benefit. Not in this economy. 00:05:16 2. Human exploitation toward nature 00:03:48 00:04:10 23 00:57:08 01:24:58 01:26:18 01:38:57 01:38:38 01:41:38 24 01:40:04 Jake: Probably, I’m just talking to the tree right now. But if you there, I need to get you hands up. If Grace is with you, look into her memories. See the world we come from. There’s no green there. They killed their mother and they gonna do the same here. 02:03:26 II Non-Human Alien Relationship with Environment 1. Respecting Nature 00:36:15 Jack : Hey, wait I just wanna say thanks for killing those things. Neytiri : Don’t thank You don’t thank for this. This is sad. Very sad only. Jack : Ok. I’m sorry. Whatever I did I’m sorry. Neytiri : This is your fault. They don’t need to die. 00:36:46 “I see you, brother and thank you. Your spirit goes with Eywa. Your body stays behind to become part of the people.” 01:02:18 2. Worshiping nature Norm: Who’s Eywa? Only their deity. Their Goddess made up of all living things. Everything they know. 00:49:25 25 00:31:20 Neytiri: I was about going to kill him but there was a sign from Eywa. 00:43:13 00:31:55 Tsu’Tey: These demons are forbidden here. Neytiri : There is a sign. There is a matter for the Tsahik. Tsu’Tey: Bring him. 00:41:18 Tsahik : My daughter you will teach him our way to speak and walk as we do. Neytiri : Why me? This is not fair. Tsahik : It is decided. My daughter will teach you our way. Learn well, Jake Sully. Then we will see if your insanity can be cured. 00:44:55 Jack narrator: Na’vi says Eywa will provide life. But with no hope, no home, there is only one place they could go. Dr. Augustine : I’m with her, Jake. She is real. 01:56:12 3. Dependent on nature 00:46:10 01:01:34 26 Jack: I try to understand this deep connection people have to the forest. She talks about a network of energy that flows to all living things. She says all energy under borrowing and one day has to give back. 01:01:34 4. The deep connection with nature Neytiri: That is Tsahaylu, the bond. Feel it. Feel her heart beat, her breath. Feel her strong legs. You may tell her what to do inside. For now, say where to go. 00:50:35 00:42:35 00:57:09 01:54:24 Augustine: What we think we know is there is some kind of electro chemical communication between the roots of the trees like the synopsis between your own chromosomes. And each tree has ten to the four 10 4 to the trees around it and ten to the twelve 10 12 on Pandora. It’s more connection than human brain. 01:28:37 27 5. The power of nature 00:35:35 Tsahik: The great mother may choose to save all that she is in this body. Jake: Is that possible? Tsahik: She must pass through the eye of Eywa and return but Jake Sully, she is very weak. Jake: Hang on, Grace. They gonna fix you up. 01:55:08 Grace: The tree of Souls, Yvetryar Ramounom, is their most sacred place. See the flux Vortex on the screen? Trudy: Yeah, that messed up my instrument. Grace: There is something really interesting going on there biologically. 01:11:51 02:14:30 12:16:18 02:15:08 28

B. Data Analysis