Research Objects Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

24 can be communicated. ” Meanwhile, the text is “anything written, visual, or spoken that serves as a medium for communication ” p.292. It is further defined as nonreactive since “the process of placing words, messages, or symbols in a text to communicate to a reader or receiver occurs without influence from the researcher who analyses its content ” p.293. The study conducted by the researcher was applied based on the definitions above. The content in this research were words which were specified into verbs and the text were the editorials of The Jakarta Post. This research is also nonreactive since the researcher did not make any intervention to the object of the study. The researcher analysed the verbs which already existed before the researcher conducted the study. From the already existing data, the verbs were analysed through relevant theories, in this case theories of affixation and morphological processes.

B. Research Objects

The Jakarta Post is a daily English language newspaper in Indonesia which was established on April 25, 1983. The newspaper is owned by PT Bina Media Tenggara. Besides improving the standard of English language media in Indonesia, the English language newspaper had an objective to be a quality newspaper with an Indonesian perspective to counter the domination of Western news and views. 25 The Jakarta Post is considered having a generally high quality of reporting. Even, Eklöf 2003 calls it as Indonesia’s leading English language daily. It is proven by several awards won by the English daily. As retrieved from http:www.thejakartapost.comabout785 , in 1994 The Jakarta Post received the International Newspaper Marketing Association – Editor Publisher Award, winning first place among newspapers with circulations under 50,000 copies daily in the category of public relations printed materials, which continued their success in winning four similar awards, awarded in 1991 and 1993. The facts above ensured the researcher to choose The Jakarta Post, especially the editorial rubric as the object of the research. The researcher selected editorials in September 2011 to study further. The editorials of this month was chosen as the research was started in September 2011. The data retrieved was still relevant over years since the research analysed morphological process, which has not changed. It is possible that there are more than one editorial in one edition although there can be no editorial as well. Some of the editorials are named The week in review rubric as they express some issues of the week. It resulted in the 32 editorials retrieved in a month.

C. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

The primary instrument in qualitative research is human instrument Ary et al., 2002. Sugiyono 2005 states that a human instrument in qualitative research functions to determine the focus of the research, choose the data 26 sources, collect the data, asses the quality of the data, analyse the data, interpret the data, and draw conclusions on his or her findings. As the instrument of the research, the researcher himself determined the focus of the research, i.e. the morphological processes happening within the verb affixations in The Jakarta Post editorials. The data in this research, i.e. The Jakarta Post editorials, were also processed by the researcher from choosing the data source until the conclusion. In content analysis, the researcher may also use written documents to obtain the data. The documents meant can be autobiographies, diaries, letter, books, films and videos Ary et al., 2002, p. 435. In this research, the documents were printed transcripts of The Jakarta Post editorials. In collecting the data, the researcher found out transcripts of the editorials from the internet. The researcher accessed and then copied all editorials published in September 2011 and pasted them directly to a Microsoft Word file. The researcher did not make any change to the editorials. The number of the editorials collected by the researcher is 32 editorials. Here are the first five editorial s’ titles and their date of publication. no date of publication title 1 September 2, 2011 Growing pains 2 September 3, 2011 Welcome to Jakarta 3 September 4, 2011 Gifts for the needy 4 September 5, 2011 The eastern laggard 5 September 6, 2011 Is Muhaimin corrupt? Table 3.1 Examples of the editorials 27

D. Data Analysis Technique