Field Notes Research Instruments and Data Gathering Techniques


3. Field Notes

In this study, field notes were employed to collect and record the data during the teaching learning activities, in a form of descriptive and reflective written see Appendix C. It is to say that field notes were written to verbalize the result of the observation and what happened during the teaching learning process in the classroom. Thus, field notes should be made as soon as possible so what had been recorded was still fresh in mind. The successful study relied on detailed, accurate and extensive field notes. According to Ary 2002, field notes have two components, namely the descriptive part and the reflective part p. 431. The descriptive part included the description of setting, participants and their reactions, and accounts of events. On the other hand, the reflective part included the observer’s personal feelings or impressions of the events, and speculations about the data analysis. Hopkins 2008 lists four uses of field notes in classroom research, they are: 1 focusing on a particular issue or teaching behavior over a period of time, 2 reflecting general impressions of the classroom and its climate, 3 providing a constant description of students that are responsive to interpretation and use in case study, 4 recording the development of the teacher p. 105. In this study, the writer took the notes directly after the study was conducted. Field notes referred to descriptive part and reflective part. In the description part, the writer described the setting of the research, the participants and their responses, and the events and occurrences during the English conversation class. On the other hand, in the reflection part, the writer elaborated 40 her feeling, opinion, and impression towards the teaching learning process. The notes were written with the help of the partner since she did the observation of the whole process. It was done that way because the writer wanted to convince that there was nothing missed to write down. It was important to gather the data and to help the analysis process.

4. Video Recording